Wednesday, February 22, 2006

To send this card: Blest are the Sorrowing

Music: Jolly Mon Song

Quote: Act with boldness of thought.
Pope John Paul II

The above quote was not the one I said I was going to share today. That quote is lying on a little piece of paper somewhere here on the desk. It's hiding. If I had energy I could go upstairs to the chapel and copy it again...but energy is low and this is my favorite quote too. So... maybe tomorrow!

Had my mom over for dinner today. Oh, my mom is so funny. She is hard of hearing... like shall we say deaf? She does have hearing aids but they have a nice little spot in the bottom of her drawer where they like to spend their days and nights. Anyway because she is deaf, she doesn't realize that the things she is saying to herself are actually not quiet at all. And my dear mom, who never used to say anything against anybody, now has a comment on practically everybody and every situation. So she was telling us at dinner today, that there is this one man who sits at her table and she says he is rather large! That seems to be a fixation with her now about large people. Doesn't matter that she had a small weight problem herself most of her life - now if she sees anybody a little over she has things to say. So apparently when he sat down the other day or did something.. .she made one of her little not so quiet comments... and he said, "I heard that!" and she was so shocked! (she does read lips very well) and was quite amazed that he could have heard her. I am sure she thought he was reading her mind. Anyway it made quite an impression on her. I don't expect she will stop making comments... but it did impress her enough to tell us all about it at great detail at dinner. Was very funny. She can get quite melodramatic in her telling.

I thank everyone who sent in suggestions and songs. They are wonderful and give me all sorts of things to work on! Thank you a bunch!

Blessings of Peace and all Good!
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters

1 comment:

mum2twelve said...

Good Morning Sister! Thank you for including Danielle's blurb on my little shop front.

BTW, I emailed you a confession story. Did you get it?

It was called something like Confession ... Conversion!

Love and Blessings
Christi aka mum2twelve