Quote for the Day: “(I wish for you) to talk with Christ about all your present happenings, even doubts and difficulties, especially tough doubts, exposing to Him all possible reasons.... Talk and chat in a familiar way, as you would with me, with Christ Crucified, and ask Him for advice” (Letter III, 23). St Anthony Mary Zaccaria |
Blessings of Peace,
For those of you with brave heart and time (its a 30 minute program) ... here is a link to my radio program that aired on Tuesday here in Spokane. It was a very different show.... because you see I usually have a guest to interview but unfortunately the guest I had scheduled - I could not make contact with. Wrong phone number or something. So.... what we have is Sr. Patricia interviewing Sr. Patricia.
A bit strange .... but it worked! Sort of. . .
Faith, Hope and Action 30 minutes
I actually had recorded this back in April... so maybe I already shared this with you. Can't remember - at any rate it aired today because my guest problem happened again!
Blessings of Peace and all Good,
Sister Patricia
Mini Retreat Theme: Celebrate the Day Another Mass tip that helps me to become a more active participant (stay awake and stay focused) is to make a specific intention for that Mass. Since the Mass is of infinite value - you can make your request as big and as impossible as you want - knowing that there is no more powerful time to ask Jesus than at that moment. Be sure to ask God to make you "HOLY" make you a "SAINT" . That might seem a little weird - perhaps even presumptious but nothing is impossible with God and God wishes all of us to be Saints. My definition of a saint is someone who loves God and lets themselves be totally loved by God. It doesn't mean you have to be a martyr or endure great sufferings....if so, I would be far to chicken to pray for that! It just means you are willing to be totally and completely united to God - and if God wants you to do great things or little things... either way is fine with you. Meditation: (set your timer for ten minutes) Prayer when time is completed: Jesus, I desire to be your friend. To think of you often and to talk, listen and spend my day in your presence. Amen. |
Sr. Patricia,
God Bless you for your Notes. I look forward to reading them as they inevitably make me smile - thank you.
St. Patricia, Although my husband and I enjoy reading your notes we were happy you took the day off since you needed to do that. I want you to tell Sr. Barbara her Fourth of July Pie was fantastic! We had our family together and made that for our cool after cookout treat! We used a frozen yogurt called blueberry/pomgranate instead of the white vanilla. We did the fruit on top and topped it with the whipped cream! Oh, my what a delight. Please thank her for us. Richard&Maryann
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