To send today's card:
Another Snow Man Quote for the Day:
If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives to all men generously and without reproaching, and it will be given him. St. James
Today was one of those nice days where I did all sorts of things and got all sorts of things done.... only..... it wasn't all the sorts of things I probably should have been doing. Know about those kind of days?
Kind of reminds me of the quote that says, "Life is what happens when you are making other plans."
Oh well, I hope it was in God's plans. One of things I want to share with you is a fun and free teleseminar I am doing with my friend Susan Rowland. I met Susan when I went to the Religious Trade Exhibit last spring. She was one of the "chosen" authors to do book signings for Saint Anthony Messenger. So that was neat.. but where I really learned just who Susan Rowland was - was when we shared a meal together courtesy of Saint Anthony.
Susan kept us absolutely in stitches. She was so funny. She is a sort of vegetarian. Sort of meaning that she doesn't go into "meat shock" if meat is served. In fact, she actually ordered a STEAK because she felt her body was in need of a little non vegetarian nuturing for the moment. Now that is the kind of vegetarian that is fun to sit next to. Not one so horribly, terribly, rabid that you never quite know what to serve if you invite them to dinner... or to talk about if you are munching on a delicious piece of chicken when you are sitting next to them. I see nothing wrong with being a vegetarian.. I just prefer them in moderation.
Anyway, Susan's book which I read, loved and started reading for a second time... is called, "Making Room for God: Clearing out the Clutter." Well, you all know that Clutter is my first, middle and last name. It just kind of follows me around wherever I go.
So, I persuaded Susan to do a Teleseminar ( a 3 week session in January) teaching myself and anyone afflicted with such tendencies to clear out the clutter. She had never done one before .. but I thought a Teleseminar on Clutter busting would be absolutely wonderful! So she agreed. That will be in January and that will cost a little - but ...
But next Tuesday ..... Susan is going to give a Free Teleseminar that you can listen to either by calling in on your phone (you will have to pay the phone charges) or listen for free on the web. If you would like to join us for one hour next Tuesday evening.... you can go to this page
Making Room for God at Christmas and sign up.
When you sign up - it may seem like you are signing up for a subscription to a newsletter or something... you are not.. just the one class. It's just the only sign up form I have and that is just how it is worded. So ignore that part.. but you will have to confirm that you want to go to the class in order to get the information for signing up... etc. etc. Also we will want to send you a reminder or two... before the day so you don't forget!
Hope a few of you will join us! Even if you are one of those organized, got it all together folks... you will have fun with this class I think.
Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia