Monday, April 03, 2006

Pi is on the Move!

To send this card: Lent Card

Quote:How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.
Anne Frank

Just in case you were wondering, the clock did staighten itself out today - and seemed to stay the course even for evening prayer tonight. Guess even clocks can have their moments!

Almost stepped on Pi this evening! I had to go to the store with Sister Colleen and when we came back in I started going down the hallway and I noticed this little thing bobbing along near my feet. Pi was on the move. Whenever he hears my voice and I don't come right, smack, this moment back to my office he feels he has to see what's the hold-up. He is really lucky he didn't get stepped on because it was that time between daylight and dusk before we had put any hall lights on and it was pretty dark. Sister Jane went out the kitchen and into the hall before I did, don't know how she missed him, but that would have been bad cause she is much taller and bigger than I am and could have really got some toes!. Guess Pi's guardian angel was on duty, thanks be to God. I do pray for his angel to watch him! Will have to start making doubly and triply sure I keep my office door closed when I leave.

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters

Follow Me
by Msgr. David E. Rosage
"No follower of mine shall ever walk in darkness; no, he shall possess the light of life."
Jn 8:12

Jesus is the beacon of my journey through life. When fears and doubts, misunderstandings and rejections tend to darken my path, I can always depend on Jesus, my guiding Light.

At times he guides me gently, like the reflectors along the highway. At other times a low-beam headlight will amply illumine the way. On still other occasions I may need the high beams to give me a more cosmic vision.

Be that as it may, no follower of Jesus will ever walk in darkness. Thank you, Lord.

1 comment:

Suzanne said...

Hilarious! I love all of your stories, and Pi's are no exception.
We are missing our kitty though. I just pray that wherever she is, she is happy.

I also loved reading the Peace Card for today...the 5th and I did go to the link about marketing and I thought it was wonderful! Good going, Sister and the Lord of course! ;-)