Monday, December 03, 2007

Crazy Shelley or Crazy Sisters?

To send today's card: Saint Barbara

Quote for the Day:
The proof of love is in the works. Where love exists, it works great things. But when it ceases to act, it ceases to exist.
Pope St. Gregory the Great

All dressed up and nowhere to Go

Shelley -

Just so you know, other than Shelley's poor manners in gulping down other people's food now and then.... she actually does put up with quite a lot of our craziness as well! Sister Colleen decided to share her winter hat and scarf. The amazing thing is not so much that Shelley allowed her to do that .... she even allowed us to take her picture.

Oh, and just so you know it's not always Shelley! This evening at supper, Sister Rita Louise put out some of the food and Jeremiah (the cat) decided to test out the butter while no one was around.

Yesterday we had lots of snow. It was beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Today we had lots of rain. Up in the mountains they got 50 inches... glad we got our version in a more liquid state! Fifty inches in one day would be a bit much!

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia

P.S. There is still time to sign up for the free teleseminar I am doing with Susan Rowland today .. on "Making Room for God at Christmas - Cleaning out the Clutter." Here is the link to sign up.
Making Room for God .

6:00 pm Pacific Standard time
7:00 pm Mountain Standard time
8:00 pm Central Standard time
9:00 pm Eastern Standard time

Once you sign up - you can come back anytime and listen to the recording. So if you can't make the live call - you can always get the recording. You can also save it to your computer and pass it on to friends.
Making Room for God

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