Tuesday, July 31, 2007

JoyNotes & Heat & a daily dose of Jesus

To send this card: Saint Alphonsus Liguori

Quote for the Day:

He who trusts himself is lost. He who trusts in God can do all things.
Saint Alphonsus Liguori

Happy August

Whew. It's starting to cool down. Thanks be to God. I took Pia up to bed earlier but decided it was just too hot - would have had a fried bird so brought her back down to my office till it gets better. Once the sun goes down now it gets pretty good - is 80 now and will get down to 57 before morning. We can breathe, we can breathe. Yeah.

I was trying to think of something worthwhile to write about - but the heat totally took away any last remaining traces of mental ability away. Probably not drinking enough water - usually a good sign when the heat gets me this way.

Aaahhh... just went and got me a big cold drink. Amazing what a little water can do for a person.

Maybe that is how it is when we get too far away from God - everything starts to go to pieces and we can't quite put a finger on why. Then all of a sudden we get knocked on the head and say, "Oh yeah, I don't have enough Jesus in my system."

Duh! It's always the obvious that we overlook.

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia

The Confession Connection

O Happy Fault: A Confession of Hidden Sin

by Vinny Flynn
Day Eight:

This is what it really means to be a Christian—to have joy in our hearts, trusting that, no matter how bad things seem, God can turn all things to good for those who love Him. St. Paul admonishes us to "rejoice in the Lord always and in all things give thanks" (1 Thes 5:16-18). What a powerful teaching! Rejoice always. Give thanks in all things, not just the good things, but the bad as well—even pain, suffering, failure, tragedy.

(to be continued tomorrow)

From one of twelve articles on confession found in the book, "101 Inspirational Stories of the Sacrament of Reconciliation."

Monday, July 30, 2007

Tasty Tuesday and Miracle on its Way!

To send this card: Saint Ignatius of Loyola

Quote for the Day:

“Teach us to give and not to count the cost”
Saint Ignatius of Loyola

Tasty Tuesday

Well, it's happened! Remember yesterday I said I was in the mood for a big miracle? It's on its way! One of the smallest churches in our diocese is starting a special movement to bring healing to the diocese. St. Ann's Parish in Medical Lake is planning a wonderful healing and reconciliation concert at our Cathedral. Four of the members of the planning committee came this evening to brainstorm with us. We are so excited about it.It really feels like the movement of the Holy Spirit.

I am going to the the web site for them - bought the domain tonight and will start putting a simple site up tomorrow. The site is called "Lets heal our church dot com" I will keep you posted as to how it goes.

We hope to have lots of radio, bill boards, and tons of volunteers if we can find them. Pray we do!

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia

Tasty Tip of the Week

from Barbara George

Get your fruit today!

Summer is the perfect time to balance your diet with delicious refreshing fruits. Many fruits are at their peak right now. Eat a variety as they come in season.

You should get 2 cups of fruit each day to meet your body’s vitamin needs and add some wholesome fiber. If you still want to drink juice, remember ½ cup should be a serving. That should be as much of your daily fruit as you get from this source. Juice is more of a simple sugar and does not add to your fiber and vitamins as well as whole fruits.

Also, spread your portions out through the day so you aren’t getting all of the fruit sugars at one sitting. Keep your intake to the 2 cups also because too much fruit is just like too much cookies or other sweets. Too much can turn to unwanted weight.

Hope you stay healthy. Enjoy the summer!

Barbara George

The Confession Connection

O Happy Fault: A Confession of Hidden Sin

by Vinny Flynn
Day Seven:

I remember a scene from Herman Hesse's book "Siddhartha" that suggests very powerfully that, though suffering is unavoidable, unhappiness is not.

Siddhartha has just gone through a period of deep suffering but, through his acceptance of it, he has grown and is able to retain an inner peace, even in the midst of a very painful grief. His wise friend looks at him and says, "You have suffered...yet I see that sadness has not entered your heart."
(to be continued tomorrow)

From one of twelve articles on confession found in the book, "101 Inspirational Stories of the Sacrament of Reconciliation."

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Thursday - New Book Cover Preview

To send this card: Saints Joachim and Anne

Quote for the Day:
Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.
Dale Carnegie


Well, I'm gearing up for moving forward with our next book! 101 Inspirational Stories of the Power of Prayer. Here is a picture of the cover, click to see a larger version.

Book Cover

I will start collecting stories next week. Any wonderful, exciting story you have to share I will be glad to review for possible inclusion. This book is not a "Catholic" only book.. if you are Christian and have a wonderful story of prayer ... please share. Stories should be between 300 - 1200 words.

Do not send any stories until next week as I am not prepared yet to handle them and they could very easily get lost forever.

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia

The Confession Connection

O Happy Fault: A Confession of Hidden Sin

by Vinny Flynn
Day Four:

I used to think of sin in a very narrow, punitive way. Sin was simply an offense against God, something "mortal" or "venial," something wrong for which I needed to be punished. And I had neat little lists of these offenses categorized in my mind.

I'm not saying this view was all bad. As a matter of fact, today's world might benefit from a greater awareness of sin.

What I am saying is that my view of sin was incomplete. I tended to try to avoid the mortal sins, the serious offenses against God, and I didn't worry too much about the venial ones.

I never realized that sin is also an offense against myself. I never saw my sin in the larger sense of "sinfulness"—a state of being that carries with it its own punishment, that cripples me and prevents me from being who I could become—that makes me see mud when I could see stars.
(to be continued tomorrow)

From one of twelve articles on confession found in the book, "101 Inspirational Stories of the Sacrament of Reconciliation."

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Wednesday - Newsletter link

To send this card: St. James, Apostle

Quote for the Day:
Decide what you want, decide what you are willing to exchange for it. Establish your priorities and go to work.
H. L. Hunt


First of all here is the pdf link to our Community Newsletter - Newsletter


Unfortunately a few of the things did not convert right...so the recipe is missing and a few letters on one of the headlines.. but best I can do for now. Will attempt to figure out what went wrong some other day.

Today I had a radio class. Fun but got pushed to the edge again. This time our assignment is to create a two minute video about our topic and make available for viewing. Oh fun. Oh hum de dum.

Actually, I think it will be fun... except the learning curve is a bit over the edge. We do have a video camera but it has been years since I have used it - it's not digital - and I am not so sure how this is all going to work out.

Will give it the old nun try though and see what comes of it. I will let you see the results... good or bad I'm sure it will be entertaining. Its due by next Tuesday... offer a prayer or two.

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia

The Confession Connection

O Happy Fault: A Confession of Hidden Sin

by Vinny Flynn
Day Three:

Let me give you an example: Two men looked out from prison bars. One saw mud; one saw stars.

Several years ago, I came upon this old verse as I was reading a book by Fr. John Powell, SJ, and it has stuck with me ever since. Powell's book is entitled Fully Human, Fully Alive. Its basic premise is that our happiness is not determined by our situations, but by our personal perceptions of these situations. The two men in the verse share a common experience. It's their way of viewing the experience that shapes its meaning.

I think we can safely assume that neither man is overjoyed about being in prison. But one looked beyond the confines of his immediate situation and finds something to rejoice about. The other allows the pain of his situation to color his view of everything and thus remains a prisoner in spirit as well as in body. To the pain of his unavoidable suffering, he adds the unneccessary pain of being unhappy about it. (If this doesn't make sense yet, don't give up. There's more.)

(to be continued tomorrow)

From one of twelve articles on confession found in the book, "101 Inspirational Stories of the Sacrament of Reconciliation."

Monday, July 23, 2007

Tasty Tuesday -

To send this card: Teresa of the Child Jesus and John of the Cross

Quote for the Day:
They are too attached to their honor. . . .These souls, for the most part, grieve over anything said against them. They do not embrace the cross but drag it along, and so it hurts and wearies them and breaks them to pieces. However, if the cross is loved, it is easy to bear, this is certain.
St Teresa of Avila

Tasty Tuesday

I just finished the newsletter for our community! Now it can go off to the printer in the morning and I can go off to bed. Hurray. Hurray.

It's only several months late - should have had a Spring newsletter.. and an earlier Summer newsletter but, life just gets in the way of living sometimes.

Tomorrow with a bit of luck - I will make it into a pdf and share it with you. At least those of you who can use pdf's.

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia

The Confession Connection

O Happy Fault: A Confession of Hidden Sin

by Vinny Flynn
Day Two:

"Oh, come on now," you say, "It's not a sin to be unhappy! Everybody gets unhappy." Yes, Everybody gets unhappy. And it is sin. Dangerous sin, because it's habit-forming, extremely contagious, and seldom diagnosed as sin. It's usually viewed as something like a cold—it just happens to us, and we have to endure it until it goes away. We don't really have any control over it.

But that's a lie. Part of the Great Lie. We do have control over it. My unhappiness is not caused by something that happens to me. It is caused by my response to something that happens, a response generated by my attitude, my way of looking at things. Is my glass half full? Or is it half empty? It's a matter of perception, and the way I choose to perceive things determines my emotional response to them.

(to be continued tomorrow)

From one of twelve articles on confession found in the book, "101 Inspirational Stories of the Sacrament of Reconciliation."

Tasty Tip of the Week

from Barbara George

Freezer Burn

Not too tasty but a serious problem and source of food waste.

If you’re having trouble with things in your freezer suffering from freezer burn you may have a problem with the seal on the door. Freezer burn can develop from warming and then refreezing of frozen foods. There may be too many items crowding the door and causing the door to shut wrong. Or...you may need a new gasket. Here’s a trick from my dad, the refrigerator repairman:

Take a dollar bill and close it in the door so half is sticking out. If you can easily pull the bill out with the door closed, you may need a new gasket. Try it several different places around the door seal. A new gasket is easy to replace and can save you a lot of money in lost food.

Keep it cool. Keep it safe. Happy Tuesday!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Miraculous Monday - A Confession of Hidden Sin

To send this card: Have a Nice Day

Quote for the Day:
There is no sinner in the world, however much at enmity with God, who cannot recover God's grace by recourse to Mary, and by asking her assistance.
St. Bridget of Sweden

Miraculous Monday

Today after dinner as we were doing the dishes we got to talking about what we would like to do or see in heaven. Of course we haven't a clue what heaven will be really like, but that didn't stop us from faithful imaginations. Anyway we were discussing how exciting it would be to view the life stories of different people... and since there are so many billions of them.. that ought to keep us occupied for a good long while.

Because each and every one of us has a beautiful faith journey. I know each one of us is a beautiful chapter in God's book of how salvation is played out so uniquely and beautifully. It occurred to me now, that it is probably only in heaven that we will see where the real miracles in our life occurred. What we take as a normal day - with quiet ordinary things happening.. and who knows what tragedies our angels might have diverted from us that we never knew about? Who knows what opportunities came to us by the way of prayers we prayed long ago or someone else prayed for us?

I remember reading some big events in history - where the fate of millions hung in the balance and except for a few key people in top positions who knew how perilous the situation was - the rest of mankind just went blithely on its way without a clue. Amazing huh?

I mean we don't even know how many huge comets were quietly redirected from collision that could have wiped us out yesterday.

Basically God does have the whole world in his hands - and the final showing of salvation will leave us speechless.

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia

The Confession Connection

O Happy Fault: A Confession of Hidden Sin

by Vinny Flynn

I have a confession to make. A real confession. Of real sin. I have a great sin that has lain hidden in me for a long time, unrecognized, unconfessed, unrepented.

It's not your common, everyday brand of sin—not included in the usual list: pride, greed, jealousy, immorality, drunkenness, stealing, etc. These are easier to recognize, easier to fight against. This sin is different. It's like a traitor within me, lying in wait to jump out and trip me up, over and over again.

It has become like a cancer, living and growing inside me, dragging me down, away from God, and dragging others with me. So I need to expose it, to confess it publicly to all who will listen. And I'm not afraid to confess it to you, because you have sinned in the same way.

The sin is this: I have been unhappy! Repeatedly—at the slightest provocation—unhappy!

(to be continued tomorrow)

From one of twelve articles on confession found in the book, "101 Inspirational Stories of the Sacrament of Reconciliation."

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Confession Connection -

To send this card: To Enjoy Life

Quote for the Day:
Faith leads us beyond ourselves. It leads us directly to God.
Pope John Paul II

Sorry about not sending out a JoyNotes for Thursday.... I started on it.. but heat and life and a healthy dose of procrastination and before long I just went to bed!

I have to tell you about a plan I am working on. It's called... "Let's make "101 Inspirational Stories of the Sacrament of Reconciliation" a bestseller. You see, the book is selling... but only in little bits but I believe this is the most powerful book I have put together. The most life-changing book. But.... it's not easy to push.. because nobody... including me sometimes wants to go to confession!

A lot of us (I was there at the top of the list) don't understand how powerful this sacrament is. We don't realize . . . .

How confession can help us to be a better person.

How it can help us to become a more loving and lovable person.

How it can help us to have greater peace and acceptance in our lives.

How it can help us to feel better about ourselves.

How it can help us to develop more trust and confidence in God’s love and care for us.

How it can help us to do better work.

How it can help us to concentrate better and be more effective in everything we do.

How it can help us to use our talents and gifts more powerfully.

How it can help us to become more bold and courageous in our life.

And most of all... the biggest point of all... is that going to confession....

Allows God to Be more Present in our lives.

So..... prepare your souls... because for the next 18 days I am going to be sharing with you

Just what this book can do for you.

Call it sales talk... pushy.... whatever..... but I'm coming out of the closet and will be shouting out loud ..... just how life-changing and powerful this sacrament is.


during the month of August... I'm going to make a very special deal.....

for everyone who will pray one rosary for the success of promoting the Sacrament of Confession

I will offer the book for only $5.00.

Every rosary you pray - you can get a book for that amount during the month of August.

I am so convinced that the Rosary book did so well because of the hundreds of rosaries that were prayed for its success... and so I'm going begging again for prayerful suport.

Blessings of Peace and all Good,
Sister Patricia

I am changing the Mini Retreat for the rest of this summer to the "Confession Connection." The "Mini Retreat" will continue in October.

The Confession Connection

First of Four Points to Rediscover the Power of The Sacrament of Reconciliation in our lives

by the Most Reverend William S. Skylstad, Bishop of Spokane

First, we need forgiveness. Every one of us is a sinner, and we know it.

At the beginning of every Eucharist, we acknowledge our sinfulness and proclaim God's mercy with one of several forms of the Penitential Rite. During the Our Father, we pray,
"Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us . . . ."

The redeeming and forgiving presence of Jesus is always with us.

Again and again, we can return—yes, and we need to return—to the wonderful gift of this sacrament,

seeking forgiveness

and healing

with a spirit of gratitude and joy.

From the Introduction of "101 Inspirational Stories of the Sacrament of Reconciliation."

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Wednesday - Busy days - St. Benedict

To send this card: Saint Benedict

Quote for the Day:
Let them put Christ before all else; and may he lead us all to everlasting life.
from the Rule of Saint Benedict

Well, I've just spent thirty minutes web wasting away my time while I tried to think of what to write about. One really can't think surfing... one just amuses I guess. But what the heck, it was fun and that should account for something?

I started off with the intention of trying to find a nice web link to share... but I decided I'm going to drop making this a weekly feature.. because I waste too much time looking for something to share like that. If something pops across my path I will share it now and then.. but its too much work searching them out as a mission.

Today was a fun but busy day. My sister Barb and her husband and daughter spent the night and left at 5:30 this morning and then I had a wonderful radio interview with Chris Cuddy (I will share that with you next week if you like) and then I had a radio class and then my brother Peter came by with his two kids, and all during the day there were two guys here to work on our fish pond to get it working right and it was a nice day but busy.

Not a reflective day - more of a "What's next?" kind of day. Fun though.

Blessings of Peace and all Good,
Sister Patricia

Mini Retreat Theme: Each day has its own surprises

Time moving to fast? Maybe today is the day to just "look" for your ten minutes. Find a nice quiet place.... hopefully cool... and just look and listen and enjoy.

Meditation: (set your timer for ten minutes)

Prayer when time is completed:

to spend time
with you
doing nothing
is everything.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Tasty Tuesday - Roadblocks and Cheese Tips

To send this card: In a Little Deep?

Quote for the Day:
Often he who does too much does too little.
Italian Proverb

Tasty Tuesday

The last couple of weeks I seem to go around in circles and nothing gets done. Nothing at least of what I think should get done. In truth things are getting accomplished... just not what I think "I am Supposed to Accomplish." Sigh.

One of the main things is that in working with my radio publicity class I am supposed to go out and try and get ten radio interviews on other radio stations.

You know what? I absolutely, totally don't feel like it. I like doing radio interviews usually but right now I just feel like I can't. I don't know what to offer to talk about. Everything I think of as a topic sounds either stupid or not me.

The retreat below is just for me. After reading this you can tell. Hope I can settle down and take my own advice. That would be different!

Blessings of Peace and all Good,
Sister Patricia

Mini Retreat Theme: Following Jesus with Courage

Roadblocks. Sometimes it seems that we cannot move forward. When this happens to me I start feeling a sense of panic. I have to move forward! How come everything is stopped?

Perhaps this is a time to change directions for a time. Roadblocks usually offer an alternate route. A detour - it may take us out of our way for a bit but eventually we will reach our destination if we can accept it and go peacefully with it.

Today, imagine that you have come to a closed door in your life. Try and try as you might the door will not open. Stop, look around and prayerfully ask God what other direction you might go that will still help you to continue forward.
Meditation: (set your timer for ten minutes)

Prayer when time is completed:

I always have a "roadmap"
of the direction
I think I should be heading towards.
Help me to relax
when roadblocks happen.
Help me to see that a detour
does not mean
I will not get to my destination.
It may take longer,
but the new route
will open up new possibilities
I have never explored before.
Help me to be open
to see them.

Tasty Tip of the Week

from Barbara George

Tasty Tip for Tuesday, July 10, 2007

To prevent your cheese from getting moldy, never touch it with your hands. Hard cheeses can last a long time if you are careful. If your soft spreadable cheeses develop a red mold, toss them out, this is a very bad mold and can make you sick.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Miracle Monday - New Sisters in Diocese

To send this card: Pooh Card

Quote for the Day:
People travel to wonder at the height of the mountains, at the huge waves of the seas, at the long course of the rivers, at the vast compass of the ocean, at the circular motion of the stars, and yet they pass by themselves without wondering.
St Augustine

Miracle Monday,

So, would you like to know about a very, very wonderful miracle that has happened in our diocese? We have just been blessed with 15 wonderful and holy women who have just joined the Church from a Traditionalist Catholic community.

Here is an article about it from our Catholic newspaper. http://www.dioceseofspokane.org/Communications/IR_2007/ir070507/sisters.htm .

Our community has met some of the sisters and they are really wondeful and holy women - full of joy, courage and open to following fully God's will for them.

Blessings of Peace and all Good,
Sister Patricia

Mini Retreat Theme: Following Jesus with Courage

Courage I think is being open to taking a new pathway if it opens before you.

Imagine you are walking in your beautiful garden. It is early morning, the sun is just starting to rise and send fingers of rosy light onto the path before you. As you walk along you notice that the pathway is going into an area you have never seen before. Hmmm?

Should you follow it? You have never gone that way before. You look ahead and you see that Jesus is ahead of you on this pathway.

A new adventure, a time of discovery for you. Will you continue?

This pathway may be a new way of looking at someone, an insight on a relationship you have been closed to. Ask Jesus today to reveal to you the new path he has opened before you.

Whether it is a path of new prayer, new direction or new hope - go forward with joy and excitement.. because Jesus is going before you.

Meditation: (set your timer for ten minutes)

Prayer when time is completed:

every day
presents new possibilities
of growth.
May I always
be open to your

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Thursday - Radio Program - Mini Retreat

To send this card: Saint Anthony Mary Zaccaria

Quote for the Day:
“(I wish for you) to talk with Christ about all your present happenings, even doubts and difficulties, especially
tough doubts, exposing to Him all possible reasons.... Talk and chat in a familiar way, as you would with me, with Christ Crucified, and ask Him for advice” (Letter III, 23).
St Anthony Mary Zaccaria

Blessings of Peace,

For those of you with brave heart and time (its a 30 minute program) ... here is a link to my radio program that aired on Tuesday here in Spokane. It was a very different show.... because you see I usually have a guest to interview but unfortunately the guest I had scheduled - I could not make contact with. Wrong phone number or something. So.... what we have is Sr. Patricia interviewing Sr. Patricia.
A bit strange .... but it worked! Sort of. . .

Faith, Hope and Action 30 minutes

I actually had recorded this back in April... so maybe I already shared this with you. Can't remember - at any rate it aired today because my guest problem happened again!

Blessings of Peace and all Good,
Sister Patricia

Mini Retreat Theme: Celebrate the Day

Another Mass tip that helps me to become a more active participant (stay awake and stay focused) is to make a specific intention for that Mass.

Since the Mass is of infinite value - you can make your request as big and as impossible as you want - knowing that there is no more powerful time to ask Jesus than at that moment.

Be sure to ask God to make you "HOLY" make you a "SAINT" . That might seem a little weird - perhaps even presumptious but nothing is impossible with God and God wishes all of us to be Saints.

My definition of a saint is someone who loves God and lets themselves be totally loved by God. It doesn't mean you have to be a martyr or endure great sufferings....if so, I would be far to chicken to pray for that!

It just means you are willing to be totally and completely united to God - and if God wants you to do great things or little things... either way is fine with you.

Meditation: (set your timer for ten minutes)

Prayer when time is completed:

I desire to be your friend.
To think of you often
and to talk,
and spend my day
in your presence.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Independence Day - Expectant Faith at Mass

To send this card: Today's Card

All Independence Day Cards

Quote for the Day:
This, then, is the state of the union: free and restless, growing and full of hope. So it was in the beginning. So it shall always be, while God is willing, and we are strong enough to keep the faith.
~Lyndon B. Johnson

Blessings on the United States of America today and every day!

May God bless all the men and women who have served our country and are serving it still.

May God bless all those who have died or who have borne wounds of body, soul and spirit for our country.

May God bless all Americans and all peoples throughout the world
who know and keep the gift of God's freedom in their heart!

Blessings of Peace and all Good,
Sister Patricia

Mini Retreat Theme: Celebrate the Day

I have read many different things on how to get more out of the Mass - but it came to me today that what makes the Mass the most vital for me - is when I participate in the Eucharist with Expectant Faith.

If I am open to the understanding that God is speaking directly to me in every prayer, song and word - then I find myself eager and excited to see and hear what is taking place. Because I know that there is a personal message for me there and I don't want to miss it.

Meditation: (set your timer for ten minutes)

Prayer when time is completed:

open my eyes
that I may see
the Love
that you have
for me
and for all.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Tasty Tuesday - Summer Food Danger Zones

To send this card: Saint Thomas the Apostle

Quote for the Day:

“My Lord and My God!”
St. Thomas the Apostle

Hurray! Today is the day we can take an honest look at our doubts and fears and have a good friend to help us out with them.

Blessings of Peace and all Good,
Sister Patricia

Mini Retreat Theme: Celebrate the Day

Today look for an area that is a "hot spot" for you. Something that triggers your emotions in a negative way. A comment that makes you boil, an action someone does or doesn't do that gets you upset, a look, whatever.

Take that "hot spot" into your time of prayer. Ask Jesus to show you why that button is such an easy mark for you. Don't worry about the "who" that pushed your button - instead try to figure out how you can defuse it so that whoever pushes it you do not react.

The answer will come if you are open to honestly finding an answer.

Meditation: (set your timer for ten minutes)

Prayer when time is completed:

you are my friend
and healer.
Help me to bring
my wounds
to you
for healing.
Give me the humility
to accept
being healed.

Tasty Tip of the Week

from Barbara George

Happy 4th of July (safely).

Welcome, it’s time to celebrate our nation’s freedom on the 4th of July. This message is sent to wish you well and keep you well. Some safety picnic tips, and a quicker than ever dessert that your family and friends will love.

2 Hour danger zone: you’ve heard it over and over again. Here’s how to make sure your picnic preserves happy memories long after the deviled eggs are gone...

The 2 hour danger zone is the time food can sit in temperatures warmer than the refrigerator but not as hot as the grill. There are several things to consider.
1. 2 hours includes any time the food is in the unsafe zone from the time it is prepared until it is put away. So, if you make potato salad the night before, count all the time the ingredients sit out and then how long you keep it out for the picnic.
2. Protein foods are not the only foods that cause food related illness, these are everything from rice to chicken, including mayonnaise salads, eggs and puddings, even baked potatoes.
3. Cross contamination occurs when foods like raw meat are allowed to sit on the same surface as foods that you eat raw . This can allow dangerous bacteria to grow. Always use separate cutting surfaces, utensils, and when you carry the meat to the grill, that plate is now dirty, so is the spatula you put the meat on the grill with. Use a clean spatula to remove the cooked meats onto a clean plate.
4. Food left on the grill too long? If in doubt–throw it out!!!

Here is a simple finish everyone will love and remember...in the tradition of holiday appropriate desserts!

Ice cream pie:

Lightly spread raspberry preserves over a graham cracker crust. Soften vanilla ice cream just until able to spread, and scoop into crust. Spread out even and chill. Meanwhile, slice fresh strawberries, and mix with fresh blueberries. Add a little sugar and let warm for about 2 hours until they make juice, cover and chill until ready to use.

When it's time for dessert, slice the frozen pie, plate, and generously add berry mixture. Top with a dollop of whipped cream, and enjoy your red white and blue delight!

Happy 4th of July!

Sunday, July 01, 2007

A Pride of Lions? Hmmm

To send this card: Canada Day

Quote for the Day:

On days when life is difficult and I feel overwhelmed, as I do fairly often, it helps to remember in my prayers that all God requires of me is to trust Him and be His friend. I find I can do that.
Bruce Larson

Miracle Monday

Sunday was CANADA DAY! This is late.. but Happy Canada Day anyway!

Sunday is a day of rest. So I rested. I took a nap in the morning and a nap in the afternoon and a little nap before I worked on this peace card. So.... you would think I would be wide awake and could think of something exciting to write about?

Well, unless I tell you about my dream - in which a whole pride of lions were outside trying to get in and my difficulties in calling 911 were nil and the lions finally jumped a lady across the street (yes, this is all in my dream) and I went back to calling 911 with no luck... well other than that exciting stuff.... there is nothing exciting to write about.

Remind me not to take a nap in too hot a room again, won't you?

Thanks. Anyway, after I got up - I made Sr. Colleen go outside with me to feed the fish. Because I did not want to see those lions all by myself.

Blessings of Peace and all Good,
Sister Patricia

Mini Retreat Theme: A Time for Miracles

It's not going to be about lions. This meditation is going to be about flowers. A garden of beautiful flowers. All colors, shapes and sizes.

In God's garden we too are special and unique. No matter our size, our color or our shape... God is pleased with us just as we are.

In your quiet time - be filled with joy that you do not have to prove yourself to anyone - (especially yourself) that you are important in God's eye just as you are. Today. This minute.

Be open to God telling you what your "mission" today is to be. No matter how big or small it is a wonderful mission in God's plan. A mission that only you are given the grace and knowledge to do.

Meditation: (set your timer for ten minutes)

Prayer when time is completed:

help me
to love myself
and everyone else
without envy
or anxiety.
All is good.