Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Thursday - Radio Program - Mini Retreat

To send this card: Saint Anthony Mary Zaccaria

Quote for the Day:
“(I wish for you) to talk with Christ about all your present happenings, even doubts and difficulties, especially
tough doubts, exposing to Him all possible reasons.... Talk and chat in a familiar way, as you would with me, with Christ Crucified, and ask Him for advice” (Letter III, 23).
St Anthony Mary Zaccaria

Blessings of Peace,

For those of you with brave heart and time (its a 30 minute program) ... here is a link to my radio program that aired on Tuesday here in Spokane. It was a very different show.... because you see I usually have a guest to interview but unfortunately the guest I had scheduled - I could not make contact with. Wrong phone number or something. So.... what we have is Sr. Patricia interviewing Sr. Patricia.
A bit strange .... but it worked! Sort of. . .

Faith, Hope and Action 30 minutes

I actually had recorded this back in April... so maybe I already shared this with you. Can't remember - at any rate it aired today because my guest problem happened again!

Blessings of Peace and all Good,
Sister Patricia

Mini Retreat Theme: Celebrate the Day

Another Mass tip that helps me to become a more active participant (stay awake and stay focused) is to make a specific intention for that Mass.

Since the Mass is of infinite value - you can make your request as big and as impossible as you want - knowing that there is no more powerful time to ask Jesus than at that moment.

Be sure to ask God to make you "HOLY" make you a "SAINT" . That might seem a little weird - perhaps even presumptious but nothing is impossible with God and God wishes all of us to be Saints.

My definition of a saint is someone who loves God and lets themselves be totally loved by God. It doesn't mean you have to be a martyr or endure great sufferings....if so, I would be far to chicken to pray for that!

It just means you are willing to be totally and completely united to God - and if God wants you to do great things or little things... either way is fine with you.

Meditation: (set your timer for ten minutes)

Prayer when time is completed:

I desire to be your friend.
To think of you often
and to talk,
and spend my day
in your presence.


Anonymous said...

Sr. Patricia,
God Bless you for your Notes. I look forward to reading them as they inevitably make me smile - thank you.


Anonymous said...

St. Patricia, Although my husband and I enjoy reading your notes we were happy you took the day off since you needed to do that. I want you to tell Sr. Barbara her Fourth of July Pie was fantastic! We had our family together and made that for our cool after cookout treat! We used a frozen yogurt called blueberry/pomgranate instead of the white vanilla. We did the fruit on top and topped it with the whipped cream! Oh, my what a delight. Please thank her for us. Richard&Maryann