Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Flu and AOL woes

To send this card: Lent Card

Music: Easy Listening 1

Quote:Love is shown in your deeds not in your words.

Father Jerome Cummings

I am making a concerted effort not to get the flu. I know it has tapped me on the head, but so far by taking a nap each day and various remedies I haven't come down with a full case of it as some of the sisters have. Do hope I can keep it up till it passes over. In the meantime I am not getting much done, but God seems to be telling to me to take life more slowly and accepting - so this is fine.

I am getting some trouble from friends using the AOL links. I think perhaps AOL has blocked my site as being spam - in the last ten days about eight people have hit their spam button when viewing my page (some are accidental I think) but anyway I think they have marked me as "bad" news. AOL does not like "bad news" people.


Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia

Follow Me
by Msgr. David E. Rosage
God has saved us and has called us to a holy life, not because of any merit of ours but according to his own design-the grace held out to us in Christ Jesus.
2 Tim 1:9

I am special to Jesus. He loves me so much he called me to be his disciple, to be closely united with him. In his love he supplies me with all the graces and gifts, the help and encouragement I need to follow his way of life.

I cannot earn heaven. All I can do is to be receptive to his compassionate mercy and respond in loving service.

What I do in life is not very important to Jesus, but rather what I am. Not what I do, but why I do it.


Geo said...
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Samia said...

Dear Sister Pat,
I just discovered your blog. I receive your joy notes/peace cards. It has been a blessing in my life and that of others to whom I've extended the invitation to visit your website and register also. And now I look forward to visiting your blog as well, hope you drop by mine also.
Thank you for spreading the Kingdom
Blessings and peace.