Quote:For you, O Lord,
are good and forgiving,
abounding in kindness
to all who call upon you.
Psalm 86:5
To send this card:Saint Patrick
Music: Pre-selected
If you are reading this from JoyNotes I hope you will take the time to look at today's Peace card... I think it is especially nice for Saint Patrick! See link above.
Well, I didn't get much done on the new Vocation site today as I had hoped.. but here is the link to take a peek anyway. Called To Joy!. I will be sending out a Vocation newsletter once a week on Saturdays - God willing of course! You are welcome to sign up for it even if you are not interested in a Poor Clare vocation but just want to read it. Perhaps if some of you who receive this are in vocation work yourself you might have some ideas or suggestions to improve the content once I get it rolling.
I am also working on a wonderful new website for two new friends of mine! Dale and Susan Recinella work with prisoners on death row in Florida and their families. Their ministry is so powerful and needed that our community has decided that we want to help in some small way. So though as cloistered religious we cannot go out to visit those in prison as the Beatitudes ask us to.. this is a way we hope to share in a tiny portion of their grace-filled ministry.
I am making a CD of the two programs I recorded for Radio Maria and hope to offer them for a small donation. In Dale's interview it was so awesome, one man was received into the Church just the day before he was executed. This man had been so impressed by Pope John Paul that he wanted to join whatever Church it was that that man was in charge of! Pope John Paul died only a few days before he was to go to heaven himself. Dale was in the room with the guards when the Bishop annointed him with the grace of confirmation. All in the room saw him glowing! Not just like a man touched by a very moving event but his body actually glowed like a light was being shinned upon him! Later when Dale was with him in his last hours before being executed, Dale whispered in awe to him, "What happened? Can you tell me what happened when the Bishop laid his hands on you?' The man answered clearly and calmly in perfect peace. "John Paul came to me," he said. "He told me it was going to be alright and that when the time came for me to leave, Jesus would be there to receive me."
I think this has been easily one of the most powerful interviews I have ever had the grace to do. Both of us felt touched by God, and I feel that helping both Susan and Dale in any way I can is something God wants. It will be interesting to see how this develops. God is awesome!
Well, if I don't get moving, I will be one tired cookie tomorrow! So far I haven't had but a little bit of the cold or flu or whatever that is attacking half of the community here. Best not get too tired or I will be a victim myself!
Tonight we had a most wonderful pure chicken noodle soup from our wonderful friend across the street. That should certainly make us well and hearty! It was sumptious delumptious! Wish I could share some with you, but it won't go through the computer screen. Sorry.
Blessings of Peace and All Good!
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters
Happy Saint Patrick's Day!
P.S. So, where does this put the book? Well, it's taking a back seat for a bit. In trying to be open to God and realistic to my human capabilities I have made the decision that it will probably not get done by June... it may not even get done by the Fall. I know it will get done, but I have been praying over the last two weeks and I have discerned that pressuring myself to a heart attack is probably not God's idea of a good thing. So basically I am just taking the time line off of me for awhile and just going to work on it every week and when it gets done, it gets done.
Follow Me by Msgr. David E. Rosage "If anyone thirsts, let him come to me: let him drink who believes in me. . . . 'From within him rivers of living water shall flow.' " Jn 7:37-38 When Jesus invites me to come and drink at the source of living water, he is inviting me to be his disciple. He longs to fill me with his life-giving water. All I have to do is let him. He wants me to be magnanimous, to love not only my friends, but even those who make life difficult. Than his love may flow through me and warm others. In short, I am to be a fountain of "living water." Jesus, keep my heart open, receptive, and ever expansive to the stream of your boundless love. |
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