Thursday, November 01, 2007

My Mom and new blog on prayer

To send today's card: All Soul's Day

Quote for the Day:

The will of God is eternal because He does not begin to will what He did not will before, nor cease to will what He willed before.

William Ames

This is a picture of my mom that I took yesterday when I went to visit her - to see how she was doing after her hospital stay. She looks really good I think. And she really has less gray hair at 89 than I do at 52! Amazing.

One of the funny things I wanted to share with you about our hospital stay.. was when we were leaving. In hospitals at least most of them I think.. they make you leave in a wheelchair. So my mom rolled her eyes at that one but I think she was probably glad at the same time.. as its a big hospital and a lot of walking to get to the front door. Well anyway as she was being carefully wheeled to the elevator there were several people waiting to get on as well. With great glee she told them, "We are making our escape!"

So just in case I had any doubts what she thought about her stay - I think that would sum it up.

Today has been a bright, sunny fall day. Both Pi and myself were happy. We're sun folks. I'm thinking I may need to get one of those natural day light lights.. to keep us going into the winter. Either that or let us hibernate till spring and we won't care what the weather is like.

Thank you for all who are sending in stories. They are really nice and its encouraging for me to read about them myself! I've started a new blog just for the book.... I am going to try and write a paragraph or two every day about prayer and things relating to the book on prayer. Yesterday I read a really super article on prayer... it was written several years ago but it had a really good thought that I really liked. I will give the link to that there.. when I get a chance. I plan to reference books, articles and all sorts of things relating to prayer on that site. Will be fun and keep me focused as well!

Blessings of Peace, Joy and all Good,
Sister Patricia


Anonymous said...

Dear Sister Patricia,

God bless both you and your mother. Thanks for sharing a photo of your mother on your website. This will help me in keeping a mental image of your mother in my mind whenever you write about her. You know, it is always nice to hear about someone's family.

P. S. Thank you for Joy Notes. I always look forward to them.

Anonymous said...

Your mom looks great, she has that child like sweet face..I saved her picture because she is an inspiration to me as I age, thanks for sharing. It is nice to hear about your mom..

God bless you, your mom & all the sisters..

Loretta Concord, NH

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for sharing your mom's picture. What a blessing to have such a close relationship with your mom. She looks so peaceful and kind... May God bless her, you and all the sisters.