Sunday, April 29, 2007

Miracle Monday - Memories of Saving Love

To send this card: Easter Alleluia

Quote for the Day:

I have found in life that if you want a miracle you first need to do whatever it is you can do - if that's to plant, then plant; if it is to read, then read; if it is to change, then change; if it is to study, then study; if it is to work, then work; whatever you have to do. And then you will be well on your way of doing the labor that works miracles.
Jim Rohn

Miracle Monday

Sometimes miracles happen through others. I don't expect this would really classify as a miracle but I remember when I was in about the third grade we lived in a big house with a big yard. At one corner of the house we kept three ducks and we had a bathtub sunk into the ground so they could swim. My little brother Tony was about three years od and was not talking very good. He was a bit behind most kids his age. Anyway it was a nice summer day and everyone was enjoying themselves doing summer kid things. When all of a sudden my little brother comes screaming around the house, just screeching his head off, his eyes wild with fright.

This was so unusual for Tony that naturally we all ran to see what was the matter. He just kept screaming and screaming and pointing to the duck bath. We ran and there my little sister had fallen in the tub. She was only a year old and would surely have drowned if Tony had not screamed so loud and come running for help.

I will always remember that. How close we came to losing our little baby sister. Tony was too little to pull her out himself, and so frightened he could not talk and tell us what was wrong... but he still managed to get the help needed to save the day!

Sometimes we think we don't do much - we don't accomplish much, but if every once in a while we just do what we can with what we have. We do a whole lot.

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters

Today's JoyNotes

Our book on Reconciliation     Our Workbook for Confession

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great, but the miracle I (we, my husband and I) was terrific. On July 4. 1997 my husband died 15 minutes after we reached the hospital. I screamed and they ushered me out and connected him to every machine they had, giving me lots of reading material. I called the priest, we was anointed, and the doctors told me there was no hope, they had a machine for everything but the liver, and when total sepsis set in, it shut down. He continued on machines for 10 days, finally I told God I did not know why, but I accepted God's will. The doctor's then called in the 7th specialist, who used procedures with artificial bile. Our doctor told me that even if this worked, Jim (husband) would be a vegetable. The procedure worked, and this week Saturday, Jim and I will celebrate our 45th wedding anniversary. Jim is not a vegetable, but perfectly normal, in fact our doctor (also Catholic) calls him Lazarus, as that is the only other person he (my doctor) is aware of that the Lord brought back from the dead. Jim is now 76 and still shows no sign of any problems. Ann C. McGill