Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Thankful Thursday - Mini Retreat - Mini Healing

To send this card: Feast of Saint Anthony

Quote for the Day:

"Actions speak louder than words; let your words teach and your actions speak...It is useless for a person to flaunt the law if their actions undermine it."
Saint Anthony of Padua

Thankful Thursday.

I was thinking a little bit ago that one of the great things I am thankful for is the gift of being able to read and having so many wonderful books, articles and everything else under the sun to read. Reading has to be my number one favorite pasttime.

So many of the new ideas I come up with are of course not new at all. Just something I read here and there and put together. Kind of like a patchwork quilt. Oftentimes I can't even remember where I got an idea from. In those cases I remember that all gifts of thought, space and matter are really given to us from God. I usually can remember that source!

I just got back from putting Pi or Pia to bed. I've started a new little habit (a good one actually) of taking five minutes every night to scrub away at some part of her cage to get it a bit more respectable. I truly am a terrible housekeeper. Anyway tonight I moved down to one of the wheels that was not moving right because it was clogged up with someone's cat hair. Jeremiah is not owning up to it but since I roll Pia's cage over the dining room carpet where Jeremiah spends most of his day its not surprising that it gets picked up. Anyway, I'm down there on the floor with my needle nose pliers working away and Pia decides I definitely need supervision. I didn't really but some things you can't convince a bird of. So it made the job a bit more delicate as I had to be careful not to poke a little foot in the process. Eventually Pia decided the best place to oversee the job was to sit on top of my hand. That made the job even more fun. But eventually we did get the job done - at least on one wheel. Three more to go.

Blessings of Peace and all Good,
Sister Patricia

Mini Retreat Theme: Making more Room for Jesus in my Life

Quote: This is the Day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Meditation: (set your timer for ten minutes) Today we are going to ask Jesus for a spiritual healing. May not be huge but even a small window opening into an area of our life that we have been spiritually closed to can make a big difference.

Take a moment to visit your beautiful garden. Look at the flowers - are there any new ones blooming today? Can you hear the waterfall over to your left? How about the birds singing in the tree next to you. Don't hurry or worry just spend some time thinking what a beautiful and restful place this is.

Now think of someone that you have difficulty with. Perhaps now or in your past. When you have the person in mind notice that Jesus is walking towards you and he is talking to that difficult person in your life! It actually looks like He is enjoying being with your problematic person! Oh my goodness how could that be?

Now the difficult person is walking away and out the garden. Jesus continues to walk towards you. He is smiling at you and you know he is glad to see you and wants to spend time with you.

Did you stop breathing for a few seconds when you saw Jesus with this difficult person? Let your breath out now...slowly and easily. Its okay that Jesus loves you and the difficult person in your life as well.

You don't have to say or do or be any different but you will notice a difference in how you feel. Talk with Jesus about this if you want to or simply let it be and just sit in the garden quietly.

Healing comes when we see someone in a new light. Even those we have difficulty with.

Prayer when time is completed:

thank you
for opening my heart
to see others
as you see them.
Thank you
for loving all people,
even those I find
difficulty in loving.


Anonymous said...

I am so grateful for having found this and for getting the joynotes everyday. They are such an encouragement and inspiration and I can't help but share them with everyone I can think of. God bless!

Diane said...

Wow what a mini retreat today ! Funny that I was thinking along the same lines this morning when I wrote a post for my blog. I guess God is really trying to tell me something !

Anonymous said...

These mini retreats are absolutely great. They are down to earth thoughts and very appropriate for our times. I have printed them up and I am using them. I will also share them with others that I think will use them. I would like to say something else. I have decided to ask my choir director to tape some hymns that I have never heard before to go along with the mini retreats. I have a problem concentrating during prayer and music sometimes helps. The problem is that if I know the hymn I sing along in my head (sometimes out loud) and lose the train of thought and the topic of my prayer. If I am listening to music in the background and it is beautiful and peaceful but I don't know it then it really centers me. I just thought I would share that with you. God bless. Mary from New Orleans, LA :-)