Thursday, February 22, 2007

Tweaking in a Spiritual Way

Quote for the Day:

Nothing is worth more than this day. You cannot relive yesterday. Tomorrow is still beyond your reach
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Today I have been Tweaking. All day. And yesterday I tweaked too. It's all because of an article I read in Robert Middleton's Blog. Of course he was dealing with marketing and web sites and such stuff - but I found it very powerful. Tweaking is when we do something once and then take a look and see how we can do it a little better this way.

I think we should sometimes take a look at our spiritual life in just this same way. Is there something I could do to "tweak" it a little bit here and there. Do something a little better or in a different way that would help me to get in touch with God and myself a little better?

It happens when we read a new book or look at our world from a different perspective and always when we pray - if we don't want it to be speedy, get it done, mechanical prayer than we should sometimes tweak our focus a bit to get a different light on things.

Interesting. If you are into web pages and marketing (we can all market JESUS) than you might enjoy his article - tweak it... though... to make it work for you. Tweaking

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters


Anonymous said...

Dear Sister Patricia -
I just finished reading an article about you in the Catholic Register & I was very excited! I am a faithful reader of Joy Notes - you have gotten me through many days with your humor & wise advice. Although I cannot enjoy our radio broadcast do far away (NH) I know you bless many - so thank-you. I hold you in my prayers -
Brenda R.

Anonymous said...

Dear sister Particia,

I do not know for how many years now, I am reading you daily notes, they are making too many days for me, I learn a lot, I know about saint's days, I am able to send cards to every body in every occassion, specially I am working in the desert where the nearest church is more than 250 Kilometers far.

I am so fond of what you are saying today, and many other days, coute of the day is very very usful.

God Bless You and all your job and efforts.

Always together in prayers.

Mona Richard Sidarous

Anonymous said...

Pet Miracles
On a camping trip my husband's dentures were missing from it's cup. We looked all over for them. Then came the pet miracle. Our dog was under the bed trying to wear his first set of dentures. He was chomping away at them. We felt terrible but still laugh about it until this day. Judy Krant, Pennsylvania.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sr. Patricia,
My pet miracle was a few weeks ago. My cat, Wayne Francis TOC was standing next to the fireplace looking up the chimney for nearly 2 hours. I couldnt get him away. I was in the computer room when I heard our 2 cats running back and forth. I went to see what was going on. A Gracle had come down the chimney into the house and the cats were having so much fun. The miracle is that I was able to isolate the poor bird from the cats, prey open the window and storm window. The bird had sat on the dresser among the stuffed animals and was shaking. I wish I could send you the picture. Eventually he got enough nerve to flyout the window. The miracle was that he was still alive and survived the 2 cats. Chris