Monday, July 23, 2007

Tasty Tuesday -

To send this card: Teresa of the Child Jesus and John of the Cross

Quote for the Day:
They are too attached to their honor. . . .These souls, for the most part, grieve over anything said against them. They do not embrace the cross but drag it along, and so it hurts and wearies them and breaks them to pieces. However, if the cross is loved, it is easy to bear, this is certain.
St Teresa of Avila

Tasty Tuesday

I just finished the newsletter for our community! Now it can go off to the printer in the morning and I can go off to bed. Hurray. Hurray.

It's only several months late - should have had a Spring newsletter.. and an earlier Summer newsletter but, life just gets in the way of living sometimes.

Tomorrow with a bit of luck - I will make it into a pdf and share it with you. At least those of you who can use pdf's.

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia

The Confession Connection

O Happy Fault: A Confession of Hidden Sin

by Vinny Flynn
Day Two:

"Oh, come on now," you say, "It's not a sin to be unhappy! Everybody gets unhappy." Yes, Everybody gets unhappy. And it is sin. Dangerous sin, because it's habit-forming, extremely contagious, and seldom diagnosed as sin. It's usually viewed as something like a cold—it just happens to us, and we have to endure it until it goes away. We don't really have any control over it.

But that's a lie. Part of the Great Lie. We do have control over it. My unhappiness is not caused by something that happens to me. It is caused by my response to something that happens, a response generated by my attitude, my way of looking at things. Is my glass half full? Or is it half empty? It's a matter of perception, and the way I choose to perceive things determines my emotional response to them.

(to be continued tomorrow)

From one of twelve articles on confession found in the book, "101 Inspirational Stories of the Sacrament of Reconciliation."

Tasty Tip of the Week

from Barbara George

Freezer Burn

Not too tasty but a serious problem and source of food waste.

If you’re having trouble with things in your freezer suffering from freezer burn you may have a problem with the seal on the door. Freezer burn can develop from warming and then refreezing of frozen foods. There may be too many items crowding the door and causing the door to shut wrong. may need a new gasket. Here’s a trick from my dad, the refrigerator repairman:

Take a dollar bill and close it in the door so half is sticking out. If you can easily pull the bill out with the door closed, you may need a new gasket. Try it several different places around the door seal. A new gasket is easy to replace and can save you a lot of money in lost food.

Keep it cool. Keep it safe. Happy Tuesday!


Anonymous said...

Good Morning,
I usually don't post a response , but something about the way the confession peice is broken up in peices leaves me to ponder this morning about unhappiness and choice...sometimes unhappiness is not a choice, and it can be something that happens to us, like with postpartum depression, or when the body experiences a chemical imbalance that can sometimes be caused by other medications...those times, it is not a choice. As a nurse, I just wanted to say that "sometimes it is not your fault" and to go easy on the guilt factor...see your doctor as well as your confessor. That's all for now ( depression is a complex issue but just felt the need to write this)...Thank you God for the gift of Forgivenss and Hope !

Anonymous said...

This quote hits the mark in every heart. We cling to it, protect, nurture, judge, and act by honor. Fasley seeing honor as a god of worship and ownership when in excess. How wise was Jesus to have died without honor.