To send this card: Miracles Happen
Music: Changes in Latitude
Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday. Also last day to send in a story for the new book. (If you have a story and need more time let me know. Book Comment
Today was Fat Monday! Of course tradition is supposed to be Fat Tuesday but we had a homemade delicious banana cream pie that our dear friend across the street made for us, so it was yummy in the old tum on Monday! I don't think I have ever had such a delicious banana cream pie... what a royal send off for going into lent!
Well, thank you to everyone who sent a prayer upwards or a good thought about my sister Barb and her big move. She made it and today had her first day of work at her new job! Wow. Miracles do happen! Of course I knew that already, but I always like them nevertheless!
Another miracle happened right here in River City! I actually got my desk top cleaned and all three drawers neatly organized. I have to say that this is probably as big a miracle as Barb's move. Now to keep it this way. I am really going to be trying because as I start to work on the book in earnest - I need clean spaces to keep myself focused on track. The last final hurdle of cleaning the last piles took major action. For two weeks I couldn't seem to move on it at all. Finally I told myself, "Okay, until you get that top of the desk clean you can't do any clacking!" Now you of course probably don't know what clacking is, because it is a terrible addictive habit that is only done by myself. I use little pieces of paper that I neatly fold and I tap my books with them as I read and it makes little clacking sounds. I have done this since the eighth grade. My grandmother was sure I was a mental case and perhaps so, but whatever the reason I love my little clackers! They are not quite as bad as smoking though I do know it can drive other people in the room into orbit so I try to restrain myself to moderate clacking in company but if the book is terrible interesting than it really doesn't matter who is in the room, I must clack! So anyway, ever since Friday when I started my great desk cleaning finale - I haven't been clacking! But NOW I CAN! Whew. Wasn't sure how much longer I could hold out. Please don't send anyone over with little white coats - until I have had a few days of peaceful clacking I can't say how I would conduct myself and might even get violent.
Also don't even suggest that I give up clacking for lent. I have done it in the past, even for several years.. but at this point in my mental life... I'm going to be clacking at least right up to the time the book goes off to the printer!
Blessings of Peacea and all Good!
Sister Patricia
Monday, February 27, 2006
Miracles Happen
Sunday, February 26, 2006
Two Days till Lent . . .
To send this card: Prayer
Music: Music Box
Quote: Pray, hope and don't worry!
Saint Padre Pio
Two Days till Lent!
We had a nice sermon this Sunday on preparing for Lent. Have to admit I wasn't much in the mood for moving into the Lent mode quite yet... but Father's sermon helped to put things in proper perspective. He reminded us when we think of our lenten practices to make it those things that will bring us closer into relationship with God. Not simply sacrifice for sacrifice's sake but to ask ourselves what is going on in my life that is blocking me from having a more loving and honest relationship with God? Is there something I can do this lent to change that?
Many friends I know give up the computer - but don't worry - I find putting out the JoyNotes each day is more of a graced time than otherwise! I love Danielle's, Sister Janet's and Father Rory's contributions and doing my little bit always helps me to focus on things as well.
So for me instead of taking away, I am going to add just one more little bit to the JoyNotes. This will be a small Scriptural mediation by Msgr. David E. Rosage from his book, "Follow Me".
Here is the first one... so you won't have to wonder what they will be like.
Follow Me by Msgr. David E. Rosage
"Come and follow me." Mk 10:21)
Jesus invites me to come and follow him, to become his disciple. He asks me not only to walk in his footsteps, but to follow his way of life so closely that I can be identified with him.
Then my very lifestyle will give witness to his abiding presence in me and in the world.
Jesus, I reach out with joy to grasp your hand so that I may walk more readily in your ways. Blessings of Peace and all Good!
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters
Thursday, February 23, 2006
To send this card:In Prayer
Music: Hail Mary, Gentle Woman
Quote: There is no future in any job. The future lies in
the man who holds the job.
George Crane
My brain is on fuzz. I think I might be coming down with something or else the weather change is affecting my head. It tends to do that, along with a myriad of other things like getting car sick. I went with Sister Colleen to take Shelley to the vet for a check-up and the ride didn't agree with me. How fortunate I am that I don't travel very much!
More and more lately I have been trying to put myself into Mary's hands one hundred percent. Just seems like the safest and best thing to do... so even though today is not necessarily a Mary day - thought I would share a Mary card with you.
Blessings of Peace and all Good!
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
To send this card: Blest are the Sorrowing
Music: Jolly Mon Song
Quote: Act with boldness of thought.
Pope John Paul II
The above quote was not the one I said I was going to share today. That quote is lying on a little piece of paper somewhere here on the desk. It's hiding. If I had energy I could go upstairs to the chapel and copy it again...but energy is low and this is my favorite quote too. So... maybe tomorrow!
Had my mom over for dinner today. Oh, my mom is so funny. She is hard of hearing... like shall we say deaf? She does have hearing aids but they have a nice little spot in the bottom of her drawer where they like to spend their days and nights. Anyway because she is deaf, she doesn't realize that the things she is saying to herself are actually not quiet at all. And my dear mom, who never used to say anything against anybody, now has a comment on practically everybody and every situation. So she was telling us at dinner today, that there is this one man who sits at her table and she says he is rather large! That seems to be a fixation with her now about large people. Doesn't matter that she had a small weight problem herself most of her life - now if she sees anybody a little over she has things to say. So apparently when he sat down the other day or did something.. .she made one of her little not so quiet comments... and he said, "I heard that!" and she was so shocked! (she does read lips very well) and was quite amazed that he could have heard her. I am sure she thought he was reading her mind. Anyway it made quite an impression on her. I don't expect she will stop making comments... but it did impress her enough to tell us all about it at great detail at dinner. Was very funny. She can get quite melodramatic in her telling.
I thank everyone who sent in suggestions and songs. They are wonderful and give me all sorts of things to work on! Thank you a bunch!
Blessings of Peace and all Good!
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
New Radio Program on Confession
To send this card: The Chair of Saint Peter
Music: Sing Hallelujah
Quote: I pray that you will begin to understand how
incredibly great his power is to help those who believe
in him.
Eph. 1:19
I love the above quote. I have it printed on a little piece of paper in my Music book for playing the Service
music at Mass. That way I am sure to read it every day!Tomorrow I will share another great quote I have there as well. The two together are my Morning Spiritual "Go out and do great things for the Lord" thoughts.
Today I can't say that I did great things for the Lord, or at least as much as I would like. I am working on putting together a new radio program on confession. One of those stepping out on the water experiences - it will be basically a companion program to the upcoming book I am working on. Meaning it will be "interviews" with people and their experiences of confession rather than theological teaching which would be way over my head and out of my element. I really feel that the Blessed Mother is helping me out very much with it, because I came up with a whole possible outline for 13 programs in about ten minutes last night before I went to bed! Not only that I even came up with the title! Spiritual CPR" with the CPR standing for C=Confession P=Penance and R=Reconciliation.
It will be a half hour program with basically an interview, a song, a practical examination of conscience on the topic such as work, home, school, etc. and than another song, a brief talk on ways to take positive steps for improvement in that area and than...Good bye and see you next week sort of thing. What do you think? Any suggestions to make it better? I also need some thoughts on what some good songs might be!
The update on my sister Barb and the traveling trio (plus dogs) is that they are in Nevada and will probably get to Medford, Oregon tomorrow! Their final destination is Corvallis but they will stay a few days in Medford with my sister, resting up till Friday. How exciting for me as I hope she will be able to visit here in Spokane, WA much more often!
Only Seven Days for Sending in your Stories for the New Book!
Blessings of Peace and all Good!
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters.
Monday, February 20, 2006
Computer Woes, Pi Goes and Canine Fellowship
To send this card: Franciscan Joy!
Music: Edelweiss
First off, my computer or the server or something is still acting up .. but I think I can work around it for awhile. Will see. At any rate I can still send the text version out and the JoyNotes that I load onto the main site, Franciscan Cards does work.. the only thing is that it changes every day. What is happening is too weird - so maybe its somebody in red with horns or who knows what. I do believe that the devil isn't always that pleased when we are doing good. Even if its just a little good. My thought was yesterday that he didn't care for Sister Janet's sharing... which for me was so beautiful. I'm saving that one for sure. What was really neat was that it came on the nine month anniversary of our Sister Mary Rita going to heaven.
Only seven days to send in your story. dum dum de dum. Than I must get busy and start making decisions and moving solidly forward with the book big time! Do I sense a small bit of panic here? Hope not!
Must give you an updated report on Pi! He has this new little sneak attack. What he does is climb up to the top of his cage on the outside, lets out a "COWABUNGA CAll" and then gives a big leap and makes it over the little screen wall he puts up. Today was about the third or fourth time he had done it in the las week.. so I wasn't too surprised and kept working on my project for a few minutes before putting him back in. The only problem is today he decided not to head for my shoe laces or other choice office spots but went for the door. He can walk pretty fast when he wants to. About one minute later here comes Sister Colleen with a green bird on her finger. She says,"Missing anyone?"
Hope you have a very wonderful and blessed Tuesday.
Oh, my sister Barb and troop are now in Nebraska. Moved through most of Ohio, and then through Indiana, Illinois, Iowa and a bit into Nebraska. Her husband, Craig is sitting in the back seat where he can rest. Well, he could rest if there weren't two big dogs who want to keep him in close c
THIS JUST IN! (had to share Barb's letter with you.. thought it was funny. Of course at the bottom
where it says to pass it along to everyone... she meant my brothers and sisters... but... I'm sure she wouldn't mind you reading it as well.. and if she does - she's still
2000 miles away so I think I'm safe)
Hi Sr. Pat,
We are now in Nebraska, Grand Island, at the Super 8. Steve and Craig went
out to eat and I am eating my veggie wrap in the room with two tired out
pups who finally ate some dinner at 9:30 (10:30 our NY time). They are
sacked out and ready to give up travels for the night.
We put a lot of miles behind us today and really had no problems. Steve
kindly let me drive during the rush hour traffic with concrete barriers on
both sides of 3 lanes of construction with the sun just setting in our eyes.
I thought that was so special. The 15 thousand truckers made us feel
welcome and stayed close to keep us safe.
We plan to have a slow night and start when we wake up and see how far we
go. We'd like to make it to the salt flats of Utah tomorrow so I am hoping
to get some batteries for my digital camera because I think that is going to
be pretty exciting.
very tired and almost done eating. Going to check the weather and get some
sleep. Pass this along to everyone if you don't mind. Keep in touch. I'll
try to not be driving when you call tomorrow.
Love you,
Barb et al
Sunday, February 19, 2006
To send this card:Blessed Jacinta and Blessed Francisco
Music: Canon in D - Pachelbel
Quote: Even if you are on the right track, you will get run over if you just sit there.
Will Rogers
I picked that quote several hours ago. At that time it seemed rather good, now I feel more like "just sitting there" and the quote doesn't seem so funny. Maybe, "Be still, and know that I am God," seems more appropriate. Though in truth I think the first quote does have some merit, just more at the beginning of the day than its end while the second quote is good "all" the time and especially at night when its time to quiet the brain down anyway!
Well, good news. My sister Barb, her husband Craig, my brother-in-law Steve and two dogs have started their cross-trek journey from New York to Oregon. They had a miserable send off, with the power off in their house from a storm for two days in below freezing temperatures and 70 mph winds. They slept in sleeping bags (or attempted to sleep) with the outside temperature of 12 degrees and the inside not much better, no furniture, nothing but miserable cold. Needless to say they are quite happy to be on the road!
Only eight more days to send in stories! More information.
Blessings of Peace and All Good!
Sister Patricia
Thursday, February 16, 2006
To send this card: Ecology Card
Music: JSBach Little Organ Fugue in G minor
Had a fun afternoon interviewing Art Pieretti who is the EWTN regional manager for the West coast. He is just a wonderful person and has great stories to tell. One of those interviews that just kind of goes by itself and I just go along for the ride. He was all ready to go LIVE on the radio... but I uh like uhmm no, we are not there yet! Maybe next year? Towards the end of the interview he even invited me to go to Birmingham and be on there TV and Radio program to talk about our Catholic radio station in Spokane. Wouldn't that be something? I laughed and told him the Holy Spirit would have to work that one out!
Winter has decided to come back for a bit. Not sure how long it will stay maybe just a week? Yesterday we saw about thirty robins feasting on one of our berry bushes. They don't usually come around unless it looks like there is a hint of spring. Of course these were the more northern variety of robins - our summer robins are still further down south I expect.
Well, now we are only 12 days away from the Story deadline! I won't be able to use every story that is sent in, but please share a story and try!
Blessings of Peace and all Good,
Sister Patricia
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Fr. Francis Randolp from his book Pardon and Peace
13 Days to go for Confession Stories! Thank you for your prayers and help! At this point I have sent out notes to all who have sent stories (not including Wednesday). So if you have sent a story and not heard from me please drop me a note to see if we can track it down.
Since I have been writing so much lately, I will take pity on you tonight and keep it short. Just remember if you need a miracle in your life, ask for it. I have been so surprised the miracles that have come my way just by asking, times when I knew there was no way they could happen but just went ahead and asked anyway. And they happened! Big ones and little ones. Go ahead and ask!
Blessings of Peace and all Good,Sister Patricia and all the Sisters
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Peace Card for Wednesday - February 15, 2006
Bill Crosby
I don't have a saint card for today, but I went to my favorite saint place at Catholic Forum and checked out the saints they had for today. Found a great one! Saint Angelus de Scarpetti. Of course I had never heard of him before - but the small paragraph they had on him was enough for me.
Augustinian friar c.1254. Fellow student with Saint Nicholas of Tolentino. Missionary to England where he preached and built monasteries. Known as a miracle worker. He once intervened on behalf of a man condemned to death; the authorities ignored him, and executed the man; Angelus then promptly brought him back to life.
Now that's my idea of a good saint. Do what you can and when that fails, do what the Lord can! Very cool. I like him already.
Here's the link to the saint pages Catholic Forum What I like to do is go to the Calendar Page and check out what's up for the day!
Only 14 days left to send in your story for the Reconciliation book! The count down is on. The kinds of stories I am looking for are those that mean something to you. They don't have to be huge or spectacular to be powerful.
Many people have difficulty going to confession - if you have a story that helped you to get over that difficulty, that reluctance, that "oh no, do I have to" feeling please share it.
If you have a story in which you found encouragement, peace, renewal - please share!
If you are a priest I would love some stories on how God works through you as you minister this sacrament. I know one of the most comforting words I ever received during confession was a priest sharing with me how privileged he felt to hear confessions. I think it would be very helpful to hear how God is with you as you minister this sacrament. I don't mean breaking the "seal of confession" but if you could share how perhaps you will get moments of grace to "offer wisdom or insight" or feel God's presence with you... that would be wonderful. Do you as a priest feel that God is using you and can you share that in any way?
I also would like small fillers! Funny stories. A word or thought that was given to you during confession that helped you. One of the best stories yet is from my friend Linda and her godmother who is now 92. She said that when she made her first confession as a small girl she didn't know what sin to confess so she looked up the sins and chose one of them. When it came to the part to confess she said, "I committed adultery." The priest laughed. I find myself laughing every time I think of that as well!
If you have already sent in a story and have not heard back from me. Don't worry. Once again I am way behind. I hope to work on acknowledgements tomorrow. God willing that is!
Send Story
Please pray that this will be a very powerful and helpful book!
Blessings of Peace and all Good!
Sister Patricia