Quote for the Day: Asking is the beginning of receiving. Make sure you don't go to the ocean with a teaspoon. At least take a bucket so the kids won't laugh at you. Jim Rohn |
Thankful Thursday
Hey, guess what I am thankful for today? I am thankful that I am taking the radio publicity course! Yes, yes, yes, because today I got my first request for a radio interview on a regular station! Its on a large country station in central Florida. Please pray that it goes through and that the Holy Spirit speaks and that I have a fun time and help people appreciate the value of forgiveness a little bit more.
This is the station that requested an interview.... http://www.wpcv.com/index.htm Please pray a Hail Mary that the staion will be blessed in having me and not lose their ratings too badly.
I have been reading a very good book on Forgiveness - not sure if I told you before. Probably... anyway it is called, "Forgive for Good" by Dr. Fred Luskin. It is not a religious book - but so powerful in convincing me a thousand times more how much we need to forgive for our own sake as well as everyone else.
The health benefits of forgiving are huge - especially with heart. Which is amazing don't you think? Because we always think of the heart as love and when we are not loving our heart suffers. Pretty straight forward don't you think?
Now, don't think I'm putting anyone down with heart trouble - cause there are lots of other factors as well. For instance our Sister Mary Rita was the most loving person I have known and she had congestive heart failure so its not one of those across the board things.. but still a factor to look at I think. Sure made me think!
Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters
Today's JoyNotes
Our book on Reconciliation Our Workbook for Confession
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