Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Thankful Thursday - Be Bold for Jesus

To send this card: Saint Aloysius Gonzaga

Quote for the Day:

Few souls understand what God would accomplish in them if they were to abandon themselves unreservedly to Him and if they were to allow His grace to mold them accordingly.
-- St. Ignatius Loyola

Thankful Thursday

Today I have been thinking about some of the things I do. How much I asked myself is for God's glory and how much for my own? It occurred to me that there was probably a whole lot more self glory than Jesus glory wrapped up in things. Because, now I could be wrong but this is what it seemed like the message I was getting.

If I was totally doing things for Jesus than I wouldn't be so worried about people's reactions. And if I was totally doing things for Jesus Glory I would probably be a whole lot bolder and powerful in attempting things.

I don't know exactly how one acts with greater boldness or greater zeal except I guess by just plunging in. If I wasn't so "worried" about results in things but just went ahead and moved - would that be zeal or stupid? After all, even Jesus told the parable about the commander first looking to see if he could win the battle or else settle peacefully?

I think though.... from my former small experience. If one thinks boldly and acts boldly than either the situation will work out or else God will put up a big sign in front of your face that says something like. THINK AGAIN.

So, I think I am going to move ahead with some new ways to promote my book on the Sacrament of Reconciliation.. because I truly believe that it is a powerful book. I think God allowed me to work on it for HIS glory and now He wants me to Promote it for his glory too. So all those little niggling, naggling voices that say, "shhh, keep still" are the ones that need to KEEP STILL!.

I read a line in a book today that said, "What would you do if you were ten times bolder?" Isn't that something? The book was "Jesus, CEO" by Laurie Beth Jones. I just looked at in the store, I didn't buy it - and probably won't but those lines really grabbed me. Amazing huh? What if we were ten times bolder in serving Jesus than we are?

Hmmmm... so I am thinking, thinking... thinking... Stay tuned.

Blessings of Peace and all Good,
Sister Patricia

Mini Retreat Theme: Walking with Jesus in the Ordinary


Meditation: (set your timer for ten minutes)
Here's the question for you. What if you only had one year of life on your calendar? What could you do to make a Jesus difference?

Walk into your special garden spot or take a walk down your favorite road with Jesus. Talk it out, Ask Jesus to show you what could be your first step.

Imagine that Jesus is inviting you personally to go out and spread his good news. Maybe in a letter, maybe in a few extra moments of prayer, maybe?

Be bold.... and put all your heart and soul into asking Jesus ..."What coud I do to make a difference for you?"

Prayer when time is completed:

help me to be bold,
for you.
Give me the courage
to get out of my own
personal little boat
and start walking
a few steps
on the water.

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