Thursday, February 16, 2006

To send this card: Ecology Card

Music: JSBach Little Organ Fugue in G minor

Had a fun afternoon interviewing Art Pieretti who is the EWTN regional manager for the West coast. He is just a wonderful person and has great stories to tell. One of those interviews that just kind of goes by itself and I just go along for the ride. He was all ready to go LIVE on the radio... but I uh like uhmm no, we are not there yet! Maybe next year? Towards the end of the interview he even invited me to go to Birmingham and be on there TV and Radio program to talk about our Catholic radio station in Spokane. Wouldn't that be something? I laughed and told him the Holy Spirit would have to work that one out!

Winter has decided to come back for a bit. Not sure how long it will stay maybe just a week? Yesterday we saw about thirty robins feasting on one of our berry bushes. They don't usually come around unless it looks like there is a hint of spring. Of course these were the more northern variety of robins - our summer robins are still further down south I expect.

Well, now we are only 12 days away from the Story deadline! I won't be able to use every story that is sent in, but please share a story and try!

Blessings of Peace and all Good,
Sister Patricia

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