Monday, October 08, 2007

Novena to St. Teresa - Catholic Radio Association

To send today's card: Novena to Saint Teresa of Jesus

Quote for the Day:

“Prayer is nothing else than being on terms of friendship with God.”
St Teresa of Jesus

Fourth Day of the Novena to Saint Teresa of Jesus

Well guess what! I am off and away on Wednesday to a strange land to meet new friends. Well, not really that strange a land, I suppose though it seems so to me at the moment. Because we manage a Catholic radio station we are going for a few days (we, being Sister Marcia Kay and myself) to Birmingham, Alabama for the Catholic Radio Association convention.

I am a bit nervous about going at the moment - but I think it will be good and I hope to learn from other "radio folks" how they are doing things with their station. Even though thankfully, we are an affliate station of Sacred Heart Radio and do not have to worry about 99% of the stuff that being in charge of a station by itself would mean - there is still plenty of opportunity for growth!

Always new things to learn - to do and to explore in bringing about better Catholic radio!

Last night for some reason I was feeling pressured by life and I walked into the library where Sister Colleen was working on the laptop... and at her feet (practically sitting on them was her lap dog). Okay, she is a bit BIG for a lap dog but I'm sure she would try it if given the opportunity.

I said, "Rats! I don't have a dog who will sit on my feet!" Pi actually does like to sit on my shoes given the chance though. She likes to until the shoestrings. She thinks that is a very fun thing to do. And I do love Pi... but sometimes one needs a dog to sit by one's side. It's just a little more "solid" comfort. Don't worry about Pi though.. she likes Shelley too!

At any rate about my trip. There is a very good chance that there won't be JoyNotes on Thursday and Friday. I'm taking my laptop.. but not sure... will just see.

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters


Unknown said...

Sister Patricia, I hope you enjoy your stay in Birmingham, AL. It is my hometown, and while we no longer live there, it will always be home. There are many very friendly folks there, hope you find them. Love, Mary Mc

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful picture of Sister Colleen and Shelley! Thank you once more for your wonderful sharing, Sister Patricia and I hope and pray all goes well for you and Sister Marcia Kay throughout your forthcoming trip.
Love, Margaret from Oz.