Quote for the Day: Be ready always to satisfy everyone that asketh you a reason of that hope which is in you. St. Peter |
Friendship Friday.
Today (I'm writing this on Thursday) was a perfect friendship day because my sister Euli called in the morning and said, "We're in Washington can we come to see you today?" So I said, "Yes, of course" and the rest of the day was busy and fun, fun!
First it was busy because I had to clean off the patio so we could have lunch out there... you always need company to get you to do the stuff you mean to do but just can't seem to get to. Even in the monastery! So did that and then Euli and her husband and kids and dog came and my mom and my brother John and we had a wonderful, wonderful time.
Oh, and Shelley had a car lesson! You see our dog Shelley thinks that the only way you can get into a car to go for a ride is if someone physically picks you up and puts you in the car. I don't know exactly how this got started but a 70 pound dog with this kind of complex is not fun. She just panics at the very thought. So I knew what she needed. She needed to see how "normal" dogs get into cars. You know - like just jump in.
So one of the first things I asked Euli when she came with (Chester) her dog... was, "Hey, can we give Shelley a car lesson?" She said, sure! Shelley and Chester always get along well when they come to visit so this was totally perfect. And it worked! Shelley had three lessons of getting in the car by following Chester who probably thought she was nuts that she was taking so long in the first place. With her final lesson Euli took Shelley, Chester and all three kids (because of course they wanted to go) for a two block ride.
They had a great time... and Sadie about half way through the ride said to Shelley, "Oh! That is why you are sitting so close to me! I'm sitting on your tail!"
Actually Shelley just loves to stick like glue to anyone who will let her. She is a 70 pound lap dog.
Blessings of Peace and all Good,
Sister Patricia
Mini Retreat Theme: A Time for Miracles Quote: Meditation: (set your timer for ten minutes) Sometimes it is fun to pray for a fun miracle for someone else. We all know those who need miracles of healing and reconciliation and truly serious things and I do pray for those intentions.. but sometimes I like to pray for "FUN" miracles. Something that will just make someone happy and know how much they are loved by God. Sometimes - it is nice to pray for this miracle for an unknown person. Someone who just needs a miracle. Someone you may never see, know or meet until heaven... but God takes our prayers and does wonderful things for that unknown friend. Today, ask God to surround someone who needs special love with a Joy Miracle. Imagine your prayer thoughts lifting up to heaven and sending blessings down on this special person. Who knows maybe God will even let you know who this person is in some way. Prayer when time is completed: Jesus, I ask you to bless with love, joy and miracles someone who is most in need of your love today. Amen. |