Monday, October 08, 2007

JoyNotes - Happy Thanksgiving Day in Canada

To send today's card: Happy Thanksgiving in Canada!

Quote for the Day:

If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, "thank you," that would suffice.
Meister Eckhart

Happy Thanksgiving Day in Canada!

I did it! I actually remembered today is Thanksgiving Day in Canada... well, at least I remembered when I looked at the calendar and saw it written there. One does need a little help now and then.

Our Poor Clare Sisters in Duncan, B.C. have it made. They celebrate thanksgiving on both days! I think we should start doing that too. Makes sense to me, after all we are supposed to "always give thanks" course maybe the kitchen crew would not think it was such a wonderful idea. They might want to give thanks in a different way!

------ Oh Rats... so much for my exulting about remembering Canada Thanksgiving... I ended up spending the next two hours working on a email server problem and finally decided it was too late and I was getting too tired and grumpy to send out the JoyNotes... sigh... better late than never...its now a little after five in the morning and I'm waiting for "the dog" to show up so we (Sister Colleen and myself) can take her out for her morning stroll. Then I won't be back till much later in the morning - about 9:30 as we have prayer, breakfast, prayer and then Mass. This will be really late.. but such is life.

At least its not a life or death issue.. just a late issue and most of you are familiar with me on that!

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters

Novena To St. Teresa of Jesus (Avila)

O Gracious Woman of God,
still active in our time,
you knew how to capture the
Heart of God through
your indomitable trust,
determination and desire.
Tell us, again, that we need not
be troubled or
frightened and that the one
who has God has
everything. Help us to
surrender. And, ask God
to accept us just the way we are.

We believe that
if we approach God from
the heart, God will, in
turn, speak to our hearts.
Hence, we need not worry.

We place this cause in your hands.
St. Teresa of Jesus, pray for us.

Above Novena - Courtesy of Carmelite Sisters of Eldridge

To view Novena Card Click Here

The Confession Connection

Preparing for Confession:
Taking Your Spiritual Temperature

by Fr. Thomas M Casey.

Day Eight:

Some family History on Reconciliation

In the fifth century, a major change in the form of the sacrament took place in Ireland. Here, the monks would travel the country to hear individual confessions privately. They would then give a penance to be performed, and when they returned, months later, they would pray with the sinner to ask God's forgiveness. Gradually this practice became poular in Europe, even though it was resisted by some Church leaders as too lenient. By the year 1215, the Church officially adopted this practice of private confession to a priest, but absolution was now given after the confession of sins and before the assigned penance was completed. This remains the common Catholic practice today.

to be continued

A selected article from "101 Inspirational Stories of the Sacrament of Reconciliation."

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