Quote for the Day: I have found in life that if you want a miracle you first need to do whatever it is you can do - if that's to plant, then plant; if it is to read, then read; if it is to change, then change; if it is to study, then study; if it is to work, then work; whatever you have to do. And then you will be well on your way of doing the labor that works miracles. Jim Rohn |
Miracle Monday
Sometimes miracles happen so slowly that we don't see them happening until they are completely finished. Its nice that they happen but I have to admit I like my miracles to happen with a little more speed and pizazz.... you know the kind you read about in the saints books. In the Scriptures Jesus healed a lot - and performed a great many miracles....I wonder if some of them happened slowly as well?
In the story about the man that was blind but needed a second miracle treatment before he could see perfectly.... I wonder if there was a few days between when he said he could see trees walking about and Jesus laid hands on him again? I don't know. But I guess that is kind of an interesting thought - even when Jesus was there in person, body mind and spirit it took two tries.... hmmmm... guess I shouldn't get discouraged in praying for miracles.
Last night before bed I read the story in the National Geographic about the Ice Man that they found in a glacier. Turns out he was murdered. With all the modern scientific equipment not only could they pinpoint that he was shot with an arrow and died of massive bleeding but they also could tell what he had been eating.. that he had a serious stomach ailment and that he had apparently been running from his attackers for several days. They even, this is hard to believe, but amazing what science can do.. could track where he had come from and the route he had taken by the pollen in his stomach and other things.
Just too totally bizarre. I knew that in heaven everything we have done will be revealed to all, (not to happy a thought for us on the sinning side of life) but gosh now looks like they can give a complete play by play breakdown in the science lab.
I rather expect in time they will even be able to take a person's brain (hopefully after they are dead) and tell every thought they had, and every picture implanted there. Like reading a hard drive in a computer. Who knows maybe they are already doing this..I usually think of things after scientists have been working on stuff for decades. At least I'm thinking.. should give myself credit for that.
Weird thoughts I'm having, huh? It's all from the National Geographic thing...even dreamed about it. Happy Monday! Ha. Ha. Ha.
Blessings of Peace and all Good,
Sister Patricia
Mini Retreat Theme: Walking with Jesus in the Ordinary Quote: Meditation: (set your timer for ten minutes)Many times when I think of Jesus I can only envision him as a young Jewish man 2000 years ago. It is difficult for me to allow that long ago Jesus to be present in my modern world. For instance I just cannot even fathom Jesus in jeans and a shirt or even a business suit. I have a great imagination but it just doesn't seem to stretch that far. Anyway - this week. Let us invite Jesus into our day - where we are. For instance can I imagine Jesus sitting in front of a computer screen typing out JoyNotes? A bit of a stretch - but I think maybe I need to do that. Still in his long white robe of course - but today I am going to imagine Jesus doing ordinary things along side of me. A silent, loving Jesus. Not encouraging me to be any different than who I am - or doing work different than I am doing.. but joining with me all day long as my friend. Laughing, loving and just being present in my world. Today. Prayer when time is completed: Jesus, so much of the time I feel I need to go where I feel you must be. In a church, during prayers or meditations. Today - I thank you for showing me that I need to let you be with me where I am at Amen. |
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