Thursday, June 01, 2006

Ding! The Time is Up.

To send this card:Sacred Heart of Jesus First Friday

Music: Just a Closer Walk with Thee

Quote:“To the world you may be just one person, but to one person you may be the world.”
Brandi Snyder

I think I am a lot like my mom. Both the good points and the bad ones. One of the bad ones is that my mom told me once that she tends to procrastinate. She said when she was growing up that is what her mother would call her. Margery Procrastination Shaw. I think I could definitely add that little problem to my list of character difficulties. In fact this is one of the reasons I joined religious life. I knew I wanted to live a life of prayer but without some big help it wasn't going to happen more than a few odd times throughout the year. Nothing like having a prayer schedule mapped out for you - morning, noon and night to keep one on the faithful path.

The other big thing I have found to help me is a timer. I have about three of them that are constantly used throughout the day. One by my bed when I feel the need for a ten minute "time out" nap and one on my desk so that I get a few things done in between looking out the window and drumming my fingers on the desk. For me it has become my life line. Things I don't want to do, I can bear to do if I see the little timer clicking away till I am free. I like to have limits to my "absolutely do this or die" things. Just starting and going till its done.. for me... that is not enough discipline. Like a little kid I find myself needing a drink of water, a walk, a look out the window if I'm just supposed to be doing something. But if I have a neat little package of time to do it in.. well, than lo and behold I keep at it till the little timer goes "DING!" and its recess time.

DING! The little timer went off and now its time to ring the bell for prayer.

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters


Follow Me
by Msgr. David E. Rosage
Your attitude must be that of Christ: . . . . He emptied himself and took the form of a slave . . . . obediently accepting even death, death on a cross!
Phil 2:5-8

Jesus is the transcendent God of heaven and earth, yet he took the form of a slave because he loves with an infinite love.

Love must give and the greater the love, the greater the giving.

Listen to Jesus ask: "Do you love me?" (Jn 21:16).

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Poor Clares and Wet Dogs

To send this card: Saint Victor Maurus

Music: Take my Breath Away

Quote:I cannot pray in the name of Jesus to have my own will; the name of Jesus is not a signature of no importance, but the decisive factor. The fact that the name of Jesus comes at the beginning does not make it a prayer in the name of Jesus; but this means to pray in such a manner that I dare name Jesus in it, that is to say, dare to think of Him, think His holy will together with whatever I am praying for.

Soren Kierkegaard

This week I am offering the first in a series teleclasses for building web content for some of our Poor Clare houses. I think it will be a fun project. It will be exciting as we share things from one community to another. Although we are each living the same rule of Saint Clare - it is lived out in actuality in different ways. I liken it often, to how a family will raise all their children the same way, but when they go to start their own homes - although they always have a common root and bond each new family will adapt and change things to best suit them.

This evening I was talking to Sister Angela in Texas. Even though we have never met we had a wonderful time discussing different things. In her monastery they raise minature horses to support themselves. That is so cool. If you think having a radio station in a monastery is different how about raising horses? You see how God works? No two alike. God fills us with his same Holy Spirit but the results are never the same from one soul to another. I think that is neat.

Together our communities will be building a major Poor Clare site. It is so, so exciting. Hopefully it will be online by winter of this year. It will of course probably be the best site in the whole wide world. At least to us!

Oh, and Sister Angela not only has little ponies they have three dogs! Two are labradors and they like to be in the water at every opportunity. Which reminds me that I have to tell you over the weekend our Shelley had her labrador friend over, Maggie. Maggie has been here before, but not when we had water in our pool. Hmmm... So what do you think happens when a Labrador sees a nice pool of water? Yes, she made quite a splash. Sister Rita Louise said to me later, "Oh poor Maggie fell into the pool." I said, "I don't think she fell in, I think she jumped in." Unfortunately I wasn't there to see it. Such a pity. That would have been funny. Good thing I had not put the fish in yet, I don't think they would have been pleased with such a guest.

Blessings of Peace and All Good,

Sister Patricia and all the Sisters


Follow Me
by Msgr. David E. Rosage
"My Lord, our king, you alone are God. Help me, who am alone and have no help but you."
Est 4C:14

Esther's prayer is a perfect model for my prayer. Esther recognized the greatness and Lordship of God. Her first concern was for his glory.

Her second concern was more comprehensive: she was praying for her people.

Esther realized her own poverty, her own human weakness. She prayed with great confidence and trust in the Lord.

Thank you, Lord, for showing me the way to prayer through your faithful servant Esther.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Birds and Fish and Prayer

To send this card:Cinco de Mayo

Music: Mexican Schuffle

Quote:Trust the past to God's mercy, the present to God's love and the future to God's providence.


It is finally nice enough that we are able to have evening prayer outside. It is wonderful to hear the birds chatter and watch them fly about and the clouds sail. Just before we started to pray a medical helipcopter went overhead. Very low. We prayed three Hail Mary's for whoever was in trouble. We've always felt it was God nudging us to pray for them and once we even heard from one of the pilot's that they do go over our monastery on purpose just to have us pray.

Tomorrow I am hoping and hoping that our waterfall will actually get going again. A man is supposed to come in the morning and do that and also put a net over the pond so that I can put the fish in it. They will be so happy! But I don't want them to go in until the net is up because I'm not providing fish dinner for any birds no matter how nice they are!

Blessings of Peace and All Good,

Sister Patricia and all the Sisters


Follow Me
by Msgr. David E. Rosage
"I give you my assurance, whatever you ask the Father, he will give you in my name."
Jn 16:23

What does Jesus mean when he tells me to ask in his name? Surely he does not mean simply adding his name to my petition and my prayer.

Jesus wants me to have the same disposition, the same mentality, the same attitudes which were his when he came to prayer.

His attitude was total, loving, generous submission to the Father's will.

What greater example have I than his complete resignation to the Father's will at possibly the most crucial moment of live on earth: "Father, if it is your will, take this cup from me; yet not my will but yours be done" (Lk 22:42)

Monday, May 01, 2006

Seas and Ponds - Water Stories

Today's Card

Music: Music Box

Quote:When some say they want to serve God, they mean in an advisory capacity.


Tomorrow at long last our pond and waterfall will be turned back on.Hurray and Alleluia! I can't wait. It will be exciting to put the fish into their new home as well. They don't know to be excited yet but I am sure they will be very happy!

It kind of reminds me how God oftentimes has wonderful things in store for us but we are not capable of understanding them until they happen. I think just as I try to make things as nice as possible for the fish and all our pets and animal and bird friends inside and out so God is tenderly concerned for each of his creatures a hundred million times more so. That helps me to feel like Julian of Norwich stated. "And all will be well, and all will be well, and in all things, All will be well."

Did I share with you that my brother Peter is back at sea? He is with NOA on a Bering Sea-Ice Edge Expedition. If you go to this page Bering Sea-Ice Edge Expedition and scroll down to April 23, 2006--NOAAS Freeman - you can see him - his name is Peter. So now I have one brother Roy down in the Carribean and one brother in the Bearing Sea. That's kind of neat. Myself, I'm just as glad to be on dry land with a little fish pond.

Blessings of Peace and All Good,

Sister Patricia and all the Sisters


Follow Me
by Msgr. David E. Rosage
"Rejoice in home, be patient under trial, persevere in prayer."
Rom 12:12

How frequently Scripture reminds me that I should pray always, pray without ceasing, persevere in prayer.

Quite obviously I cannot spend all my time in concentrated prayer, nor does God want that kind of prayer only. Prayer is my relationship with God. When I "rejoice in hope" I am praying, because it proves that my faith is sufficiently vibrant to trust and love God. When I accept God's will and am "patient under trial" I am also praying.

This kind of lifestyle means that I am persevering in prayer.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Saint Joseph the Worker

Quote:"The time is always right to do what is right."

Martin Luther King, Jr

The Feast of Saint Joseph the Worker! What a wonderful way to start out Mary's month. Though it is often said that Mary points always to her son, I think sometimes she finds ways to point to her good husband as well!

In our community we have a deep devotion to Saint Joseph. I think perhaps with Catholics that is a universal thing. He may have been a quiet figure in the history pages, but their is always a warm place in our heart for him. I think like Saint Joseph some of those who leave the deepest imprint on our hearts on those who are quietly known and loved, such as family members or dear friends. People who make us smile just to remember them. Wouldn't this make a nice epitah? "He loved much and was loved much."

Blessings of Peace and All Good,

Sister Patricia and all the Sisters


Follow Me
by Msgr. David E. Rosage "Ask, and you will receive. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and it will be opened to you."

Mt 7:7

God wants to be a gracious and generous Abba to me. However, he wants me to ask for whatever I need, not to make him aware of my needs, but to bring me to a deeper appreciation of my dependence on him.

Jesus instructs me simply and clearly how to pray with perseverance and patience. Furthermore, he gives me the assurance that I will receive and I will find.

All Jesus asks is faith and trust in him.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Journeys - Near and Far

To send today's card: Easter Thursday.

Life always has its changes. Tomorrow will be the last day for our Chaplain, Fr. Larry, as he prepares to move onto a new assignment. We won't be getting our new chaplain until July so in the interim we will be having one of our wonderful diocesan priests, Father Lorge, coming each day. It's funny even though we don't move onto new places and see new things - having different chaplains from time to time takes us into different spiritual journeys as well.

When I was younger we moved and moved and moved. I loved it. Then when we finally settled down in this area, I graduated and went into the Navy and moved and moved as well. When I came to the monastery I wondered how I would ever manage only staying in one place. But in the twenty-five years I have been here I have never gone further than Seattle the one time when my brother was sick. You know I don't mind in the slightest. It seems like God always brings new adventures into my life without even going off the block. Pretty amazing.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Trouble for Pi and Pizza

To send this card: Today's Card

Music: Your Smile

Quote:God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say "thank you?"

William A. Ward

It's Monday evening and I just got back from making my bed and rescuing Pi. It wasn't a big rescue to me but a very BIG one to him. When I took Pi up to bed about an hour and a half ago, I closed him inside his cage for the trip up (he stays in my office during the day and goes up to my bedroom at night). So that part is normal. The unnormal part is that I forgot to open the cage door again when I got upstairs. Pi spends only enough time in his cage to eat and drink - so being stuck there for an hour and a half was way beyond his limits. When I casually walked in a bit ago to make my bed (sheet washing day) he was racing back and forth like he was in a boat about to go over Niagara Falls. "Get me outta here! Somebody save me!" Poor guy. I opened the door and he scrambled to the top of his cage and onto his perch like he only had seconds before those rushing falls would have totally done him in. Whew.

Tonight we had a fire in the oven. Ron Belter, our radio friend was over today to do some work on the equipment. He stopped in the kitchen before going up to the studio, to talk to some of the sisters. He saw some action in the stove window that looked a bit unusual. "Do you have a fire in your oven?" he asked. We looked. No we did not have a fire in the oven. What gave him that idea? But we took a second look and "THERE IS A FIRE IN THE OVEN!" Once we got the fire out with a bit of soda we continued with food preparations. We had pizza (which we cooked in another oven) but forgot to remove the cardboard. I'm sure it has nutritional value but doesn't add a lot to the taste. Just one of those days where one exciting thing happens after another. I wonder if you could call this Holy Triduum burnout?

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters

Follow Me
by Msgr. David E. Rosage
"Come by yourselves to an out-of-the-way place and rest a little"
Mk 6:31

With this invitation, Jesus is teaching me how to handle the busyness of life. He invites me to come by myself to meet him alone in prayer. Here together we can determine what should occupy a high priority on my list and what is of lesser importance.

Only in prayer can I internalize and integrate all those things which are essential to my spiritual growth and which will help me become a committed disciple.

With St. Paul I can forfeit everything else and count it as rubbish so that Christ may be my wealth (Phil 3:8).

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Holy Thursday - and thoughts of Jesus

To send this card: Holy Thursday.

Quote:Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person.
Mother Teresa

Lent has now ended and we begin the Triduum. It starts this evening (Holy Thusday) with the Mass of the Lord's Supper and continues until night prayer on Easter Sunday. The day of our Salvation is at hand!

Can you imagine what it will be like to really meet Jesus? Truthfully, I don't even think I can comprehend that at all. It is like out of my orbit of understanding. I feel I would absolutely have nothing to say. I would just stare with my mouth open. "Wow! It's Jesus. Wow. Now what do I do?" If I was a little child I would run up and jump into his arms and say, "Hi Jesus, I love you!" But as an adult with all sorts of baggage of thoughts and ideas and misunderstandings, I think I would just say, "Wow, It's Jesus. It's really you."

I think I am having these thoughts because across the street from the monastery a dear friend and neighbor just went to see Jesus. She was a mother who loved. I know Jesus will be glad to see her. It will be beautiful. I wonder what it will be like when I get to see Jesus. With no one around to note whether I say the right things or do the right things or anything but just be there before God. I wonder what it will be like. I wonder who I will be like before God? I wonder if I will be sad because I didn't do better or maybe I will just say, "Who cares about me! It's wonderful to see you, to be with you!"

Often times I think of Jesus as Savior of the whole world... but I think maybe I need to spend some thought time thinking more of, "Jesus, Savior of Me!"

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters

Follow Me
by Msgr. David E. Rosage
"Lord teach us to pray"
Lk 11:1

Prayer is my relationship to God. My prayer is Trinitarian.

Jesus says: "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him" (Jn 6:44). "No one comes to the Father but through me" (Jn 14:6). "No one can say: 'Jesus is Lord,' except in the Holy Spirit" (1 Cor 12:3).

I augment my relationship when I pray: "In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit . . ." and "Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. . . ."

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Card Site Changes and Votes

To send this card: Today's Card

Quote:God loves each of us as if there were only one of us.

St. Augustine

Thank you, thank you for everyone who participated in the card site poll and especially thank you for everyone who took the time to share a comment or two. They are very helpful. And guess what? I already started making some changes. Don't groan those who didn't want the changes. You know its in my blood, I just can't help myself. But really I think its much, much better. Do please take a look. Franciscan Card Site.

Oh, and besides that I have also entered in the Easter Card contest! If you like you can visit my Easter Card Page and vote. Easter Page. The way you vote is by writing a review. Sorry, but that's just the way it works. Even two or three words qualifies as a good vote! Thank you for those who do!

VOTE for this siteat the Cardmasters World Championship
Well, these are busy radio days in Seattle and Spokane as we join the Sacred Heart Radio team in their three day Spring Radiothon. I am asking Saint Joseph to help and bless all those who join us in making it possible to continue. It is such an overwhelming testimony of God's love I think to have Catholic radio and I know he blesses all those who make it possible for others. We don't usually have the radio on all day in the monastery but during these days we are praying and listening all day! Well, except prayer and meals of course.

Sister Rita Louise and myself talked a little on the air. Sister Rita Louise's first time and she did marvelous! I talk on the radio more than she does, but I was much more tongue tied and twisted than she was. (I think she prayed more - will have to remember that!) Tomorrow perhaps Sister Colleen and some others will join in the fun!

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters

Follow Me
by Msgr. David E. Rosage
How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings glad tidings, Announcing peace, bearing good news, announcing salvation.
Is 52:7

By striving to live very close to Jesus in mind and heart, I bring glad tidings and peace to many hearts.

As I try to keep myself experientially aware of Jusus' abiding presence with me and within me, all my actions and attitudes will reflect the good news of salvation.

I am reminded that actions speak louder than words.

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

New Possibilities

To send this card: Today's Card

Music: The Light of the Spirit

Quote:Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of "A Course in Miracles," 1992 (commonly misattributed to Nelson Mandela, 1994 inauguration speech)

Isn't that quote above so wonderful? I am sure like me, you have read it many times, but its one of those I think we need to read over and over. At least I do.

It has been some time since I spent some quality time working on the card site. So that is my next focus for a bit. (I am taking a break from the book for a while) anyway I would love to receive some input from you as to any changes you might like to see, new cards you might like. How I might make it easier to use, etc. I made a new poll Sed Joynotes. I would love for you to take a few moments to check your preferences. Also you can leave a comment when you click on the view results line. Thanks so very much, your thoughts and suggestions will be invaluable!

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters

Follow Me
by Msgr. David E. Rosage
Christ suffered for you . . . and left you an example, to have you follow in his footsteps. (1 Pt 2:21)
Lk 5:27-28

Jesus, as you know, I have my favorite crucifix prominently displayed in my room. If I am tempted to indulge in self-pity, a casual glance at your image is a surefire remedy.

When I am angry, offended, discouraged, lonely, or tired, a contemplative gaze at the outpouring of your love on that cross lifts my spirits to new heights.

Thank you for being there, Jesus. Thank you for reminding me of the total gift of your love.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Pi is on the Move!

To send this card: Lent Card

Quote:How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.
Anne Frank

Just in case you were wondering, the clock did staighten itself out today - and seemed to stay the course even for evening prayer tonight. Guess even clocks can have their moments!

Almost stepped on Pi this evening! I had to go to the store with Sister Colleen and when we came back in I started going down the hallway and I noticed this little thing bobbing along near my feet. Pi was on the move. Whenever he hears my voice and I don't come right, smack, this moment back to my office he feels he has to see what's the hold-up. He is really lucky he didn't get stepped on because it was that time between daylight and dusk before we had put any hall lights on and it was pretty dark. Sister Jane went out the kitchen and into the hall before I did, don't know how she missed him, but that would have been bad cause she is much taller and bigger than I am and could have really got some toes!. Guess Pi's guardian angel was on duty, thanks be to God. I do pray for his angel to watch him! Will have to start making doubly and triply sure I keep my office door closed when I leave.

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters

Follow Me
by Msgr. David E. Rosage
"No follower of mine shall ever walk in darkness; no, he shall possess the light of life."
Jn 8:12

Jesus is the beacon of my journey through life. When fears and doubts, misunderstandings and rejections tend to darken my path, I can always depend on Jesus, my guiding Light.

At times he guides me gently, like the reflectors along the highway. At other times a low-beam headlight will amply illumine the way. On still other occasions I may need the high beams to give me a more cosmic vision.

Be that as it may, no follower of Jesus will ever walk in darkness. Thank you, Lord.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Flu and AOL woes

To send this card: Lent Card

Music: Easy Listening 1

Quote:Love is shown in your deeds not in your words.

Father Jerome Cummings

I am making a concerted effort not to get the flu. I know it has tapped me on the head, but so far by taking a nap each day and various remedies I haven't come down with a full case of it as some of the sisters have. Do hope I can keep it up till it passes over. In the meantime I am not getting much done, but God seems to be telling to me to take life more slowly and accepting - so this is fine.

I am getting some trouble from friends using the AOL links. I think perhaps AOL has blocked my site as being spam - in the last ten days about eight people have hit their spam button when viewing my page (some are accidental I think) but anyway I think they have marked me as "bad" news. AOL does not like "bad news" people.


Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia

Follow Me
by Msgr. David E. Rosage
God has saved us and has called us to a holy life, not because of any merit of ours but according to his own design-the grace held out to us in Christ Jesus.
2 Tim 1:9

I am special to Jesus. He loves me so much he called me to be his disciple, to be closely united with him. In his love he supplies me with all the graces and gifts, the help and encouragement I need to follow his way of life.

I cannot earn heaven. All I can do is to be receptive to his compassionate mercy and respond in loving service.

What I do in life is not very important to Jesus, but rather what I am. Not what I do, but why I do it.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Saint Patrick, Prison and Chicken Noodle Soup

Quote:For you, O Lord,
are good and forgiving,
abounding in kindness
to all who call upon you.
Psalm 86:5

To send this card:Saint Patrick

Music: Pre-selected

If you are reading this from JoyNotes I hope you will take the time to look at today's Peace card... I think it is especially nice for Saint Patrick! See link above.

Well, I didn't get much done on the new Vocation site today as I had hoped.. but here is the link to take a peek anyway. Called To Joy!. I will be sending out a Vocation newsletter once a week on Saturdays - God willing of course! You are welcome to sign up for it even if you are not interested in a Poor Clare vocation but just want to read it. Perhaps if some of you who receive this are in vocation work yourself you might have some ideas or suggestions to improve the content once I get it rolling.

I am also working on a wonderful new website for two new friends of mine! Dale and Susan Recinella work with prisoners on death row in Florida and their families. Their ministry is so powerful and needed that our community has decided that we want to help in some small way. So though as cloistered religious we cannot go out to visit those in prison as the Beatitudes ask us to.. this is a way we hope to share in a tiny portion of their grace-filled ministry.

I am making a CD of the two programs I recorded for Radio Maria and hope to offer them for a small donation. In Dale's interview it was so awesome, one man was received into the Church just the day before he was executed. This man had been so impressed by Pope John Paul that he wanted to join whatever Church it was that that man was in charge of! Pope John Paul died only a few days before he was to go to heaven himself. Dale was in the room with the guards when the Bishop annointed him with the grace of confirmation. All in the room saw him glowing! Not just like a man touched by a very moving event but his body actually glowed like a light was being shinned upon him! Later when Dale was with him in his last hours before being executed, Dale whispered in awe to him, "What happened? Can you tell me what happened when the Bishop laid his hands on you?' The man answered clearly and calmly in perfect peace. "John Paul came to me," he said. "He told me it was going to be alright and that when the time came for me to leave, Jesus would be there to receive me."

I think this has been easily one of the most powerful interviews I have ever had the grace to do. Both of us felt touched by God, and I feel that helping both Susan and Dale in any way I can is something God wants. It will be interesting to see how this develops. God is awesome!

Well, if I don't get moving, I will be one tired cookie tomorrow! So far I haven't had but a little bit of the cold or flu or whatever that is attacking half of the community here. Best not get too tired or I will be a victim myself!

Tonight we had a most wonderful pure chicken noodle soup from our wonderful friend across the street. That should certainly make us well and hearty! It was sumptious delumptious! Wish I could share some with you, but it won't go through the computer screen. Sorry.

Blessings of Peace and All Good!
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

P.S. So, where does this put the book? Well, it's taking a back seat for a bit. In trying to be open to God and realistic to my human capabilities I have made the decision that it will probably not get done by June... it may not even get done by the Fall. I know it will get done, but I have been praying over the last two weeks and I have discerned that pressuring myself to a heart attack is probably not God's idea of a good thing. So basically I am just taking the time line off of me for awhile and just going to work on it every week and when it gets done, it gets done.

Follow Me
by Msgr. David E. Rosage
"If anyone thirsts, let him come to me:
let him drink who believes in me. . . .
'From within him rivers of living water shall flow.' "
Jn 7:37-38

When Jesus invites me to come and drink at the source of living water, he is inviting me to be his disciple. He longs to fill me with his life-giving water. All I have to do is let him. He wants me to be magnanimous, to love not only my friends, but even those who make life difficult. Than his love may flow through me and warm others. In short, I am to be a fountain of "living water."

Jesus, keep my heart open, receptive, and ever expansive to the stream of your boundless love.

Saint Patrick, Prison and Chicken Noodle Soup

Quote:For you, O Lord,
are good and forgiving,
abounding in kindness
to all who call upon you.
Psalm 86:5

To send this card:Saint Patrick

Music: Pre-selected

If you are reading this from JoyNotes I hope you will take the time to look at today's Peace card... I think it is especially nice for Saint Patrick! See link above.

Well, I didn't get much done on the new Vocation site today as I had hoped.. but here is the link to take a peek anyway. Called To Joy!. I will be sending out a Vocation newsletter once a week on Saturdays - God willing of course! You are welcome to sign up for it even if you are not interested in a Poor Clare vocation but just want to read it. Perhaps if some of you who receive this are in vocation work yourself you might have some ideas or suggestions to improve the content once I get it rolling.

I am also working on a wonderful new website for two new friends of mine! Dale and Susan Recinella work with prisoners on death row in Florida and their families. Their ministry is so powerful and needed that our community has decided that we want to help in some small way. So though as cloistered religious we cannot go out to visit those in prison as the Beatitudes ask us to.. this is a way we hope to share in a tiny portion of their grace-filled ministry.

I am making a CD of the two programs I recorded for Radio Maria and hope to offer them for a small donation. In Dale's interview it was so awesome, one man was received into the Church just the day before he was executed. This man had been so impressed by Pope John Paul that he wanted to join whatever Church it was that that man was in charge of! Pope John Paul died only a few days before he was to go to heaven himself. Dale was in the room with the guards when the Bishop annointed him with the grace of confirmation. All in the room saw him glowing! Not just like a man touched by a very moving event but his body actually glowed like a light was being shinned upon him! Later when Dale was with him in his last hours before being executed, Dale whispered in awe to him, "What happened? Can you tell me what happened when the Bishop laid his hands on you?' The man answered clearly and calmly in perfect peace. "John Paul came to me," he said. "He told me it was going to be alright and that when the time came for me to leave, Jesus would be there to receive me."

I think this has been easily one of the most powerful interviews I have ever had the grace to do. Both of us felt touched by God, and I feel that helping both Susan and Dale in any way I can is something God wants. It will be interesting to see how this develops. God is awesome!

Well, if I don't get moving, I will be one tired cookie tomorrow! So far I haven't had but a little bit of the cold or flu or whatever that is attacking half of the community here. Best not get too tired or I will be a victim myself!

Tonight we had a most wonderful pure chicken noodle soup from our wonderful friend across the street. That should certainly make us well and hearty! It was sumptious delumptious! Wish I could share some with you, but it won't go through the computer screen. Sorry.

Blessings of Peace and All Good!
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

P.S. So, where does this put the book? Well, it's taking a back seat for a bit. In trying to be open to God and realistic to my human capabilities I have made the decision that it will probably not get done by June... it may not even get done by the Fall. I know it will get done, but I have been praying over the last two weeks and I have discerned that pressuring myself to a heart attack is probably not God's idea of a good thing. So basically I am just taking the time line off of me for awhile and just going to work on it every week and when it gets done, it gets done.

Follow Me
by Msgr. David E. Rosage
"If anyone thirsts, let him come to me:
let him drink who believes in me. . . .
'From within him rivers of living water shall flow.' "
Jn 7:37-38

When Jesus invites me to come and drink at the source of living water, he is inviting me to be his disciple. He longs to fill me with his life-giving water. All I have to do is let him. He wants me to be magnanimous, to love not only my friends, but even those who make life difficult. Than his love may flow through me and warm others. In short, I am to be a fountain of "living water."

Jesus, keep my heart open, receptive, and ever expansive to the stream of your boundless love.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Saint Patrick on Friday in Lent

To send this card: St. Patrick

More St Patrick Day Cards

Music: Be Thou My Vision

Today a friend asked me if it was "okay" to eat meat this Friday on the feast of Saint Patrick. Of course I have to admit I'm the lowest of the low in knowing the rules and regulations for such things but I gave it my best shot. Basically through Googling. Thought I would share my reply to her with you, in case any other fans of Saint Patrick were wondering the same thing!

Well, it is one of those unoffical "holy of holy" days. I don't think you will find permission universally granted in any books. I have known a great number of priests who assured us that St. Patrick meant full celebration as a Solemnity (but they did have Irish heritage) so I have to say I really don't know. One priest I know, who was very strict on absolutely everything liturgical actually was incensed when I put out a "purple" vestment on Saint Patrick's Day instead of "green." So it's a very touchy subject. When it comes to "awearin of the Green" and a "celebratin of de purple" the green does seem to win out nine times out of ten. Of course, I have red hair and named Patricia so you have to take that into account as well.

Out of curiosity, I asked the question on google and found that the Bishop of Lansing, Michigan gave the people in his parish the "okay" to eat meat on Friday provided they chose another day of the week not to eat meat.

Basically it is up to the Bishop of each diocese to decide. Another thought.

So much for my two cents worth. I just got reminded that I didn't do the dinner dishes yet! Yikes. Guess I'm off to soap suds and bubbles . . .

Blessings of Peace and all Good!
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters

Follow Me
by Msgr. David E. Rosage
Jesus then said to his disciples: "If a man wishes to come after me, he must deny his very self, take up his cross, and begin to follow in my footsteps."

Mt. 16:24

Jesus did not trick me into following him. He spelled out the conditions very clearly.

He challenges me to respond in love to the boundless love which he has for me-this is the price of discipleship.

My daily dying-to-self makes me more open to receive an even greater influx of his enduring love.

Bantu Proverb: "The burden of love is light like a cloud."

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Sunday and Colds...

To send this card: God's Love

Music: Just a closer walk

Quote: If you can't pray a door open, don't pry it open.
Lyell Rader

Sunday was so nice! We had blue sky and sunshine and I went outside for a nice walk and fixed the pumps in my little fish pond so the four fish (they have grown!) could get more oxygen in the water from the fountain splahing. They were very happy. We just took off their winter cover on Friday so its nice to be able to see them again.

Looks like colds are settling in for everyone at the monastery. We are all taking Airborne and drinking medicinal teas and getting extra rest. I've also been having weird dreams... that's usually a good clue for me that something is a kilter with the old system!

Hope you have a wonderful and blessed Monday!
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters

Follow Me
by Msgr. David E. Rosage
"It was not you who chose me,
it was I who chose you
to go and bear fruit"
Jn 15:16

What a privileged person I am! God chose me to be a member of his family, to be his disciple, to be on his team, and also to be an instrument through which his love radiates itself to others. He is asking me to be a channel whereby he can touch others.

I bear fruit when I permit him to transform me and let his radiance shine forth through me.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

My Shepherd is the Lord

To send this card: Lenten card

Music: Sheep May safely graze

Quote: "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." (Edmund Burke)

Well, now someone has come up with an accusation against our Bishop for sexual misconduct. The accusation supposedly happened forty years ago in a parish our Bishop was not even a part of when he was twenty or twenty-two. Bishop Skylstad denies it and says he has kept his vow of celibacy since he was ordained a deacon, which I think he was at that time. I for my part, believe our bishop. I also think it is a very sad state of affairs that anyone can destroy anyone's reputation, life and well-being simply because they wish to do so.

I am not sure exactly what we are called to do against such stuff. I for my part rather feel like the two apostles who asked the Lord if they should pray to rain down fire from heaven for those who turned against them, but I rather expect the Lord would answer me in the same way he did them. Sigh. Take off my shoes, shake out the sand and move on.

I will trust that the Lord will turn all things to good for those that love him - and that I also know full well, that our Bishop Skylstad is very much in love with the Lord, devoted to the Blessed Mother and a good and holy priest who tries very hard to do his best for all. I for one, think our diocese is very blessed to have him as our Shepherd! Thank you Jesus!

Blessings of Peace and All Good!
Sister Patricia

Follow Me
by Msgr. David E. Rosage
"Come Now! I will send you to Pharaoh to lead my people, the Israelites, out of Egypt"
Ex. 3:10

Humanly speaking, Moses was an unlikely person to be called to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. There was a price on his head in Egypt; he was in exile. Yet God's way are not our ways.

How unqualified I am for the mission to which the Lord has called Me! Jesus reminds me that he chose me; I did not choose him (Jn 15:16).

Just as he said to Moses, so also the Lord is saying to me: "I will be with you" (Ex 3:12).

Monday, March 06, 2006

Today Is God's Will for Me!

To send this card: Lent Card for today

Music: pre-selected - I know whom I have believed.

I always seem to have several books going at once, from which I read a little bit each day. Right now, my just before bed book is, "He leadeth Me" by Walter Ciszek, SJ the priest who spent 23 years in Russian prison camps. It is a very, very, strong emphasis on "very" powerful book. This is my second, maybe third time reading it. This time I am reading it more slowly for content not just the gripping story. At first I was thinking I didn't think I had the stomach and nerves to read it again (gets very graphically painful in torturous moments) but the deep relationship he has with Jesus was just too powerful to not take a second look.

Last night I was reading where he was talking about how himself and his co-priest friend who went to Russia with him came to understand God's will for them in each day. I can only share it poorly but basically it was that what came to pass each day was God's will. Whether good or bad, easy or hard, God was with them in those moments and desired for them to accept those moments as his will. So at first their feelings were of despair because they were not able to minister as priests... and life continued to go from bad to worse to terrible to unbelievably terrible and yet they found God in those terrible moments and were able to survive. This is what I got out from it - for me... as I scramble between radio and book and web work I seem to be making pitably small progress in any direction. I try to see if there is something I should drop - but each work seems to be God pushing me to do... so I have decided I will just continue with all three - and not worry about time schedules and deadlines and just do each day what I can. Maybe the book will come out in the fall instead of June - if it does - life will continue. Better its late with good health and sound mind than on time and a frazzled wreck! Besides its only a deadline I made for myself as my mom used to say to me, "Well, if you made it, you can change it!"

The quote on my desk calendar for Sunday(Mary Engelbreit) says, "Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it." Greg Anderson.

That makes sense to me!

Blessings of Peace and all Good!
Sister Patricia

Follow Me
by Msgr. David E. Rosage
"I am the vine, you are the branches. He who lives in me and I in him, will produce abundantly, for apart from me you can do nothing."
Jn 15:5

With this simple allegory Jesus explained the mystery of his indwelling. He lets the branch blossom out and bear fruit. Yet there would be no fruit if he were not the source of divine life energizing me. How good Jesus is to me!

He reminds me that apart from him I can do nothing. which is another way of saying that with him I can do all things.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Good and not so good

To send this card:Lent Card

Music: Pre-selected - Your Smile

Quote: If you do what the Lord wants, he will make certain each step you take is sure.
Ps 37:23

I love the above quote. That is the other one I keep in my Music at Mass right above the Amen. Rather comforting I think, though I am not always sure I'm doing what the Lord wants! Guess I'll have to find another quote to calm myself about that.

Brought my mom over for dinner. Unfortunately my good deed for the day turned into not such a good one. She has a little Betta fish that my brother John gave her. She loves her little fish. In fact she just sent a letter to my sister Euli in which she told her how much she loved her little fish. Every time I go to pick her up I clean the water in its little bitty plastic tank. Unfortunately today, I killed her little fish. Good going, Patricia! I was running some water gently into the bowl to kind of flush out the old and replace with some new and I didn't stay right there and watch it and the water got hotter and hotter and the little guy jumped out and when I returned two minutes later he had jumped out of his tank and was dead. Sooooo, then I had to tell my mom that I had killed her little fish. She was surprised they were so delicate she said. Well, even undelicate fish don't like to be fried! Sigh. So, off we went to the pet store to replace her little betta. I didn't want her coming back to her apartment without a new one! Hmmmm, so much for all my worrying that she couldn't take care of a fish. Guess we found out who we needed to be worrying about!

Blessings of Peace and all Good!
Sister Patricia

Follow Me
by Msgr. David E. Rosage

"Come and see."
Lk 9:23

Jesus invites me not only to come and see him, but to spend time with him in prayer, to live with him, to strive to capture his way of thinking until "in him I live and move and have my being" (Acts 17:28)

Only after I have "put on the new man" (Eph 4:24) will I be able to radiate him to all those around me.

Jesus, let me rest often and at length in your presence.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Books and Radio, Oh my!

To send this card: Did you hear?

Music: Preselected

Quote: I pray that you will begin to understand how incredibly great his power is to help those who believe in him. Eph 1:19

First of all I would like to say if you were planning on sending in a story for the Reconciliation book and didn't get it done - I'm still accepting late entries till next week. Since I always seem to be a few steps behind every deadline I set for myself I can certainly understand anyone else in the same position.

If you did send in a story and it hasn't been acknowledged. Don't despair - I just checked and I'm exactly 94 stories behind! In fact I've only been able to work on the book one day this week... at this point it may take several years to get the book published! Oh me gosh. Well, I'm close to changing the deadline but not settled yet, there is still time for the Blessed Mother to come to the rescue.

One of the things that has been holding up progress (I always find something) is my radio work. I'm behind on that too but things are looking up today. For the last few days or maybe I should say two weeks I have been trying to set up radio interviews for my radio program on Radio Maria, "The Power of Prayer." I had some of the most fascinating leads but just couldn't make connections... now... they all called back on the same day! Get out the umbrella because its starting to pour!

Today I had a great interview with Fr. Matt Gamber who is the associate pastor at St. Paul of the Cross in Park Ridge, Illinois. We talked about Lent and Parish outreach during this season. It was lots of fun not only because Father Matt is such a good friend of our community but also because it was neat to hear what goes on in a big parish. Lots! What I love about the Catholic Church is that although each parish is very united with one another, at the same time - each one is very unique. Together we make a wonderful body of Christ. Its wonderful to share stories.

Blessings of Peace and all Good!
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters

Follow Me
by Msgr. David E. Rosage

"Jesus said to all: "Whoever wishes to be my follower must deny his very self, take up his cross each day, and follow in my steps."
Lk 9:23

Jesus emphasizes that I must take up my cross each day. My cross is the various demands and duties of each day. Their neverending recurrence causes them to become routine and monotonous.

However, whatI do in life is not nearly as important as why I perform my daily duties.

Most of the saints did not accomplish extraordinary things, but they did do the ordinary things in an extraordinary manner.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Miracles Happen

To send this card: Miracles Happen

Music: Changes in Latitude

Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday. Also last day to send in a story for the new book. (If you have a story and need more time let me know. Book Comment

Today was Fat Monday! Of course tradition is supposed to be Fat Tuesday but we had a homemade delicious banana cream pie that our dear friend across the street made for us, so it was yummy in the old tum on Monday! I don't think I have ever had such a delicious banana cream pie... what a royal send off for going into lent!

Well, thank you to everyone who sent a prayer upwards or a good thought about my sister Barb and her big move. She made it and today had her first day of work at her new job! Wow. Miracles do happen! Of course I knew that already, but I always like them nevertheless!

Another miracle happened right here in River City! I actually got my desk top cleaned and all three drawers neatly organized. I have to say that this is probably as big a miracle as Barb's move. Now to keep it this way. I am really going to be trying because as I start to work on the book in earnest - I need clean spaces to keep myself focused on track. The last final hurdle of cleaning the last piles took major action. For two weeks I couldn't seem to move on it at all. Finally I told myself, "Okay, until you get that top of the desk clean you can't do any clacking!" Now you of course probably don't know what clacking is, because it is a terrible addictive habit that is only done by myself. I use little pieces of paper that I neatly fold and I tap my books with them as I read and it makes little clacking sounds. I have done this since the eighth grade. My grandmother was sure I was a mental case and perhaps so, but whatever the reason I love my little clackers! They are not quite as bad as smoking though I do know it can drive other people in the room into orbit so I try to restrain myself to moderate clacking in company but if the book is terrible interesting than it really doesn't matter who is in the room, I must clack! So anyway, ever since Friday when I started my great desk cleaning finale - I haven't been clacking! But NOW I CAN! Whew. Wasn't sure how much longer I could hold out. Please don't send anyone over with little white coats - until I have had a few days of peaceful clacking I can't say how I would conduct myself and might even get violent.

Also don't even suggest that I give up clacking for lent. I have done it in the past, even for several years.. but at this point in my mental life... I'm going to be clacking at least right up to the time the book goes off to the printer!

Blessings of Peacea and all Good!
Sister Patricia

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Two Days till Lent . . .

To send this card: Prayer

Music: Music Box

Quote: Pray, hope and don't worry!
Saint Padre Pio

Two Days till Lent!

We had a nice sermon this Sunday on preparing for Lent. Have to admit I wasn't much in the mood for moving into the Lent mode quite yet... but Father's sermon helped to put things in proper perspective. He reminded us when we think of our lenten practices to make it those things that will bring us closer into relationship with God. Not simply sacrifice for sacrifice's sake but to ask ourselves what is going on in my life that is blocking me from having a more loving and honest relationship with God? Is there something I can do this lent to change that?

Many friends I know give up the computer - but don't worry - I find putting out the JoyNotes each day is more of a graced time than otherwise! I love Danielle's, Sister Janet's and Father Rory's contributions and doing my little bit always helps me to focus on things as well.

So for me instead of taking away, I am going to add just one more little bit to the JoyNotes. This will be a small Scriptural mediation by Msgr. David E. Rosage from his book, "Follow Me".

Here is the first one... so you won't have to wonder what they will be like.

Follow Me by Msgr. David E. Rosage
"Come and follow me." Mk 10:21)

Jesus invites me to come and follow him, to become his disciple. He asks me not only to walk in his footsteps, but to follow his way of life so closely that I can be identified with him.

Then my very lifestyle will give witness to his abiding presence in me and in the world.

Jesus, I reach out with joy to grasp your hand so that I may walk more readily in your ways. Blessings of Peace and all Good!
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters

Thursday, February 23, 2006

To send this card:In Prayer

Music: Hail Mary, Gentle Woman

Quote: There is no future in any job. The future lies in
the man who holds the job.
George Crane

My brain is on fuzz. I think I might be coming down with something or else the weather change is affecting my head. It tends to do that, along with a myriad of other things like getting car sick. I went with Sister Colleen to take Shelley to the vet for a check-up and the ride didn't agree with me. How fortunate I am that I don't travel very much!

More and more lately I have been trying to put myself into Mary's hands one hundred percent. Just seems like the safest and best thing to do... so even though today is not necessarily a Mary day - thought I would share a Mary card with you.

Blessings of Peace and all Good!
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

To send this card: Blest are the Sorrowing

Music: Jolly Mon Song

Quote: Act with boldness of thought.
Pope John Paul II

The above quote was not the one I said I was going to share today. That quote is lying on a little piece of paper somewhere here on the desk. It's hiding. If I had energy I could go upstairs to the chapel and copy it again...but energy is low and this is my favorite quote too. So... maybe tomorrow!

Had my mom over for dinner today. Oh, my mom is so funny. She is hard of hearing... like shall we say deaf? She does have hearing aids but they have a nice little spot in the bottom of her drawer where they like to spend their days and nights. Anyway because she is deaf, she doesn't realize that the things she is saying to herself are actually not quiet at all. And my dear mom, who never used to say anything against anybody, now has a comment on practically everybody and every situation. So she was telling us at dinner today, that there is this one man who sits at her table and she says he is rather large! That seems to be a fixation with her now about large people. Doesn't matter that she had a small weight problem herself most of her life - now if she sees anybody a little over she has things to say. So apparently when he sat down the other day or did something.. .she made one of her little not so quiet comments... and he said, "I heard that!" and she was so shocked! (she does read lips very well) and was quite amazed that he could have heard her. I am sure she thought he was reading her mind. Anyway it made quite an impression on her. I don't expect she will stop making comments... but it did impress her enough to tell us all about it at great detail at dinner. Was very funny. She can get quite melodramatic in her telling.

I thank everyone who sent in suggestions and songs. They are wonderful and give me all sorts of things to work on! Thank you a bunch!

Blessings of Peace and all Good!
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

New Radio Program on Confession

To send this card: The Chair of Saint Peter

Music: Sing Hallelujah

Only 8 Days till Ash Wednesday!

Quote: I pray that you will begin to understand how
incredibly great his power is to help those who believe
in him.
Eph. 1:19

I love the above quote. I have it printed on a little piece of paper in my Music book for playing the Service
music at Mass. That way I am sure to read it every day!Tomorrow I will share another great quote I have there as well. The two together are my Morning Spiritual "Go out and do great things for the Lord" thoughts.

Today I can't say that I did great things for the Lord, or at least as much as I would like. I am working on putting together a new radio program on confession. One of those stepping out on the water experiences - it will be basically a companion program to the upcoming book I am working on. Meaning it will be "interviews" with people and their experiences of confession rather than theological teaching which would be way over my head and out of my element. I really feel that the Blessed Mother is helping me out very much with it, because I came up with a whole possible outline for 13 programs in about ten minutes last night before I went to bed! Not only that I even came up with the title! Spiritual CPR" with the CPR standing for C=Confession P=Penance and R=Reconciliation.

It will be a half hour program with basically an interview, a song, a practical examination of conscience on the topic such as work, home, school, etc. and than another song, a brief talk on ways to take positive steps for improvement in that area and than...Good bye and see you next week sort of thing. What do you think? Any suggestions to make it better? I also need some thoughts on what some good songs might be!


The update on my sister Barb and the traveling trio (plus dogs) is that they are in Nevada and will probably get to Medford, Oregon tomorrow! Their final destination is Corvallis but they will stay a few days in Medford with my sister, resting up till Friday. How exciting for me as I hope she will be able to visit here in Spokane, WA much more often!

Only Seven Days for Sending in your Stories for the New Book!

Blessings of Peace and all Good!
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Computer Woes, Pi Goes and Canine Fellowship

To send this card: Franciscan Joy!

Music: Edelweiss

First off, my computer or the server or something is still acting up .. but I think I can work around it for awhile. Will see. At any rate I can still send the text version out and the JoyNotes that I load onto the main site, Franciscan Cards does work.. the only thing is that it changes every day. What is happening is too weird - so maybe its somebody in red with horns or who knows what. I do believe that the devil isn't always that pleased when we are doing good. Even if its just a little good. My thought was yesterday that he didn't care for Sister Janet's sharing... which for me was so beautiful. I'm saving that one for sure. What was really neat was that it came on the nine month anniversary of our Sister Mary Rita going to heaven.

Only seven days to send in your story. dum dum de dum. Than I must get busy and start making decisions and moving solidly forward with the book big time! Do I sense a small bit of panic here? Hope not!

Must give you an updated report on Pi! He has this new little sneak attack. What he does is climb up to the top of his cage on the outside, lets out a "COWABUNGA CAll" and then gives a big leap and makes it over the little screen wall he puts up. Today was about the third or fourth time he had done it in the las week.. so I wasn't too surprised and kept working on my project for a few minutes before putting him back in. The only problem is today he decided not to head for my shoe laces or other choice office spots but went for the door. He can walk pretty fast when he wants to. About one minute later here comes Sister Colleen with a green bird on her finger. She says,"Missing anyone?"

Hope you have a very wonderful and blessed Tuesday.

Oh, my sister Barb and troop are now in Nebraska. Moved through most of Ohio, and then through Indiana, Illinois, Iowa and a bit into Nebraska. Her husband, Craig is sitting in the back seat where he can rest. Well, he could rest if there weren't two big dogs who want to keep him in close c

THIS JUST IN! (had to share Barb's letter with you.. thought it was funny. Of course at the bottom
where it says to pass it along to everyone... she meant my brothers and sisters... but... I'm sure she wouldn't mind you reading it as well.. and if she does - she's still
2000 miles away so I think I'm safe)

Hi Sr. Pat,

We are now in Nebraska, Grand Island, at the Super 8. Steve and Craig went
out to eat and I am eating my veggie wrap in the room with two tired out
pups who finally ate some dinner at 9:30 (10:30 our NY time). They are
sacked out and ready to give up travels for the night.

We put a lot of miles behind us today and really had no problems. Steve
kindly let me drive during the rush hour traffic with concrete barriers on
both sides of 3 lanes of construction with the sun just setting in our eyes.
I thought that was so special. The 15 thousand truckers made us feel
welcome and stayed close to keep us safe.

We plan to have a slow night and start when we wake up and see how far we
go. We'd like to make it to the salt flats of Utah tomorrow so I am hoping
to get some batteries for my digital camera because I think that is going to
be pretty exciting.

very tired and almost done eating. Going to check the weather and get some
sleep. Pass this along to everyone if you don't mind. Keep in touch. I'll
try to not be driving when you call tomorrow.

Love you,

Barb et al

Sunday, February 19, 2006

To send this card:Blessed Jacinta and Blessed Francisco

Music: Canon in D - Pachelbel

Quote: Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there.
Will Rogers

I picked that quote several hours ago. At that time it seemed rather good, now I feel more like "just sitting there" and the quote doesn't seem so funny. Maybe, "Be still, and know that I am God," seems more appropriate. Though in truth I think the first quote does have some merit, just more at the beginning of the day than its end while the second quote is good "all" the time and especially at night when its time to quiet the brain down anyway!

Well, good news. My sister Barb, her husband Craig, my brother-in-law Steve and two dogs have started their cross-trek journey from New York to Oregon. They had a miserable send off, with the power off in their house from a storm for two days in below freezing temperatures and 70 mph winds. They slept in sleeping bags (or attempted to sleep) with the outside temperature of 12 degrees and the inside not much better, no furniture, nothing but miserable cold. Needless to say they are quite happy to be on the road!

Only eight more days to send in stories! More information.

Blessings of Peace and All Good!
Sister Patricia

Thursday, February 16, 2006

To send this card: Ecology Card

Music: JSBach Little Organ Fugue in G minor

Had a fun afternoon interviewing Art Pieretti who is the EWTN regional manager for the West coast. He is just a wonderful person and has great stories to tell. One of those interviews that just kind of goes by itself and I just go along for the ride. He was all ready to go LIVE on the radio... but I uh like uhmm no, we are not there yet! Maybe next year? Towards the end of the interview he even invited me to go to Birmingham and be on there TV and Radio program to talk about our Catholic radio station in Spokane. Wouldn't that be something? I laughed and told him the Holy Spirit would have to work that one out!

Winter has decided to come back for a bit. Not sure how long it will stay maybe just a week? Yesterday we saw about thirty robins feasting on one of our berry bushes. They don't usually come around unless it looks like there is a hint of spring. Of course these were the more northern variety of robins - our summer robins are still further down south I expect.

Well, now we are only 12 days away from the Story deadline! I won't be able to use every story that is sent in, but please share a story and try!

Blessings of Peace and all Good,
Sister Patricia

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Quote: In order to open the door to God, we must first have the realism to recognize that we cannot sort ourselves out. We need help. If it were possible for us to sort out our own problems, then our Lord would have wasted his time on the Cross.
Fr. Francis Randolp from his book Pardon and Peace

13 Days to go for Confession Stories! Thank you for your prayers and help! At this point I have sent out notes to all who have sent stories (not including Wednesday). So if you have sent a story and not heard from me please drop me a note to see if we can track it down.

Since I have been writing so much lately, I will take pity on you tonight and keep it short. Just remember if you need a miracle in your life, ask for it. I have been so surprised the miracles that have come my way just by asking, times when I knew there was no way they could happen but just went ahead and asked anyway. And they happened! Big ones and little ones. Go ahead and ask!

Blessings of Peace and all Good,Sister Patricia and all the Sisters

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Peace Card for Wednesday - February 15, 2006

Quote: I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.
Bill Crosby

I don't have a saint card for today, but I went to my favorite saint place at Catholic Forum and checked out the saints they had for today. Found a great one! Saint Angelus de Scarpetti. Of course I had never heard of him before - but the small paragraph they had on him was enough for me.

Augustinian friar c.1254. Fellow student with Saint Nicholas of Tolentino. Missionary to England where he preached and built monasteries. Known as a miracle worker. He once intervened on behalf of a man condemned to death; the authorities ignored him, and executed the man; Angelus then promptly brought him back to life.

Now that's my idea of a good saint. Do what you can and when that fails, do what the Lord can! Very cool. I like him already.

Here's the link to the saint pages Catholic Forum What I like to do is go to the Calendar Page and check out what's up for the day!

Only 14 days left to send in your story for the Reconciliation book! The count down is on. The kinds of stories I am looking for are those that mean something to you. They don't have to be huge or spectacular to be powerful.

Many people have difficulty going to confession - if you have a story that helped you to get over that difficulty, that reluctance, that "oh no, do I have to" feeling please share it.

If you have a story in which you found encouragement, peace, renewal - please share!

If you are a priest I would love some stories on how God works through you as you minister this sacrament. I know one of the most comforting words I ever received during confession was a priest sharing with me how privileged he felt to hear confessions. I think it would be very helpful to hear how God is with you as you minister this sacrament. I don't mean breaking the "seal of confession" but if you could share how perhaps you will get moments of grace to "offer wisdom or insight" or feel God's presence with you... that would be wonderful. Do you as a priest feel that God is using you and can you share that in any way?

I also would like small fillers! Funny stories. A word or thought that was given to you during confession that helped you. One of the best stories yet is from my friend Linda and her godmother who is now 92. She said that when she made her first confession as a small girl she didn't know what sin to confess so she looked up the sins and chose one of them. When it came to the part to confess she said, "I committed adultery." The priest laughed. I find myself laughing every time I think of that as well!

If you have already sent in a story and have not heard back from me. Don't worry. Once again I am way behind. I hope to work on acknowledgements tomorrow. God willing that is!

Send Story

Please pray that this will be a very powerful and helpful book!

Blessings of Peace and all Good!
Sister Patricia