Sunday, November 18, 2007

Thanksgiving Novena - Day Six

To send today's card: Thanksgiving Novena - Day Six

Quote for the Day:

The secret of getting ahead is getting started.
The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks
into small manageable tasks,
and then starting on the first one.
Mark Twain

I think the biggest complex task that is facing me (yes, once again) is cleaning this desk! I expect it is a symptom of procrastination - called pile it and deal with it later.

Oh well... time for bed.. I will deal with it later!

Prayer for
Sixth Day of Novena

Today Lord,
I want to thank you
for the Unexpected!

Those gifts you gave
to me in in odd shaped packages
in colors I didn't like
and sizes I didn't want.

Those gifts I never would
have chosen for myself,
that landed on my doorstep
unasked for
and definitely
in my blindness
gifts I thought I didn't need!

Those gifts that changed
my life forever.
Those gifts that brought
tears when I opened them
like the death of a loved one
or a loss of something
so precious to me.

Those gifts that opened
a new meaning to my relationship
with you.

Those gifts
that painful as they were
caused me to grow
and develop in ways
that only You knew
I needed to do.

Yes, Lord
today most sincerely
I thank you
for taking hold
of me and giving
always the best
and most valuable
of gifts!


Blessings of Peace and All Good!
Sr. Patricia and all the Sisters

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Sr. Pat,
I would love to come and help you clean your desk but...
I live in the eastern US but...
Someday if my path should take me out your way, I will stop by...
because your prayers for all of us strengthen our faith in God and your daily peace cards encourage us to face life with a smile!