Sunday, April 15, 2007

Miracle Monday - Part One

To send this card: 2nd Monday in Easter

Quote for the Day:

“The child must know that he is a miracle, that since the beginning of the world there hasn't been, and until the end of the world there will not be, another child like him.”
Pablo Casals

Miracle Monday (part one)

I am having the most exciting time. I told you a while back about this radio publicity course I was taking. Absolutely fantastic. Truthfully, I feel it is a miracle that I found this course and that I have been given permission to take it. Because it has been so huge in developing a new part of me.

This is what is happening. In the course we have to talk about what we are an expert on.... so that we can go on the radio and talk about this subject as an expert. Well as you can imagine, this has put me into a tailspin trying to figure out what in heaven's name I was an expert on! I mean come on... what could it possibly be? Sister Colleen said Wayne (the guy that gives the course) was going to have to pay for my mental stress breakdown over this!

The reason I started in the course in the first place was that I wanted to promote "confession" but I knew I wasn't an expert on the subject. I knew it was powerful and valuable - to some extent - but I didn't even feel totally convinced of it to the point where I could go on a secular radio station and tell people, "Yep, if you would just go to confession, you would be in a whole lot better place."

I mean I knew they would get value from it .... and I knew it was important but I didn't have the "umption and gumption" to actually tell people that! My shrinking violet complex was very healthy and strong.

So guess what I did? I waffled. I thought hmmm, people don't really want to hear about confession, that will make them uneasy and uncomfortable, and nobody, absolutely nobody will ask me to come on their radio program to have a nun tell them "get with it and go to confession!"

I put on my thinking cap, and I thunk and thunk and thunk. Finally I decided. MIRACLES! I would talk about miracles. Everybody loves a miracle story, and I am a huge lover of miracle stories and what could be nicer than to get on the radio and tell everyone to "step right up and get your miracle!" That, they would probably take from a nun right? No pain, no stress, just put in your quarter and get a miracle. What could be easier.

Only thing is I knew that miracles don't work that way. They come from God and HE is the one who determines when you are going to get one and what shape it's going to come in (probably not in the shape and size you ordered) and hardly ever in the time limit you want them!

So of course that put me back into the valley on undecision. What to do ... what to do.....

(this is going to be way too long so I will share part two with you tomorrow on Tasty Tuesday!)

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters

Our book on Reconciliation     Our Workbook for Confession


Anonymous said...

Sister, just go in there with the Holy Spirit as your help and "preach" Confession. That is what sounds like the hardest thing to do. If "they" do not like it-you are in good company-Jeremiah had it rough too.

Anonymous said...

Hi. Patricia.
Thanks for your daily thoughts, I live in the UK and look forward to reading and reflecting on them. Why dont you talk on Religious Life you are an expert on that and it is evident in the way you live and proclaim the Good news. Tell the world its worth contemplating.

Anonymous said...

Some humor about confession and updating the church. Maybe it will inspire you.

The elderly priest, speaking to the younger priest, said,
"It was a good idea to replace the first four pews with
plush bucket theatre seats. It worked. The front of the
church fills first."

The young priest nodded and the old one continued,
"And you told me a little more beat to the music would
bring young people back to church, so I
supported you when you brought in that rock'n'roll
gospel choir. We are packed to the balcony."

"Thank you, Father, " answered the young priest,
"I am pleased you are open to the new ideas of youth."

"Well, siad the elderly priest, "I'm afraid you've gone
too far with the drive-thru Confessional."

"But Father," protested the young priest. "My confessions
have nearly doubled since I began that!"

"I know son," replied the old man, "but that flashing neon sign,
'Toot'n Tell or Go to Hell', just can't stay on the church roof!"