Sunday, July 01, 2007

A Pride of Lions? Hmmm

To send this card: Canada Day

Quote for the Day:

On days when life is difficult and I feel overwhelmed, as I do fairly often, it helps to remember in my prayers that all God requires of me is to trust Him and be His friend. I find I can do that.
Bruce Larson

Miracle Monday

Sunday was CANADA DAY! This is late.. but Happy Canada Day anyway!

Sunday is a day of rest. So I rested. I took a nap in the morning and a nap in the afternoon and a little nap before I worked on this peace card. So.... you would think I would be wide awake and could think of something exciting to write about?

Well, unless I tell you about my dream - in which a whole pride of lions were outside trying to get in and my difficulties in calling 911 were nil and the lions finally jumped a lady across the street (yes, this is all in my dream) and I went back to calling 911 with no luck... well other than that exciting stuff.... there is nothing exciting to write about.

Remind me not to take a nap in too hot a room again, won't you?

Thanks. Anyway, after I got up - I made Sr. Colleen go outside with me to feed the fish. Because I did not want to see those lions all by myself.

Blessings of Peace and all Good,
Sister Patricia

Mini Retreat Theme: A Time for Miracles

It's not going to be about lions. This meditation is going to be about flowers. A garden of beautiful flowers. All colors, shapes and sizes.

In God's garden we too are special and unique. No matter our size, our color or our shape... God is pleased with us just as we are.

In your quiet time - be filled with joy that you do not have to prove yourself to anyone - (especially yourself) that you are important in God's eye just as you are. Today. This minute.

Be open to God telling you what your "mission" today is to be. No matter how big or small it is a wonderful mission in God's plan. A mission that only you are given the grace and knowledge to do.

Meditation: (set your timer for ten minutes)

Prayer when time is completed:

help me
to love myself
and everyone else
without envy
or anxiety.
All is good.


Unknown said...

Dear Sister Patricia,

With all respect, I was disappointed to read the quotation you sent us today. In light of all the writings of the saints, and realizing Mr. Larson may be a fine person, why share the thoughts of a drag racer, rather than the thoughts of those who have achieved sanctity? Or is this another Bruce Larson?



Anonymous said...

I thought it was a wonderful quote.I don't know who Bruce Larson is but it is a great reminder to trust in the ONE person who will always be there for us.We all go through difficult times. A drag racer,if that is who this is, can rely on skill when he races but he must trust in God to get him to the finish line. And isn't that what we all are doing? Trusting God to get us to the finish line!!