Sunday, March 12, 2006

Sunday and Colds...

To send this card: God's Love

Music: Just a closer walk

Quote: If you can't pray a door open, don't pry it open.
Lyell Rader

Sunday was so nice! We had blue sky and sunshine and I went outside for a nice walk and fixed the pumps in my little fish pond so the four fish (they have grown!) could get more oxygen in the water from the fountain splahing. They were very happy. We just took off their winter cover on Friday so its nice to be able to see them again.

Looks like colds are settling in for everyone at the monastery. We are all taking Airborne and drinking medicinal teas and getting extra rest. I've also been having weird dreams... that's usually a good clue for me that something is a kilter with the old system!

Hope you have a wonderful and blessed Monday!
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters

Follow Me
by Msgr. David E. Rosage
"It was not you who chose me,
it was I who chose you
to go and bear fruit"
Jn 15:16

What a privileged person I am! God chose me to be a member of his family, to be his disciple, to be on his team, and also to be an instrument through which his love radiates itself to others. He is asking me to be a channel whereby he can touch others.

I bear fruit when I permit him to transform me and let his radiance shine forth through me.

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