Quote for the Day: If you're going through hell, keep going. Winston Churchill |
Thankful Thursday
Today I am thankful for Sr. Colleen's paents! Tom and Lillian come every Spring about this time to help us plant our garden. Their reward in heaven shall be very great! As I look out my office window where I am lazily typing away as they work so hard I see that they are joined by a special golden force with wagging tail. Shelley is sure that she is being a big help. I'm not sure they agree with her but since she is getting patted every so often who knows maybe she is!
Anyway... let's start a mini-retreat! It really is very simple. - A theme for the week.
A quote for today - a question for reflection - and set your timer for ten minutes some time today to think about it.
Mini Retreat Theme: Making more Room for Jesus in my Life Quote: Know that I am with you always, even until the end of time. Meditation: (set your timer for ten minutes) Imagine that you are in a beautiful garden on a warm, sunny day. The birds are singing, a bee is buzzing from flower to flower, a small stream nearby is bubbling a gurgling melody. In this garden are two chairs, both empty. You walk over and sit in one. In a little while you know that Jesus will be coming and sitting in the next one. You have never met Jesus in this garden before. This is your Prayer Garden - a place just for you and Jesus to meet and spend time together. You don't know exactly what this first meeting will be like. While you are waiting think about what questions you might have for him. After a few minutes when Jesus comes and sits in the chair next to you... ask him your questions. Prayer when time is completed: Thank you Jesus for coming to share with me. I look forward to spending more mini minutes with you. Amen |
Sr. Patricia,
Thank you for this lovely idea of a Mini-retreat. The scene you set up for this meeting with Jesus was just amazing. As soon as I read it, I took some time to do it right away. Wow!! my meeting with Jesus was just awesome. Thank you for inspiring me.
God bless
Dear Sister Patricia,
What a lovely idea, ten minutes with Jesus in the Garden! It is still cold and blustery and wet here in Boise, Idaho, so I shall wait until the sun comes out before Jesus and I actually sit ourside. But I shall create an imaginary garden for him inside where we can look out the windows and still visit. How very approachable you have shown Him to be for the likes of we more ordinary people.
Thank you so much for this beautiful gift of mini-retreats! God bless you, all the Sister, and of course, the invincible, Pi, who is to be congratualted for laying her first egg.
Dear Sister Patricia,
I am a huge music fan and I do so agree with the quote of the day! Steve Miller already sang it years ago in his song Jet Airliner:
'You know you got to go through hell Before you get to heaven'....
I've signed up to the Joy Notes just recently, and I love them! Thank you very much and God bless you.
Love from Coralien at the Netherlands
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