Thursday, November 29, 2007

JoyNotes - St. Andrew

To send today's card: Saint Andrew

Quote for the Day:

I think there is something, more important than believing: Action! The world is full of dreamers, there aren't enough who will move ahead and begin to take concrete steps to actualize their vision.
Clement Stone

Oh woe upon woe... I seem to be catching the virus or whatever that Sr. Colleen has. She has been totally wiped by this bug - so hoping it doesn't get me in the same way. Sr. Rita Louise got it yesterday... its been there in the background with me for awhile.. but it seems to be making advances. Oh rats.

Thank you for everyone who signed up for our community newsletter. It should be going out in the mail next week. One sad note though that I forgot to mention. We are unable to send the newsletter to anyone outside the U.S. because the mailing is too expensive. Sorry, I didn't say that in the beginning.. I forgot! I will put a link to a version that you can download as a pdf next week.

Also thank you for those who signed up for the free teleseminar! Here is the link again if you are still thinking about it.

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Clutter Free Christmas

To send today's card: Another Snow Man

Quote for the Day:

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives to all men generously and without reproaching, and it will be given him.
St. James

Today was one of those nice days where I did all sorts of things and got all sorts of things done.... only..... it wasn't all the sorts of things I probably should have been doing. Know about those kind of days?

Kind of reminds me of the quote that says, "Life is what happens when you are making other plans."

Oh well, I hope it was in God's plans. One of things I want to share with you is a fun and free teleseminar I am doing with my friend Susan Rowland. I met Susan when I went to the Religious Trade Exhibit last spring. She was one of the "chosen" authors to do book signings for Saint Anthony Messenger. So that was neat.. but where I really learned just who Susan Rowland was - was when we shared a meal together courtesy of Saint Anthony.

Susan kept us absolutely in stitches. She was so funny. She is a sort of vegetarian. Sort of meaning that she doesn't go into "meat shock" if meat is served. In fact, she actually ordered a STEAK because she felt her body was in need of a little non vegetarian nuturing for the moment. Now that is the kind of vegetarian that is fun to sit next to. Not one so horribly, terribly, rabid that you never quite know what to serve if you invite them to dinner... or to talk about if you are munching on a delicious piece of chicken when you are sitting next to them. I see nothing wrong with being a vegetarian.. I just prefer them in moderation.

Anyway, Susan's book which I read, loved and started reading for a second time... is called, "Making Room for God: Clearing out the Clutter." Well, you all know that Clutter is my first, middle and last name. It just kind of follows me around wherever I go.

So, I persuaded Susan to do a Teleseminar ( a 3 week session in January) teaching myself and anyone afflicted with such tendencies to clear out the clutter. She had never done one before .. but I thought a Teleseminar on Clutter busting would be absolutely wonderful! So she agreed. That will be in January and that will cost a little - but ...

But next Tuesday ..... Susan is going to give a Free Teleseminar that you can listen to either by calling in on your phone (you will have to pay the phone charges) or listen for free on the web. If you would like to join us for one hour next Tuesday evening.... you can go to this page Making Room for God at Christmas and sign up.

When you sign up - it may seem like you are signing up for a subscription to a newsletter or something... you are not.. just the one class. It's just the only sign up form I have and that is just how it is worded. So ignore that part.. but you will have to confirm that you want to go to the class in order to get the information for signing up... etc. etc. Also we will want to send you a reminder or two... before the day so you don't forget!

Hope a few of you will join us! Even if you are one of those organized, got it all together folks... you will have fun with this class I think.

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


To send today's card: Snow Family

Quote for the Day:

On days when life is difficult and I feel overwhelmed, as I do fairly often, it helps to remember in my prayers that all God requires of me is to trust Him and be His friend. I find I can do that.
Bruce Larson

Been a busy day. Sister Rita Louise came home from a visit with her mom for her 80th birthday. She hadn't been home for 23 years or more and this seemed like a significant enough reason to make a home visit. Her mom was so excited! She went last Friday and came back today.... she had a wonderful time but she is glad to be back and we are glad to have her back!

Shelley did something with her toenail last night... split it or something.... anyway she ended up going to the vet and spending half the day there.

We got snow! It's turned into winter. Just like that. Didn't ask me or anything... just did it.

Blessings of Peace and All Good!
Sr. Patricia and all the Sisters

Monday, November 26, 2007

Winter Community Newsletter - Sign Up

To send today's card:

Quote for the Day:

Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.
Johann von Goethe

Tonight we are supposed to get snow. Hmmm? Am I ready for this? No, I definitely am not.. but at least I guess it will clear up my mistaken impression that we should still be enjoying summer.

Shelley is in the doghouse again. Her crate. I'm thinking I will print a little sign and paste over it.... Sing, Sing .... which if you don't know is the name of a very notorious prison... for the really bad, criminals. The ones society doesn't think capable of reforming.

So what did she do? Helped herself to a bowl of peanut butter that was supposed to go on our sandwiches for supper. The problem with this dog.. is that you think you really have set things totally out of her reach... but the problem is.... she is learning to extend her reach by quite a bit.

I hesitate to share this with you. Our decadent dog.. because in sharing it... I open myself up to comments. Comments like, "Can't you control your dog any better than that?" and such sage, helpful advice as "You know the problem is not with the dog, the problem is with the owner."

But life is very short.... and so I risk my poor reputation by sharing with you our complete ineptitude with the dog.... and her voracious eating disorder..... maybe because I rather feel with the onset of fall and winter.. my eating appears to be a bit out of control as well!

Yesterday I had to work on getting our newsletter out. Yes, indeed even on Sunday..... and so the only way it could be done was with M & M's .... the peanut ones.... I bribed myself..... it was the only way I could stick to it. Write a sentence - pop in a M & M. Works everytime.

Oh! I meant to say... if you would like to receive our free "snail mail" community newsletter "Called by Joy" ... send me your name and address. The Winter issue is rather nice because it also comes with a little desk calendar, an apostleship of prayer leaflet (the pope's prayer intentions for each month) and a beautiful holy card of the Sacred Heart with a novena to the Sacred Heart. We pray this novena every day. It's very good.

My regular email address seems to be down for the moment.. so send .. to

I have to have your address by Wednesday at the very latest .. sorry about the short notice.. but I just kept forgetting.

Blessings of Peace and All Good!
Sr. Patricia and all the Sisters

JoyNotes for Monday - November 26, 2007

To send today's card: Christ the King

Quote for the Day:

It's not the situation, but whether we react (negative) or respond (positive) to the situation that's important.
Zig Ziglar

It's Monday morning. Early. I woke up at 4:30 and decided it was time to get up. Which was good because last night I went to bed at 8:30... which if you know me is very early. But I was feeling wiped and decided I was better material for sleep then anything else.

Soon I will have to go and wake everyone up. It will be five. They will be so glad to hear my voice. Ha. Ha. Ha. Sometimes I feel like our Navy sargeant in boot camp. The men got woken up I heard with a trash can banging down the hall... we got woken up much more civilized. All the lights came on (we were in a huge room with about fifty beds) and those big lights were like flood lights at 5:00 in the morning. Then over the intercom would come this sickenly sweet voice. "Good Morning, Ladies!"

You could tell she relished her job. It was not good. We did think too sweetly in return of that sweet voice.

My morning wake-up is much different. No bright lights.. just the shuffle of my slippers down the dark hallway. Three knocks on the door and I say quietly (because at 5:00 in the morning, a quiet voice is all even I can manage). "Let us praise the Lord." And such the day begins.

For Sister Colleen and myself we get the further pleasure of waking up more throughly by taking Shelley out for her morning duty. Usually, the colder it is - the swifter she is. Usually.

It's 24 degrees this morning. I hope she's up to her usual quick run and not into a sniffer mode...

Blessings of Peace and All Good!
Sr. Patricia and all the Sisters

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Friday after Thanksgiving

To send today's card: Cute Lion Cub

Quote for the Day:

If you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it. If you don't ask, the answer is always no. If you don't step forward, you're always in the same place.

Nora Roberts

Okay, I have to share this site with you... because it is just way, way too funny. and I hope no one gets scandalized - because this person is just so real..... and I love it. It is called Crazy Aunt Purl .

It is about this lady who at age 35, after being married for nine years, her husband decides he needs to live a more creative life.. and leaves. She starts blogging... a private blog.. just as sort of self help therapy. But she is so funny. I think you will love her - and her book... which sounds a bit too much.. is called "Drunk, Divorced & Covered in Cat Hair."

But I really didn't find anything about her being like "really" drunk... just how she coped with stuff.... and now she is a best selling author with up to 36,000 people visiting her blog on a good day! Anyway.... its full of knitting (that's where the Aunt Purl) comes in... and she lives with her four cats... which is where the "Cat Hair" comes in... and as far as the "Drunk" part - far as I could see she was just sitting at a table drinking a beer or something.... and making a face. So.. she obviously overstates things.. but makes for fun reading...

Do read her very first entry here so you can get a better understanding of it.

I wrote the above yesterday... which is a good thing.. because after a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner - my brain is fuzzy. But I do like that Crazy Aunt Purl site.... I like how she blogs... just on and on about this and than and then pictures of cats. Fun.

Often times when I write I have this voice that keeps whispering all these little warnings.. "You shouldn't write about things like that!" "You are a nun for heaven's sake - people will be scandalized." Bosh. Isn't that just such a downer.. trying to live up to other people's expectations of who or what a person should be... nun or otherwise? I mean every single nun I have met is as different as every single person I have met.. and yet we all (including me) have these preformed judgments of just what a nun should do and a mother should do and you should do.....

Terribly binding don't you think?

Blessings of Peace and All Good!
Sr. Patricia and all the Sisters

Friday after Thanksgiving

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

To send today's card: Thanksgiving Novena - Day Nine

Quote for the Day:

For each new morning with its light,
For rest and shelter of the night,
For health and food, for love and friends,
For everything Thy goodness sends.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Well, for a while today it looked like Thanksgiving was going to be on hold as a couple of our Sisters were sick. But... it looks like bed rest and some medicinal potions at least has one of them back on her feet.... and for tomorrow... being that she (Sister Rita Louise) is the Cook.. we are all very Thankful!

Of course we could always postpone it a day or two... but it never seems quite the same. Nice.. but not quite the same. BUT it looks like the turkey is going to get in the oven tomorrow and we're back on! Something new to be thankful for!

I hope you have a very wonderful, blessed and Thankful Thanksgiving tomorrow.... even if you are not in the U.S.A. - I hope you have a Thank-filled Day too!

Day Nine

Lord Jesus,
You are the same
and Tomorrow.

Today, Lord,
I thank you
for my Tomorrows.

Not only the Tomorrows
I hope to spend
for ever with you
in eternity . . .

But the Tomorrows
You have carefully planned
for me in this
and Space.

I thank you
for the people
I will love Tomorrow
I thank you
for the Food
You will provide
the Shelter
the Comfort
the Peace.

I thank you
for the New Doors
you will open

I thank you
that whatever
Tomorrow will bring
I know
You will be There!



Blessings of Peace and All Good!
Sr. Patricia and all the Sisters

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Feast of the Presentation of Mary - Thanksgiving Novena Day Eight

To send today's card: Thanksgiving Novena - Day Eight

Quote for the Day:

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.
Helen Keller

Today is the beautiful feast of the Presentation of Mary! I pray that Mary will ask a special blessing for you from her Son! Expect something wonderful!

If you would like to read the missing Novena days (they were on Saturday and Sunday when I didn't send out JoyNotes) you can visit all nine days here. Thanksgiving Novena.

This evening we had a wonderful sharing time with a group of four young women (two who are our neighbors) who are in a Christian group together and in following a book on living a Christian life - decided when they got to the Chapter on Prayer to come and see what our life of prayer was about. Was fun. We shared, they shared and God blessed us all.

Only one more day till Thanksgiving!

Day Eight

Prayer for
Eighth Day of Novena

Today Lord,
I thank you
for the gift
of your presence
in the Eucharist.

I don't understand it
I hardly can comprehend it
and yet with faith
I grasp it
and hold it firmly
in my heart.

Oh God of the Universe
Creator of all
how wonderful
how awesome
that you should
become so small.

I thank you for
the witness of Your Love
made present
in great humility.

Such a lesson
for me
to seek
not high ways
and men's ways
but always
the little way
of humility
and love.

Thank you most wonderful God
for the gift
of being small.


Blessings of Peace and All Good!
Sr. Patricia and all the Sisters

Monday, November 19, 2007

Thanksgiving Novena Day Seven

To send today's card: Thanksgiving Novena - Day Seven

Quote for the Day:

It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.

Well, Shelley is back to being an only dog. Taz left this morning with Sr. Colleen's brother and family. It was fun while it lasted. It was fun having two Golden retrievers in the house... both friendly - lovable and ready to gulp down anything you don't want. I'm not sure but I think Shelley might be part goat - anything that even faintly looks like foods she's ready for. I'm surprised she hasn't attacked our cookbooks.

Had my mom over today for dinner. Was nice - she is so pleased over little things. Lots of things make her smile. A cute picture, the sun shining, the cat sprawled over the floor so you can't get around him unless you pet him... just little things. I think her dementia is probably worse but certainly not her attitude. That is a blessing. Every day I pray for my mom to be happy. She doesn't have to be cured of her dementia or anything to change for her.. except to be happy.

I think the gift of being happy under any circumstances is a gift from God.

Prayer for
Seventh Day of Novena

You know what I thank
you for today, Lord?
I thank you
for You!

I thank you
that at any moment
of my day
I can just start
a conversation
with you and
know you are really
and truly listening!

I thank you
that you are always
just a prayer away.
What an awesome
to know
that at any moment
just by lifting
my mind and heart
a bit
I can talk
to the very Creator
of the Universe.

That you know me
inside and out
the good the bad
and the ugly
and you still
love me.

What could I give
greater thanks for
than that?


Blessings of Peace and All Good!
Sr. Patricia and all the Sisters

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Thanksgiving Novena - Day Six

To send today's card: Thanksgiving Novena - Day Six

Quote for the Day:

The secret of getting ahead is getting started.
The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks
into small manageable tasks,
and then starting on the first one.
Mark Twain

I think the biggest complex task that is facing me (yes, once again) is cleaning this desk! I expect it is a symptom of procrastination - called pile it and deal with it later.

Oh well... time for bed.. I will deal with it later!

Prayer for
Sixth Day of Novena

Today Lord,
I want to thank you
for the Unexpected!

Those gifts you gave
to me in in odd shaped packages
in colors I didn't like
and sizes I didn't want.

Those gifts I never would
have chosen for myself,
that landed on my doorstep
unasked for
and definitely
in my blindness
gifts I thought I didn't need!

Those gifts that changed
my life forever.
Those gifts that brought
tears when I opened them
like the death of a loved one
or a loss of something
so precious to me.

Those gifts that opened
a new meaning to my relationship
with you.

Those gifts
that painful as they were
caused me to grow
and develop in ways
that only You knew
I needed to do.

Yes, Lord
today most sincerely
I thank you
for taking hold
of me and giving
always the best
and most valuable
of gifts!


Blessings of Peace and All Good!
Sr. Patricia and all the Sisters

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Thanksiving Novena - Day 3

To send today's card: Thanksgiving Novena - Day Three

Quote for the Day:

To me every hour of the light and dark is a miracle. Every cubic inch of space is a miracle.
Walt Whitman

I don't know what to write about - so I decided I would just write some words here in the hope something spectacular will spew forth. This morning at breakfast the Sisters told me I had a one track mind and that I hadn't heard a word anyone else had said. The second part was not true. I did hear what they said, but my brain just didn't process it.. but I definitely remember hearing them talking about stuff. What the stuff was they were talking about... that I didn't quite get... but I did hear them.

So... it seems they think I am just a bit too intense right now on this new book. Just a bit heading over the edge. But I am having a lot of fun ... thinking .. thinking... thinking....

And I have a great partner of crime with this book because I have decided to dedicate it to our Sister Eileen (God rest her soul - though I doubt very much she is resting - because I know she is helping me!). Sister Eileen was always coming up with this statement, "I have an idea!" and then she would pray and soon ... her idea would take root and start sending out little shoots into the ground and before long... her idea was solidly planted and bearing fruit. It was fun living with Sister Eileen. Exciting.

Sister Mary Rita was a close comrade in crime as well.. so I figure - they started me out well.. it's up to me to continue... and you will be glad to know that I now have "Lots of ideas!" And I'm sure they are great ones.. a bit one-tracked .. but that's how I get things done!

Most of my really, really good ideas come during morning prayer and at Mass. I don't think they are distractions.. I think they are like our Father Sebastian used to tell us, "The Kingdom of God breaking through."

God works in each of us very differently ... but in the end it all comes out to His glory. As long of course we continue to put all into his hands.. which believe me I do, about a zillion times a day!

But this book which will be on prayer.. is just so cool.. because I mean that is what our life here is all about.. and it is good to work to make it the very, very best it can be I think. Even if it means I am a bit one-tracked and a bit deaf now and then. Sigh.

Prayer for
Third Day of Novena

Thank you Lord Jesus,
for the gift of
For Faith,
that knows each moment
is carefully
held in your hand.

For Faith that
Encourages me
when I don't know
where to turn,
what to do
or where to go
but to You!

For Faith
that sees me through
Fears of War,
Terrorists, Pain
and Suffering.

For Faith
that assures me,
I will never be alone
that nothing will
ever happen to me
that is too big
for you to take care of!

Thank you Lord,
For the Gift of Faith!

Blessings of Peace and All Good!
Sr. Patricia and all the Sisters

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Thanksgiving Novena Day Two

To send today's card: Thanksgiving Novena - Day One

Quote for the Day:

"The better part of one's life consists of his friendships."
Abraham Lincoln

Please keep your stories coming in for the new book! I'm looking for stories that had a big impact on you or someone you know. A story that really shows the power of God in an amazing way! That doesn't mean they have to be raising the dead to life but they should be something that has really affected you in some way. Sometimes little things happen that make all the difference.

One of the things that happens to me when I start thinking about answered prayer or miracles in my life... it seems that talking about them some how makes them shrivel down to a smaller size because I can't quite get across that "BIG FEELING" that came to me when my prayer was answered. If that happens to you... just try to do the best you can with sharing the story - often times I think more comes across than we think. Also if I feel the story is good but needs more information I will call you on the phone or email you questions that will make it more clearer to me. The important thing is to just try!

A little miracle happened to me this morning with one of our little sick fish. Rufus. He is Sister Marcia Kay's little buddy (I think he looks a bit like Godzilla) but she really loves this little guy. So he was looking really, really bad and very close to death. Well she gave him some Rescue Remedy and other medicine but it didn't seem to make much effect. I went and looked at the little fellow and asked Mary's help for him while I prayed three Hail Mary's. Do you know at the end of the third one he actually popped up and looked some better! He still may not make it... but it showed me in a small way that Mary was indeed listening! Even for a lttle small fish.

Prayer for
Second Day of Novena

Thank You for My Family!

Dearest Lord Jesus,
where would I be
without the gift
of my family
and friends?

I thank you today
for their presence
in my life.
I thank you
for the gifts
you have given
to each one.
I thank you
for the many ways
in which they touch
my life.

I thank you for
their laughter,
their encouragement,
their support.

I thank you
for every experience
I have shared with them,
whether good or bad
happy or sad
their presence in my life
has made me a better person.


Blessings of Peace and All Good!
Sr. Patricia and all the Sisters

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

First Day of Thanksgiving Novena

To send today's card: Thanksgiving Novena - Day One

Quote for the Day:

The secret of getting ahead is getting started.
Sally Berger

Prayer for First Day of Novena

Loving God,
Life-giving Breath of all Creation
today I thank you for the Gift of Me!

I thank you that I am alive
at this moment
at this space in time
in this place of history.

I thank you God
for the person I am
for the way I look
for the way I speak
for the color of my hair
my skin
my eyes.

I thank you
that in your Great Plan of Life
you have made me
just as you wanted me to be
and placed me
just where you wanted me
to be.

Thank you God for Me!
Sr. Patricia Proctor, osc

Blessings of Peace and All Good!
Sr. Patricia and all the Sisters

Monday, November 12, 2007

Catholic Bestsellers for November

To send today's card: Saint Frances Cabrini

Quote for the Day:

"We must pray without tiring, for the salvation of mankind does not depend on material success; nor on sciences that cloud the intellect. Neither does it depend on arms and human industries, but on Jesus alone."
Mother Frances Xavier Cabrini

Months and months ago I had told the folks at Catholic Publishing (of which I am a small member) that I wanted to share the Catholic Bestseller's list with you. So here we are finally getting around to it. I hope when I die the Lord doesn't wait so long for me to decide to get around to letting me into heaven! Yikes!

I am suffering from after Halloween - best go have a little candy bar snydrome. After all there are only a few left, and I shouldn't let them get so lonely.

Catholic Bestseller's Report for November


1. Mother Teresa: Come Be My Light
Mother Teresa with Brian Kolodiejchuk,

2. Jesus of Nazareth
Pope Benedict XVI

3. Soul Provider
Edward Beck

4. Celebration of Discipline
Richard Foster

5. The Dream Manager
Matthew Kelly,

6. Catechism of the Catholic Church
Our Sunday Visitor

7. Simply Christian

8. The Apostles
Pope Benedict XVI

9. Mother Angelica’s Little Book of
Life Lessons and Everyday Spirituality

Raymond Arroyo

10. The Rhythm of Life
Matthew Kelly


1. The Screwtape Letters
C. S. Lewis

2. Catechism of the Catholic Church

3. Mere Christianity
C. S. Lewis

4. The Great Divorce
C. S. Lewis

5. Why Forgive?
Johann Christoph Arnold

6. United States Catholic Catechism
for Adults

7. Prayer
Joyce Rupp

8. Reconciliation
Robert Morneau

9. Compendium of the Catechism
of the Catholic Church

10. Return of the Prodigal Son
Henri J. M. Nouwen

Blessings of Peace and All Good!
Sr. Patricia and all the Sisters

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Monday - I Can See

To send today's card: Saint Josaphat

Quote for the Day:

I have found in life that if you want a miracle
you first need to do whatever it is you can do -
if that's to plant, then plant;
if it is to read, then read;
if it is to change, then change;
if it is to study, then study;
if it is to work, then work;
whatever you have to do.
And then you will be well on your way of doing the labor that works miracles.
Jim Rohn.

I can See!

I am just totally amazed! I can read the small print on my computer! Totally amazing. On Saturday I had our computer whiz friend Dale over to fix and heal all the rough spots on my new server. One of the first things he said to me was, "Gosh, your monitor is really shot!"

"Really?" I said, "I thought it was just fuzzy because my eyes were going bad and old age was creeping up."

"No," he said, "This monitor is really bad!"

So, we went and got a new one! Whoa. Just totally whoa! Can hardly tell you how different things are. I got one of those flat screen monitors so that it takes up about 1/100th of desk space that it used to. I also can sit it far back against the wall and I still can see it at medium print. Just totally whoa!

Isn't it amazing how sometimes we are so sure its just ourselves who are out of sync.. and then all of a sudden we find out, "No, it actually is a real, concrete problem that can be fixed!"

Just amazing!

Blessings of Peace and All Good!
Sr. Patricia and all the Sisters

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Niacin Flush - New York Times Best Seller List

To send today's card: Elizabeth of the Trinity

Quote for the Day:

Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Experiment Follow Up!

blue dragon

Thank you to the several people who wrote and told me that I was probably experiencing a Niacin Flush. Wow, that is a whole lot more comforting than what my first initial reaction was... ."You have just been poisoned! You are going to die!" My brain tends to jump to conclusions easily. Not too rational ones either.

So I really appreciate that information! Very, very helpful. Especially when I took some more of the stuff tonight and started getting the red reaction again. This time it was, "Hey, everybody look, it's doing it again."

What really was neat about this whole thing.. was the fact that I shared it with you ... and some of you knew exactly what it was! That was neat. The thought came to me very powerfully that if I had not shared it.. I would never have known the real cause of it. Pretty awesome when you think of it.

New York Times Bestseller Follow Up

Today, I got some of the material for my course on becoming a New York Times bestseller. It is really, really great. But it is sort of challenging. Like trying to climb Mount Everest when your only equipment is a pair on tennis shoes and a pocketknife.

Here is one funny thing. I was talking on MSN to my brother Peter for a few seconds and I told him about this course that I was soon to start.

I told him,
"It says right there in the beginning if you can't come up with an outreach of one to three millions contacts don't even attempt it!"

I then asked him,

"How many friends do you have?"

He wrote back...

"I have the one to three part but not the million part. "

Sigh.... obviously he's not going to be much help!

101 Prayer Blog

I wrote a very, very long post to my 101 Prayer blog Learning to Accept "NO." Just a thought I had yesterday about how we limit ourselves by being afraid of getting a "no" response when we try new things. No doubt I was giving myself a pep talk!

Blessings and Thanks!
Sr. Patricia

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Thughts and more thoughts

To send today's card: Knowing we are Loved

Quote for the Day:

The smallest good act today is the capture of a strategic point from which, a few months later, you may be able to go on to victories you never dreamed of.

C. S. Lewis

"With my God I can break through any barrier"

This is the quote from scripture that I seemed to fasten onto this morning. I'm not sure where in scripture it is, we read it often in the breviary. Must be in the psalms. Anyway, it was such a strong comfort for me as I try to move forward with this book and make it the best I possibly can.

Not that I have come against real barriers yet with it...mostly just the ones that play in my head. I was reading Robert Middleton's blog entry today - and for me it was just exactly and totally what I needed. He said in essence that about 85 percent of what holds us back from doing things.. is how we think about them. That is the fact.. but we don't face that fact.. instead we find all sorts of "other" stuff that we need to DO before we can move forward. Very interesting.

With my book (its on my mind a lot these days) I am trying to reach out and pull in a few "famous" folks to give a little recognition for people who know nothing about my other books. I have a friend who is helping me with the back cover text.. getting endorsements, etc. and she suggested to me this morning in an email that I should ask you (the faithful readers of my rambling thoughts) what you think. Here is what she said:

"Also, through your newsletter, consider doing an informal poll of this captive audience to see what other authors your subscribers like to read, what music they listen to, who/what else inspires them in their Christian faith, etc. This is a great idea, to go right to your list and ask them."

So....? What ARE your thoughts? Will you share them with me? Email Me

I contacted Fr. Michael Scanlan, TOR last week for permission to use his story of the cure of the Downe Snydrome child and he said "Yes!" Today I put out an inquiry to see if I could use an article on prayer by Max Lucado (will see what happens there).... and now I just need your suggestions. AND if you have a way for me to contact them .. that would be even better!

Blessings and Thanks!
Sr. Patricia

Monday, November 05, 2007

God's Love multiply by billions

To send today's card: A Little Rain

Quote for the Day:

The miracles of nature do not seem miracles because they are so common. If no one had ever seen a flower, even a dandelion would be the most startling event in the world.

We had a wonderful sermon today - on how much Jesus loves us and how we should spend our lives trying to love him in return. Was really beautiful. Father was encouraging us to love Jesus for His sake alone.. and not for what we want Jesus to do for us. This is not easy.. because basically everything comes from God so how can we place ourselves outside of that neediness?

Personally, I still haven't a clue. I mean how do you wrap yourself around loving God without loving all the wonderful things He does for us? Seems a bit impossible to me.

I do think I could spend a lot more time appreciating God more than I do. I was walking up the stairs this evening after evening prayer and the thought came to me that there are billions of people on the earth.. and God is personally and totally loving and caring for each of us. Is that mind boggling or what? So I decided ... I will just let God love the billions and I will work on just loving him. One I can handle.. billions.. nope.. don't think so.

I remember Saint Padre Pio once commenting on his relationship with the Blessed Mother. He said, "She loves me as if I was her only one" isn't that beautiful? And Mary is only a reflection of the great love of God... so wow.. imagine being loved so totally by God? We really should have nothing to fear. If God loves us so much... can we even think that He doesn't want us to enjoy the full glory of heaven.

Yep, time to spend more time.. just being amazed and thankful for God's love.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Monday - November 5, 2007

To send today's card: For No Special Reason

Quote for the Day:

There is no use whatever trying to help people who do not help themselves. You cannot push anyone up a ladder unless he be willing to climb himself.
Andrew Carnegie

Oh sigh. I have wasted about two hours here... all because I didn't know what to write about.. and so I went here and there.. played a game of spider solitaire... read a few blogs... followed a few links.. went and had a bowl of dry cereal.... played another game of spider solitaire...

and here I am...

the grand prize winner of Procrastinator's Annoymous.

Still nothing to write about...but I would like to call it quits and I can't till I write SOMETHING so here I am...

I will just write


and call it quits.

Blessings of Peace, Joy and all Good,
Sister Patricia

P.S. Maybe I'm written out. I did a book exercise this morning which was to write 12 pages on the benefits of my new book. It was rather fun... and I did get all twelve pages comopleted (hand written not typed) and I learned a few things about the direction of my book and how I needed to focus it... but ... the writing part has all zipped away now... oh and I did post a new thought on my Prayer blog today. So its not like I haven't written anything .... just not able to do it now.

Oh and one more thing... a very exciting thing I am totally, jazzed about. Tomorrow I get to sign up for a 12 week teleclass with John Kremer on how to make your book a New York Times bestseller. I had a consultant call with him on Friday that was very good.. and he didn't think that this new book would actually be the stuff for a New York Times Best seller .. but I could do a lot of things to make it a bigger seller.. so.... I am going to take the sessions and see what I learn.

I have been reading his book, "1001 Ways to Market your Books" and totally love it. I read it word for word when I did the first book on the rosary. He is very good. If you ever decide to write or self-publish a book be sure to get a copy of it. Excellent.


Maybe... my book will be a New York Times Bestseller.. because I am putting the book totally in Mary's hands.. and she does big things. But whether it does or not.. I am going to just have fun with making it and make it the absolute best I can and just see what happens.

Thursday, November 01, 2007

My Mom and new blog on prayer

To send today's card: All Soul's Day

Quote for the Day:

The will of God is eternal because He does not begin to will what He did not will before, nor cease to will what He willed before.

William Ames

This is a picture of my mom that I took yesterday when I went to visit her - to see how she was doing after her hospital stay. She looks really good I think. And she really has less gray hair at 89 than I do at 52! Amazing.

One of the funny things I wanted to share with you about our hospital stay.. was when we were leaving. In hospitals at least most of them I think.. they make you leave in a wheelchair. So my mom rolled her eyes at that one but I think she was probably glad at the same time.. as its a big hospital and a lot of walking to get to the front door. Well anyway as she was being carefully wheeled to the elevator there were several people waiting to get on as well. With great glee she told them, "We are making our escape!"

So just in case I had any doubts what she thought about her stay - I think that would sum it up.

Today has been a bright, sunny fall day. Both Pi and myself were happy. We're sun folks. I'm thinking I may need to get one of those natural day light lights.. to keep us going into the winter. Either that or let us hibernate till spring and we won't care what the weather is like.

Thank you for all who are sending in stories. They are really nice and its encouraging for me to read about them myself! I've started a new blog just for the book.... I am going to try and write a paragraph or two every day about prayer and things relating to the book on prayer. Yesterday I read a really super article on prayer... it was written several years ago but it had a really good thought that I really liked. I will give the link to that there.. when I get a chance. I plan to reference books, articles and all sorts of things relating to prayer on that site. Will be fun and keep me focused as well!

Blessings of Peace, Joy and all Good,
Sister Patricia