Sunday, September 30, 2007

Feast of St. Therese - Upgrading server.. amazing

To send today's card: Feast of Saint Therese

Seventh day of the Novena to Saint Francis

Quote for the Day:

Without love, deeds, even the most brilliant, count as nothing.


Ha... I have to write this fast... because... I am watching a movie on my computer.... it's "The Truman Story".... I'm the only one in the house who likes it... so its a solo viewing. We all watched it about a year or so ago.. and it was voted down for future viewing... except for me... I like it. So I'm sitting here at my desk eating a delicious apple and enjoying my movie. Except I took a 30 minute break now to work on the JoyNotes so I don't end up doing it at the end... when its too late for brain functioning. I do have that problem.

I'm also very excited for the day... because I had my friend Dale come over to upgrade the MySQL on my server.. and HURRAY....we did it! Fantastico... You see when I got into this server I didn't realize that it also meant all the upgrades for the thing were now my responsibility. Soooo.... when I found that out... it was like... "Oh brother... now what.' But my jove we did it.. onwards and upwards! It pays to have friends!

I'm learning a whole lot of new things with this server.... just amazing... most of all .. that its not as impossible as it might look.. just "one step at a time, Lord Jesus."

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters

The Confession Connection

Preparing for Confession:
Taking Your Spiritual Temperature

by Fr. Thomas M Casey.

Day Two:

A Sacrament for Seeing the Truth

This Jesus meets you in the sacraments of the Church in order to give you the gift of his presence through the most common elements of your daily life: water, bread and wine, touch and speech.

Jesus gives you the sacrament of reconciliation as a help because he understands that you often need to hear a voice other than your own to assure you that you are forgiven, that all is well and that you do not need to be haunted by past mistakes.

to be continued

A selected article from "101 Inspirational Stories of the Sacrament of Reconciliation."

Saturday, September 29, 2007

9th Day of Novena

To send today's card: Ninth Day of the Novena to Saint Therese

Sixth day of the Novena to Saint Francis

Quote for the Day:

While you are proclaiming peace with your lips,
be careful to have it even more fully in your heart.
St. Francis of Assisi


Wanting to please. I think we all have a built in system that makes us want to please others. And then we have a counter built in system that says... "Forget it, you can't please everyone, so why bother?"

Isn't that funny? Like this little war taking place inside our heads all day. Or maybe its just me? Who knows since I obviously can't get inside anyone else's head. I wish I could get to the point where I just wanted to "please" Jesus all the time. But you know it just isn't there. I guess there is to much "ME" hanging around. And truthfully, I don't even make much effort to put "ME" to the side.

So here we are ... 26 years in the monastery.... still haven't levitated... still haven't walked on water...... still ? Anyway... one thing I can say.... "Oh well, I am happy just as I am..... and that has to be a BIG dose of grace... and a BIG dose of maturing at least a bit in the Spiritual life. Maybe I should try walking on the water tomorrow? Ha. Ha. Ha. Best wait till it freezes over and try then. One does get a bit staidly practical as one matures...

Today (Satruday) is my anniversary of Simple profession. Can't remember how many.... 23 I guess. I was rather hoping I would see an angel or something (it being the feast of the Archangels) but they seem to be keeping an invisible profile. I'm sure they are around though. Knowing me, I'd probably faint if I did see one. Either that or run and take my temperature.

Kind of strange. I think I would like something excitely spiritual... and yet the other part of me says, "NO way, let's just keep everything nice and normal....and don't go doing anything funny and weird."

Sigh.... I could be turning into a very boring nun soon. How dreadful.

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters

The Confession Connection

Preparing for Confession:
Taking Your Spiritual Temperature

by Fr. Thomas M Casey.

Day Two:

A Sacrament for Seeing the Truth

The priest in his role as confessor in the sacrament of reconciliation can also serve as a kind of sounding board or mirror who helps you see points you may not have thought of.

When you look to others, whether priest, family or friend, it probably isn't because you doubt God. You're checking with those you trust and respect to reassure and inform you. God, after all, speaks to us through those around us. So it is with the sacrament of reconciliation.

You sometimes need feedback from another individual who can help you understand your feelings, examine your motives, analyze your actions and suggest a resolution of your concerns. Catholics believe that God is so close to creation that the divine enters our life in the most personal manner imaginable: God becomes a visible part of our world in the person of Jesus Christ.
to be continued

A selected article from "101 Inspirational Stories of the Sacrament of Reconciliation."

Friday, September 28, 2007

8th Day of Novena to St. Theresa - Blogging & Bering Sea

Eighth Day of the Novena

8th Day of Novena card to St. Therese.

5th Day of Novena to St. Francis

Only two more days left of the Novena....very sad but my enthusiasm for Novenas always sort of dwindle down on about day seven. Need a spiritual pick-up or something to fill me with hopeful expectation! A miracle or two would be nice. I did put a beautiful yellow rose on our altar this morning and I wasn't even thinking of Therese when I did it... maybe it was a sign for one of the sisters since we are all praying the novena together as well.

My intention is for working with the Reconciliation book and the Confession website... spent most of this afternoon updating the blog - this is a whole new learning curve for me having my own server...its like Geesh I hope I don't destroy everything! I did get it upgraded eventually - not without wiping out the old template and having to spend an hour or more searching for a new one and playing around with it. One of these days I'm going to have to stop playing and get back to writing on it! Confession Blog

My brother Peter (oceanographer) is out in the middle of the Bering Sea doing whatever it is that oceanographers do. He emailed me yesterday saying he had to transfer from one ship to another in a little boat with six foot high waves - and he wasn't looking forward to it. Not that he hasn't done it before... but its still scary. Nope, I do not think they would be able to pay me enough to do stuff like that. Hopefully he made the transfer safely - am adding him to my portion of the Novena!

Here is a google map of where he made the transfer.. suppose he's further away by now.

Here in Washington state we got some rain... finally.. we're not on the (rain forest) side of the state... and we were needing some! I went out this afternoon to feed the fish as it was raining ... for a minute I thought maybe they wouldn't want to come and get their dinner in the rain... rather silly thought since they live in the water! They were actually having a grand old time and came right over for a good meal!

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Seventh Day St Theresa Novena - Getting over the Fright Factor

To send today's card: Seventh Day of the Novena to Saint Therese

Fourth day of the Novena to Saint Francis

Quote for the Day:

If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures
from the shelter of compassion and pity,
you will have men
who will deal likewise with their fellow men.
St. Francis of Assisi


I was on the radio today - for those EWTN afflicated stations who are holding their pledge drives this week. It was fun. At least once it got started. I also found it very nerve wracking as I haven't been interviewed for several months. I interview all the time.. but being on the other side of the microphone was back to being scary. It all goes to show... our comfort zone can change whenever we stop doing something for awhile.

I remember after I entered the monastery there was quite a period of time when I didn't do any driving (we do go out to the store and do community business) and it was like scary to start in driving again! Amazing. So I think basically anything we do over and over we gain confidence and anything we stop doing over and over again... we lose confidence.

I think.. we could apply that to our spiritual life as well. If we don't pray every day or go to Mass or any number of "Holy and Good" things.. then these spiritual practices can get outside of our comfort zone as well.

Here in the monastery we think of our habit as our "holy habit" but I think besides the things we wear .. the things we do also become our "holy habits!"

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters

The Confession Connection

Preparing for Confession:
Taking Your Spiritual Temperature

by Fr. Thomas M Casey.

Day One:

Have you ever heard the question, "Why should I confess my sins to a priest, when I can go directly to God?"

One answer is that we can talk directly to God and ask forgiveness for the sins or faults that weigh on us. There is allowance made for this approach in the penitential rite at the beginning of Mass, and surveys indicate that many Catholics use this opportunity to examine their conscience or take their spiritual temperature and ask forgiveness. The Church has always taught that God's love and acceptance are available whenever anyone is truly sorry for harmful words, deeds or attitudes.

Most of you probably find yourselves talking to God at some point during the week, perhaps even daily. You may ask God to help you do well on a test, to make a sports team or just to be liked by your classmates.

Other times you may be uncertain about a decision that you have to make and you feel the need to pray over it. Maybe a close friend has asked you to lie to his or her parents about being with you when the friend was really with someone the parents disapprove of. At time like this, talking to God will help you sort out your feelings and be honest to your conscience.

At other times you find that you need to ask someone else for advice, simply to get a second opinion about some concern. You might ask an older brother or sister: "What should I say when my friends pressure me to drink or try drugs?"

to be continued

A selected article from "101 Inspirational Stories of the Sacrament of Reconciliation."

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Sixth Day of Novena

To send today's card: Sixth Day of the Novena to Saint Therese

Third day of the Novena to Saint Francis

Quote for the Day:

It is no use walking anywhere to preach unless our walking is our preaching.
St. Francis of Assisi


Pi just had his daily grape and is doing his little talking and twittering about as he tries to encourage me to take him upstairs to bed. It's only six o'clock though and that seems a bit early. Will let him chatter about a bit more. Tried to get a picture of him as he knaws on his rope - but he doesn't like the camera aimed at him. Rats.

It is definitely turning fall here, (Spokane, Washington) - we are still able to pray evening prayer outside but everyone (or almost everyone) grabs a sweater. Guess when we start grabbing mittens and a stocking cap it will be time to move indoors. Sigh. I do think Summer went way too fast.

Had my mom over for dinner today. When I was taking her home to the assisted living place, I saw someone had "The World's sweetest Mom" on their license plate.... I didn't tell them they had the second sweetest mom, because mine was obviously the first... sometimes you just have to let people be. I mean of course she has probably never met my mom so she wouldn't know her mom was only the world's second best.... one of those sitations where ignorance is bliss.

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Fifth Day of Novena -

To send today's card: Fifth Day of the Novena to Saint Therese

Today is the feast of the North American Martyrs

Quote for the Day:

Above all the grace and the gifts that Christ gives to his beloved is that of overcoming self.
St. Francis of Assisi


I am not sure where the direction of this day will be going. I feel quite alert but I'm not acting like it. I've already tipped stuff off the sacristy cart as I was preparing for Mass, and there are other little signs that fuzz is creeping over the mental processes in a very definite way.

I don't think I am the only one either... in fact I may be the best case in the room.... everyone else seems to be wiped as well. Hmmm.... it could be that getting about five hours of sleep is not enough. Isn't it funny... you think you have yourself turned around to good habits and wham... before you know it you are back doing things in the same crazy way.

Of course I do have an excuse .. it won't hold water.... but I was just having too much fun yesterday with Barb planning things for the card site and then afterwards making new backgrounds and it was just one more.. I think this would be neat if I did this...and the clock meanwhile is just doing its ticking tock stuff without any concern for my stupidity in not paying attention to it.

Anyway I am resolving to do better today... and that is why it is not even ten o'clock in the morning (Tuesday) and I am moving solidly forward on doing the JoyNotes. There may be hope left yet!

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters

Sunday, September 23, 2007

3rd Day of Novena - Jeremiah - E-Cards

To send today's card: Third Day of the Novena to Saint Therese

Quote for the Day:

Without love, deeds, even the most brilliant, count as nothing.
St Therese


Below is a sneak picture..... it really has to be explained to make any sense. Behind that door is a small telephone room in which Sr. Marcia Kay is talking to someone. Apparently Jeremiah decided she had been away from the dining room long enough (we were watching a movie during recreation) and decided he had better be on hand in case she comes out and forgets its time to pay attention to the cat!

Jeremiah the cat

Tomorrow is Sr. Jane's birthday .. and so today being Sunday she got to pick the movie for us to see during Recreation. She chose "Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang." It was fun. I had seen it many years ago back when the world was still young but it was fun to see it again. Apparently Jeremiah wasn't impressed though.

I've been working on the card site some more... a friend today told me that she had had trouble with the multi-send feature.. so I worked on that... and I think it is working better. Hope so. I also made the St. Therese Novena into a complete set of cards. Was a ton more work than I thought it would be - but I think they came out well. I especially love the new picture of St. Therese that I was allowed to use from the site. Really beautiful.

I've also got tons and tons and tons of beautiful holy cards that I am concentrating now on making into new cards for the site. Many of them are from the archives of the Saint Barbara Franciscan province and I am way behind in returning them... so .... must get busy, busy, busy and add them to the site. They are very beautiful and quite unique. Here is one.

If you haven't visited the card site lately.... please make a visit and let me know how I can improve it! I really want to try and make it the very best I can - and I welcome all your ideas and suggestions!

Franciscan Cards

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters

Friday, September 21, 2007

Novena to St Therese and Confession!

I hope you will join with me on this novena...I know its pretty close after just finishing the last one.. But I know of many great results from praying to St. Therese! So....

Guess what? A really great article just came out on confession.. in of all places the Wall Street Journal! This is the article that I was contacted by the reporter for.. I didn't make it into print.. but the article is really good!

Would you work with me in making it a popular article? If you go and read it... and encourage your friends to do it... we can make an article on confession a much bigger splash! I think they keep track of all the people who go to the page and read it.

One thing that I find interesting in the article is the number of other Christians churches besides Catholic that are encouraging "confession." That's kind of a breakthrough I think.

Here's the link to the article. Confession Makes a Comeback

I am going to make my main intention with this novena that Confession does indeed make a comeback!

Blessings of Peace and all Good!
Sister Patricia

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Feast of Saint Matthew the Apostle

To send today's card: Feast of Saint Matthew the Apostle

Quote for the Day:

Reading the Bible without meditat ing on it is like trying to eat without swallowing.


Happy and Glorious Feast of Saint Matthew. I once read something to the effect that the Apostles in heaven are like great mountains of holiness compared to all the other saints. Not sure if that is true, but I do know that until I read that quote I didn't place that much "greatness" onto the apostles.

It's like I just sort of accepted them as you know... the first followers of Jesus. Yeah, great... but.... somehow when I read that it just painted a complete different picture for me and gave me a greater understanding. Then it also started to make sense of some of the scripture readings.. especially in Revelation where they talk about the 12 gates and the 12 tribes.. and it all started building up a much bigger image of the "great holiness" of these first twelve apostles.

Then of course, being the lowly, miserly sort who always has some need or other, I thought, "Aha! I should pray more to these apostles since they are so holy and powerful!"

I'm always looking for an edge to have greater efficacy in my prayers. And the easiest way is to latch on someone whose got a definite edge on stuff. I really think we don't ask enough from the saints and apostles... really.... I mean I bet there are a whole lot more of then just the "little flower" who are spending their time in heaven doing good on the earth!

Which of course leads me to remind you that the first day of the Novena to Saint Therese of Lisieux starts on Saturday! I will send you a simple Peace Card on Saturday and Sunday so you don't forget to join in!

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters

Monday, September 17, 2007

Healing Novena - Ninth Day

To send this card: Novena of Love and Healing - Day Nine

Today is also the feast of the Saint Joseph of Cupertino

Quote for the Day:

And when Jesus went out He saw a great multitude; and He was moved with compassion for them, and healed their sick.
Matthew 14:14


First of all... Thank You! to those who have submitted a story. I am impressed. I didn't get a chance to work on the submission page some more today - but looks like you went ahead and did fine with what is there. One thing I want to do is give some guidance to the kind of stories I am looking for. Right now.. its very bare bones! Like submit story.... thanks... Not too helpful.

My goal with this new book is to help people to see the amazing results that happens with prayer. So these are the "exceptional" stories.... the ones that really stand out and make you realize how awesome our God is. They don't have to be HUGE stories ... but they do need to give specific instances of something that happened... how you prayed. . . the length of time until your prayer was answered ..... and finally what it meant to you to have your prayer answered.

There needs to be enough details to actually paint a picture of what happened to the reader. Of course they will be edited and I plan this time to contact (hopefully by phone) those authors whose stories will be used. This way I can discuss with you any parts that need maybe some more detail or further background.

I think a book on inspirational prayer stories will be highly motivational to many. It's a project it will be great fun to work on. Thank you for joining with me on this.

- Today is the final day of our novena. Please be assured that we will continue to remember all your intentions in our daily prayers - and even if you haven't gotten the answer you wanted yet.... don't give up. God is sometimes so sloooooowwww in getting everything worked out but I know He is happy that we are all praying for each other.

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters

The Confession Connection
My Thoughts . . .

by Maggie Geene

Complete Story

In the six years that I was a director of religious education (DRE) I wanted those entering the church to understand the awesome grace of the sacrament without falling into the trap of becoming overly scrupulous in their examination of conscience.

I shared a lot in our discussions about a nightly check in with God, as part of their daily prayers. If one makes a daily examen then they would be less likely to fall into a pattern of sinfulness and more likely to know when they needed to avail themselves of the sacrament.

The one thing that I tell the catechumens and candidates about what they need to confess is anything that gets in the way of their authentic relationship with God. I usually don't use the distinctions between mortal and venial sin, but rather those habits and actions that damage the relationship that I have with God and with other people.

The End

A selected article from "101 Inspirational Stories of the Sacrament of Reconciliation."

Sunday, September 16, 2007

THOSE Days and Submit Your Story

To send this card: Novena of Love and Healing - Day Six

Today is also the feast of the Stigmata of Saint Francis

Quote for the Day:

Praise the LORD,
O my soul,
and forget not all his benefits-
who forgives all your sins
and heals all your diseases,
who redeems your life
from the pit
and crowns you
with love and compassion,

Psalm 103:3-4


Happy Monday... and prayerful blessings as we continue on with the eighth day of the Novena. Don't worry if you came in late.. God is on call for us all no matter what time we check in!

I have the page up for submitting stories for the next book! It's pretty rustic still... so will be fine tuning it over the next few days.. but it works and if you are ready (I know a few have asked about it) it is up.

Submit a story for 101 Inspirational Stories of the Power of Prayer!

This Sunday has been one of THOSE days .. where I should have stayed in bed. It's where I wanted to be.. I should have just ignored the world and done it! Sigh. I did take a nap later on .... but it didn't stop the day from being one of THOSE days. Well I won't have to worry about matter for confession... since I took care of those little details.

One good, good thing though.. is that my little fish Sadie is okay! I didn't tell you about her.. until I was sure of the outcome. On Saturday she got stuck in the sponge that I had placed around the pump to keep it from getting clogged. When I found her she looked like she was dead.. but when I pulled her out.. she wiggled! So I thought she was okay... and then as I was working with cleaning the rest of the water she came over as if to say "THANKS!" But I noticed her head was a little bloodied from her terrible entrapment.. she probably had struggled quite a bit and the more she did the further in she got trapped! Anyway after she swam away I didn't see her again for the rest of the day or half of today.. but I cleaned some more of the water liliies out.. and there she was! Hurray! She even came over for dinner. Whew.

Thank you Jesus! Because I do love my little fishes!

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters

The Confession Connection

No Sin Too Big

by Bonnie E. Doherty of Haverhill, Massachusetts.

Complete Story

In 1980, I made a very bad choice and committed a grave and serious sin. Afterwards I was torn by immense guilt and sorrow. After going to many different priests to confess this sin and having it absolved, I still didn't feel forgiven. Finally, I confessed this sin to a priest whose response made a big difference in how I view God's mercy.

He was a priest helping out at a Cursillo Renewal Weekend at St. Basil's Seminary in Methuen, Massachusetts. When I confessed my grave sin to him and told him how often I had already confessed it, he told me that my biggest sin was pride. He said that pride caused me to believe that I could commit a sin so grave and so big that God could not forgive it.

I was very humbled by his words, and I truly came to know God's great love and mercy.

The End

A selected article from "101 Inspirational Stories of the Sacrament of Reconciliation."

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Novena - Day Seven

To send this card: Novena of Love and Healing - Day Seven

Novena of Love and Healing
Seventh Day

Continually offer God a Sacrifice of Praise.
Hebrews 13:15

Loving Father in heaven,
thank you for filling us with hope.
Hope, that we might experience
the presence
of your Son's healing power
in our hearts
in our lives
and in our world.

Truly nothing is impossible
with you
and we place all our hope
in Your Son,
our Lord Jesus Christ
who came that we might have life
and have it to the full.

Jesus gave his life
that we might have life
So dear Father in heaven,
In the power and glory
of His Name
we humbly ask for healing
of body, mind and spirit
for ourselves
and those we love.

Blessings of Peace and Joy!

May your Sabbath rest.. be restful, peace-filled and Joyful.

Sister Patricia and all the Sisters

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Novena of Love and Healing - Day Five

To send this card: Novena of Love and Healing - Day Five

Today is also the feast of The Exultation of the Cross

Quote for the Day:

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

Mark Twain


Yesterday I received a beautiful letter from a friend who experienced a miracle of healing with his wife during this novena. I hope to be able to share it with you soon. Very exciting. I hope we will all experience God's touch today and in the days to come. Father Sebastian our former chaplain used to tell us that sometimes God's healing comes slowly - but if we see any sign at all that there is an improvement than we should trust that God is at work and to keep praying!

A few people have asked when they can send in their stories of answered prayer! I hadn't thought of it before but who knows maybe there will be a few answers with this Novena that will make it into the book! At any rate I am working on the form. I hoped to have it done tonight but I think it will have to wait until Monday.

Though maybe on Saturday and Sunday I will send you just the Peace Card with the Novena prayers so we can keep our Novena on schedule and I can send you a link to it then. See how life goes.

Novena of Love and Healing
Novena of Love and Healing
Fifth Day

Some of the days
that God gives to us
are full of clouds
full of rain.

Days of darkness,
days of pain.

But with the Son,
every shadow
for a
better tomorrow.

Lord Jesus,
thank you
for this Day.

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters

The Confession Connection

The Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Celebrating God's Forgiveness

by Sandra DeGidio, O.S.M.

Day Twentyone

A Communal celebration

Sacramental celebrations are communal because sacramental theology is horizontal. Sacraments happen in people who are in relationship with each other and with God.

In the area of sin, forgiveness and reconciliation this is particularly evident. Our sinfulness disrupts our relationship in community as well as our relationship with God. And since the sacrament begins with our sinfulness, which affects others, it is only proper that it culminate with a communal expression of love and forgiveness that embodies the love and forgivenss of God.

To be continued

A selected article from "101 Inspirational Stories of the Sacrament of Reconciliation."

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Third Day Novena - Shelley and Federation President

To send this card: Novena of Love and Healing - Day Two

Today is also the "Holy Name of Mary." I created a special card today just for this Feast! Holy Name of Mary

Quote for the Day:

Mary is the Mother of God. Catholics do not believe that God was bound by any compulsion to have a Mother; they believe that He chose to have a Mother and all that this implies. He chose to permit His human body to be formed in her womb.
Redemptorist Fathers


A visit from our Poor Clare Federation President... Sister Anna Marie... notice who has already claimed her as MINE!

Today is the third day of our Novena. Each email that I read (thank you for sending your petitions) makes me so glad that we are joining together in prayer for one another's healings. Truly we are God's people in need of his help.

Each email has and is a confirmation that I am right where I should be.... living my life of prayer and joining with you in your life of prayer... together we are indeed - A Prayerful Witness of God's Presence.

Here are the words that are on today's healing card.... (in case you are not able to view the Peace Card or haven't time). The words are very simple.. they make a small prayer.. but when we join together in faith and sincerity... God will listen and answer in a BIG way.

Novena of Love and Healing
Third Day

It's true,
that God knows
what we want
before we ask.

But, He also knows,
that part of
the very healing
we need, must be
to admit this need.

I need to be healed!"

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters

The Confession Connection

The Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Celebrating God's Forgiveness

by Sandra DeGidio, O.S.M.

Day Twenty:

Celebration: God always loves us

The older brother's problem is a universal human one. It's tough for most of us to say, "I'm sorry." It is even tougher to say, "You're forgiven." And it is most difficult of all to say gracefully, "I accept your forgiveness." To be able to do that we must be able to forgive ourselves. That, too, is what we celebrate in the sacrament of reconciliation.
To be continued

A selected article from "101 Inspirational Stories of the Sacrament of Reconciliation."

Monday, September 10, 2007

Novena of Healing - Day Two

To send this card: Novena of Love and Healing - Day Two

Quote for the Day:

Praise the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits- who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion,
Psalm 103:3-4


This is the second day of the Novena. - I am very glad that I started this - all of your emails have made me much more aware of how much need there is in our world for healing. Almost like taking a little trip to Lourdes because each email is such a story of the faith of those who bring there needs to God.

So far I've received over 250 individual requests... and I know that probably each of us could add a dozen more to our list once we start! I am praying that God will grant touch each and every person requested for prayer in a huge way. I am asking all the Angels and Saints in heaven and souls in purgatory to join with us in praying. We'll get the whole God Squad on this!

If each of us pray for all... that will be a lot of prayers for each!

This Tuesday is also Patriot day.... a new day to pray for those who put their lives in danger for the need of others, such as firefighters, policemen and women, emergency response people and of course all of our men and women in the military, coast guard, etc. Not just for Americans either.. because I know every country has brave people who are serving their counties and their people.

My hope is that as prayer and communication make our world more and more unified we can someday say with conviction.... "No War.. no more." In the meantime we can pray for those who have died, the suffering of those left behind and the pain that lasts for a long, long time whenever casualties occur.

On a positive note..... somehow... in some way... God turns all things into good. Even bad things - God can find ways - impossible ways... to bring new growth, new healing, new beginnings.

Thanks be to God, we have a God!

Here is a Patriot Card you might want to send to someone.

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters

The Confession Connection

The Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Celebrating God's Forgiveness

by Sandra DeGidio, O.S.M.

Day Nineteen:

Celebration: God always loves us

Upon witnessing the festivities, he {elder brother] appeals to fairness and legalism. In a sense, he is hanging on to the courtroom image of the sacrament of reconciliation, suggesting that there is no way everyone can feel good about the return of the younger brother until amends have been made.

But this older son is far too narrow in his understanding of life, of God and of the sacrament. He is too calculating, too quantitative, not unlike the butchers and grocers that Zorba refers to in his description of God. This son finds it too difficult to understand that we are never not forgiven. The sacrament of reconciliation does not bring about something that was absent. It proclaims and enables us to own God's love and forgiveness that are already present.

To be continued

A selected article from "101 Inspirational Stories of the Sacrament of Reconciliation."

Tasty Tip of the Week

from Barbara George

Mango: Tuesday Tasty Tip

If you’re ready for a mouth watering treat, now is the time to find mangoes at their best. Mangos originated in India and were known as the king of fruit. They grow in areas that have a rainy season followed by hot dry weather (hmm, sounds like Oregon). Look for a smooth skinned fruit that is firm and contains no black blemishes. Mangoes can range from green to gold to blush. They are ready to eat when you can feel the fruit start to soften but before it is easy to dent.

Peel the fruit, then, holding it stem side up, cut small chunks away from the seed. It is not a good fruit for melon balls, but tastes so good, who needs perfect shape. They are wonderful in fruit salad and are often found in chutneys. The seed is edible as well, not sure how.

Mangoes are very high in Vitamin A, a good source of vitamin C and fiber, and low in calories.

Recipe: fruit salad side dish for dinner: 2 mangoes, cut in small chunks. 1 ripe red pepper cut into 3/4" pieces. ½ can drained and rinsed black beans. 4 scallions sliced. Drizzle of rice wine vinegar. Mix the ingredients and serve room temperature with summer meals. You can add cilantro, mint, or parsley but this mild salad does well all on its own!

Sunday, September 09, 2007

First Day of Novena of Healing and Love

To send this card: Novena of Love and Healing - Day One

Quote for the Day:

And when Jesus went out He saw a great multitude; and He was moved with compassion for them, and healed their sick.
Matthew 14:14


Today is the beginning of a Novena for love and healing. No special reason except that I know we all know people who are in need of healing so I hope you will join with me in praying this for those in this special need. If you or someone you know is in need of healing you might want to let them know we are praying for them by sending the card of the day to them if they can get email or just a note or phone call.

If you want to send me an email Send Email of the person (s) you want prayed for we will put the request on our altar and pray especially for them during these nine days. But even if you don't - we will be praying for them. God knows their names even if we don''t - but sometimes for our own knowledge it is nice to know that their name is being placed on the altar.

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters

The Confession Connection

The Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Celebrating God's Forgiveness

by Sandra DeGidio, O.S.M.

Day Eighteen:

Celebration: God always loves us

Celebration makes sense only when there is really something to celebrate. Each of us had the experience of going to gatherings with all the trappings of a celebration—people, food, drink, balloons, bands—and yet the festivity was a flop for us. For example, attending an office party can be such an empty gathering of the spouse or friend of an employee. Celebration flows from lived experience or it is meaningless. The need for celebration to follow common lived experiences is especially true of sacramental celebrations. All of the sacraments are communal celebrations of the lived experience of believing Christians.

Perhaps what we need to help us feel more comfortable with the idea of celebration in relation to reconciliation is a conversion from our own rugged individualism. Let's face it—there is something about believing in a bogeyman God from whom we have to earn forgiveness that makes us feel good psychologically. It's harder to feel good about a God who loves and forgives us unconditinally—whether we know it or not, want it or not. In the face of such love and forgiveness we feel uncomfortable. It creates a pressure within us that makes us feel we should "do something" to deserve such largess—or at least feel a little bit guilty.

The older brother in our story expresses this same discomfort.

To be continued

A selected article from "101 Inspirational Stories of the Sacrament of Reconciliation."

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Birth of Mary on September 8th

To send this card: Birth of Mary

Quote for the Day:

As a weak limb grows stronger by exercise, so will your faith be strengthened by the very efforts you make in stretching it out toward things unseen.
- James H. Aughey


Saturday is the Feast - the blessed feast of Our Lady's Birthday! It is also the anniversary of the day I entered the monastery... oh so many, many moons ago. Like 26 years! Whoal... pretty amazing - who would ever have guessed I could stay put in one place for so long? That in itself must be a miracle.

I hope you have a very holy - blessed and Joy-filled day!

I must share this little bit of wisdom. When they say work like a dog - they don't really mean, sit back and watch other people work..... But really that is how it is to work like a dog.... at least in this place.

Sister Jane is watering the garden. Shelley is actually doing more than just observing and making sure the job is done right. She is also planning more mischief. First and foremost she is on the lookout for a squirrel to chase - than she will probably wander over and eat a pear - I don't know why she likes pears... but she rather likes anything that she can put into her mouth. In a yard as big as ours she finds lots of things that fit that criteria

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters

The Confession Connection

The Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Celebrating God's Forgiveness

by Sandra DeGidio, O.S.M.

Day Seventeen:

Celebration: God always loves us

Celebration is a word we haven't often associated with the sacrament of reconciliation. But in Jesus' parable, it is obviously important and imperative. "Quick!" says the father. "Let us celebrate." And why? Because a sinner has converted, repented, confessed and returned.

To be continued

A selected article from "101 Inspirational Stories of the Sacrament of Reconciliation."

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Tenth Anniversary of Mother Teresa

To send this card: Mother Teresa

Quote for the Day:

God doesn't require us to succeed; he only requires that you try.
Mother Teresa

Wednesday - The tenth Anniversary of Mother Teresa going to Heaven

Well, I am sure today will be a beautiful day - because God will be showing his love for the faithfulness of Mother Teresa to all the world. Perhaps beautiful things will happen.

Mother Teresa died on the fifth of September - on the eighth of September her funeral was being televised when I went to visit my dad who suffered from Parkinson's and dementia and had just broken his hip. The second one in six months. As I walked in the room I took one look at my poor dad in pain in his bed and then at the TV displaying the funeral of Mother Teresa... and I said to her. "Dear Mother, please come and get my dad!" And she did! Four days later my dad went to heaven even though all the medical staff were very surprised because they didn't think he was that close. But Mother Teresa had pity on him.

I have no doubt that she like "the little flower" is doing even more good in heaven than all the wonderful, loving things she did while she was on earth with us. This must be a very holy and happy day.. in Heaven and on Earth.

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia

The Confession Connection

The Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Celebrating God's Forgiveness

by Sandra DeGidio, O.S.M.

Day Fifteen:

Confession: Externalizing what is within

A question that often arises is: Why confess my sins? And why confess to a priest? Why not confess directly to God, since God has already forgiven me anyway?

From God's point of view, the simple answer is: There is no reason.

But from our point of view, the answer is that human beings do not live in our minds alone, we need to externalize bodily—with words, signs and gestures—what is in our minds and heart. We need to see, hear and feel forgiveness—not just think about it.

To be continued

A selected article from "101 Inspirational Stories of the Sacrament of Reconciliation."

Monday, September 03, 2007

Push and Fush.... Why not?

To send this card: Saint Rosalia

Quote for the Day:

When we do the best that we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life, or in the life of another.
Helen Keller


Oh dum de dum.. it's back to the late routine. I did get started this morning and did my half hour bit.. but then the day went into overdrive or maybe more accurately underdrive. After all it was a holiday and I didn't push I just sort of fushed out (fush is not a real word.. but it sort of feels like it should be don't you think.. kind of the opposite of push).

We had delicious barbecued hamburgers out on our patio to celebrate Labor Day. I was able to go and get my mom and bring her over for dinner too. It was nice. The only rowdy member of the party was Shelley who has taken to barking very loudly when she doesn't get a hamburger. But Sr. Colleen went and got her squirt bottle of water and went into dog training mode and she settled down.

Part of the problem is - she is not allowed to eat with us in the dining room.. but a few times she has been in the kitchen when my mom was eating a snack.. and good old mom thinks half of her snack should be for Shelley. Shelley completely agrees with her and by the time I caught on to what was going on... it was all history. So now when Shelley sees my mom and food...she thinks "Where's my beef?"

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia

The Confession Connection

The Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Celebrating God's Forgiveness

by Sandra DeGidio, O.S.M.

Day Fourteen:

Confession: Externalizing what is within

Of course the new rite does concern itself with the confession of sins. But one's sinfulness is not always the same as one's sins. And, as a sacrament of healing, reconciliation addresses the disease (sinfulness) rather than the symptoms (sins).

So, the sacrament calls us to search deep into our heart of hearts to discover the struggles, value conflicts and ambiguites (the disease) which cause the sinful acts (the symptoms) to appear.

To be continued

A selected article from "101 Inspirational Stories of the Sacrament of Reconciliation."

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Monday - Small World of Blogging and Pi

To send this card: Saint Gregory the Great

Quote for the Day:

"There are nine orders of angels, to wit, angels, archangels, virtues, powers, principalities, dominations, thrones, cherubim, and seraphim."
St Gregory the Great


Well, I had something rather interesting happen yesterday (I'm writing this on Sunday afternoon). I was reading one of my latest computer books... (sort of addicted to them you know) and anyway this one was called "Clear Blogging" by Bob Walsh . It is very, very good... but in Chapter 6 the book had a brief interview with a blogging nun named Sister Julie. I was reading about her and it sounded pretty neat so I decided to go and visit her site, A Nun's Life

Guess who I found when I got there? Me! Really... It was a YouTube posting of my Confession video! Sister Julie had just posted it. Isn't that amazing? That she would post it on the very day I discovered her and went to visit her site? That sounds like a God thing to me. Anyway... who knows what will come of it.. but I thought it was neat. If you go to her site.... (and I hope you do) be sure to leave a comment

I am in the process of some changes with my email - so if you get a bounce or something in the next few days sending an email .. don't be surpriised. This is taking my "learning patience" to a whole new level.

Oh! I wanted to share a picture with you of Pi - she was sitting over there in her cage...munching down on something or other .. and I decided to take a picture to see what all the noise was about. I never realized birds could make so much noise eating.Crunch, crunch, crunch.

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia

The Confession Connection

The Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Celebrating God's Forgiveness

by Sandra DeGidio, O.S.M.

Day Thirteen:

Confession: Externalizing what is within

Our attitude toward the sacrament of reconciliation is intimately related to our image of God. We need to really believe that our God, like Zorba's, is not some big bogeyman waiting to trip us up, but a great lord who is ever ready to reach out in forgiveness.

The rite of reconciliation reflects this image of a God of mercy. Formerly, it was the penitent who began the encounter in confession—"Bless me, Father, for I have sinned"—not unlike the way the sinner of Zorba's imagination approached God, or the way the son in our parable planned to greet his father. But both Zorba's God and the parent in the parable intervened. In the same vein, now in reconciliation it is the confessor who takes the initiative, reaching out, welcoming the penitent and creating a hospitable environment of acceptance and love before there is any mention of sin. Thus, the sacramental moment of confession—just one of the sacramental moments in the whole rite—focuses on God's love rather than our sin.

To be continued

A selected article from "101 Inspirational Stories of the Sacrament of Reconciliation."