Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Thursday - New Book Cover Preview

To send this card: Saints Joachim and Anne

Quote for the Day:
Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.
Dale Carnegie


Well, I'm gearing up for moving forward with our next book! 101 Inspirational Stories of the Power of Prayer. Here is a picture of the cover, click to see a larger version.

Book Cover

I will start collecting stories next week. Any wonderful, exciting story you have to share I will be glad to review for possible inclusion. This book is not a "Catholic" only book.. if you are Christian and have a wonderful story of prayer ... please share. Stories should be between 300 - 1200 words.

Do not send any stories until next week as I am not prepared yet to handle them and they could very easily get lost forever.

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia

The Confession Connection

O Happy Fault: A Confession of Hidden Sin

by Vinny Flynn
Day Four:

I used to think of sin in a very narrow, punitive way. Sin was simply an offense against God, something "mortal" or "venial," something wrong for which I needed to be punished. And I had neat little lists of these offenses categorized in my mind.

I'm not saying this view was all bad. As a matter of fact, today's world might benefit from a greater awareness of sin.

What I am saying is that my view of sin was incomplete. I tended to try to avoid the mortal sins, the serious offenses against God, and I didn't worry too much about the venial ones.

I never realized that sin is also an offense against myself. I never saw my sin in the larger sense of "sinfulness"—a state of being that carries with it its own punishment, that cripples me and prevents me from being who I could become—that makes me see mud when I could see stars.
(to be continued tomorrow)

From one of twelve articles on confession found in the book, "101 Inspirational Stories of the Sacrament of Reconciliation."


Anonymous said...

Great idea, great cover - can't beat the Power of Prayer

Anonymous said...

Wow! I have a photo on my wall that I took of this exact butterfly sitting on some yellow flowers...well, maybe it's her twin sister. There's my little miracle for Monday.

Anonymous said...

Dear Sister,
That was fun.