Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Our Teleseminar tale of Woe

Hi Everyone,

It is after 9:00 and I just don't have the push right now to do the
JoyNotes....so I am going to be kind to myself .. and take a break.

Susan Rowland and I did our Teleseminar... and everything seemed to
be working on our end... except that nothing was working on the Web
site end. Twenty people or so were on the phone version.. but the
web site would not work for anyone! We had almost 500 people signed
up for the call through me and tons of others folks through Susan.
All in vain.... well, not totally you know.. but it seemed like it.

Sad... sad... sad....

Here is the letter I sent out to the friends who signed up for the
call.. and I want to share it with you.. and also the link to the
free audio. Maybe some of you will want to listen. I thought we did
pretty good! Guess I can say that since we don't have the actual
recording to prove us right or wrong!

To the wonderful friends who signed up for our free Teleseminar.

I am so sad that the web portion of our seminar did not work. Rats!
Not only that but it did not record either. Rats, again!

So that's the bad news. Got that taken care of. It was totally out
of our control - as most of you know... sometimes things work on
the internet and sometimes they don't. This was definitely one of
those sad "don't" times.

The good news.. or sort of good news is that Susan and I did a
complete audio practice of the call this morning. It came out so
good I remember thinking, "Gosh, this is scary! Does this mean the
actual one isn't going to work?" I do have a pessimistic streak in
me you know. Well that streak turned out to be right this time.

But .... we do have that recording.... and though every time you do
something it comes out a bit different.. it did come out! So there
is something... if you want to take a listen!

Free Recording


Susan also has her book available at a special discount which we
were going to offer in the program.... sigh...that's available on
the web site as well.

We apologize again for not being able to come through for you. And
a special greeting to the 20 or so friends who did join us on the
phone lines! At least we did not do it in vain!

Hope you enjoyed it!

God bless you all, each and every one. You are special!

Sister Patricia and Susan

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is a comfort from the routine to read the various thoughts in Joy notes. Good work sister, keep it up...