Tuesday, February 21, 2006

New Radio Program on Confession

To send this card: The Chair of Saint Peter

Music: Sing Hallelujah

Only 8 Days till Ash Wednesday!

Quote: I pray that you will begin to understand how
incredibly great his power is to help those who believe
in him.
Eph. 1:19

I love the above quote. I have it printed on a little piece of paper in my Music book for playing the Service
music at Mass. That way I am sure to read it every day!Tomorrow I will share another great quote I have there as well. The two together are my Morning Spiritual "Go out and do great things for the Lord" thoughts.

Today I can't say that I did great things for the Lord, or at least as much as I would like. I am working on putting together a new radio program on confession. One of those stepping out on the water experiences - it will be basically a companion program to the upcoming book I am working on. Meaning it will be "interviews" with people and their experiences of confession rather than theological teaching which would be way over my head and out of my element. I really feel that the Blessed Mother is helping me out very much with it, because I came up with a whole possible outline for 13 programs in about ten minutes last night before I went to bed! Not only that I even came up with the title! Spiritual CPR" with the CPR standing for C=Confession P=Penance and R=Reconciliation.

It will be a half hour program with basically an interview, a song, a practical examination of conscience on the topic such as work, home, school, etc. and than another song, a brief talk on ways to take positive steps for improvement in that area and than...Good bye and see you next week sort of thing. What do you think? Any suggestions to make it better? I also need some thoughts on what some good songs might be!

Suggestion: mailto:srpat@calledbyjoy.com?Subject=Suggestion

The update on my sister Barb and the traveling trio (plus dogs) is that they are in Nevada and will probably get to Medford, Oregon tomorrow! Their final destination is Corvallis but they will stay a few days in Medford with my sister, resting up till Friday. How exciting for me as I hope she will be able to visit here in Spokane, WA much more often!

Only Seven Days for Sending in your Stories for the New Book!

Blessings of Peace and all Good!
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters.

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