Saturday, December 22, 2007

4th Sunday of Advent

To send today's card: O King of Nations

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Quote for the Day:
O Emmanuel:
“O Emmanuel, king and lawgiver,
desire of the nations,
Savior of all people,
come and set us free,
Lord our God.”
Isaiah had prophesied,
“The Lord himself will give you this sign:
the Virgin shall be with child,
and bear a son,
and shall name him Emmanuel.”

(7:14). Remember “Emmanuel”
means “God is with us.”

It's snowing! Lots of big fat flakes so we are back into winter wonderland. But the thing with big, fat snowflakes is that they have a tendency to turn into big fat wet flakes that sort of turn into rain. Which is what is forecast for tomorrow... rain and snow.... so.... maybe Santa should get out on his sleigh tonight before it melts?

I made headway on my "To Do" list in getting the chapel ready.... but I also got wounded. Not seriously mostly just enough to get me annoyed. I was pulling down the big creche from the top of a ladder and it was heavy and my fingers lost their grip and down it went. Slam... not before a brief stop on my leg - just to let me know it wasn't happy about coming down I guess. I didn't exactly swear but I did say something to the effect of "Why do we have to put this big heavy thing up so blooming high?"

I decided it needed to find a new home after Christmas. Something lower. You know like put the light things up high and the heavy things down low? Hell-o?

Then to make matters worse I noticed the other stable (the one we have been using for the last several years and is lighter and easier to handle) was right next to it. I then had to think. Do I want to use that one.... and put this heavy one back up there (not going to happen) or just go with my wounded victory of getting this one down? Such heavy decisions I have to make. I decided to go with the big one..

Can you tell I am not in a real thinking mode today? More like "just keep going . . . . you can get through this . . . . just put one step in front of the other . . . . "

I suppose I should be thinking along more spiritual lines.... but unfortunately...... I'm not..... do you think the Blessed Mother ever got a little out of sorts? She probably prayed a whole lot more than I do. That probably accounts for a lot. Sigh.

Oh well . . . . just a few more steps and it will be time for bed! Yeah. Two more days till Christmas.

Blessings of Peace and Joy!
Sister Patricia

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