Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Wednesday Web Link - Mini Retreat

To send this card: Feast of Saint Anthony

Quote for the Day:

"Actions speak louder than words; let your words teach and your actions speak...It is useless for a person to flaunt the law if their actions undermine it."
Saint Anthony of Padua

Wednesday Web Link

That Catholic Show http://thatcatholicshow.com

Today's link is one that I have shared before but since there are now four videos for viewing instead of one I want to share it again. This is really a super site and one you will want to check out every week to see what Greg and Jennifer Willits are up to next!

In our dining room lately we have had tablecloths on the table because of having company. Nice white tablecloths that look very fresh and clean. As I was walking through the dining room yesterday I noticed that one end of the tablecloth was draped over the dining room chair instead of hanging down properly as it should. Looked rather odd. I had my suspicions so I carefully picked up the edge to see if I was right.

I was. There was a cat under there. The tablecloth was draped so it made a little tent over him. Hmmmm.... did I tell you this is a Franciscan house?

Today as we celebrate the great and glorious and wonderful day of Saint Anthony of Padua I hope that a bit of Franciscan Joy will come your way. Maybe in the way of one of God's little creatures.

Blessings of Peace and all Good,
Sister Patricia

Mini Retreat Theme: Making more Room for Jesus in my Life

Quote: This is the Day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Meditation: (set your timer for ten minutes) Many times I think we don't quite believe that Jesus is really interested in our own personal happiness. Somehow we let little creepy feelings in that tell us following Jesus is hard and lonely and full of suffering. I think the truth is that life without Jesus is all those things and its the trick of the Devil to try and get us mixed up!

The truth is - with Jesus even the worst hardship can become Joy and without Jesus all the money, fame and fortune in the world becomes blah! So... today... go to your special place in your garden and talk to Jesus about some negative thoughts you have about your Christian walk. Bring them out in the open. Let Jesus know your fears, doubts and questions - I bet you will be surprised at the answer you get.

Prayer when time is completed:

thank you
for letting me discuss
and anything with you.
I know you are Love
and that you desire
only Love and goodness
for me,
help me to accept your love
more completely in my life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sister Patricia:

Thank you for the mini retreats. They seem to be directed to me, so I know that God is working through your Joy Notes.

Take care.
