Saturday, September 15, 2007

Novena - Day Seven

To send this card: Novena of Love and Healing - Day Seven

Novena of Love and Healing
Seventh Day

Continually offer God a Sacrifice of Praise.
Hebrews 13:15

Loving Father in heaven,
thank you for filling us with hope.
Hope, that we might experience
the presence
of your Son's healing power
in our hearts
in our lives
and in our world.

Truly nothing is impossible
with you
and we place all our hope
in Your Son,
our Lord Jesus Christ
who came that we might have life
and have it to the full.

Jesus gave his life
that we might have life
So dear Father in heaven,
In the power and glory
of His Name
we humbly ask for healing
of body, mind and spirit
for ourselves
and those we love.

Blessings of Peace and Joy!

May your Sabbath rest.. be restful, peace-filled and Joyful.

Sister Patricia and all the Sisters

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