Quote for the Day: In faith there is enough light for those who want to believe and enough shadows to blind those who don't. Blaise Pascal |
Tasty Tuesday
I can't talk about food. Mainly because I think I have eaten too much of it today and my stomach is now telling me to find a new course for conversation. So even though this is tasty Tuesday I will move on to something else.
No idea what of course. Pia has a beautiful little white egg that she is carefully nurturing. This one came out nice and round like it should. I think giving her the egg shells helped. See growing up with chickens turned out to be helpful. We used to often get new baby chicks in the mail. Was fun to go to the Post Office for our special arrival. The whole place would be cheeping with our boxes of baby chicks.
The Post Office would always call immediately when they came in and we would zip down - pick up the boxes of several hundred chickens and then rush home to get them their first meal.
The baby chicks are placed in the box as soon as they are born ... and shipped by one day to service. The chicks do not know how to eat or drink... so you have to pick each little fluff ball up in your hand, dip its beak in a bit of baby chicken mash and then dip it into a drink of water. One time does it. They catch on fast!
Was always so much fun getting them all eating and scratching around. I loved the smell of the new sawdust on their floor which smelled extra sweet and pungent because of the heat light under their brooder hood to keep the babies warm.
Well, must be getting older - having more memories of them there 'good old days."
For heaven's sake be sure to read Sr. Janet's article today and be sure ... sure... sure to watch the first YouTube link she offers. You will love it.
Blessings of Peace and all Good,
Sister Patricia
Mini Retreat Theme: Walking with Jesus in the Ordinary Quote: Meditation: (set your timer for ten minutes) One of the best ways I find to grow in my spiritual vision is to ask a question. I may not get an answer but I find just the fact of questioning opens up new thinking. Today imagine that Jesus is your spiritual coach. He is ready to counsel, encourage and help you to find greater spiritual wholeness. Here is a spiritual question you might ask. "Jesus, what is one thing I could do tomorrow to make myself more aware of your presence in my life?" Feel free of course to ask any question - that was just a starter. Prayer when time is completed: Jesus, in this over laden information age there are so many sources to find answers. Help me to remember to start with you! Amen. |
1 comment:
Dear sister Patricia
I don't know if this is the place to mention it, but I couldn't find any contact information on your blog.
Please check your Joynotes-email adress. I have sent you a very long e-mail, subject 'A promise for Miracle Monday - prayer request'.
Hope it got to you all right, because I now find that Hotmail discards any concept-emails which have been finished and sent :-(.
Ria Post,
The Hague
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