Thursday, March 02, 2006

Books and Radio, Oh my!

To send this card: Did you hear?

Music: Preselected

Quote: I pray that you will begin to understand how incredibly great his power is to help those who believe in him. Eph 1:19

First of all I would like to say if you were planning on sending in a story for the Reconciliation book and didn't get it done - I'm still accepting late entries till next week. Since I always seem to be a few steps behind every deadline I set for myself I can certainly understand anyone else in the same position.

If you did send in a story and it hasn't been acknowledged. Don't despair - I just checked and I'm exactly 94 stories behind! In fact I've only been able to work on the book one day this week... at this point it may take several years to get the book published! Oh me gosh. Well, I'm close to changing the deadline but not settled yet, there is still time for the Blessed Mother to come to the rescue.

One of the things that has been holding up progress (I always find something) is my radio work. I'm behind on that too but things are looking up today. For the last few days or maybe I should say two weeks I have been trying to set up radio interviews for my radio program on Radio Maria, "The Power of Prayer." I had some of the most fascinating leads but just couldn't make connections... now... they all called back on the same day! Get out the umbrella because its starting to pour!

Today I had a great interview with Fr. Matt Gamber who is the associate pastor at St. Paul of the Cross in Park Ridge, Illinois. We talked about Lent and Parish outreach during this season. It was lots of fun not only because Father Matt is such a good friend of our community but also because it was neat to hear what goes on in a big parish. Lots! What I love about the Catholic Church is that although each parish is very united with one another, at the same time - each one is very unique. Together we make a wonderful body of Christ. Its wonderful to share stories.

Blessings of Peace and all Good!
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters

Follow Me
by Msgr. David E. Rosage

"Jesus said to all: "Whoever wishes to be my follower must deny his very self, take up his cross each day, and follow in my steps."
Lk 9:23

Jesus emphasizes that I must take up my cross each day. My cross is the various demands and duties of each day. Their neverending recurrence causes them to become routine and monotonous.

However, whatI do in life is not nearly as important as why I perform my daily duties.

Most of the saints did not accomplish extraordinary things, but they did do the ordinary things in an extraordinary manner.

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