Sunday, December 23, 2007

Christmas Eve - Shelley and Friends

To send today's card: Christmas Eve

Send an Advent Cards

Send a Christmas Cards

Quote for the Day:
And the angel said unto them, "Fear not! For, behold, I bring you tidings of great joy, Which shall be to all people. "For unto you is born this day in the city of David A Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. And this shall be a sign unto you: Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, Lying in a manger."
LK 2:10 - 12

One more day till Christmas! Because today was Sunday I didn't do a lot for preparations .. hope to make up for that tomorrow! Certainly I don't have a choice if I want to get things done. But at least I had my mom over for dinner and that was lovely. On the way over I encouraged her to wear her mittens and we got to talking about mittens and she said, "We used to have someone in the family that liked to make mittens.... maybe it was your mother?" I didn't say anything.. because I knew my mother never made mittens. She embroidered... but did not knit or crochet.. so nope never mittens. I didn't explain to mom that she was my mother... after all why go there? Who cares about the little details like that?

Shelley and Sister Jane

Every night... yes even in the thick of preparing for Christmas.. Shelley gets a special grooming by her own private hairdresser, Sister Jane. Sister Jane was trained to be a beautician so she has to keep in practice you know!

Shelley and Sister Jane and Sister Colleen

After the grooming....when she is looking her best... then Sister Colleen and Sister Jane take her out for her last trip on the town..... or okay... her last little nightly jaunt to do her duty before a long winter's nap!

Tomorrow I hope to get some pictures of our Chapel and some of the Christmas Joy that is starting to seep through the cracks already! It is getting very close!

Blessings of Peace and Joy!
Sister Patricia

Saturday, December 22, 2007

4th Sunday of Advent

To send today's card: O King of Nations

Send an Advent Cards

Send a Christmas Cards

Quote for the Day:
O Emmanuel:
“O Emmanuel, king and lawgiver,
desire of the nations,
Savior of all people,
come and set us free,
Lord our God.”
Isaiah had prophesied,
“The Lord himself will give you this sign:
the Virgin shall be with child,
and bear a son,
and shall name him Emmanuel.”

(7:14). Remember “Emmanuel”
means “God is with us.”

It's snowing! Lots of big fat flakes so we are back into winter wonderland. But the thing with big, fat snowflakes is that they have a tendency to turn into big fat wet flakes that sort of turn into rain. Which is what is forecast for tomorrow... rain and snow.... so.... maybe Santa should get out on his sleigh tonight before it melts?

I made headway on my "To Do" list in getting the chapel ready.... but I also got wounded. Not seriously mostly just enough to get me annoyed. I was pulling down the big creche from the top of a ladder and it was heavy and my fingers lost their grip and down it went. Slam... not before a brief stop on my leg - just to let me know it wasn't happy about coming down I guess. I didn't exactly swear but I did say something to the effect of "Why do we have to put this big heavy thing up so blooming high?"

I decided it needed to find a new home after Christmas. Something lower. You know like put the light things up high and the heavy things down low? Hell-o?

Then to make matters worse I noticed the other stable (the one we have been using for the last several years and is lighter and easier to handle) was right next to it. I then had to think. Do I want to use that one.... and put this heavy one back up there (not going to happen) or just go with my wounded victory of getting this one down? Such heavy decisions I have to make. I decided to go with the big one..

Can you tell I am not in a real thinking mode today? More like "just keep going . . . . you can get through this . . . . just put one step in front of the other . . . . "

I suppose I should be thinking along more spiritual lines.... but unfortunately...... I'm not..... do you think the Blessed Mother ever got a little out of sorts? She probably prayed a whole lot more than I do. That probably accounts for a lot. Sigh.

Oh well . . . . just a few more steps and it will be time for bed! Yeah. Two more days till Christmas.

Blessings of Peace and Joy!
Sister Patricia

Friday, December 21, 2007

O Radiant Dawn

To send today's card: O King of Nations

Send an Advent Cards

Send a Christmas Cards

Quote for the Day:
O Rex Gentium:
“O King of all the nations,
the only joy of every human heart;
O Keystone of the mighty arch of man,
come and save the creature
you fashioned from the dust.”
Isaiah had prophesied,
“For a child is born to us,
a son is given us;
upon his shoulder dominion rests.
They name him Wonder-Counselor,
God-Hero, Father-Forever,
Prince of Peace.” (9:5),
and “He shall judge between the nations,
and impose terms on many peoples.
They shall beat their swords into plowshares
and their spears into pruning hooks;
one nation shall not raise the sword
against another,
nor shall they train for war again.” (2:4) .

Today was "clean" day in the chapel for me as I hope to bring out some of the first trimmings for Christmas tomorrow. So it was such exciting things as vacuuming and dusting. I would have taken a picture of that - but it was just too exciting to stop and go get a camera.

Early this morning before Mass I did sneak a quick snap of Sr. Rita Louise reading her advent meditation. One of our community Advent preparations (besides cleaning, cooking and trimming the halls with boughs of holly) was to have Advent sharing each day at our noon meal using the Advent reflections from these Advent booklets.

Sister Rita Louise reading her Advent meditation

It's always surprising to see how many different ways the Spirit leads our meditations even though we all read the same thing. Sometimes they are similiar but most often they are quite unique and sharing them brings forth even more fruit!

Here is a picture of the Advent wreath which is in our chapel. It is not real big because our chapel is actually quite small... but it does bring forth a sense of growing anticipation as each week a new candle is lit.

Advent Candles

St Joseph statue
In the Chapel everything gets a little dash of purple. I found these beautiful little candles holders several years ago and they are my great treasure for Advent and Lent.
Blessed Mother statue

Tonight I am totally exhausted but I feel good because I made definite headway in getting the chapel ready for the big day. One thing I did was to take a whole hour of time and plan out for each day what I need to do in order not to be frazzled and hazzled (new word but seems to fit don't don't you think?) for Midnight Mass. It really, really helps - now instead of just feeling that I have a ton of stuff to do - I have it all split out.. and I don't have to worry except for what I need to do today. Isn't it just amazing how long it takes for some of us to get organized?

I feel I am really making progress in this and that is good. Maybe reading all these organizing books and listening to Susan Rowland's seminar and reading her book.. is actually paying off!

One thing I do to keep me motivated - is break everything up into 30 minute bites. Than after every 30 minutes I get to do ten minutes of something different that I want to do! This may sound silly but what I really wanted to do was to clean up my bedroom which seems to have adopted many stray objects lately. I didn't feel justified in taking time from Chapel cleaning to do "self" clean.. but this way... I get both things done and I feel energized. My goal (this will also sound rather silly) is that on Christmas day I can just take an hour and just "sit" on my bed and enjoy being quiet and peaceful all by myself. Maybe take a nap.

I love taking naps. I have found I can take a ten or twenty nap at my desk by resting my head on the squisy mouse pad (it has one of those gel arm rest things) and it makes a totally perfect pillow. I feel a bit like romper room - but it works for me!

Only three more days tills Christmas!

Blessings of Peace and Joy!
Sister Patricia

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Christmas Rush in the Monastery

To send today's card: O Radiant Dawn

Send an Advent Cards

Send a Christmas Cards

Quote for the Day:
O Oriens: “O Radiant Dawn,
splendor of eternal light,
sun of justice:
come, shine on those
who dwell in darkness
and the shadow of death.”
Isaiah had prophesied,
“The people who walked in darkness
have seen a great light;
upon those who dwelt
in the land of gloom
a light has shown.” (9:1).

Today is the O Antiphon - O Radiant Dawn but it is also the feast of St Peter Canisisus Now I did not know anything about this St. Peter until I made a card for him last year. Then I learned a little bit. Still don't know very much.. but I love this quote of his that I used on his card.

"If you have too much to do, with God's help you will find time to do it all." St Peter Canisisus

Doesn't that just seem to be the all too perfect quote for getting ready for Christmas? Of course with me, I need it all year round.

Because we are so very close to Christmas - I will send out a Peace Card for Saturday and Sunday so you don't lose the build up with the O Antiphons. . . probably won't do the full JoyNotes though. "We'll see," as my mom would tell us when ever we wanted something but the outcome was unsure. It always seemed like a very unsatisfying answer.. but sometimes its the one that fits!

Just to share a bit of our pre-Christmas flurry (I'm sure you already have everything done and are just sitting back sipping apple cider and listening to Christmas carols) here are a few glimpses I just grabbed.

Sister Rita Louise in kitchen

Sister Rita Louise in one of her mad dashes in and about the kitchen. Notice the drawers that all are pulled out? There is a reason for this... see next picture.

Innocent Shelley

Here is innocent Shelley.. so sad.. no one is paying attention to her... and why she would never even think of jumping up on the counter and grabbing one of those Christmas cakes! The very idea!

Sister Jane's tree

Notice anything funny about this tree? Like some lights are not working? Like how come this tree that was supposed to save us hours and hours of time because it was all PRE-LIGHTED is taking hours and hours of time trying to figure out why its not "ALL" pre-lighted?

and finally,

Front Entrance tree

This tree - IS ONE HUNDRED PER CENT PRE-LIGHTED! In fact its pretty much pre everything. Just take it out of its box, plug it into the wall and it lights up! Not only that.. it goes round and round. What more could you ask?

And less anyone should think we are NOT getting into the Christmas spirit - here is the last and final proof.
Musical Christmas clock

This little jewel of a clock - plays a little Christmas melody every hour on the hour. So far it's okay - because we are only in the dining room for a short period of time. I think we can survive this.

Tomorrow - I will share a bit of the more SPIRITUAL side of Christmas in the monastery. Though really, I think God is at work in every part of our Christmas preparations... the lights - the gift making, buying and wrapping...all the action and soon .....


Blessings of Peace and Joy!
Sister Patricia

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Root of Jesse - Christmas Elves

To send today's card: O Key of David

Send an Advent Cards

Send a Christmas Cards

Quote for the Day:
O Clavis David: "O Key of David,
O royal Power of Israel
controlling at your will the gate of Heaven:
Come, break down the prison walls of death
for those who dwell in darkness
and the shadow of death;
and lead your captive people into freedom.”
Isaiah had prophesied,
I will place the Key of the House of David
on His shoulder;
when he opens,
no one will shut,
when he shuts,
no one will open.” (22:22),
and "His dominion is vast and forever peaceful,
from David’s throne,
and over His kingdom,
which he confirms and sustains
by judgment and justice,
both now and forever.” (9:6).

The Christmas countdown is definitely on. This means that whatever you "hoped" you might get done... don't even think it. Just stay cool and let it flow.

Today I did a wonderful interview with an author of a book called, "Breaking Free of the Web: Catholics and Internet Addiction" Was really good. Sister Patrice Klausing is one of the co-authors of the book and she covered a lot of interesting material - basically how to recognize when someone is getting dangerouly close to addiction, how to work to confront them, how to deal with it.. etc. It was only a half hour interview though and it seemed like we barely could touch the surface of the problem.

I keep telling myself that I am going to start posting these interviews - I think some of you would like them..... it's always the time factor though and the fact that the radio studio is on the fourth floor on a different computer and hard to scrunch everything in. Still - I am definitely going to do it.

Tonight though I'm zipping along and going to bed as soon as I can - things won't get any better on too little sleep.. I can vouch for that. The Grumpy Factor will be sooo out of control and I'll end up only getting coal for Christmas!

OH! I do have something funny to share! I got Elfed! Christmas Elves . The first one is me... the second one is my mom (who would have thought at 89 she could be such an elf?) and the other two - are Michelle ( the one responsible for this travesty) and her husband who was an innocent bystander and shall remain nameless. Thanks Michelle - I don't suppose they could come up with a version like... You got canonized or something like that? A little halo? A set of wings?

Blessings of Peace and Joy!
Sister Patricia

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Holiday Eating Tips & The Cat and the Crow

To send today's card: O Root of Jesse

Send an Advent Cards

Send a Christmas Cards

Quote for the Day:
O Radix Jesse:
“O Flower of Jesse’s stem,
you have been raised up as a sign for all peoples;
kings stand silent in your presence;
the nations bow down in worship before you.
Come, let nothing keep you from coming to our aid.”
Isaiah had prophesied,
“But a shoot shall sprout from the stump of Jesse,
and from his roots a bud shall blossom.” (11:1),
and A On that day, the root of Jesse,
set up as a signal for the nations,
the Gentiles shall seek out,
for his dwelling shall be glorious.” (11:10).
Remember also that Jesse was the father of King David,
and Micah had prophesied that the Messiah would be
of the house and lineage of David and be born in David’s city,
Bethlehem (Micah 5:1).

Here is a cute video about a stray kitten that was adopted by a crow. Very, very cute. The Cat and the Crow

Also - you may have read this.... last year (I think I did) but its so funny that when a friend shared it with me yesterday .. I decided not only was it worth a second read - it was even worth sharing! . Especially since so many good smells are coming from the kitchen these days.. one has to reassess things. I didn't write this of course.. but I agree with almost everything except the fruit cake part. I love Fruitcake!


1. Avoid carrot sticks. Anyone who puts carrots on a holiday buffet table knows nothing of the Christmas spirit. In fact, if you see carrots, leave immediately. Go next door, where they're serving rum balls.

2. Drink as much eggnog as you can. And quickly. Like fine single-malt scotch, it's rare. In fact, it's even rarer than single-malt scotch. You can't find it any other time of year but now. So drink up! Who cares that it has 10,000 calories in every sip? It's not as if you're going to turn into an eggnog-aholic or something. It's a treat. Enjoy it. Have one for me. Have two. It's later than you think. It's Christmas time!

3. If something comes with gravy, use it. That's the whole point of gravy. Gravy does not stand alone. Pour it on. Make a volcano o ut of your mashed potatoes. Fill it with gravy. Eat the volcano. Repeat.

4. As for mashed potatoes, always ask if they're made with skim milk or whole milk. If it's skim, pass. Why bother? It's like buying a sports car with an automatic transmission.

5. Do not have a snack before going to a party in an effort to control your eating. The whole point of going to a Holiday Party is to eat other people's food for free. Lots of it. Hello?

6. Under no circumstances should you exercise between now and New Year's. You can do that in January when you have nothing else to do. This is the time for long naps, which you'll need after circling the buffet table while carrying a 10-pound plate of food and that vat of eggnog.

7. If you come across something really good at a buffet table, like frosted Christmas cookies in the shape and size of Santa, position yourself near them and don't budge. Have as many as you can before becoming the center of attention. They're like a beautiful pair of shoes. If you leave them behind, you're never going to see them again.

8. Same for pies. Apple. Pumpkin. Mincemeat. Have a slice of each. Or, if you don't like mincemeat, have two apples and one pumpkin. Always have three. When else do you get to have more than one dessert? Labor Day?

9. Did someone mention fruitcake? Granted, it's loaded with the mandatory celebratory calories, but avoid it at a ll cost. I mean, have some standards.

10. One final tip: If you don't feel terrible when you leave the party or get up from the table, you haven't been paying attention. Reread tips. Start over, but hurry -- January is just around the corner.

Sr. Patricia

P.S. Of course in the monastery we don't go to a lot of parties.. but its very funny. I'm sure if I did go to parties I would have to follow these tips very closely!

Monday, December 17, 2007

O Adonai - December 18

To send today's card: O Adonai

Send an Advent Cards

Quote for the Day:
O Adonai: “O sacred Lord of ancient Israel,
who showed yourself to Moses in the burning bush,
who gave him the holy law
on Sinai mountain:
come, stretch out your mighty hand to set us free.
” Isaiah had prophesied,
“But He shall judge the poor with justice,
and decide aright for the land’s afflicted.
He shall strike the ruthless with the rod of his mouth,
and with the breath of his lips he shall slay the wicked.
Justice shall be the band around his waist,
and faithfulness a belt upon his hips.” (11:4-5);
and “Indeed the Lord will be there with us, majestic;
yes the Lord our judge,
the Lord our lawgiver,
the Lord our king,
he it is who will save us.” (33:22).

It's beginning to smell a lot like Christmas!

Christmas is a time when all the senses come into play... and surely delicious smells is one of the best signs that we are getting close to Jesus' birthday! Today Sister Rita Louise was baking coffee cakes. So far she hasn't had any accidents. They've all come out of the oven - just perfect. Sigh.

Even Shelley is reaping the benefits of Christmas smells. A friend came by this afternoon with a brightly wrapped package of homemade dog treats! So far nothing has appeared for the cat and the bird.... but they don't seem quite as food crazy as Shelley. The cat (Jeremiah) would of course never let on if he was... has to maintain that air of dignity don't you know ? And Pi... well Pi... he's suspicious of new food anyway - he wants to make sure its "Bird safe" before he will go over and investigate. I've been introducing him to oranges lately... and it helps if I eat my orange while he is eating his. Birds of a feather flock together applies to eating as well.

I read a neat thing today about the difference between making a New Year's Goal or a Resolution. This article was saying.. that we should make goals not resolutions - because we are more likely to keep them! Here is how the author explained it. A resolution is something specific and definite - that comes with a built in defeat factor if it doesn't work. For instance you might make a New Year's resolution to "lose ten pounds by exercising at the Gym three days a week. Well, you get started with it and then decide you don't like going to the gym... there goes that one. On the other hand if you made a resolution instead of definitely losing ten pounds but made a more general goal - of taking steps to get more exercise - than you can keep trying different activities till you hit on the one that does work for you.

Well, anyway I found it very good. Here's the link if you want to read the whole article. Goals versus Resolutions

Sr. Patricia

O Wisdom - December 17

To send today's card: O Wisdom

Send an Advent Cards

Quote for the Day:
O Sapientia: ?O Wisdom,
O holy Word of God, you govern all creation with your strong yet tender care.
Come and show your people the way to salvation.? Isaiah had prophesied,
?The spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him:
a spirit of wisdom and of understanding,
a spirit of counsel and of strength,
a spirit of knowledge and fear of the Lord,
and his delight shall be the fear of the Lord.? (11:2-3),
and ?Wonderful is His counsel
and great is His wisdom.? (28:29).

My brother Tim sent a live Christmas tree to my mom. I was talking to him yesterday and he told about it. I thought to myself, "Hmmmm, I had better go over there and see what happened to that tree?"

Did she open it up? Did she give it away? Is it alive and well?


So Sister Colleen and Shelley volunteered to go with me to pay my mom a visit. When I got there I did not see a live tree anywhere. Hmmm...? Then I saw a long box about two feet long set against the wall. Unopened.


This could be it!
I went over and looked.
Yes indeedy.


She liked her tree!
She thought it was very cute!


She thought I should take it home with me.

I could tell she thought this would be a very, very good idea.

So we did.

We took mom back to the monastery for a visit and some dinner and took along her tree with us.

It looks very nice in our front entrance.

She thinks it looks very nice there.

We do too!

Thanks Tim!

Sr. Patricia

Thursday, December 13, 2007

A bit mixed up... but life is

To send today's card: St John of the Cross

Send an Advent Cards

Quote for the Day:
And if tonight my soul may find her peace
in sleep, and sink in good oblivion,
and in the morning wake like a new-opened flower
then I have been dipped again in God, and new-created.
D.H. Lawrence

Note: Yesterday - December 13th - I actually did plan on sending out the JoyNotes - but I spent so much time making two St. Lucy Cards that at 9:30 I just was too tired to keep moving.. So then I wrote the following this morning - but forgot to send it. Starting to crack up obviously. Anyway here is the message - and see if we do better next week.

To send card for the Feast of Saint Lucy

More St. Lucy Cards including the one with step by step instructions (and pictures) for making a Christmas Zito wreath.

Yesterday I got absolutely (well it seemed like it) nothing done. I was just too tired too function. Totally in "Dysfunction Junction." So last night when I started on the JoyNotes at 7:30 and it got to be 9:30 and I had hardly made a dent in the process - I decided this was just not going to work. So I closed down the shop and went to bed.

My mom always used to say (probably yours too) "Go to bed. Things will look better in the morning." And she is right... they look much rosier in the morning. I also found this quote that I have heard in various forms and probably said myself.. but here they have someone who is actually attributed to the quote.

No day is so bad it can't be fixed with a nap. ~Carrie Snow

Anyway.... I expect a little better action today! We just got back inside from our early morning "take the dog out and wake up - because its 26 degrees out there" walk. Very funny. Shelley has a pretty warm coat.. but when it is still dark and this cold she beats us back to the door. Brave dog.

Today's Peace card is why it took me two hours to get the Joy Notes started! I worked on making a card to tell you how to make your Zito Christmas wreath. Today is the day! The feast of St. Lucy. I also found a beautiful image of St. Lucy so had to make another card for her as well with that graphic. See... when you are tired you find all sorts of wonderful reasons why you should do "other stuff."

And in case you are reading this without the pictures... here is how to make the wreath.

To make your own Christmas Zito wreath find a simple round container and glue or tape (double-stick) a red, white and blue ribbon on the outside. Fill the container with dirt.

In the middle of the dirt place a big red candle with a Christmas ribbon around it tied into a bow.

Gently poke wheat berries into the dirt. Wheat berries can be found in health food stores.) Each day make sure the soil is kept warm and moist.The wheat will sprout within a day or two... each day you can watch it grow!

By December 25th the wheat will be tall enough to create a Christmas Zito Wreath!

Sr. Patricia

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Our Lady of Guadalupe - Cleaning my Office

To send today's card: Our Lady of Guadalupe

More Guadalupe Cards

Send an Advent Cards

Quote for the Day:
"I shall show my tender
clemency for those who love
and seek me,
for all who
implore my protection,
who call on me
in their labors
and afflictions.
Our Lady of Guadalupe

My Office after a day of cleaning.... you don't even want to know what it looked like before I started! Click to see larger images... maybe I'll have clean and improved ones at the end of the week. We can always hope!!
Sr. Pat's Office - Disaster Control 1Sr. Pat's Office - Disaster Control 1Sr. Pat's Office - Disaster Control 1

I spent a couple of hours today attacking my office. It was a counter-attack. Definitely. Because my office has been attacking me for the last several weeks and I simply had to go on the offensive and fight back. The battle is not over - but I certainly made progress. The crowning point of my major offensive was when I found a piece of paper with a set of weekly goals on it from last year. Last December as a matter of fact. The main goal that struck me was that I had "firmly" resolved to get my office clean by Christmas!

And you know what - I definitely remember achieving that goal. I had a beautiful clean office. Only it didn't last. Not even a week if I recall. Perhaps my next goal needs to be, "To keep a clean office!" Now that would be something to remember a year later!

My friend Barb came over to help me in the attack. I really didn't think that it would work to have someone help me to clean... after all how would they know what to do with stuff? But it was wonderful. She did all the filing which included making file labels. She even kept going while I was outside checking on my brother John who had come over to winterize our little pond "pump" house.

So now I am a firm believer in getting HELP when you have a mess that seems to be overwhelming.

Which by way as I think of it.... can also apply to our "Walk with God." Today was "Confession Day" in the monastery, Father Alberic gave us the opportunity to receive this sacrament after Mass. That is one thing that is really good about living in a monastery - spiritual exercises, daily prayer, adoration, confession, etc. are all scheduled in. This makes it much easier to maintain a religious life when the structure is already set up.... you don't have to go to extra lengths to fit time with God in... this actually was one of the main reasons that I decided to join the monastery. Knowing my own weaknesses and inability to stay the course on anything without help... I deliberately made the choice to put myself in a place where I could get the help to do that.

I did not enter the Monastery until I was 25 years old.... and up until that time - my life was a roller coaster of Spirituality. Some weeks I would be fervent... some months I would not.... some weeks I didn't even hardly think of God. I knew that this pattern would only continue (as fervently as I might think at any particular moment that I wouldn't) because basically I was and am a weak person.

I think all of us - whether in the Monastery or not - need to take advantage that a spiritual community offers us. Whether as member of a Church, a Bible study or spiritual group. As Christians we need always to belong to the "body" of Christ and accept help from one another in many areas... from cleaning our messes spiritually and otherwise - to working, celebrating, rejoicing, grieving... whatever. Don't do it alone...not only do you accomplish much more - with greater ease... it's also a lot more fun!

Sr. Patricia

Monday, December 10, 2007

Miracles big and small

To send today's card: 2nd Tuesday of Advent

Send an Advent Card

Quote for the Day:
Do a little more each day than you think you possibly can.
Lowell Thomas

Bit by bit the stories are coming in - I wanted to tell you.. that I have extended the date of submission to January 15th. As Christmas gets closer and closer and more and more things get packed into one's day - I decided I needed to do that.

Of course I hope you won't wait until January to send in your stories .. but if time gets away from you... there is a bit more time! One thing I am hoping to get more stories from religious priests, deacons, brothers and sisters. I value all the stories, I really do, but I hope that some of you who have committed to religious life more deeply will share an experience or two from your walk with God and prayer.

To get you started and to show they don't have to be super duper over the top stories I will share a memory of mine.

As many of you know, I've always been a little hung up on miracles. Nothing turns me off faster than someone saying, "Well, you know, God needed to use miracles in his day...because people didn't have the faith we have now!" Well, I may get some disagreement with this.. but from what I can see... there is certainly enough "lack of faith" in these times to sink a few battleships! And personally - I don't believe God ever made the decision... "That's it folks. I'm done with miracles. You're on your own. I've given you everything you need to make a go of it. Just swim now and you'll make the shore."

To that, I say, "Bah, humbug!" I believe God is as ready and willing to do miracles each and every day. And we don't have to deserve them either. Just a simple, "Ask and you shall receive" will be enough.

I also have no problem asking for miracles just for myself. I don't feel greedy at all... since God is the creator of everything I think we do more insult to his goodness and generosity by not asking! Years ago I wanted a little green parrot. I prayed every day. I went outside after dinner and walked in the garden and I often would tell whoever was listening, "Well, I'm going out to pray for my little green parrot." I would pray my rosary and look in all the trees and the sky for my little green parrot to show up.

This went on for two and a half years. Finally, the sisters decided if I wanted a parrot that bad, they would allow me to get one. So one day when we were out shopping and we had to get some supplies for the fish, I went over to the bird section of the pet store. There I found a little green parrot. He didn't look like much. He had been passed around from store to store because no one wanted to buy him. And each time he was moved he would get more unsettled, till finally he had started plucking out his own feathers.

When the clerk saw me looking at this little green parrot he said to me, "If you want to buy him, we will give you a very good price, because we think he needs to find a home soon as he is so stressed."

I walked quickly to the part of the store where Sr. Mary Rita was and told her about the little green parrot and the special price they would give me for him. She said, "Okay, you can get him!" So I did.

And guess how old Mikey was? Two and a half years old. The exact same length of time that I had been praying for him. For two and a half years my little Mikey had been in store after store with no one to take him home until he came to our home!

Mikey has gone to heaven now... and now I have my dear Pi (another answer to prayer), but I still remember how God answered my special prayer for a little green parrot.

Sr. Patricia

Sunday, December 09, 2007

We have met the Enemy and the Enemy is us...

To send today's card: 2nd Monday of Advent

Send an Advent Card

Quote for the Day:
Nobody has things just as he would like them. The thing to do is to make a success with what material I have. It is a sheer waste of time and soul-power to imagine what I would do if things were different. They are not different.
Frank Crand

I set my timer for 30 minutes to work on the JoyNotes because I couldn't seem to get moving. I use a timer a lot for such occasions. It sort of forces me to at least try to accomplish something. My reward is I get to play a game of spider solitaire when the alarm goes. Yea.

Don't know exactly why I say yea though, as before I forced myself to knuckle down and get to busy, I had already played and lost three games. As a matter of fact I was rather feeling sorry for myself. Losing three games in a row sort of says something about one's ability at cards don't you think? I keep telling myself I will catch on to this.. but its not happening. Still, it seemed funner than doing the Joynotes!

I don't know why. JoyNotes are not bad to do. It's just the gettin going don't you know?

We got a little more snow today. Not much, just an inch I suppose but at least we are back in the Winter Wonderland getting close to Christmas sense. I really don't care for brown Christmases. Just not the way to do things when one lives in the North.

I was praying this morning about things I have to do and life in general and the word I seemed to get was "sabotage." The thought to go along with that was to spend some time this day, looking and praying at ways that I "self-sabotage" myself. You know the negative stuff that sort of filters down and settles and you let settle? The doubts, the procrastination, the building up of molehills into mountains and all that sort of thing.

I thought I should make a list and just look at it. Sort of like "we have met the enemy and the enemy is us." Not sure who said that. Snoopy or someone much more noble - ? Oh.. just googled it and it was Pogo - a cartoon character in the early 1970's.

Anyway the idea was to face the negatives and just sort of talk to them. You know, like, "Just how long do you intend to be staying around?" And their answer will probably be something snappy and rude like, "Just as long as you let us!"

Which of course puts the whole thing back into my court. If I am being my own worse enemy... just how long am I going to continue that and why?

No idea. If I get any break throughs I will let you know. The biggest thing I am working on is "Why can't I get moving on the new book? And why do I take on every new project that pops into my head so I have no time to work on the book? Huh? Hell-o? Is anybody home?"

Yea, the alarm went off a bit ago .... and it's time to play Spider Solitaire again!

Sr. Patricia

Thursday, December 06, 2007

When it's smokin.. it's cookin...

To send today's card: Saint Ambrose

Send an Advent Card

Quote for the Day:
“The Devil tempts that he may ruin and destroy; God tests that He may crown.”
St. Ambrose

I set the fire alarm off with my cooking supper. Anyone hungry? Actually, nothing was burned, not really. Just brown as my mother would say. Fried potatoes and scrambled eggs... were delicious. Can I help if it smokes a little? Usually we close the door and open a window when I'm doing this.. but what the heck. At least we are not hooked up to the fire department - just nice little alarms that go off throughout the whole building that sound a bit like an air raid. Nothing to be worried about. Just a few flashing strobe lights in various places - a bit of pizzazz don't you know on an other wise very quiet evening.

Thankfully Pi had already gone to bed. Then again.... Pi loves noise! The more the better. He loves the vacuum cleaner - I think she thinks it is a cloud burst in the Amazon or something.. because she always spreads her wings out like she does when its shower time. Sometimes she likes to see if she can out shout the vacuum. I think she may actually do that. She can definitely get her point across when she needs to.

My big goal for this evening is to get more than six hours of sleep. That would be nice. Maybe I could think and make sense when I talk. Maybe I woudn't bite people's head off if they do something that I think is less than brilliant?

Yep, that's my big goal for this evening....

Sr. Patricia

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

JoyNotes - St. Nicholas - Shout Life

To send today's card: Saint Nicholas

Send an Advent Card

Quote for the Day:
The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other.
Burton Hillis

Happy Feast of Saint Nicholas!

I'm in a very bad way tonight. Every little thing distracts me. First I have to go here.. then I have to go there.... sigh. I may never get this out before morning... if I don't settle myself down.

Jeremiah (cat) was in such a funny, funny pose tonight... he was laying on the couch like King Tut or something. I went to get my camera - but naturally he had moved. I took a picture anyway but his eyes didn't come out right... they make him look like a space cat from Planet Zulo or something so I decided not to share it. I think it would have affected his dignity and he's quite proud of his dignity you know.

We had lots of nice snow... but then we got lots of nice rain.... and it looks like we won't be getting any of the white stuff for at least a week. I hope we have a white Christmas. That always used to be a given but not so much anymore. Of course I used to live a little bit further north than Spokane - and we got lots of snow.

A friend today told me about a sort of Christian My space place called Shout Life So I decided to take a look and sign up and see how it goes. So far it seems nice... and you can also see how I was getting distracted by putting up my page!

Well, best get moving.... or it will be five o'clock in the morning and Sr. Colleen will be wanting me to go out with the dog and I never will have gone to bed. What a horrible thought.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Our Teleseminar tale of Woe

Hi Everyone,

It is after 9:00 and I just don't have the push right now to do the I am going to be kind to myself .. and take a break.

Susan Rowland and I did our Teleseminar... and everything seemed to
be working on our end... except that nothing was working on the Web
site end. Twenty people or so were on the phone version.. but the
web site would not work for anyone! We had almost 500 people signed
up for the call through me and tons of others folks through Susan.
All in vain.... well, not totally you know.. but it seemed like it.

Sad... sad... sad....

Here is the letter I sent out to the friends who signed up for the
call.. and I want to share it with you.. and also the link to the
free audio. Maybe some of you will want to listen. I thought we did
pretty good! Guess I can say that since we don't have the actual
recording to prove us right or wrong!

To the wonderful friends who signed up for our free Teleseminar.

I am so sad that the web portion of our seminar did not work. Rats!
Not only that but it did not record either. Rats, again!

So that's the bad news. Got that taken care of. It was totally out
of our control - as most of you know... sometimes things work on
the internet and sometimes they don't. This was definitely one of
those sad "don't" times.

The good news.. or sort of good news is that Susan and I did a
complete audio practice of the call this morning. It came out so
good I remember thinking, "Gosh, this is scary! Does this mean the
actual one isn't going to work?" I do have a pessimistic streak in
me you know. Well that streak turned out to be right this time.

But .... we do have that recording.... and though every time you do
something it comes out a bit different.. it did come out! So there
is something... if you want to take a listen!

Free Recording

Susan also has her book available at a special discount which we
were going to offer in the program.... sigh...that's available on
the web site as well.

We apologize again for not being able to come through for you. And
a special greeting to the 20 or so friends who did join us on the
phone lines! At least we did not do it in vain!

Hope you enjoyed it!

God bless you all, each and every one. You are special!

Sister Patricia and Susan

Monday, December 03, 2007

Crazy Shelley or Crazy Sisters?

To send today's card: Saint Barbara

Quote for the Day:
The proof of love is in the works. Where love exists, it works great things. But when it ceases to act, it ceases to exist.
Pope St. Gregory the Great

All dressed up and nowhere to Go

Shelley -

Just so you know, other than Shelley's poor manners in gulping down other people's food now and then.... she actually does put up with quite a lot of our craziness as well! Sister Colleen decided to share her winter hat and scarf. The amazing thing is not so much that Shelley allowed her to do that .... she even allowed us to take her picture.

Oh, and just so you know it's not always Shelley! This evening at supper, Sister Rita Louise put out some of the food and Jeremiah (the cat) decided to test out the butter while no one was around.

Yesterday we had lots of snow. It was beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Today we had lots of rain. Up in the mountains they got 50 inches... glad we got our version in a more liquid state! Fifty inches in one day would be a bit much!

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia

P.S. There is still time to sign up for the free teleseminar I am doing with Susan Rowland today .. on "Making Room for God at Christmas - Cleaning out the Clutter." Here is the link to sign up.
Making Room for God .

6:00 pm Pacific Standard time
7:00 pm Mountain Standard time
8:00 pm Central Standard time
9:00 pm Eastern Standard time

Once you sign up - you can come back anytime and listen to the recording. So if you can't make the live call - you can always get the recording. You can also save it to your computer and pass it on to friends.
Making Room for God

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Funny Dog Story

To send today's card: Saint Francis Xavier

Quote for the Day:
The next best thing to winning is losing! At least you've been in the race.
Nellie Hershey Tullis

A lot of people know that email is my total downfall. I never seem to get to it. Maybe it's denial. So much of it.. how do you handle it? Most of the time I don't. I make a stab at answering a few - but the full load of it everyday... nope... just doesn't happen. I expect my purgatory will be taking care of all the emails I didn't take care of in my life. Woe

The thing is though. I love e-mail. I really do. It's just I don't have time to answer most of them and then I feel bad and then I decide the only way to deal with it is to play a game of spider solitaire. Chalk up another day in purgatory.

Oh... but now and then --- life breaks through and I get a wonderful email that I have to answer.. right this minute.. or at least share.... and here is one. It actually wasn't an email.. it was a comment on my blog (I copy the peace care text and put it on the blog.. so if you get this.. you also get what is in the blog.) Anyway this was in response to when I wrote about Shelley eating the peanut butter we were supposed to have for dinner We did by the way, have peanut butter... just not the serving she helped herself too!

This is from Diane - seems like it should be printed up in Reader's Digest or something.. just so funny!

It is not the owners it is the dog.

barking puppy

I have two cocker spaniels and two puppies who have not gone to their new homes yet. I, as well as my family members, have paid for as well as invested much time in training, however , as I was told on the last day of the last class, These wonderful animals are in fact animals. They like food and no matter how well trained they are, they will still like food.

A few years ago my son , who usually buys school lunches decided to pack a lunch because he did not like what was on the menu. We packed a roast beef sandwich and a few other items and he was on his way.

Later in the morning I got a call. It was my son asking if I would pack him another lunch and bring it to school. When I asked what happened to the lunch I previously packed (hoping that he gave it to a less fortunate child or something noble), I was told that I wouldn't believe him if he told me.

When I showed up at the school I got an explanation that , coming from my son, I probably would not have believed. It seemed that the local police department had brought in drug sniffing dogs to do locker checks. Another local police unit brought their dogs in to help be trained by the current service animals. As they approached my son's locker one novice dog became excited. He signaled that he detected something.

The no tolerance school cut my son's lock off, opened the locker allowing the dog access. Access to my son's lunch that is. (I guess this dog had a thing for Roast Beef ) He pulled the lunch bag out grabbed his sandwich and began to eat it (ziplock baggie and all)

The officer took the sandwich from the dog and examined it for drugs but only found roast beef and cheese. Another dog was brought to the locker and the locker searched but no drugs were present.

The embarrassed officer was very apologetic and immediately offered to pay for a new lock and a school lunch . We all had a big laugh. Amazingly this dog is now one of the top K9 s on the force. Just goes to show !

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia

P.S. There is still time to sign up for the free teleseminar I am doing with Susan Rowland tomorrow .. on "Making Room for God at Christmas - Cleaning out the Clutter." Here is the link to sign up. Making Room for God .

Thursday, November 29, 2007

JoyNotes - St. Andrew

To send today's card: Saint Andrew

Quote for the Day:

I think there is something, more important than believing: Action! The world is full of dreamers, there aren't enough who will move ahead and begin to take concrete steps to actualize their vision.
Clement Stone

Oh woe upon woe... I seem to be catching the virus or whatever that Sr. Colleen has. She has been totally wiped by this bug - so hoping it doesn't get me in the same way. Sr. Rita Louise got it yesterday... its been there in the background with me for awhile.. but it seems to be making advances. Oh rats.

Thank you for everyone who signed up for our community newsletter. It should be going out in the mail next week. One sad note though that I forgot to mention. We are unable to send the newsletter to anyone outside the U.S. because the mailing is too expensive. Sorry, I didn't say that in the beginning.. I forgot! I will put a link to a version that you can download as a pdf next week.

Also thank you for those who signed up for the free teleseminar! Here is the link again if you are still thinking about it.

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Clutter Free Christmas

To send today's card: Another Snow Man

Quote for the Day:

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives to all men generously and without reproaching, and it will be given him.
St. James

Today was one of those nice days where I did all sorts of things and got all sorts of things done.... only..... it wasn't all the sorts of things I probably should have been doing. Know about those kind of days?

Kind of reminds me of the quote that says, "Life is what happens when you are making other plans."

Oh well, I hope it was in God's plans. One of things I want to share with you is a fun and free teleseminar I am doing with my friend Susan Rowland. I met Susan when I went to the Religious Trade Exhibit last spring. She was one of the "chosen" authors to do book signings for Saint Anthony Messenger. So that was neat.. but where I really learned just who Susan Rowland was - was when we shared a meal together courtesy of Saint Anthony.

Susan kept us absolutely in stitches. She was so funny. She is a sort of vegetarian. Sort of meaning that she doesn't go into "meat shock" if meat is served. In fact, she actually ordered a STEAK because she felt her body was in need of a little non vegetarian nuturing for the moment. Now that is the kind of vegetarian that is fun to sit next to. Not one so horribly, terribly, rabid that you never quite know what to serve if you invite them to dinner... or to talk about if you are munching on a delicious piece of chicken when you are sitting next to them. I see nothing wrong with being a vegetarian.. I just prefer them in moderation.

Anyway, Susan's book which I read, loved and started reading for a second time... is called, "Making Room for God: Clearing out the Clutter." Well, you all know that Clutter is my first, middle and last name. It just kind of follows me around wherever I go.

So, I persuaded Susan to do a Teleseminar ( a 3 week session in January) teaching myself and anyone afflicted with such tendencies to clear out the clutter. She had never done one before .. but I thought a Teleseminar on Clutter busting would be absolutely wonderful! So she agreed. That will be in January and that will cost a little - but ...

But next Tuesday ..... Susan is going to give a Free Teleseminar that you can listen to either by calling in on your phone (you will have to pay the phone charges) or listen for free on the web. If you would like to join us for one hour next Tuesday evening.... you can go to this page Making Room for God at Christmas and sign up.

When you sign up - it may seem like you are signing up for a subscription to a newsletter or something... you are not.. just the one class. It's just the only sign up form I have and that is just how it is worded. So ignore that part.. but you will have to confirm that you want to go to the class in order to get the information for signing up... etc. etc. Also we will want to send you a reminder or two... before the day so you don't forget!

Hope a few of you will join us! Even if you are one of those organized, got it all together folks... you will have fun with this class I think.

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


To send today's card: Snow Family

Quote for the Day:

On days when life is difficult and I feel overwhelmed, as I do fairly often, it helps to remember in my prayers that all God requires of me is to trust Him and be His friend. I find I can do that.
Bruce Larson

Been a busy day. Sister Rita Louise came home from a visit with her mom for her 80th birthday. She hadn't been home for 23 years or more and this seemed like a significant enough reason to make a home visit. Her mom was so excited! She went last Friday and came back today.... she had a wonderful time but she is glad to be back and we are glad to have her back!

Shelley did something with her toenail last night... split it or something.... anyway she ended up going to the vet and spending half the day there.

We got snow! It's turned into winter. Just like that. Didn't ask me or anything... just did it.

Blessings of Peace and All Good!
Sr. Patricia and all the Sisters

Monday, November 26, 2007

Winter Community Newsletter - Sign Up

To send today's card:

Quote for the Day:

Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.
Johann von Goethe

Tonight we are supposed to get snow. Hmmm? Am I ready for this? No, I definitely am not.. but at least I guess it will clear up my mistaken impression that we should still be enjoying summer.

Shelley is in the doghouse again. Her crate. I'm thinking I will print a little sign and paste over it.... Sing, Sing .... which if you don't know is the name of a very notorious prison... for the really bad, criminals. The ones society doesn't think capable of reforming.

So what did she do? Helped herself to a bowl of peanut butter that was supposed to go on our sandwiches for supper. The problem with this dog.. is that you think you really have set things totally out of her reach... but the problem is.... she is learning to extend her reach by quite a bit.

I hesitate to share this with you. Our decadent dog.. because in sharing it... I open myself up to comments. Comments like, "Can't you control your dog any better than that?" and such sage, helpful advice as "You know the problem is not with the dog, the problem is with the owner."

But life is very short.... and so I risk my poor reputation by sharing with you our complete ineptitude with the dog.... and her voracious eating disorder..... maybe because I rather feel with the onset of fall and winter.. my eating appears to be a bit out of control as well!

Yesterday I had to work on getting our newsletter out. Yes, indeed even on Sunday..... and so the only way it could be done was with M & M's .... the peanut ones.... I bribed myself..... it was the only way I could stick to it. Write a sentence - pop in a M & M. Works everytime.

Oh! I meant to say... if you would like to receive our free "snail mail" community newsletter "Called by Joy" ... send me your name and address. The Winter issue is rather nice because it also comes with a little desk calendar, an apostleship of prayer leaflet (the pope's prayer intentions for each month) and a beautiful holy card of the Sacred Heart with a novena to the Sacred Heart. We pray this novena every day. It's very good.

My regular email address seems to be down for the moment.. so send .. to

I have to have your address by Wednesday at the very latest .. sorry about the short notice.. but I just kept forgetting.

Blessings of Peace and All Good!
Sr. Patricia and all the Sisters

JoyNotes for Monday - November 26, 2007

To send today's card: Christ the King

Quote for the Day:

It's not the situation, but whether we react (negative) or respond (positive) to the situation that's important.
Zig Ziglar

It's Monday morning. Early. I woke up at 4:30 and decided it was time to get up. Which was good because last night I went to bed at 8:30... which if you know me is very early. But I was feeling wiped and decided I was better material for sleep then anything else.

Soon I will have to go and wake everyone up. It will be five. They will be so glad to hear my voice. Ha. Ha. Ha. Sometimes I feel like our Navy sargeant in boot camp. The men got woken up I heard with a trash can banging down the hall... we got woken up much more civilized. All the lights came on (we were in a huge room with about fifty beds) and those big lights were like flood lights at 5:00 in the morning. Then over the intercom would come this sickenly sweet voice. "Good Morning, Ladies!"

You could tell she relished her job. It was not good. We did think too sweetly in return of that sweet voice.

My morning wake-up is much different. No bright lights.. just the shuffle of my slippers down the dark hallway. Three knocks on the door and I say quietly (because at 5:00 in the morning, a quiet voice is all even I can manage). "Let us praise the Lord." And such the day begins.

For Sister Colleen and myself we get the further pleasure of waking up more throughly by taking Shelley out for her morning duty. Usually, the colder it is - the swifter she is. Usually.

It's 24 degrees this morning. I hope she's up to her usual quick run and not into a sniffer mode...

Blessings of Peace and All Good!
Sr. Patricia and all the Sisters

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Friday after Thanksgiving

To send today's card: Cute Lion Cub

Quote for the Day:

If you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it. If you don't ask, the answer is always no. If you don't step forward, you're always in the same place.

Nora Roberts

Okay, I have to share this site with you... because it is just way, way too funny. and I hope no one gets scandalized - because this person is just so real..... and I love it. It is called Crazy Aunt Purl .

It is about this lady who at age 35, after being married for nine years, her husband decides he needs to live a more creative life.. and leaves. She starts blogging... a private blog.. just as sort of self help therapy. But she is so funny. I think you will love her - and her book... which sounds a bit too much.. is called "Drunk, Divorced & Covered in Cat Hair."

But I really didn't find anything about her being like "really" drunk... just how she coped with stuff.... and now she is a best selling author with up to 36,000 people visiting her blog on a good day! Anyway.... its full of knitting (that's where the Aunt Purl) comes in... and she lives with her four cats... which is where the "Cat Hair" comes in... and as far as the "Drunk" part - far as I could see she was just sitting at a table drinking a beer or something.... and making a face. So.. she obviously overstates things.. but makes for fun reading...

Do read her very first entry here so you can get a better understanding of it.

I wrote the above yesterday... which is a good thing.. because after a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner - my brain is fuzzy. But I do like that Crazy Aunt Purl site.... I like how she blogs... just on and on about this and than and then pictures of cats. Fun.

Often times when I write I have this voice that keeps whispering all these little warnings.. "You shouldn't write about things like that!" "You are a nun for heaven's sake - people will be scandalized." Bosh. Isn't that just such a downer.. trying to live up to other people's expectations of who or what a person should be... nun or otherwise? I mean every single nun I have met is as different as every single person I have met.. and yet we all (including me) have these preformed judgments of just what a nun should do and a mother should do and you should do.....

Terribly binding don't you think?

Blessings of Peace and All Good!
Sr. Patricia and all the Sisters

Friday after Thanksgiving

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

To send today's card: Thanksgiving Novena - Day Nine

Quote for the Day:

For each new morning with its light,
For rest and shelter of the night,
For health and food, for love and friends,
For everything Thy goodness sends.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Well, for a while today it looked like Thanksgiving was going to be on hold as a couple of our Sisters were sick. But... it looks like bed rest and some medicinal potions at least has one of them back on her feet.... and for tomorrow... being that she (Sister Rita Louise) is the Cook.. we are all very Thankful!

Of course we could always postpone it a day or two... but it never seems quite the same. Nice.. but not quite the same. BUT it looks like the turkey is going to get in the oven tomorrow and we're back on! Something new to be thankful for!

I hope you have a very wonderful, blessed and Thankful Thanksgiving tomorrow.... even if you are not in the U.S.A. - I hope you have a Thank-filled Day too!

Day Nine

Lord Jesus,
You are the same
and Tomorrow.

Today, Lord,
I thank you
for my Tomorrows.

Not only the Tomorrows
I hope to spend
for ever with you
in eternity . . .

But the Tomorrows
You have carefully planned
for me in this
and Space.

I thank you
for the people
I will love Tomorrow
I thank you
for the Food
You will provide
the Shelter
the Comfort
the Peace.

I thank you
for the New Doors
you will open

I thank you
that whatever
Tomorrow will bring
I know
You will be There!



Blessings of Peace and All Good!
Sr. Patricia and all the Sisters

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Feast of the Presentation of Mary - Thanksgiving Novena Day Eight

To send today's card: Thanksgiving Novena - Day Eight

Quote for the Day:

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.
Helen Keller

Today is the beautiful feast of the Presentation of Mary! I pray that Mary will ask a special blessing for you from her Son! Expect something wonderful!

If you would like to read the missing Novena days (they were on Saturday and Sunday when I didn't send out JoyNotes) you can visit all nine days here. Thanksgiving Novena.

This evening we had a wonderful sharing time with a group of four young women (two who are our neighbors) who are in a Christian group together and in following a book on living a Christian life - decided when they got to the Chapter on Prayer to come and see what our life of prayer was about. Was fun. We shared, they shared and God blessed us all.

Only one more day till Thanksgiving!

Day Eight

Prayer for
Eighth Day of Novena

Today Lord,
I thank you
for the gift
of your presence
in the Eucharist.

I don't understand it
I hardly can comprehend it
and yet with faith
I grasp it
and hold it firmly
in my heart.

Oh God of the Universe
Creator of all
how wonderful
how awesome
that you should
become so small.

I thank you for
the witness of Your Love
made present
in great humility.

Such a lesson
for me
to seek
not high ways
and men's ways
but always
the little way
of humility
and love.

Thank you most wonderful God
for the gift
of being small.


Blessings of Peace and All Good!
Sr. Patricia and all the Sisters

Monday, November 19, 2007

Thanksgiving Novena Day Seven

To send today's card: Thanksgiving Novena - Day Seven

Quote for the Day:

It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.

Well, Shelley is back to being an only dog. Taz left this morning with Sr. Colleen's brother and family. It was fun while it lasted. It was fun having two Golden retrievers in the house... both friendly - lovable and ready to gulp down anything you don't want. I'm not sure but I think Shelley might be part goat - anything that even faintly looks like foods she's ready for. I'm surprised she hasn't attacked our cookbooks.

Had my mom over today for dinner. Was nice - she is so pleased over little things. Lots of things make her smile. A cute picture, the sun shining, the cat sprawled over the floor so you can't get around him unless you pet him... just little things. I think her dementia is probably worse but certainly not her attitude. That is a blessing. Every day I pray for my mom to be happy. She doesn't have to be cured of her dementia or anything to change for her.. except to be happy.

I think the gift of being happy under any circumstances is a gift from God.

Prayer for
Seventh Day of Novena

You know what I thank
you for today, Lord?
I thank you
for You!

I thank you
that at any moment
of my day
I can just start
a conversation
with you and
know you are really
and truly listening!

I thank you
that you are always
just a prayer away.
What an awesome
to know
that at any moment
just by lifting
my mind and heart
a bit
I can talk
to the very Creator
of the Universe.

That you know me
inside and out
the good the bad
and the ugly
and you still
love me.

What could I give
greater thanks for
than that?


Blessings of Peace and All Good!
Sr. Patricia and all the Sisters

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Thanksgiving Novena - Day Six

To send today's card: Thanksgiving Novena - Day Six

Quote for the Day:

The secret of getting ahead is getting started.
The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks
into small manageable tasks,
and then starting on the first one.
Mark Twain

I think the biggest complex task that is facing me (yes, once again) is cleaning this desk! I expect it is a symptom of procrastination - called pile it and deal with it later.

Oh well... time for bed.. I will deal with it later!

Prayer for
Sixth Day of Novena

Today Lord,
I want to thank you
for the Unexpected!

Those gifts you gave
to me in in odd shaped packages
in colors I didn't like
and sizes I didn't want.

Those gifts I never would
have chosen for myself,
that landed on my doorstep
unasked for
and definitely
in my blindness
gifts I thought I didn't need!

Those gifts that changed
my life forever.
Those gifts that brought
tears when I opened them
like the death of a loved one
or a loss of something
so precious to me.

Those gifts that opened
a new meaning to my relationship
with you.

Those gifts
that painful as they were
caused me to grow
and develop in ways
that only You knew
I needed to do.

Yes, Lord
today most sincerely
I thank you
for taking hold
of me and giving
always the best
and most valuable
of gifts!


Blessings of Peace and All Good!
Sr. Patricia and all the Sisters

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Thanksiving Novena - Day 3

To send today's card: Thanksgiving Novena - Day Three

Quote for the Day:

To me every hour of the light and dark is a miracle. Every cubic inch of space is a miracle.
Walt Whitman

I don't know what to write about - so I decided I would just write some words here in the hope something spectacular will spew forth. This morning at breakfast the Sisters told me I had a one track mind and that I hadn't heard a word anyone else had said. The second part was not true. I did hear what they said, but my brain just didn't process it.. but I definitely remember hearing them talking about stuff. What the stuff was they were talking about... that I didn't quite get... but I did hear them.

So... it seems they think I am just a bit too intense right now on this new book. Just a bit heading over the edge. But I am having a lot of fun ... thinking .. thinking... thinking....

And I have a great partner of crime with this book because I have decided to dedicate it to our Sister Eileen (God rest her soul - though I doubt very much she is resting - because I know she is helping me!). Sister Eileen was always coming up with this statement, "I have an idea!" and then she would pray and soon ... her idea would take root and start sending out little shoots into the ground and before long... her idea was solidly planted and bearing fruit. It was fun living with Sister Eileen. Exciting.

Sister Mary Rita was a close comrade in crime as well.. so I figure - they started me out well.. it's up to me to continue... and you will be glad to know that I now have "Lots of ideas!" And I'm sure they are great ones.. a bit one-tracked .. but that's how I get things done!

Most of my really, really good ideas come during morning prayer and at Mass. I don't think they are distractions.. I think they are like our Father Sebastian used to tell us, "The Kingdom of God breaking through."

God works in each of us very differently ... but in the end it all comes out to His glory. As long of course we continue to put all into his hands.. which believe me I do, about a zillion times a day!

But this book which will be on prayer.. is just so cool.. because I mean that is what our life here is all about.. and it is good to work to make it the very, very best it can be I think. Even if it means I am a bit one-tracked and a bit deaf now and then. Sigh.

Prayer for
Third Day of Novena

Thank you Lord Jesus,
for the gift of
For Faith,
that knows each moment
is carefully
held in your hand.

For Faith that
Encourages me
when I don't know
where to turn,
what to do
or where to go
but to You!

For Faith
that sees me through
Fears of War,
Terrorists, Pain
and Suffering.

For Faith
that assures me,
I will never be alone
that nothing will
ever happen to me
that is too big
for you to take care of!

Thank you Lord,
For the Gift of Faith!

Blessings of Peace and All Good!
Sr. Patricia and all the Sisters

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Thanksgiving Novena Day Two

To send today's card: Thanksgiving Novena - Day One

Quote for the Day:

"The better part of one's life consists of his friendships."
Abraham Lincoln

Please keep your stories coming in for the new book! I'm looking for stories that had a big impact on you or someone you know. A story that really shows the power of God in an amazing way! That doesn't mean they have to be raising the dead to life but they should be something that has really affected you in some way. Sometimes little things happen that make all the difference.

One of the things that happens to me when I start thinking about answered prayer or miracles in my life... it seems that talking about them some how makes them shrivel down to a smaller size because I can't quite get across that "BIG FEELING" that came to me when my prayer was answered. If that happens to you... just try to do the best you can with sharing the story - often times I think more comes across than we think. Also if I feel the story is good but needs more information I will call you on the phone or email you questions that will make it more clearer to me. The important thing is to just try!

A little miracle happened to me this morning with one of our little sick fish. Rufus. He is Sister Marcia Kay's little buddy (I think he looks a bit like Godzilla) but she really loves this little guy. So he was looking really, really bad and very close to death. Well she gave him some Rescue Remedy and other medicine but it didn't seem to make much effect. I went and looked at the little fellow and asked Mary's help for him while I prayed three Hail Mary's. Do you know at the end of the third one he actually popped up and looked some better! He still may not make it... but it showed me in a small way that Mary was indeed listening! Even for a lttle small fish.

Prayer for
Second Day of Novena

Thank You for My Family!

Dearest Lord Jesus,
where would I be
without the gift
of my family
and friends?

I thank you today
for their presence
in my life.
I thank you
for the gifts
you have given
to each one.
I thank you
for the many ways
in which they touch
my life.

I thank you for
their laughter,
their encouragement,
their support.

I thank you
for every experience
I have shared with them,
whether good or bad
happy or sad
their presence in my life
has made me a better person.


Blessings of Peace and All Good!
Sr. Patricia and all the Sisters

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

First Day of Thanksgiving Novena

To send today's card: Thanksgiving Novena - Day One

Quote for the Day:

The secret of getting ahead is getting started.
Sally Berger

Prayer for First Day of Novena

Loving God,
Life-giving Breath of all Creation
today I thank you for the Gift of Me!

I thank you that I am alive
at this moment
at this space in time
in this place of history.

I thank you God
for the person I am
for the way I look
for the way I speak
for the color of my hair
my skin
my eyes.

I thank you
that in your Great Plan of Life
you have made me
just as you wanted me to be
and placed me
just where you wanted me
to be.

Thank you God for Me!
Sr. Patricia Proctor, osc

Blessings of Peace and All Good!
Sr. Patricia and all the Sisters

Monday, November 12, 2007

Catholic Bestsellers for November

To send today's card: Saint Frances Cabrini

Quote for the Day:

"We must pray without tiring, for the salvation of mankind does not depend on material success; nor on sciences that cloud the intellect. Neither does it depend on arms and human industries, but on Jesus alone."
Mother Frances Xavier Cabrini

Months and months ago I had told the folks at Catholic Publishing (of which I am a small member) that I wanted to share the Catholic Bestseller's list with you. So here we are finally getting around to it. I hope when I die the Lord doesn't wait so long for me to decide to get around to letting me into heaven! Yikes!

I am suffering from after Halloween - best go have a little candy bar snydrome. After all there are only a few left, and I shouldn't let them get so lonely.

Catholic Bestseller's Report for November


1. Mother Teresa: Come Be My Light
Mother Teresa with Brian Kolodiejchuk,

2. Jesus of Nazareth
Pope Benedict XVI

3. Soul Provider
Edward Beck

4. Celebration of Discipline
Richard Foster

5. The Dream Manager
Matthew Kelly,

6. Catechism of the Catholic Church
Our Sunday Visitor

7. Simply Christian

8. The Apostles
Pope Benedict XVI

9. Mother Angelica’s Little Book of
Life Lessons and Everyday Spirituality

Raymond Arroyo

10. The Rhythm of Life
Matthew Kelly


1. The Screwtape Letters
C. S. Lewis

2. Catechism of the Catholic Church

3. Mere Christianity
C. S. Lewis

4. The Great Divorce
C. S. Lewis

5. Why Forgive?
Johann Christoph Arnold

6. United States Catholic Catechism
for Adults

7. Prayer
Joyce Rupp

8. Reconciliation
Robert Morneau

9. Compendium of the Catechism
of the Catholic Church

10. Return of the Prodigal Son
Henri J. M. Nouwen

Blessings of Peace and All Good!
Sr. Patricia and all the Sisters

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Monday - I Can See

To send today's card: Saint Josaphat

Quote for the Day:

I have found in life that if you want a miracle
you first need to do whatever it is you can do -
if that's to plant, then plant;
if it is to read, then read;
if it is to change, then change;
if it is to study, then study;
if it is to work, then work;
whatever you have to do.
And then you will be well on your way of doing the labor that works miracles.
Jim Rohn.

I can See!

I am just totally amazed! I can read the small print on my computer! Totally amazing. On Saturday I had our computer whiz friend Dale over to fix and heal all the rough spots on my new server. One of the first things he said to me was, "Gosh, your monitor is really shot!"

"Really?" I said, "I thought it was just fuzzy because my eyes were going bad and old age was creeping up."

"No," he said, "This monitor is really bad!"

So, we went and got a new one! Whoa. Just totally whoa! Can hardly tell you how different things are. I got one of those flat screen monitors so that it takes up about 1/100th of desk space that it used to. I also can sit it far back against the wall and I still can see it at medium print. Just totally whoa!

Isn't it amazing how sometimes we are so sure its just ourselves who are out of sync.. and then all of a sudden we find out, "No, it actually is a real, concrete problem that can be fixed!"

Just amazing!

Blessings of Peace and All Good!
Sr. Patricia and all the Sisters

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Niacin Flush - New York Times Best Seller List

To send today's card: Elizabeth of the Trinity

Quote for the Day:

Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Experiment Follow Up!

blue dragon

Thank you to the several people who wrote and told me that I was probably experiencing a Niacin Flush. Wow, that is a whole lot more comforting than what my first initial reaction was... ."You have just been poisoned! You are going to die!" My brain tends to jump to conclusions easily. Not too rational ones either.

So I really appreciate that information! Very, very helpful. Especially when I took some more of the stuff tonight and started getting the red reaction again. This time it was, "Hey, everybody look, it's doing it again."

What really was neat about this whole thing.. was the fact that I shared it with you ... and some of you knew exactly what it was! That was neat. The thought came to me very powerfully that if I had not shared it.. I would never have known the real cause of it. Pretty awesome when you think of it.

New York Times Bestseller Follow Up

Today, I got some of the material for my course on becoming a New York Times bestseller. It is really, really great. But it is sort of challenging. Like trying to climb Mount Everest when your only equipment is a pair on tennis shoes and a pocketknife.

Here is one funny thing. I was talking on MSN to my brother Peter for a few seconds and I told him about this course that I was soon to start.

I told him,
"It says right there in the beginning if you can't come up with an outreach of one to three millions contacts don't even attempt it!"

I then asked him,

"How many friends do you have?"

He wrote back...

"I have the one to three part but not the million part. "

Sigh.... obviously he's not going to be much help!

101 Prayer Blog

I wrote a very, very long post to my 101 Prayer blog Learning to Accept "NO." Just a thought I had yesterday about how we limit ourselves by being afraid of getting a "no" response when we try new things. No doubt I was giving myself a pep talk!

Blessings and Thanks!
Sr. Patricia

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Thughts and more thoughts

To send today's card: Knowing we are Loved

Quote for the Day:

The smallest good act today is the capture of a strategic point from which, a few months later, you may be able to go on to victories you never dreamed of.

C. S. Lewis

"With my God I can break through any barrier"

This is the quote from scripture that I seemed to fasten onto this morning. I'm not sure where in scripture it is, we read it often in the breviary. Must be in the psalms. Anyway, it was such a strong comfort for me as I try to move forward with this book and make it the best I possibly can.

Not that I have come against real barriers yet with it...mostly just the ones that play in my head. I was reading Robert Middleton's blog entry today - and for me it was just exactly and totally what I needed. He said in essence that about 85 percent of what holds us back from doing things.. is how we think about them. That is the fact.. but we don't face that fact.. instead we find all sorts of "other" stuff that we need to DO before we can move forward. Very interesting.

With my book (its on my mind a lot these days) I am trying to reach out and pull in a few "famous" folks to give a little recognition for people who know nothing about my other books. I have a friend who is helping me with the back cover text.. getting endorsements, etc. and she suggested to me this morning in an email that I should ask you (the faithful readers of my rambling thoughts) what you think. Here is what she said:

"Also, through your newsletter, consider doing an informal poll of this captive audience to see what other authors your subscribers like to read, what music they listen to, who/what else inspires them in their Christian faith, etc. This is a great idea, to go right to your list and ask them."

So....? What ARE your thoughts? Will you share them with me? Email Me

I contacted Fr. Michael Scanlan, TOR last week for permission to use his story of the cure of the Downe Snydrome child and he said "Yes!" Today I put out an inquiry to see if I could use an article on prayer by Max Lucado (will see what happens there).... and now I just need your suggestions. AND if you have a way for me to contact them .. that would be even better!

Blessings and Thanks!
Sr. Patricia