Quote for the Day: You can't cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water. Rabindranath Tagore |
Thankful Thursday
I love the quote from Scripture that tells us "God works all things to good - for those that love him." That is pretty awesome and I have to say it really is true.
Even some of the things in my life that have happened that I was absolutely sure were not so good.... God turned them around to bear good fruit.
Which, speaking of fruit.... our cherry trees did not bear a lot of berries this year even though they had thousands of blossoms... and the one tree that did have a lot of cherries on it... all the cherries got gobbled up by hungry birds....and the good thing about it? We were too busy the week they were ripe to have been able to pick them anyway!
Proof positive.. that God works all to good.
Blessings of Peace and all Good,
Sister Patricia
Mini Retreat Theme: A Time for Miracles Quote: Meditation: (set your timer for ten minutes) One of the most exciting things about being a Christian - is that you don't have to be in charge for wonderful things to happen. In fact with Christians - the more we surrender to "not" being in charge... the more wonderful things happen. Today, imagine that you have an old country style mailbox along the side of the road. Its an old metal box with a lid that pulls down and a little red flag you push up when you've put a letter inside and you want the mailperson to take your letter. As you walk up to that mailbox - do so with the expectation that there is going to be a very special letter inside. A letter that is going to totally change your life in a wonderful way Spend your quiet time - opening that letter and reading the warm and loving letter God has written just to you. Prayer when time is completed: Jesus, help me to realize how present you are to me. How close and caring and loving you are. Amen. |
1 comment:
Dear Sr. Patricia:
I am getting alot from your mini retreats, and I think you should publish them. Or have you already done so and I missed the book? I attended Mass this morning and prayed for a miracle, as you suggested recently. The funny thing was that I didn't know what miracle to ask for. It was really as if I were a kid in a candy store and could have any candy. I was thinking, well, which miracle do I want? I hope you will continue the mini retreats. Thank you and God Bless you and your community.
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