Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Quote, Prayer and Radio 30 Day Class

To send this card: The Path of Life

Music: Be Still

Quote for the Day:

The only thing to do with good advice is pass it on. It is never any use to oneself.

Oscar Wilde

First about the quote. I had to use that one. It was just too funny and probably just too true.

Just in case you don't look at the Peace Card - I thought I would copy the prayer for today. It is one I composed several years ago...but seems to be just what I need today!

Truly Lord Jesus,
I believe you are showing
me the way to life,
I just wish it was
a bit easier!
But I guess that would
not be the true path.
Help me to be
and Courageous
in following You,
no matter how difficult
the path appears to be.
You who live and reign
with the Holy Spirit,
one God,
for ever and ever.

Today was the first day of attending the Teleclass of the 30 Day Radio Success course. How shall I describe it? Hmmm? Shall we say interesting? The content of the material was very good and most of the participants were okay ..but a few of them were like, uh…. well, just a bit too much.

I can say that I definitely got confirmed that God was very good to me to let me live in a Monastery – away from most of this. I am a little spoiled, a lot sheltered and very glad to have such nice, pleasant, God-centered sisters to live with.

On the other hand, it is good to be reminded of how much prayer is needed in our world and even how much witness is needed as well. My main prayer in all this… I repeat it over and over from St. Paul. “Please pray to God, that I might speak as boldly as I ought!”

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great Prayer. I really can relate to it.Sounds like this class will truly put you in another world.Maybe this world is the one that needs you the most.Speak out!