Thursday, June 28, 2007

Friendship Friday and a Dog Car Lesson

To send this card: Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul

Quote for the Day:

Be ready always to satisfy everyone that asketh you a reason of that hope which is in you.
St. Peter

Friendship Friday.

Today (I'm writing this on Thursday) was a perfect friendship day because my sister Euli called in the morning and said, "We're in Washington can we come to see you today?" So I said, "Yes, of course" and the rest of the day was busy and fun, fun!

First it was busy because I had to clean off the patio so we could have lunch out there... you always need company to get you to do the stuff you mean to do but just can't seem to get to. Even in the monastery! So did that and then Euli and her husband and kids and dog came and my mom and my brother John and we had a wonderful, wonderful time.

Oh, and Shelley had a car lesson! You see our dog Shelley thinks that the only way you can get into a car to go for a ride is if someone physically picks you up and puts you in the car. I don't know exactly how this got started but a 70 pound dog with this kind of complex is not fun. She just panics at the very thought. So I knew what she needed. She needed to see how "normal" dogs get into cars. You know - like just jump in.

So one of the first things I asked Euli when she came with (Chester) her dog... was, "Hey, can we give Shelley a car lesson?" She said, sure! Shelley and Chester always get along well when they come to visit so this was totally perfect. And it worked! Shelley had three lessons of getting in the car by following Chester who probably thought she was nuts that she was taking so long in the first place. With her final lesson Euli took Shelley, Chester and all three kids (because of course they wanted to go) for a two block ride.

They had a great time... and Sadie about half way through the ride said to Shelley, "Oh! That is why you are sitting so close to me! I'm sitting on your tail!"

Actually Shelley just loves to stick like glue to anyone who will let her. She is a 70 pound lap dog.

Blessings of Peace and all Good,
Sister Patricia

Mini Retreat Theme: A Time for Miracles


Meditation: (set your timer for ten minutes)
Sometimes it is fun to pray for a fun miracle for someone else. We all know those who need miracles of healing and reconciliation and truly serious things and I do pray for those intentions..
but sometimes I like to pray for "FUN" miracles. Something that will just make someone happy and know how much they are loved by God.

Sometimes - it is nice to pray for this miracle for an unknown person. Someone who just needs a miracle. Someone you may never see, know or meet until heaven... but God takes our prayers and does wonderful things for that unknown friend.

Today, ask God to surround someone who needs special love with a Joy Miracle. Imagine your prayer thoughts lifting up to heaven and sending blessings down on this special person. Who knows maybe God will even let you know who this person is in some way.

Prayer when time is completed:

I ask you to bless
with love, joy
and miracles
someone who is most in need
of your love today.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Thankful Thursday

To send this card: St Irenaeus

Quote for the Day:

You can't cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water.
Rabindranath Tagore

Thankful Thursday

I love the quote from Scripture that tells us "God works all things to good - for those that love him." That is pretty awesome and I have to say it really is true.

Even some of the things in my life that have happened that I was absolutely sure were not so good.... God turned them around to bear good fruit.

Which, speaking of fruit.... our cherry trees did not bear a lot of berries this year even though they had thousands of blossoms... and the one tree that did have a lot of cherries on it... all the cherries got gobbled up by hungry birds....and the good thing about it? We were too busy the week they were ripe to have been able to pick them anyway!

Proof positive.. that God works all to good.

Blessings of Peace and all Good,
Sister Patricia

Mini Retreat Theme: A Time for Miracles


Meditation: (set your timer for ten minutes)
One of the most exciting things about being a Christian - is that you don't have to be in charge for wonderful things to happen.

In fact with Christians - the more we surrender to "not" being in charge... the more wonderful things happen.

Today, imagine that you have an old country style mailbox along the side of the road. Its an old metal box with a lid that pulls down and a little red flag you push up when you've put a letter inside and you want the mailperson to take your letter.

As you walk up to that mailbox - do so with the expectation that there is going to be a very special letter inside. A letter that is going to totally change your life in a wonderful way

Spend your quiet time - opening that letter and reading the warm and loving letter God has written just to you.

Prayer when time is completed:

help me to realize
how present
you are to me.
How close
and caring
and loving
you are.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

No Web Link and Little Conrad

To send this card: St Cyril of Alexandria

Today is also Our Lady of Perpetual Help

Quote for the Day:

That anyone could doubt the right of the holy Virgin to be called the Mother of God fills with astonishment. Surely she must be the Mother of God if our Lord Jesus Christ is God, and she gave birth to him!
Saint Cyril of Alexandria

Web link for Wednesday

I don't have a web link. Nope. I know there are ten zillion sites out there, but its nine o'clock in the evening and not one of them pops into my head as being worth sending anyone to. Isn't that sad?

Not really. Just means I'm brain zoned and ready for bed and don't want to go looking at any more sites to see if I like them.

Did I tell you about my little fish named Conrad? I got him a few weeks ago from my sister, Euli for an early birthday present. He was just a little guy and I put him in the pond with the big Koi and he zoomed down to the bottom of the pond and that was the last I saw him for weeks.

Every day I would look to see if I could find him...but I never could. The pond was very dark with algae (starting to get clear now) and so I could only see about two feet down. Never, a glimpse of a little black and orange fish showed up.

I was sad because I loved little Conrad even though I only saw him that one day. So I kept looking and wishing and praying that he was still alive.

Well, finally, one night Sister Jane was out for one of Shelley's last trips of the day and she said she saw him! I thought... "Poor Sister Jane she is losing it."

But no... a few days later.... as the pond cleared.... there was little Conrad! Whew. Now I could tell my sister, Euli that Conrad was alive. I hadn't told her he was missing.I kept hoping . . .

Now I have also found Conrad's hiding place. It was the same spot little Jasper stayed in when he was small. The filter box. It's small, its dark and best of all . . . all the food that doesn't get eaten right away when I feed the bigger fish ends up in the filter box! What a feast for one little small fish... who is growing quite rapidly by the way.

Blessings of Peace and all Good,
Sister Patricia

Mini Retreat Theme: A Time for Miracles


Meditation: (set your timer for ten minutes)
Some miracles come when we don't expect them. We don't even know how bad we need them until they happen.

Know what that means?

Means that someone very special..... someone very powerful and loving and kind . . .

is watching out for us.

Today, smile because God is watching out for you. Today and for all your tomorrows God is there ahead of you.

So today, just be content that you don't have to worry about how to be better or pray better or do anything....

but be happy because God is there for you.

Without you doing anything at all.

Prayer when time is completed:

I wish I would worry less
and trust more.
Thank you
for helping me
bit by bit
to realize your love
is holding the world
not me.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Tasty Tuesday - Egg Plant Tip

To send this card: A New Beginning

Quote for the Day:

God does not ask about our ability, but our availability.

Tasty Tuesday

Barb's tip this week is really fascinating. I'm not an egg plant fan but maybe this tip would make the difference in how I like them!

Well, my miracle is still going on. After sending out the JoyNotes last week I went back to the pond and adjusted the valves a bit and reprimed the pump.... and though I only got a little stream from both pipes at the time - when I went out this morning for our early morning Shelley trip the waterfall was in full force. Has been going all day. Hurray.

Blessings of Peace and all Good,
Sister Patricia

Mini Retreat Theme: A Time for Miracles


Meditation: (set your timer for ten minutes)
Practice the gift of inward silence. Take ten minutes to sit quietly - not praying - not thinking just listening and becoming aware of life about you.

If possible find a spot outside where you can hear a bit of nature - but anywhere will do.

Prayer when time is completed:

how much of life
going about me
I never seem to notice.
Thank you for
filling my world
with so much.

Tasty Tip of the Week

from Barbara George

Tasty Tip for Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Ever tried to cook an eggplant and have it be full of seeds? Did you know there is a male and female version? For once, the female version is preferred. They will have much less seeds and be tastier and easier to prepare. Here’s how to tell. Tip the eggplant upside down (the little stem part being the top) and look at the center of the base. If it is indented it is a female. This is what you want. And don’t be fooled by size, too small and they can be bitter, too big and they can be mushy. Select a nice medium sized firm eggplant with good solid deep purple color.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Miracle of the Waterfall - Mini Retreat

To send this card: Hope

Quote for the Day:

No one is to be called an enemy, all are your benefactors, and no one does you harm. You have no enemy except yourselves.
St. Francis of Assisi

Miracle Monday.

Well, I had a miracle over the weekend - but its already sort of fizzled to its premiracle state. Wonder how much that counts?

This is what happened. Our fish pond has a small waterfall. The problem is the water doesn't fall it dribbles. So we have had various people come out and work over it and all to no avail. Just dribbles.. sometimes bigger dribbles and sometimes drop, drop, drop dribbles.

So I got fed up with the stupid dribbling water and decided to concentrate some prayer, time and energy on the situation. I prayed a rosary, I prayed a ton of Hail Mary's and I figgled and fiddled with the valves and the pumps and the nozzles and everything I could think of short of kicking it which believe me I was very, very tempted to do.

Finally I got mad. I started chewing out God a lot. I explained that it was a fine thing for me to be expected to be praying for serious things like people with cancer and wars and and job losses and all sorts of serious big things when He couldn't even fix a stupid waterfall. Okay, so I get a bit demanding in my prayer life now and then but like I said I was mad.

So finally after awhile I cooled down and told God, "Okay, if you don't want to help with the stupid waterfall... fine... we're still friends.... I don't have a lot of hope in this situation and just a little in other stuff... but you must have a reason so okay... that's fine. Whatever.

I went back to praying more Hail Mary's and figgling and fiddling with the valves. Finally.. a glimmer of hope. I got both little pipes to send out a little stream of water. Not big mind you but I had not been able to get both pipes to work before so I was hopeful this was a breakthrough.

It was time for evening prayer so I stopped. We prayed evening prayer in the garden about a hundred feet from the waterfall I mean water dribble. About a third of the way through I thought I heard a little more water coming down.. but I didn't look up. Probably not I figured. Just imagination. Then I heard more and more water. I looked up. All the other sisters were looking too. The water was coming down much better.

All through the rest of the prayer the waterfall (it was by golly starting to look like a real waterfall) kept increasing and increasing till finally it was a full fledge roaring, tumbling splashing waterfall! Just like it was supposed to.

A miracle. Really. And what was really funny was that God had to have it break through during prayer time so I could see He really was listening to my prayers, impatient as they were.

It was great. I was feeling very happy. I always feel very happy when things go my way.

This morning it was back to the dribbles. Sigh. BUT..... at least I know that if I keep praying and figgling and fiddling with those valves I may get it back. Because now I know it really is possible.... and I also know a lot more about how to make this thing work than I did before. Which is good. I just wish I could get it to last.

More miracles please.

Blessings of Peace and all Good,
Sister Patricia

Mini Retreat Theme: Walking with Jesus in the Ordinary


Meditation: (set your timer for ten minutes)
A new shop has opened. It's called The Miracle Shop. It's very nice - you go in and there is a clerk behind the counter and you ask for whatever miracle you want and the clerk looks through the catalog and lo and behold... the very miracle you want is available. Not only that it is free with immediate delivery.

So you order it. I mean after all it does't get much better than that does it?

So you go back the next day and order another miracle. Same thing. Pretty soon you just start expecting those miracles to always be there. On time, free and immediate delivery.

Then one day - you go in and the regular clerk isn't there anymore. Everything has been changed. It's all self service now.... you sit down and go through the catalog yourself.

Lots of miracles available but oh my,..... now they are not free and the delivery is uncertain and the price is really, really high. Even for the little ones. And worse of all there is no one to talk about it with at all. Just an empty room with those stupid catalogs.

So you leave and go back to your garden. You find your favorite place and you wait for Jesus to come - because you want to talk to him about the closing down of this miracle shop. It's been a long time since you came to your garden... because for some reason you've just been going to that little miracle shop and not spending any time here at all.

Hmmm..... maybe that is what was wrong?

Prayer when time is completed:

thank you for answering my prayers
but most of all
thank you for being there
for me
every day,
always and forever
whenever I need you.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Friendship Friday - HP Printing Mailbox

To send this card: Saint Thomas More & John Fisher

Quote for the Day:

“The ordinary acts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest.”
-- St. Thomas More

Friendship Friday

Well, I went to visit my mom today to see how she was doing with her new little printer. It's the neatest thing. My brother John heard about it on the radio and what it does is it prints out emails for people who don't want or can't use a computer. So cool. Made I think especially for parents whose kids want to send them emails I think. Anyway it works absolutely fantastic. And so now everyday my mom can receive a few emails on her printer. Even prints out the pictures in color ... so everything but video and audio.. it is really great for our family because our mom is so deaf that this makes a way that we can communicate with her when we are not right there!

If you are interested - the one we got was a HP Printing Mailbox. John got this one from Amazon. I will share the link just for your information.. I don't get anything from it.. but it just seems like a cool, cool idea if anyone has a hearing disabled parent or friend. Costs $99.00 for the printer and $10.00 a month for the service. Oh and another neat thing is that it only accepts email from people you include on the mailing list.. so they won't get spam. And another neat thing... you would think I am a salesman for this product but its really neat .. is that it tells you online if they are out of paper or ink! HP has really thought this through.

Oh before I forget... the Link to HP Mailbox Printer

Blessings of Peace and all Good,
Sister Patricia

Mini Retreat Theme: Walking with Jesus in the Ordinary


Meditation: (set your timer for ten minutes)
Today might be a nice day to sit in your garden for a few minutes and think of all the ways that you have been blessed with kindness by people doing "little" things for you. I remember my mom used to get us drinks of water when we were sitting watching television or reading a book. I remember my sister, Euli sewed me a Paddington bear for Christmas one year... all by hand! And my sister Barb made me a set of little wooden boxes once... that fit inside each other. I still have the littlest one! Had little leather hinges and I store a few feathers in it from each of the birds I've been blessed to have.

Memories are kind of like patchwork quilts.... no two alike and yet together they make a very warm and protective comforter!

Prayer when time is completed:

thank you for friends
who bless us
in so many ways.
Truly friendship is a
golden treasure.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Thankful Thursday - Be Bold for Jesus

To send this card: Saint Aloysius Gonzaga

Quote for the Day:

Few souls understand what God would accomplish in them if they were to abandon themselves unreservedly to Him and if they were to allow His grace to mold them accordingly.
-- St. Ignatius Loyola

Thankful Thursday

Today I have been thinking about some of the things I do. How much I asked myself is for God's glory and how much for my own? It occurred to me that there was probably a whole lot more self glory than Jesus glory wrapped up in things. Because, now I could be wrong but this is what it seemed like the message I was getting.

If I was totally doing things for Jesus than I wouldn't be so worried about people's reactions. And if I was totally doing things for Jesus Glory I would probably be a whole lot bolder and powerful in attempting things.

I don't know exactly how one acts with greater boldness or greater zeal except I guess by just plunging in. If I wasn't so "worried" about results in things but just went ahead and moved - would that be zeal or stupid? After all, even Jesus told the parable about the commander first looking to see if he could win the battle or else settle peacefully?

I think though.... from my former small experience. If one thinks boldly and acts boldly than either the situation will work out or else God will put up a big sign in front of your face that says something like. THINK AGAIN.

So, I think I am going to move ahead with some new ways to promote my book on the Sacrament of Reconciliation.. because I truly believe that it is a powerful book. I think God allowed me to work on it for HIS glory and now He wants me to Promote it for his glory too. So all those little niggling, naggling voices that say, "shhh, keep still" are the ones that need to KEEP STILL!.

I read a line in a book today that said, "What would you do if you were ten times bolder?" Isn't that something? The book was "Jesus, CEO" by Laurie Beth Jones. I just looked at in the store, I didn't buy it - and probably won't but those lines really grabbed me. Amazing huh? What if we were ten times bolder in serving Jesus than we are?

Hmmmm... so I am thinking, thinking... thinking... Stay tuned.

Blessings of Peace and all Good,
Sister Patricia

Mini Retreat Theme: Walking with Jesus in the Ordinary


Meditation: (set your timer for ten minutes)
Here's the question for you. What if you only had one year of life on your calendar? What could you do to make a Jesus difference?

Walk into your special garden spot or take a walk down your favorite road with Jesus. Talk it out, Ask Jesus to show you what could be your first step.

Imagine that Jesus is inviting you personally to go out and spread his good news. Maybe in a letter, maybe in a few extra moments of prayer, maybe?

Be bold.... and put all your heart and soul into asking Jesus ..."What coud I do to make a difference for you?"

Prayer when time is completed:

help me to be bold,
for you.
Give me the courage
to get out of my own
personal little boat
and start walking
a few steps
on the water.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Tasty Tuesday - Little chicks and Sr. Janet's Link!

To send this card: Eucharist Card

Quote for the Day:

In faith there is enough light for those who want to believe and enough shadows to blind those who don't.
Blaise Pascal

Tasty Tuesday

I can't talk about food. Mainly because I think I have eaten too much of it today and my stomach is now telling me to find a new course for conversation. So even though this is tasty Tuesday I will move on to something else.

No idea what of course. Pia has a beautiful little white egg that she is carefully nurturing. This one came out nice and round like it should. I think giving her the egg shells helped. See growing up with chickens turned out to be helpful. We used to often get new baby chicks in the mail. Was fun to go to the Post Office for our special arrival. The whole place would be cheeping with our boxes of baby chicks.

The Post Office would always call immediately when they came in and we would zip down - pick up the boxes of several hundred chickens and then rush home to get them their first meal.

The baby chicks are placed in the box as soon as they are born ... and shipped by one day to service. The chicks do not know how to eat or drink... so you have to pick each little fluff ball up in your hand, dip its beak in a bit of baby chicken mash and then dip it into a drink of water. One time does it. They catch on fast!

Was always so much fun getting them all eating and scratching around. I loved the smell of the new sawdust on their floor which smelled extra sweet and pungent because of the heat light under their brooder hood to keep the babies warm.

Well, must be getting older - having more memories of them there 'good old days."

For heaven's sake be sure to read Sr. Janet's article today and be sure ... sure... sure to watch the first YouTube link she offers. You will love it.

Blessings of Peace and all Good,
Sister Patricia

Mini Retreat Theme: Walking with Jesus in the Ordinary


Meditation: (set your timer for ten minutes)
One of the best ways I find to grow in my spiritual vision is to ask a question. I may not get an answer but I find just the fact of questioning opens up new thinking. Today imagine that Jesus is your spiritual coach. He is ready to counsel, encourage and help you to find greater spiritual wholeness.

Here is a spiritual question you might ask. "Jesus, what is one thing I could do tomorrow to make myself more aware of your presence in my life?"

Feel free of course to ask any question - that was just a starter.

Prayer when time is completed:

in this over laden information age
there are so many sources
to find answers.
Help me to remember
to start with you!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Miracle Monday - June 18, 2007

To send this card: Eucharist Card

Quote for the Day:

I have found in life that if you want a miracle you first need to do whatever it is you can do - if that's to plant, then plant; if it is to read, then read; if it is to change, then change; if it is to study, then study; if it is to work, then work; whatever you have to do. And then you will be well on your way of doing the labor that works miracles.
Jim Rohn

Miracle Monday

Sometimes miracles happen so slowly that we don't see them happening until they are completely finished. Its nice that they happen but I have to admit I like my miracles to happen with a little more speed and pizazz.... you know the kind you read about in the saints books. In the Scriptures Jesus healed a lot - and performed a great many miracles....I wonder if some of them happened slowly as well?

In the story about the man that was blind but needed a second miracle treatment before he could see perfectly.... I wonder if there was a few days between when he said he could see trees walking about and Jesus laid hands on him again? I don't know. But I guess that is kind of an interesting thought - even when Jesus was there in person, body mind and spirit it took two tries.... hmmmm... guess I shouldn't get discouraged in praying for miracles.

Last night before bed I read the story in the National Geographic about the Ice Man that they found in a glacier. Turns out he was murdered. With all the modern scientific equipment not only could they pinpoint that he was shot with an arrow and died of massive bleeding but they also could tell what he had been eating.. that he had a serious stomach ailment and that he had apparently been running from his attackers for several days. They even, this is hard to believe, but amazing what science can do.. could track where he had come from and the route he had taken by the pollen in his stomach and other things.

Just too totally bizarre. I knew that in heaven everything we have done will be revealed to all, (not to happy a thought for us on the sinning side of life) but gosh now looks like they can give a complete play by play breakdown in the science lab.

I rather expect in time they will even be able to take a person's brain (hopefully after they are dead) and tell every thought they had, and every picture implanted there. Like reading a hard drive in a computer. Who knows maybe they are already doing this..I usually think of things after scientists have been working on stuff for decades. At least I'm thinking.. should give myself credit for that.

Weird thoughts I'm having, huh? It's all from the National Geographic thing...even dreamed about it. Happy Monday! Ha. Ha. Ha.

Blessings of Peace and all Good,
Sister Patricia

Mini Retreat Theme: Walking with Jesus in the Ordinary


Meditation: (set your timer for ten minutes)Many times when I think of Jesus I can only envision him as a young Jewish man 2000 years ago. It is difficult for me to allow that long ago Jesus to be present in my modern world. For instance I just cannot even fathom Jesus in jeans and a shirt or even a business suit. I have a great imagination but it just doesn't seem to stretch that far.

Anyway - this week. Let us invite Jesus into our day - where we are. For instance can I imagine Jesus sitting in front of a computer screen typing out JoyNotes? A bit of a stretch - but I think maybe I need to do that. Still in his long white robe of course - but today I am going to imagine Jesus doing ordinary things along side of me.

A silent, loving Jesus. Not encouraging me to be any different than who I am - or doing work different than I am doing.. but joining with me all day long as my friend. Laughing, loving and just being present in my world. Today.

Prayer when time is completed:

so much of the time
I feel I need to go
where I feel you must be.
In a church,
during prayers
or meditations.
Today -
I thank you for
showing me that I need
to let you be with me
where I am at


Thursday, June 14, 2007

Sacred Heart of Jesus -

To send this card: Feast of Sacred Heart of Jesus

Quote for the Day:

If we want a love message to be heard, it has got to be sent out. To keep a lamp burning, we have to keep putting oil in it.
Mother Teresa

Friendship Friday

Today is the beautiful feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Many Catholics make the Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus on this day. I would like to invite you to make or renew this consecration with me at

2:00 Pacific Time
3:00 Mountain Time
4:00 Central Time
5:00 Eastern time

Here is how it will work... click on the link below and you can join with me in praying this beautiful consecration. I will be praying it live on the web (free) and by phone (cost of phone call). You pick how you want to participate.

EVENT: Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
DATE & TIME: Friday, June 15th at 2:00pm Pacific
FORMAT: Simulcast! (Attend via Phone or Webcast -- it's your choice)

Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

This is a new service that I am trying out and it seemed to me, that to pray the Consecration of the Sacred Heart of Jesus with you would be a wonderful way to test drive!

I hope if you are able you will join with me. I don't think it will be longer than five minutes. You can read the prayer ahead of time on the page when you visit.

We will return with the Mini Retreat on Monday!

Blessings of Peace and all Good,
Sister Patricia

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Thankful Thursday - Mini Retreat - Mini Healing

To send this card: Feast of Saint Anthony

Quote for the Day:

"Actions speak louder than words; let your words teach and your actions speak...It is useless for a person to flaunt the law if their actions undermine it."
Saint Anthony of Padua

Thankful Thursday.

I was thinking a little bit ago that one of the great things I am thankful for is the gift of being able to read and having so many wonderful books, articles and everything else under the sun to read. Reading has to be my number one favorite pasttime.

So many of the new ideas I come up with are of course not new at all. Just something I read here and there and put together. Kind of like a patchwork quilt. Oftentimes I can't even remember where I got an idea from. In those cases I remember that all gifts of thought, space and matter are really given to us from God. I usually can remember that source!

I just got back from putting Pi or Pia to bed. I've started a new little habit (a good one actually) of taking five minutes every night to scrub away at some part of her cage to get it a bit more respectable. I truly am a terrible housekeeper. Anyway tonight I moved down to one of the wheels that was not moving right because it was clogged up with someone's cat hair. Jeremiah is not owning up to it but since I roll Pia's cage over the dining room carpet where Jeremiah spends most of his day its not surprising that it gets picked up. Anyway, I'm down there on the floor with my needle nose pliers working away and Pia decides I definitely need supervision. I didn't really but some things you can't convince a bird of. So it made the job a bit more delicate as I had to be careful not to poke a little foot in the process. Eventually Pia decided the best place to oversee the job was to sit on top of my hand. That made the job even more fun. But eventually we did get the job done - at least on one wheel. Three more to go.

Blessings of Peace and all Good,
Sister Patricia

Mini Retreat Theme: Making more Room for Jesus in my Life

Quote: This is the Day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Meditation: (set your timer for ten minutes) Today we are going to ask Jesus for a spiritual healing. May not be huge but even a small window opening into an area of our life that we have been spiritually closed to can make a big difference.

Take a moment to visit your beautiful garden. Look at the flowers - are there any new ones blooming today? Can you hear the waterfall over to your left? How about the birds singing in the tree next to you. Don't hurry or worry just spend some time thinking what a beautiful and restful place this is.

Now think of someone that you have difficulty with. Perhaps now or in your past. When you have the person in mind notice that Jesus is walking towards you and he is talking to that difficult person in your life! It actually looks like He is enjoying being with your problematic person! Oh my goodness how could that be?

Now the difficult person is walking away and out the garden. Jesus continues to walk towards you. He is smiling at you and you know he is glad to see you and wants to spend time with you.

Did you stop breathing for a few seconds when you saw Jesus with this difficult person? Let your breath out now...slowly and easily. Its okay that Jesus loves you and the difficult person in your life as well.

You don't have to say or do or be any different but you will notice a difference in how you feel. Talk with Jesus about this if you want to or simply let it be and just sit in the garden quietly.

Healing comes when we see someone in a new light. Even those we have difficulty with.

Prayer when time is completed:

thank you
for opening my heart
to see others
as you see them.
Thank you
for loving all people,
even those I find
difficulty in loving.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Wednesday Web Link - Mini Retreat

To send this card: Feast of Saint Anthony

Quote for the Day:

"Actions speak louder than words; let your words teach and your actions speak...It is useless for a person to flaunt the law if their actions undermine it."
Saint Anthony of Padua

Wednesday Web Link

That Catholic Show

Today's link is one that I have shared before but since there are now four videos for viewing instead of one I want to share it again. This is really a super site and one you will want to check out every week to see what Greg and Jennifer Willits are up to next!

In our dining room lately we have had tablecloths on the table because of having company. Nice white tablecloths that look very fresh and clean. As I was walking through the dining room yesterday I noticed that one end of the tablecloth was draped over the dining room chair instead of hanging down properly as it should. Looked rather odd. I had my suspicions so I carefully picked up the edge to see if I was right.

I was. There was a cat under there. The tablecloth was draped so it made a little tent over him. Hmmmm.... did I tell you this is a Franciscan house?

Today as we celebrate the great and glorious and wonderful day of Saint Anthony of Padua I hope that a bit of Franciscan Joy will come your way. Maybe in the way of one of God's little creatures.

Blessings of Peace and all Good,
Sister Patricia

Mini Retreat Theme: Making more Room for Jesus in my Life

Quote: This is the Day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Meditation: (set your timer for ten minutes) Many times I think we don't quite believe that Jesus is really interested in our own personal happiness. Somehow we let little creepy feelings in that tell us following Jesus is hard and lonely and full of suffering. I think the truth is that life without Jesus is all those things and its the trick of the Devil to try and get us mixed up!

The truth is - with Jesus even the worst hardship can become Joy and without Jesus all the money, fame and fortune in the world becomes blah! So... today... go to your special place in your garden and talk to Jesus about some negative thoughts you have about your Christian walk. Bring them out in the open. Let Jesus know your fears, doubts and questions - I bet you will be surprised at the answer you get.

Prayer when time is completed:

thank you
for letting me discuss
and anything with you.
I know you are Love
and that you desire
only Love and goodness
for me,
help me to accept your love
more completely in my life.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Tasty Tuesday - Mini Retreat - A Visit to my House

To send this card: Totally Love Him

Quote for the Day:

What would it be like if you lived each day, each breath, as a work of art in progress? Imagine that you are a masterpiece unfolding, every second of every day, a work of art taking form with every breath.
Thomas Crum

Tasty Tuesday

Today Shelley has been very happy. Sister Colleen's parents have been here all week working and working in our garden and Shelley loves to help them. Also we had a lovely visit with some sisters in our diocese and Shelley just knew they had each come to visit her alone. Why else would anyone visit?

Blessings of Peace and all Good,
Sister Patricia

Mini Retreat Theme: Making more Room for Jesus in my Life

Quote: This is the Day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Meditation: (set your timer for ten minutes) Today you are going to visit your house. Your spiritual house. What is it like? Is it big or small? Does it have many doors, many windows? Is it light or dark? Invite Jesus to walk with you into your house. Explore it together. Are there rooms you do not want to enter? That's okay. Today just go where you want to go and do what you want in your house.

What are you feeling? Happy or sad? Excited or apprehensive? Whatever you feel is fine - but share your house with Jesus.

Prayer when time is completed:

thank you for coming to my house.
Thank you for spending time
with me,
without words, or thought
or judgement of any kind.
Thank you Jesus for coming to my house
just as it is.

Tasty Tip of the Week

from Barbara George

Tuesday’s Tasty Tip: June 12, 2007

Here I am on the vegetable kick. It is spring and since we are all thinking we need to go on a diet, vegetables are the perfect place to start. Here’s something to consider if you’re hungry, and can’t get enough to eat:

1 slice of bread = 75 calories

1 medium orange = 60 calories

1 ½ cups of cooked vegetables = 75 calories

2 Tblspns Ranch = 130 calories (watch the dips)
Make a lowfat healthy dip with plain yogurt and your favorite seasonings.

8 peanut M&M’s = 80 calories

Ok, had to throw the M&M’s in there because they are my favorite food. Except the blue ones. That is just not natural.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Miracle Monday - Mini Retreat - Jesus is waiting for You

To send this card: May Your Day be Blessed

Quote for the Day:

Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other one thing.
Abraham Lincoln

Miracle Monday

I'm writing this on Sunday evening. We just finished watching our movie of the week - our pick? A movie on Pope John Paull II. It was very good, one we had seen before but always get more the second time around. Amazing when you look at his life - of where he started and where he ended up. A normal young man in Poland ends up as Pope. Okay, maybe not normal... but you get the idea.

Life is so much like that. I think all of us have experienced days in which everything starts out like every other day and then something happens that totally changes our life forever. Perhaps someone we love gets sick or dies or perhaps something changes in our life causing us to totally change the direction we are going.

One of the old Christian songs I like to sing a line or two of (the only lines I know of it) are "When you are walking with the Lord, you don't get bored."

Thats what this day is. A day not to get bored. A day in which God has gifted us with something new. Hmmmmm, what will it be?

Blessings of Peace and all Good,
Sister Patricia

Mini Retreat Theme: Making more Room for Jesus in my Life

Quote: Encourage one another daily, while it is still today.

Meditation: (set your timer for ten minutes) Imagine that it is early morning. The sun is just starting to come up over the horizon. A bird starts to sing. You go to your special place in your garden and you have a surprise. There is already someone sitting on the chair waiting for you.

It is Jesus. He is smiling and he wants to tell you how much you mean to him. He wants to tell you of some of the special hopes and dreams he has for you.

It doesn't matter how far away you have been from him. It doesn't matter that you don't know how to talk to him or how to be in his presence. Jesus is not concerned with that. He just wants to tell you some beautiful things about how special you are to him. He wants to share how he created you to be just who you are. How totally you are in the Father's hands - that you are loved and very special.

This is a beautiful day for you. Take ten minutes to let Jesus smile at you.

Prayer when time is completed:

I hardly can believe that you love me,
I thank you.
I want to accept your love,
show me how to be at peace
in the thought and knowledge
of your love for me.
Everything will be okay.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Friendship Friday - Mini Retreat

To send this card: God Opens a door

Quote for the Day:

If I had to sum up in a word what makes a good manager, It's decisiveness. You can use the fanciest computers to gather the numbers, but in the end you have to set a timetable and act.
Lee Iacocca

Friendship Friday

This morning I had this thought about God and the Sacrament of Confession. This is a weird thought and I don't know if I can get it across but it made quite an impression on me. The thought came to me that sometimes I think of God as a banker in a big bank. I have two ways that my thinking sometimes goes.

One way is if I owe money to the bank. Then I look at the bank with fear and dread. How will I come up with my next payment?
What if something happens and I can't make it? Will the bank foreclose on my house? On everything I own?

The other way I look at God's bank is as a place where I can get money. Money that can start a new business or build a new house or go on a wonderful trip.

It occurred to me to spend some time thinking of how I relate to God. Is it with fear that I can never repay? That I'm not quite measuring up and going to fall short for the next payment?

I actually think I go both ways at times in my thinking. I think I need to drop that first line of thought if I can. Maybe just recognizing it will help.

Blessings of Peace and all Good,
Sister Patricia

Mini Retreat Theme: Making more Room for Jesus in my Life

Quote: Fear not, I am with you.

Meditation: (set your timer for ten minutes) Imagine that you are in a beautiful garden on a warm, sunny day.
The birds are singing, a bee is buzzing from flower to flower, a small stream nearby is bubbling a gurgling melody.
In this garden are two chairs, both empty.
You walk over and sit in one.
In a little while you know that Jesus will be coming and sitting in the next one.

Today you are going to let Jesus speak first.
You don't know what he will say
perhaps he will say nothing and just be content to sit quietly next to you.
You sit quietly waiting.

Prayer when time is completed:

Thank you Jesus
for coming
to share with me.
I look forward
to spending
more mini minutes
with you.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Thankful Thursday - Mini Retreat

To send this card: Blessed Anne of Bartholomew

Quote for the Day:

If you're going through hell, keep going.
Winston Churchill

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful for Sr. Colleen's paents! Tom and Lillian come every Spring about this time to help us plant our garden. Their reward in heaven shall be very great! As I look out my office window where I am lazily typing away as they work so hard I see that they are joined by a special golden force with wagging tail. Shelley is sure that she is being a big help. I'm not sure they agree with her but since she is getting patted every so often who knows maybe she is!

Anyway... let's start a mini-retreat! It really is very simple. - A theme for the week.
A quote for today - a question for reflection - and set your timer for ten minutes some time today to think about it.

Mini Retreat Theme: Making more Room for Jesus in my Life

Quote: Know that I am with you always, even until the end of time.

Meditation: (set your timer for ten minutes) Imagine that you are in a beautiful garden on a warm, sunny day. The birds are singing, a bee is buzzing from flower to flower, a small stream nearby is bubbling a gurgling melody. In this garden are two chairs, both empty. You walk over and sit in one. In a little while you know that Jesus will be coming and sitting in the next one.

You have never met Jesus in this garden before.
This is your Prayer Garden - a place just for you and Jesus to meet and spend time together.
You don't know exactly what this first meeting will be like.
While you are waiting think about what questions you might have for him.

After a few minutes when Jesus comes and sits in the chair next to you... ask him your questions.

Prayer when time is completed:

Thank you Jesus
for coming
to share with me.
I look forward
to spending
more mini minutes
with you.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Tasty Tuesday - Pi is Pia and Upcoming Changes

To send this card: Saint Boniface

Quote for the Day:

People travel to wonder at the height of the mountains, at the huge waves of the seas, at the long course of the rivers, at the vast compass of the ocean, at the circular motion of the stars, and yet they pass by themselves without wondering.
Saint Augustine

Tasty Tuesday

I am in a heavy procrastination mood. I can't seem to do anything but waste time today. Part of it may be the weather we are having. Hot and humid. Whatever, I have a whole bundle of excuses to explain it but they don't get me moving any.

But Guess What! Breaking News. Today I received valid, one hundred per cent confirmation that Pi (as in my parrot) is definitely a girl. She laid an egg! Sr. Marcia Kay says we should call her Pia! Right now I am still calling her Pi because I was already about 99.8 percent sure Pi was a girl because she was just acting too girly to be anything else but the egg certainly filled in the .02 per cent doubt remaining.

I am in process of thinking of making some adjustments with the JoyNotes for the Summer. Not sure exactly what. One thing I would like to feature some of the stories and features from my books. Perhaps come up with a Monthly or Weekly Spiritual theme and provide mini 5 day virtual retreats. Just think I would like to be a bit more creative for these lazy days of summer!

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters

Today's JoyNotes

Our book on Reconciliation     Our Workbook for Confession

Tasty Tip of the Week

from Barbara George

Tasty Tip for Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Berrie Smoothie

Delicious breakfast replacement you can take on the run or sip at your desk on a busy morning. Simple substitutions can change the flavor and consistency of this drink but I tried to make a recipe that was low calorie and healthy.

½ cup plain low-fat or fat free yogurt (or Banilla yogurt-will be sweeter and creamier-yummm-but increases the calories).
½ cup 1% milk
1 medium banana
1 cup frozen berries (or fresh)
2 ice cubes
2 teaspoons honey
(optional- 1-2 tablespoons wheat bran)

Blend on high til smooth. This is not a really sweet drink. If you like it sweeter, add more honey or use the sweetened yogurt. My son added a tablespoon of strawberry jam to make his sweeter. Lots of options. If you make ahead, shake well before serving. Makes 3 cups. Serving size is 1 cup.

6 grams of protein, 3 grams of fiber, 180 calories. More fiber if you add the bran but don’t make ahead of time that way.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Miracle Monday - New Book Coming Soon!

To send this card: Saint Joseph

Quote for the Day:

The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.
Mark Twain

Miracle Monday

Guess what! I'm going to get started on a new book .... and guess what again? It's not going to be about the sacraments this time. I'm not giving up on working my way through the sacraments... but I am going to take a break and do a book called.... are you ready?......

101 Inspirational Answers to Prayer

I have been thinking about this for awhile and on the last day of the book exhibit that I was at in Chicago, I was praying my rosary in my room and pacing up and down (because I like to move when I pray the rosary) and it just seemed like that was the direction to move toward.

So I will be asking for stories soon. Not quite yet because I don't have all the pieces in place yet - maybe even by the end of the week. I am just starting to get the wheels into motion. The stories I will be looking for are stories on prayer in which you felt God answered them in an especially powerful or significant way.

I invite anyone with a Christian experience of prayer to share. The prayer might include asking a particular saint such as with a novena or favorite saints prayer. It might be just a, "Help me God!" in a moment of danger. It might be asking an angel to step in or a personal saint such as a beloved family member that you know is watching and helping from Heaven.

No, they don't have to be about stupendous miracles, and they might not even be answered in the way that you were praying... but answers in which you felt beyond the shadow of a doubt - God answered your prayer. True stories that you feel would be encouraging to someone else who is perhaps struggling with God in their life and prayer and needs a spiritual boost!

This book I think will be really, really fun to do and really, really inspiring and I am really, really excited about getting started.

I am planning for the publication date to be March 19th... the Feast of Saint Joseph. I am putting the book completely into the hands of Saint Joseph.

So I don't know if starting this book qualifies for a Monday miracle story yet... but I feel sure it is certainly the start of one!

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters

Today's JoyNotes

Our book on Reconciliation     Our Workbook for Confession