Quote for the Day: “You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience by which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.” Eleanor Roosevelt |
Thankful Thursday
It is hard at first to think thoughts of thankfulness after such a tragedy with the Virginia Tech massacre and yet somehow in time I know God will bring something good. The young people and all who died - may have died very suddenly and violently but God was there for each of them. I do believe their Guardian Angel was at their side - guiding them to a beautiful eternity that we cannot comprehend.
Last week I did a beautiful interview with Sr. Marianne Van Vurst who is the director for a home that cares for severely disabled children. Children who at the most will never grow mentally beyond 18 months and physically often can't move but maybe their head a little or an arm. Beautiful children of God who die young and yet I truly believe only in heaven will we know what mission they accomplished in the world. What lives were saved by their struggles and suffering and those of their wonderful parents and all those who so lovingly care for them.
Death comes for each of us - sometimes soon - sometimes late. But always and everywhere our loving God who gave us this life has a beautiful eternal life for us that is beyond our biggest dreams and expectations.
If this life indeed was all that there was - than our tears and despair would never end... but life is forever with God and perhaps we can be thankful that this happened in the beautiful season of Easter when God's own son arose from the dead so that we might do so as well.
Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters
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Dear Sister Patricia:
I just lost my Husband of 34 and 1/2 years 2 months ago to a stroke, I have done alot of thinking & I am grateful to God for our life together. Now I face another challenge knee replacement surgery soon. We must die to ourselves but when God is there the burden is easier. God Bless You, Karen
Re: what to be thankful for on Thankful Thursday in light of the tragedy at Virginia Tech; I am thankful for the professor who survived the Holocaust because over 60 years later he was in the doorway of his classroom, saving his students by giving up his life.There is no greater love than to give up your life for others.
Thank you for your reflection this morning -- such a senseless tragedy, yet we have to wait for God's plans to be revealed soon or late as the links from the Old Testament to the New have been shown to us.
Sister Pat, if ever you consider creating a book again, do think about death and the end of life as a subject that you have already written intuitively about.
Dear Sister Patricia,
Your words have brought comfort to the senseless tragedy of the past week. I do believe the Angels walked with them each step of the way. I do believe the Father welcomed them with open arms. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families and young people of Virginia Tech.
Thank you for all you do in His name to reach out with your message of love.
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