To send this card: Lent Card
Music: Easy Listening 1
Quote:Love is shown in your deeds not in your words.
Father Jerome Cummings
I am making a concerted effort not to get the flu. I know it has tapped me on the head, but so far by taking a nap each day and various remedies I haven't come down with a full case of it as some of the sisters have. Do hope I can keep it up till it passes over. In the meantime I am not getting much done, but God seems to be telling to me to take life more slowly and accepting - so this is fine.
I am getting some trouble from friends using the AOL links. I think perhaps AOL has blocked my site as being spam - in the last ten days about eight people have hit their spam button when viewing my page (some are accidental I think) but anyway I think they have marked me as "bad" news. AOL does not like "bad news" people.
Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia
Follow Me
by Msgr. David E. Rosage
God has saved us and has called us to a holy life, not because of any merit of ours but according to his own design-the grace held out to us in Christ Jesus.
2 Tim 1:9
I am special to Jesus. He loves me so much he called me to be his disciple, to be closely united with him. In his love he supplies me with all the graces and gifts, the help and encouragement I need to follow his way of life.
I cannot earn heaven. All I can do is to be receptive to his compassionate mercy and respond in loving service.
What I do in life is not very important to Jesus, but rather what I am. Not what I do, but why I do it.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Flu and AOL woes
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Saint Patrick, Prison and Chicken Noodle Soup
Quote:For you, O Lord,
are good and forgiving,
abounding in kindness
to all who call upon you.
Psalm 86:5
To send this card:Saint Patrick
Music: Pre-selected
If you are reading this from JoyNotes I hope you will take the time to look at today's Peace card... I think it is especially nice for Saint Patrick! See link above.
Well, I didn't get much done on the new Vocation site today as I had hoped.. but here is the link to take a peek anyway. Called To Joy!. I will be sending out a Vocation newsletter once a week on Saturdays - God willing of course! You are welcome to sign up for it even if you are not interested in a Poor Clare vocation but just want to read it. Perhaps if some of you who receive this are in vocation work yourself you might have some ideas or suggestions to improve the content once I get it rolling.
I am also working on a wonderful new website for two new friends of mine! Dale and Susan Recinella work with prisoners on death row in Florida and their families. Their ministry is so powerful and needed that our community has decided that we want to help in some small way. So though as cloistered religious we cannot go out to visit those in prison as the Beatitudes ask us to.. this is a way we hope to share in a tiny portion of their grace-filled ministry.
I am making a CD of the two programs I recorded for Radio Maria and hope to offer them for a small donation. In Dale's interview it was so awesome, one man was received into the Church just the day before he was executed. This man had been so impressed by Pope John Paul that he wanted to join whatever Church it was that that man was in charge of! Pope John Paul died only a few days before he was to go to heaven himself. Dale was in the room with the guards when the Bishop annointed him with the grace of confirmation. All in the room saw him glowing! Not just like a man touched by a very moving event but his body actually glowed like a light was being shinned upon him! Later when Dale was with him in his last hours before being executed, Dale whispered in awe to him, "What happened? Can you tell me what happened when the Bishop laid his hands on you?' The man answered clearly and calmly in perfect peace. "John Paul came to me," he said. "He told me it was going to be alright and that when the time came for me to leave, Jesus would be there to receive me."
I think this has been easily one of the most powerful interviews I have ever had the grace to do. Both of us felt touched by God, and I feel that helping both Susan and Dale in any way I can is something God wants. It will be interesting to see how this develops. God is awesome!
Well, if I don't get moving, I will be one tired cookie tomorrow! So far I haven't had but a little bit of the cold or flu or whatever that is attacking half of the community here. Best not get too tired or I will be a victim myself!
Tonight we had a most wonderful pure chicken noodle soup from our wonderful friend across the street. That should certainly make us well and hearty! It was sumptious delumptious! Wish I could share some with you, but it won't go through the computer screen. Sorry.
Blessings of Peace and All Good!
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters
Happy Saint Patrick's Day!
P.S. So, where does this put the book? Well, it's taking a back seat for a bit. In trying to be open to God and realistic to my human capabilities I have made the decision that it will probably not get done by June... it may not even get done by the Fall. I know it will get done, but I have been praying over the last two weeks and I have discerned that pressuring myself to a heart attack is probably not God's idea of a good thing. So basically I am just taking the time line off of me for awhile and just going to work on it every week and when it gets done, it gets done.
Follow Me
by Msgr. David E. Rosage
"If anyone thirsts, let him come to me:
let him drink who believes in me. . . .
'From within him rivers of living water shall flow.' "
Jn 7:37-38
When Jesus invites me to come and drink at the source of living water, he is inviting me to be his disciple. He longs to fill me with his life-giving water. All I have to do is let him. He wants me to be magnanimous, to love not only my friends, but even those who make life difficult. Than his love may flow through me and warm others. In short, I am to be a fountain of "living water."
Jesus, keep my heart open, receptive, and ever expansive to the stream of your boundless love.
Saint Patrick, Prison and Chicken Noodle Soup
Quote:For you, O Lord,
are good and forgiving,
abounding in kindness
to all who call upon you.
Psalm 86:5
To send this card:Saint Patrick
Music: Pre-selected
If you are reading this from JoyNotes I hope you will take the time to look at today's Peace card... I think it is especially nice for Saint Patrick! See link above.
Well, I didn't get much done on the new Vocation site today as I had hoped.. but here is the link to take a peek anyway. Called To Joy!. I will be sending out a Vocation newsletter once a week on Saturdays - God willing of course! You are welcome to sign up for it even if you are not interested in a Poor Clare vocation but just want to read it. Perhaps if some of you who receive this are in vocation work yourself you might have some ideas or suggestions to improve the content once I get it rolling.
I am also working on a wonderful new website for two new friends of mine! Dale and Susan Recinella work with prisoners on death row in Florida and their families. Their ministry is so powerful and needed that our community has decided that we want to help in some small way. So though as cloistered religious we cannot go out to visit those in prison as the Beatitudes ask us to.. this is a way we hope to share in a tiny portion of their grace-filled ministry.
I am making a CD of the two programs I recorded for Radio Maria and hope to offer them for a small donation. In Dale's interview it was so awesome, one man was received into the Church just the day before he was executed. This man had been so impressed by Pope John Paul that he wanted to join whatever Church it was that that man was in charge of! Pope John Paul died only a few days before he was to go to heaven himself. Dale was in the room with the guards when the Bishop annointed him with the grace of confirmation. All in the room saw him glowing! Not just like a man touched by a very moving event but his body actually glowed like a light was being shinned upon him! Later when Dale was with him in his last hours before being executed, Dale whispered in awe to him, "What happened? Can you tell me what happened when the Bishop laid his hands on you?' The man answered clearly and calmly in perfect peace. "John Paul came to me," he said. "He told me it was going to be alright and that when the time came for me to leave, Jesus would be there to receive me."
I think this has been easily one of the most powerful interviews I have ever had the grace to do. Both of us felt touched by God, and I feel that helping both Susan and Dale in any way I can is something God wants. It will be interesting to see how this develops. God is awesome!
Well, if I don't get moving, I will be one tired cookie tomorrow! So far I haven't had but a little bit of the cold or flu or whatever that is attacking half of the community here. Best not get too tired or I will be a victim myself!
Tonight we had a most wonderful pure chicken noodle soup from our wonderful friend across the street. That should certainly make us well and hearty! It was sumptious delumptious! Wish I could share some with you, but it won't go through the computer screen. Sorry.
Blessings of Peace and All Good!
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters
Happy Saint Patrick's Day!
P.S. So, where does this put the book? Well, it's taking a back seat for a bit. In trying to be open to God and realistic to my human capabilities I have made the decision that it will probably not get done by June... it may not even get done by the Fall. I know it will get done, but I have been praying over the last two weeks and I have discerned that pressuring myself to a heart attack is probably not God's idea of a good thing. So basically I am just taking the time line off of me for awhile and just going to work on it every week and when it gets done, it gets done.
Follow Me by Msgr. David E. Rosage "If anyone thirsts, let him come to me: let him drink who believes in me. . . . 'From within him rivers of living water shall flow.' " Jn 7:37-38 When Jesus invites me to come and drink at the source of living water, he is inviting me to be his disciple. He longs to fill me with his life-giving water. All I have to do is let him. He wants me to be magnanimous, to love not only my friends, but even those who make life difficult. Than his love may flow through me and warm others. In short, I am to be a fountain of "living water." Jesus, keep my heart open, receptive, and ever expansive to the stream of your boundless love. |
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Saint Patrick on Friday in Lent
To send this card: St. Patrick
More St Patrick Day Cards
Music: Be Thou My Vision
Today a friend asked me if it was "okay" to eat meat this Friday on the feast of Saint Patrick. Of course I have to admit I'm the lowest of the low in knowing the rules and regulations for such things but I gave it my best shot. Basically through Googling. Thought I would share my reply to her with you, in case any other fans of Saint Patrick were wondering the same thing!
Well, it is one of those unoffical "holy of holy" days. I don't think you will find permission universally granted in any books. I have known a great number of priests who assured us that St. Patrick meant full celebration as a Solemnity (but they did have Irish heritage) so I have to say I really don't know. One priest I know, who was very strict on absolutely everything liturgical actually was incensed when I put out a "purple" vestment on Saint Patrick's Day instead of "green." So it's a very touchy subject. When it comes to "awearin of the Green" and a "celebratin of de purple" the green does seem to win out nine times out of ten. Of course, I have red hair and named Patricia so you have to take that into account as well.
Out of curiosity, I asked the question on google and found that the Bishop of Lansing, Michigan gave the people in his parish the "okay" to eat meat on Friday provided they chose another day of the week not to eat meat.
Basically it is up to the Bishop of each diocese to decide. Another thought.
So much for my two cents worth. I just got reminded that I didn't do the dinner dishes yet! Yikes. Guess I'm off to soap suds and bubbles . . .
Blessings of Peace and all Good!
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters
Follow Me
by Msgr. David E. Rosage
Jesus then said to his disciples: "If a man wishes to come after me, he must deny his very self, take up his cross, and begin to follow in my footsteps."
Mt. 16:24
Jesus did not trick me into following him. He spelled out the conditions very clearly.
He challenges me to respond in love to the boundless love which he has for me-this is the price of discipleship.
My daily dying-to-self makes me more open to receive an even greater influx of his enduring love.
Bantu Proverb: "The burden of love is light like a cloud."
Sunday, March 12, 2006
Sunday and Colds...
To send this card: God's Love
Music: Just a closer walk
Quote: If you can't pray a door open, don't pry it open.
Lyell Rader
Sunday was so nice! We had blue sky and sunshine and I went outside for a nice walk and fixed the pumps in my little fish pond so the four fish (they have grown!) could get more oxygen in the water from the fountain splahing. They were very happy. We just took off their winter cover on Friday so its nice to be able to see them again.
Looks like colds are settling in for everyone at the monastery. We are all taking Airborne and drinking medicinal teas and getting extra rest. I've also been having weird dreams... that's usually a good clue for me that something is a kilter with the old system!
Hope you have a wonderful and blessed Monday!
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters
Follow Me
by Msgr. David E. Rosage
"It was not you who chose me,
it was I who chose you
to go and bear fruit"
Jn 15:16
What a privileged person I am! God chose me to be a member of his family, to be his disciple, to be on his team, and also to be an instrument through which his love radiates itself to others. He is asking me to be a channel whereby he can touch others.
I bear fruit when I permit him to transform me and let his radiance shine forth through me.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
My Shepherd is the Lord
To send this card: Lenten card
Music: Sheep May safely graze
Quote: "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." (Edmund Burke)
Well, now someone has come up with an accusation against our Bishop for sexual misconduct. The accusation supposedly happened forty years ago in a parish our Bishop was not even a part of when he was twenty or twenty-two. Bishop Skylstad denies it and says he has kept his vow of celibacy since he was ordained a deacon, which I think he was at that time. I for my part, believe our bishop. I also think it is a very sad state of affairs that anyone can destroy anyone's reputation, life and well-being simply because they wish to do so.
I am not sure exactly what we are called to do against such stuff. I for my part rather feel like the two apostles who asked the Lord if they should pray to rain down fire from heaven for those who turned against them, but I rather expect the Lord would answer me in the same way he did them. Sigh. Take off my shoes, shake out the sand and move on.
I will trust that the Lord will turn all things to good for those that love him - and that I also know full well, that our Bishop Skylstad is very much in love with the Lord, devoted to the Blessed Mother and a good and holy priest who tries very hard to do his best for all. I for one, think our diocese is very blessed to have him as our Shepherd! Thank you Jesus!
Blessings of Peace and All Good!
Sister Patricia
Follow Me
by Msgr. David E. Rosage
"Come Now! I will send you to Pharaoh to lead my people, the Israelites, out of Egypt"
Ex. 3:10
Humanly speaking, Moses was an unlikely person to be called to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. There was a price on his head in Egypt; he was in exile. Yet God's way are not our ways.
How unqualified I am for the mission to which the Lord has called Me! Jesus reminds me that he chose me; I did not choose him (Jn 15:16).
Just as he said to Moses, so also the Lord is saying to me: "I will be with you" (Ex 3:12).
Monday, March 06, 2006
Today Is God's Will for Me!
To send this card: Lent Card for today
Music: pre-selected - I know whom I have believed.
I always seem to have several books going at once, from which I read a little bit each day. Right now, my just before bed book is, "He leadeth Me" by Walter Ciszek, SJ the priest who spent 23 years in Russian prison camps. It is a very, very, strong emphasis on "very" powerful book. This is my second, maybe third time reading it. This time I am reading it more slowly for content not just the gripping story. At first I was thinking I didn't think I had the stomach and nerves to read it again (gets very graphically painful in torturous moments) but the deep relationship he has with Jesus was just too powerful to not take a second look.
Last night I was reading where he was talking about how himself and his co-priest friend who went to Russia with him came to understand God's will for them in each day. I can only share it poorly but basically it was that what came to pass each day was God's will. Whether good or bad, easy or hard, God was with them in those moments and desired for them to accept those moments as his will. So at first their feelings were of despair because they were not able to minister as priests... and life continued to go from bad to worse to terrible to unbelievably terrible and yet they found God in those terrible moments and were able to survive. This is what I got out from it - for me... as I scramble between radio and book and web work I seem to be making pitably small progress in any direction. I try to see if there is something I should drop - but each work seems to be God pushing me to do... so I have decided I will just continue with all three - and not worry about time schedules and deadlines and just do each day what I can. Maybe the book will come out in the fall instead of June - if it does - life will continue. Better its late with good health and sound mind than on time and a frazzled wreck! Besides its only a deadline I made for myself as my mom used to say to me, "Well, if you made it, you can change it!"
The quote on my desk calendar for Sunday(Mary Engelbreit) says, "Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it." Greg Anderson.
That makes sense to me!
Blessings of Peace and all Good!
Sister Patricia
Follow Me
by Msgr. David E. Rosage
"I am the vine, you are the branches. He who lives in me and I in him, will produce abundantly, for apart from me you can do nothing."
Jn 15:5
With this simple allegory Jesus explained the mystery of his indwelling. He lets the branch blossom out and bear fruit. Yet there would be no fruit if he were not the source of divine life energizing me. How good Jesus is to me!
He reminds me that apart from him I can do nothing. which is another way of saying that with him I can do all things.
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Good and not so good
To send this card:Lent Card
Music: Pre-selected - Your Smile
Quote: If you do what the Lord wants, he will make certain each step you take is sure.
Ps 37:23
I love the above quote. That is the other one I keep in my Music at Mass right above the Amen. Rather comforting I think, though I am not always sure I'm doing what the Lord wants! Guess I'll have to find another quote to calm myself about that.
Brought my mom over for dinner. Unfortunately my good deed for the day turned into not such a good one. She has a little Betta fish that my brother John gave her. She loves her little fish. In fact she just sent a letter to my sister Euli in which she told her how much she loved her little fish. Every time I go to pick her up I clean the water in its little bitty plastic tank. Unfortunately today, I killed her little fish. Good going, Patricia! I was running some water gently into the bowl to kind of flush out the old and replace with some new and I didn't stay right there and watch it and the water got hotter and hotter and the little guy jumped out and when I returned two minutes later he had jumped out of his tank and was dead. Sooooo, then I had to tell my mom that I had killed her little fish. She was surprised they were so delicate she said. Well, even undelicate fish don't like to be fried! Sigh. So, off we went to the pet store to replace her little betta. I didn't want her coming back to her apartment without a new one! Hmmmm, so much for all my worrying that she couldn't take care of a fish. Guess we found out who we needed to be worrying about!
Blessings of Peace and all Good!
Sister PatriciaFollow Me
by Msgr. David E. Rosage
"Come and see."
Lk 9:23
Jesus invites me not only to come and see him, but to spend time with him in prayer, to live with him, to strive to capture his way of thinking until "in him I live and move and have my being" (Acts 17:28)
Only after I have "put on the new man" (Eph 4:24) will I be able to radiate him to all those around me.
Jesus, let me rest often and at length in your presence.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Books and Radio, Oh my!
To send this card: Did you hear?
Music: Preselected
Quote: I pray that you will begin to understand how incredibly great his power is to help those who believe in him. Eph 1:19
First of all I would like to say if you were planning on sending in a story for the Reconciliation book and didn't get it done - I'm still accepting late entries till next week. Since I always seem to be a few steps behind every deadline I set for myself I can certainly understand anyone else in the same position.
If you did send in a story and it hasn't been acknowledged. Don't despair - I just checked and I'm exactly 94 stories behind! In fact I've only been able to work on the book one day this week... at this point it may take several years to get the book published! Oh me gosh. Well, I'm close to changing the deadline but not settled yet, there is still time for the Blessed Mother to come to the rescue.
One of the things that has been holding up progress (I always find something) is my radio work. I'm behind on that too but things are looking up today. For the last few days or maybe I should say two weeks I have been trying to set up radio interviews for my radio program on Radio Maria, "The Power of Prayer." I had some of the most fascinating leads but just couldn't make connections... now... they all called back on the same day! Get out the umbrella because its starting to pour!
Today I had a great interview with Fr. Matt Gamber who is the associate pastor at St. Paul of the Cross in Park Ridge, Illinois. We talked about Lent and Parish outreach during this season. It was lots of fun not only because Father Matt is such a good friend of our community but also because it was neat to hear what goes on in a big parish. Lots! What I love about the Catholic Church is that although each parish is very united with one another, at the same time - each one is very unique. Together we make a wonderful body of Christ. Its wonderful to share stories.
Blessings of Peace and all Good!
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters
Follow Me by Msgr. David E. Rosage "Jesus said to all: "Whoever wishes to be my follower must deny his very self, take up his cross each day, and follow in my steps." Lk 9:23 Jesus emphasizes that I must take up my cross each day. My cross is the various demands and duties of each day. Their neverending recurrence causes them to become routine and monotonous. However, whatI do in life is not nearly as important as why I perform my daily duties. Most of the saints did not accomplish extraordinary things, but they did do the ordinary things in an extraordinary manner. |