Quote for the Day: Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. |
Experiment Follow Up!
Thank you to the several people who wrote and told me that I was probably experiencing a Niacin Flush. Wow, that is a whole lot more comforting than what my first initial reaction was... ."You have just been poisoned! You are going to die!" My brain tends to jump to conclusions easily. Not too rational ones either.
So I really appreciate that information! Very, very helpful. Especially when I took some more of the stuff tonight and started getting the red reaction again. This time it was, "Hey, everybody look, it's doing it again."
What really was neat about this whole thing.. was the fact that I shared it with you ... and some of you knew exactly what it was! That was neat. The thought came to me very powerfully that if I had not shared it.. I would never have known the real cause of it. Pretty awesome when you think of it.
New York Times Bestseller Follow Up
Today, I got some of the material for my course on becoming a New York Times bestseller. It is really, really great. But it is sort of challenging. Like trying to climb Mount Everest when your only equipment is a pair on tennis shoes and a pocketknife.
Here is one funny thing. I was talking on MSN to my brother Peter for a few seconds and I told him about this course that I was soon to start.
I told him,
"It says right there in the beginning if you can't come up with an outreach of one to three millions contacts don't even attempt it!"
I then asked him,
"How many friends do you have?"
He wrote back...
"I have the one to three part but not the million part. "
Sigh.... obviously he's not going to be much help!
101 Prayer Blog
I wrote a very, very long post to my 101 Prayer blog Learning to Accept "NO." Just a thought I had yesterday about how we limit ourselves by being afraid of getting a "no" response when we try new things. No doubt I was giving myself a pep talk!
Blessings and Thanks!
Sr. Patricia
Sr. Pat, I had a similar reaction to a Niacin preparation -- perhaps worse, the redness had spread ALL over my body, belly, legs, too, and was itchy and still there an hour and a half after taking Benedryl, and I was afraid my throat was swelling shut. I'm a doctor (psychiatrist) and wound up in the emergency room getting more Benedryl and prednisone by i.v. drip. No fun. Thanks be to God I lived to tell about it! But I have had a similar, only slightly less dramatic response to, YES, the Precious Blood of Christ (in some churches but not others), iodine-containing contrast dye used in medical studies, frozen and cooked fish in a restaurant, and some salad dressings, and even three little crackers. What they all had in common was SULFITES -- used as preservatives and/or iodine. My doctor knew that I was allergic to sulfites (and to iodine) before she prescribed the -- ridiculously expensive, ~ $225 -- TIME RELEASE niacin preparation, but did not realize that it had iodine in it, as part of the time-release mechanism. When I saw the price of the prescription, I had brought the pharmacist a $3 time release niacin preparation off the shelf and asked if we could substitute that, since even with insurance, the co-pay was very high for the prescription. He said, "No, since the time-release mechanism is different." Guess what. It turns out that I can take the cheap preparation with only mild niacin "flush" reaction. But I need to steer clear of ANYTHING with sulfites in it, or iodine. And SULFITES are being used more and more in the food industry -- even some brands that did not have sulfites on one shopping trip DO have sulfites in the next batch. Reading the label carefully is essential. Some folks say there is no such thing as sulfite-free wine, since it is a natural part of the wine-making process; others say there are sulfite-free European wines. If I could find some of the latter, I think I would buy it for my church, since I would rather receive Communion under BOTH species, but have to skip the Precious Blood. Too bad transubstantiation doesn’t change the material, physical properties of the wine that is consecrated.
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