Sunday, August 05, 2007

Feast of the Transfiguration - Miracle Monday - August 6

To send this card: Feast of the Transfiguration

Quote for the Day:

Troubles are often the tools by which God fashions us for better things.
Henry Ward Beecher

Miracle Monday!

Well, its definitely time to get back into miracles. I was reading a book over the weekend called, "Let the Fire Fall" by Michale Scanlan. It's an old book published in 1986 but I love it. I read it every so often when I need a spiritual pick-up.

One of the stories I read in the book was about the cure of a small child who had Downe's snydrome! He was actually, totally cured. Totally amazing. But I do believe miracles as big as that do happen. Once we were asked to pray for a baby who although not yet born was diagnosed to be severely brain damaged. When the child was born he was placed in a potential adoptive home with parents who could take the best care of him. The father was a doctor and I think the mother was a nurse.

Guess what? The little boy grew up with brothers and sisters and learned to read and become a very normal child.

Another time a friend of ours was telling us about a parent who had a heart attack on a major freeway. He pulled over to the side before and passed out. Guess who was the first person on the scene? A heart surgeon. Miracles do happen in all shapes and sizes. It seems the bigger the tradedy the bigger the miracles happen to meet the needs.

I think many of us often forget that we need to play a part of intercessory prayer for many miracles to happen. God doesn't step in front of our free will, we must ask.One line I read in the above book mentioned that often people pray for about as long as it takes to get an aspirin and then they are off to other things. That hit me hard. How long and hard do I pray? Certainly I have my structured prayer life which is throughout the day - and I also am talking to God quite a bit... but actually, deep down prayerfully interceeding... I think I could do a lot better.

Wouldn't it be grand if we all became much more fervent in our prayers and started seeing miracles happen much more? I think it would. I am getting excited about this new book on prayer.... because I think God wants me to become much more committed and fervent in my prayer life. This is how each book has been for me. Not a work to do for God but rather an opportunity for God to teach and heal and do great things for me. Funny, whenever we try to do something for God we always come out the winners. Every time.

Now for two apologies.

I really wanted to get the book page up last week to start collecting stories but I just wasn't able to. This week as we prepare for our big celebration of Saint Clare on Saturday, I may not be able to get to it either.. but I definitely will do it right after that!

OH... and I have to tell you that my hopeful plans to sell the Reconciliation book for a low, low price throughout August, fell through. Because I want to continue to put my books in as many Catholic and other bookstores as possible I was told it would not be fair to undersell the book on my own site. So - what we are doing is planning a campaign in which we can sell the book at a low price - but go through the bookstores! Unfortunately it will take longer to work out the details than just selling myself... our plan at this moment is to have this special sale just before lent of 2008. A long time away I know.. but at least know that it will happen!

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia

The Confession Connection

O Happy Fault: A Confession of Hidden Sin

by Vinny Flynn
Day Nine:

What this teaches us is that happiness isn't a feeling. It's a chosen attitude, an inner peace that comes from trust.

Joy isn't the absence of sorrow. It's the presence of God. And if we allow the presence of God to penetrate deeply into us, even in the midst of great pain, we will be happy.

(to be continued tomorrow)

From one of twelve articles on confession found in the book, "101 Inspirational Stories of the Sacrament of Reconciliation."


Anonymous said...

Blessings Sister Patricia,
I just needed you to know that I deeply appreciate ALL of your beautiful 'joy notes'. I am praying for my blessed daughter right now so I can relate to your message of 'prayer'. I am so terribly sad and need her to see that she is in a bad place but she does not see it at all. She has given up her whole family, all who love her, for a man that is quite unpredictable and dangerous. I am devastated. I only live for my daughter and son and they are not together right now and I am not able to function very well at all. I am beside myself and have become very ill. I am fighting myself to work and survive on a daily basis. I care about nothing but my child's health and well-being. I am frightened that I will not ever get her back nor will she ever see what has transpired. Her brother begged her not to leave and she still did? We are baffled. I know WE NEED A MIRACLE. Will you please pray Sister Patricia? I am praying, saying Novena's and lighting candles daily...yet, nothing has changed and it is now almost a year. Her only influence is him and his world? Please pray?
Thank you for your time. You are precious and such a blessed gift to this sometimes very difficult world. Bless your always.......

Anonymous said...

Dear Sr Patricia,

Thank you for that particular picture of the Transfiguration which I am not aware of seeing before. I like very much the fact that St. Dominic is pictured among the onlookers, because the 6th is the day that he died and he has wandered around the calendar (as he did around Europe) since he died. The 6th was forbidden for his feast and he was celebrated on 4th as I was growing up, then transferred to 8th for the universal church, then in Australia, when Mary McKillop was beatified the change was made for him to have his feast on the 5th only in this country.

I have always wished he could have had the 6th, so this is the closest I've seen.

Joan OP

steaseton said...

Once again Sister Pat, you have brought the life of religous out of the clouds and down to earth, by addressing something that we all struggle with! I've often heard it said that it takes thirty days to establish a habit. I don't know about the rest of you, but as much as I love God, I've found it hard to maintain my prayer life for more than a week at a time! Especially if I am warm (or cool) well fed, and have a roof over my head! But, let a crisis (major or minor) come, and like many of us, I go running to God with an SOS! I never know what will change my humor! It can be a challenge my husband is facing at work, or something as simple as not being able to bend over to put on my shoes! But the miricale is that God is right there patiently waiting every time, and has used the poor fragments I have to offer Him to do some amazing things!

PS....I have found that for someome with ADHD like myself, the Rosary provides a very calming affect, and gives my mind (which tends to race during prayer)somehing concrete to focus on!

Anonymous said...

Dear Sister Pat,
Letters like the one from that Father devastated over his daughter and her choice to leave home is so compelling. I will keep in my heart and prayers. What a wonderful, beautiful ministry you are blessed with.
Br. Barry John Herrera, ocp