Monday, July 30, 2007

Tasty Tuesday and Miracle on its Way!

To send this card: Saint Ignatius of Loyola

Quote for the Day:

“Teach us to give and not to count the cost”
Saint Ignatius of Loyola

Tasty Tuesday

Well, it's happened! Remember yesterday I said I was in the mood for a big miracle? It's on its way! One of the smallest churches in our diocese is starting a special movement to bring healing to the diocese. St. Ann's Parish in Medical Lake is planning a wonderful healing and reconciliation concert at our Cathedral. Four of the members of the planning committee came this evening to brainstorm with us. We are so excited about it.It really feels like the movement of the Holy Spirit.

I am going to the the web site for them - bought the domain tonight and will start putting a simple site up tomorrow. The site is called "Lets heal our church dot com" I will keep you posted as to how it goes.

We hope to have lots of radio, bill boards, and tons of volunteers if we can find them. Pray we do!

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia

Tasty Tip of the Week

from Barbara George

Get your fruit today!

Summer is the perfect time to balance your diet with delicious refreshing fruits. Many fruits are at their peak right now. Eat a variety as they come in season.

You should get 2 cups of fruit each day to meet your body’s vitamin needs and add some wholesome fiber. If you still want to drink juice, remember ½ cup should be a serving. That should be as much of your daily fruit as you get from this source. Juice is more of a simple sugar and does not add to your fiber and vitamins as well as whole fruits.

Also, spread your portions out through the day so you aren’t getting all of the fruit sugars at one sitting. Keep your intake to the 2 cups also because too much fruit is just like too much cookies or other sweets. Too much can turn to unwanted weight.

Hope you stay healthy. Enjoy the summer!

Barbara George

The Confession Connection

O Happy Fault: A Confession of Hidden Sin

by Vinny Flynn
Day Seven:

I remember a scene from Herman Hesse's book "Siddhartha" that suggests very powerfully that, though suffering is unavoidable, unhappiness is not.

Siddhartha has just gone through a period of deep suffering but, through his acceptance of it, he has grown and is able to retain an inner peace, even in the midst of a very painful grief. His wise friend looks at him and says, "You have suffered...yet I see that sadness has not entered your heart."
(to be continued tomorrow)

From one of twelve articles on confession found in the book, "101 Inspirational Stories of the Sacrament of Reconciliation."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Puzzle card?? I was looking to forward the beautiful St. Ignatius card that showed up. Something must have gone wrong.