Sunday, February 26, 2006

Two Days till Lent . . .

To send this card: Prayer

Music: Music Box

Quote: Pray, hope and don't worry!
Saint Padre Pio

Two Days till Lent!

We had a nice sermon this Sunday on preparing for Lent. Have to admit I wasn't much in the mood for moving into the Lent mode quite yet... but Father's sermon helped to put things in proper perspective. He reminded us when we think of our lenten practices to make it those things that will bring us closer into relationship with God. Not simply sacrifice for sacrifice's sake but to ask ourselves what is going on in my life that is blocking me from having a more loving and honest relationship with God? Is there something I can do this lent to change that?

Many friends I know give up the computer - but don't worry - I find putting out the JoyNotes each day is more of a graced time than otherwise! I love Danielle's, Sister Janet's and Father Rory's contributions and doing my little bit always helps me to focus on things as well.

So for me instead of taking away, I am going to add just one more little bit to the JoyNotes. This will be a small Scriptural mediation by Msgr. David E. Rosage from his book, "Follow Me".

Here is the first one... so you won't have to wonder what they will be like.

Follow Me by Msgr. David E. Rosage
"Come and follow me." Mk 10:21)

Jesus invites me to come and follow him, to become his disciple. He asks me not only to walk in his footsteps, but to follow his way of life so closely that I can be identified with him.

Then my very lifestyle will give witness to his abiding presence in me and in the world.

Jesus, I reach out with joy to grasp your hand so that I may walk more readily in your ways. Blessings of Peace and all Good!
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters

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