Monday, November 19, 2007

Thanksgiving Novena Day Seven

To send today's card: Thanksgiving Novena - Day Seven

Quote for the Day:

It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.

Well, Shelley is back to being an only dog. Taz left this morning with Sr. Colleen's brother and family. It was fun while it lasted. It was fun having two Golden retrievers in the house... both friendly - lovable and ready to gulp down anything you don't want. I'm not sure but I think Shelley might be part goat - anything that even faintly looks like foods she's ready for. I'm surprised she hasn't attacked our cookbooks.

Had my mom over today for dinner. Was nice - she is so pleased over little things. Lots of things make her smile. A cute picture, the sun shining, the cat sprawled over the floor so you can't get around him unless you pet him... just little things. I think her dementia is probably worse but certainly not her attitude. That is a blessing. Every day I pray for my mom to be happy. She doesn't have to be cured of her dementia or anything to change for her.. except to be happy.

I think the gift of being happy under any circumstances is a gift from God.

Prayer for
Seventh Day of Novena

You know what I thank
you for today, Lord?
I thank you
for You!

I thank you
that at any moment
of my day
I can just start
a conversation
with you and
know you are really
and truly listening!

I thank you
that you are always
just a prayer away.
What an awesome
to know
that at any moment
just by lifting
my mind and heart
a bit
I can talk
to the very Creator
of the Universe.

That you know me
inside and out
the good the bad
and the ugly
and you still
love me.

What could I give
greater thanks for
than that?


Blessings of Peace and All Good!
Sr. Patricia and all the Sisters


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful Novena prayer today! It seems child-like and ordinary but really it's EXACTLY how God calls us to relate to Him - as His children. I LOVE it!!
Thank you,

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and all the Sisters! Thank you for taking the time to share with us. You are in my prayers.
Wilmington, N.C.

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving Sister Pat!

I'm also thankful that I can start a conversation with God. Isn't it neat that.....He doesn't charge by the hour.....His line is never busy......His voicemail is never full.....I can talk to Him anywhere, in the shower, at the sink washing dishes, I don't have to wait in line or take a number, because He has all the time in the world, and even more incredible, He knows the topic before I even start the conversation!