Sunday, April 01, 2007

Miracle Monday in Holy Week - My Retreat Review

To send this card: Holy Week Card

Quote for the Day:

When a man really gives up trying to make something out of himself - a saint, or a converted sinner, or a churchman, a righteous or unrighteous man,...when in the fullness of tasks, questions, success or ill-hap, experiences and perplexities, a man throws himself into the arms of God...then he wakes with Christ in Gethsemane. That is faith, and it is thus that he becomes a man and Christian.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Miracle Monday

Miracle Monday in Holy Week. This is perhaps the beginning of the week of the greatest of all miracles. God's love for us proved to the highest degree. Hosannah in the Highest.

First I want to let you know that we had a very beautiful retreat. On Sunday morning (not Palm Sunday the one before) I had a most beaufiful relevation that carried me through the whole week and opened a new line of discovery. In explaining it I am sure I will fall short of sharing its impact and you might even think, "Oh gosh, I've thought that lots of time." And you are right because we all get these "moments" of truth for ourselves at different times.

At any rate this is the beautiful grace I received, I think it could very well classify as a miracle for me.

. During Mass the Gospel was about the women caught in adultery. Father Jim our retreat master had a beautiful way of opening this event in story that somehow touched me in a very profound way. As he was retelling the story in his homily I got an image of myself. Not so much as the adulterous woman but as one of those who condemn her. Only it wasn't condemning other people that I saw, but I saw myself constantly condemning myself.

Constantly going over each and every little mishap and dragging myself before Jesus and saying, "Look here, see what she has done now!"

It came to me so powerfully, that if I would only stop condemning myself, stop accusing and pointing out every little wrong - there would be no one to condemn!

Because Jesus certainly wasn't going to do it. And other people condemning could all be brushed away by Jesus writing his messages in the sand for them until they would all fall away one by one.

The only person left would be me. Both as the accused and the accuser.

Jesus said to the woman, "Is there no one left to condem you?"

"No one, sir."

"Then, neither do I condemn you. Go and sin no more."

Blessings of Peace and Joy,
Sister Patricia

Our book on Reconciliation     Our Workbook for Confession


Anonymous said...

My dear sister Patricia,
Welcome back. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on what you learn't during your retreat.I've learn't as well.God help us on this journey of faith.

Anonymous said...

Dear Sister Pat, welcome back!
When you began your comments about the miracles we experience, I thought of my life. I married at 32 and for 4 years couldn't conceive. Went to many doctors, passed many horrible tests and was told I would't have a child. Despairing of raising a family, my husband and I were trying to get used to the idea of a childless life when I was discovered pregnant. My miracle girls are now 35 and 33 and gave us a boy and a girl to give light to our old age. God made a miracle that changed our lives and I must thank him every day.
Your notes enlighten my days. dear Sr. Pat, I feel you as a friend.
Susy, from far away Argentina.

Anne Marie said...

What a thoughtful way to start Holy Week! "Neither will I condemn you, said Jesus"...
Please share with us any reflections from your retreat, especially this Holy Week. Thanks and God Bless.

Unknown said...

Dear Sister Patricia,

Your JoyNotes are truly a joy!

I have a question, though: wouldn't it be more appropriate to offer a quotation from Saint Alphonsus Liguori or another canonized saint, rather then one from Dietrich Bonhoeffer? If in fact Bonhoeffer has somehow earned Heaven in spite of his rejection of Christ's One Universal Church, he himself would certainly want us to turn to a saint of the Catholic Church, especially the Blessed Mother, for inspiration.

For example,

Uniformity with God's Will,
Saint Alphonsus de Ligouri
Thomas W. Tobin, C.SS. R., transl.)

"Perfection is founded entirely on the love of God: 'Charity is the bond of perfection;' and perfect love of God means the complete union of our will with God's."

or, if you have room to quote Saint Alphonus at more length:

"If we would completely rejoice the heart of God, let us strive in all things to conform ourselves to his divine will. Let us not only strive to conform ourselves, but also to unite ourselves to whatever dispositions God makes of us. Conformity signifies that we join our wills to the will of God. Uniformity means more -- it means that we make one will of God's will and ours, so that we will only what God wills; that God's will alone, is our will. This is the summit of perfection and to it we should always aspire; this should be the goal of all our works, desires, meditations and prayers. To this end we should always invoke the aid of our holy patrons, our guardian angels, and above all, of our mother Mary, the most perfect of all the saints because she most perfectly embraced the divine will."

Thank you, Sister Patricia!



Suzanne said...

Sister Pat!
I have a miracle that happened the weekend your retreat started! I was working a Cursillo retreat this time. I was one of the people who had an entry in the 201 Stories on the Eucharist. I had written about my close moments with our Lord in the Eucharist at the quiet chapel visit I had there with my table group.

WELL, I was a "cha servant" this time and I was asked to set up the chapel for the different groups of women that were making their Cursillo. WOW! As I was finishing up my set up I said to the Lord..."Lord, here I am in this little makeshift chapel with you and I am preparing it for the women just like that day when it was prepared for me and I came so close to You! I am amazed!" I started to tear up a bit and cry, so thought I'd best go and leave it at that. Unbeknowing to me, the other chas had set up the book table for the new Cursillistas to purchase from. As I passed by the table, I wasn't thinking of anything really and out of the corner of my eye, there it was!
thought, this is unbelieveable!
I mean, considering ALL the books that they had..the Bible, the Catechism, all kind of big Saints books, etc. and there it was staring me right in the face! I did cry then! It was like our Lord of course knew it all along and He knew what that would do for me! Once again, a miracle...I knew God wanted me at this Cursillo. I showed a couple of the team members the book and they were blown away by my story after reading my page 173 entry. A girl bought the one and only copy that was there. Then, later that day,
our Team Leader found me and asked me if I'd get the book and read it to the women, because they had just all finished making their chapel visits and she knew it would make a huge impact on them. So, I took a deep breath and did read my story aloud to them. Sister, you should have seen the looks on their faces and how loudly they clapped after I read it. One team leader said afterwards..."You have no idea what your reading that meant! I have worked about 7-8 teams and I have never had a table of women cry so much about their chapel visit...tears of coming closer to God! When you read your story, they all looked at one another and were amazed again! You have no idea how big it was!" SO! I just HAD to write to you Sister Pat. I sure hope you get to read this in your comment box today or soon! I could not wait to share! I knew you'd be thrilled! So, have a very blessed Holy Week and Easter.
Please keep my son-in-law in your prayers...he is entering the Faith on Holy Saturday night! Praise God! Amen! Suzanne McConnell

Anonymous said...

Dear Sister Pat,
I breathed a deep sigh of relief when I read your comments this morning. Thank you for your deep insight of the Holy Spirit with us.
- Dale

sistermary said...

Dear Sister Patricia:
I met you in Cincinnati at the monastery's celebration.
I enjoy your comments etc. very creative. I especially enjoyed the person who thought you should quote from St Alphonsus rather than Bonhaffeur..still some prejuice out there since Vat 11. I personally am glad you chose him as it shpws the universality of your message and the Christian ideal"We all may be one" Keep up the good work!
Love, Sister Mary,OSC