Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween - Contest Opens

To send today's card: All Hallow's Eve Card

Quote for the Day:

The saints have always been the source and origin of renewal in the most difficult moments in the Church's history.
Pope John Paul II

trick or treat in the cloister Trick or treat is a bit different here in the monastery. I think its a bit shall we say on the scary side? You see our monastery at night is tall and dark and rather spooky... we do have a couple of pumpkins in the window to show that we are "Halloween Friendly" but its still rather spooky. And that's before you even come inside!

If you are small kid and you do get enough nerve to come inside... than you are in a small reception area.. and what the heck is that thing? There is a door bell by it so most of them (accompanied by a parent) do ring the doorbell... and then "The Turn" goes into action. The turn is like a lazy susan in which one side is grilled and the sisters look out from that and the other side is open so that things can be put into in.... food, whatever and then "turned" around so that the sisters can remove it without going outside the cloister.

Pretty amazing huh? Not sure how many monasteries have the old turn like this... but we do - mostly because it works so well and why change what works? Maybe lots of monasteries still do, I have no idea because I don't go around to monasteries... would be kind of fun I think. I am sure they still have a lot of "turns" in Europe still.

Sister Colleen read recently that the "turn" actually was started as a way to save babies. It seems a lot of babies were being abandoned and no one would find them until it was too late. So monasteries had "turns" built into their front halls so that anyone who could not take care of their baby could annoymously put the baby into it, ring the doorbell and disappear before anyone discovered them. The baby then was taken care of - instead of being abandoned.

I've been here 25 years and no babies yet. Rats. When I was young I would go walking in the woods and stuff looking for abandoned babies. Never found one. Guess that is a good thing. Today the turn is being used mostly for Candy! Happy Halloween.


The Contest is Officially Open! I spent most of the day getting the contest page (and sub pages) up and working. I hope at least they are working. Haven't had time to check them all out.. but I think they are. I may have more prizes to add in days to come.. but so far check out what we have!

Submit a Prayer Story Contest.

Please help me to spread the word about the contest. I would appreciate all the "push" anyone can offer!

Blessings of Peace, Joy and all Good,
Sister Patricia

P.S. A few people were confused because I said yesterday that November 1 was "All Souls Day" when I should have said, "All Saint's Day. Sorry. Brain drain again. Does seem to be happening a lot does't it? Hmmmm.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Mom - Hospital - Home Again

To send today's card: All Hallow's Eve Cards

Quote for the Day:

One must see God in everyone.
St. Catherine Laboure

Friday night I fixed the JoyNotes for Saturday and talked about having my mom over for dinner and how well she was doing. Remember that?

Well.... it all changed. On Saturday morning at 6:30 (right during prayer) I got a phone call from the place where she was staying at the assisted living center. My mom had fallen and was on her way to the hospital. So that is where I have been.. day and night since Saturday morning. Finally at about 11:00 am today she was well enough to come home. Boy were we both glad!

She didn't hurt herself much from the fall - but she had other complications - her heart was not in sync - in afib or whatever they call that. Okay, I am not a medical person - anyway they needed to get that under control along with n a UTI (Urinary tract infection). I didn't want to leave her by herself because it is so hard to stay oriented for a person without dementia in the hospital ... and totally - totally impossible for a person with dementia.

So actually... the two of us together did not do too badly. When they found out I was going to be staying overnight with my mom.. they gave us a private room (may God bless them) and a cot for me to sleep next to her... (God bless them a hundred fold). I will admit the cot was not as comfortable as my bed... since many other people of different sizes and shapes had also slept on this cot.. but it was still a huge blessing!

I enjoyed being able to spend lots of time with my mom. I also (truth to tell) enjoyed being away from all my deadlines and pressures of everything else. I mean what else could I do? Mom's always and forever come before everything else you know.

I have decided though... that hospitals have a sort of cruel streak about them. A sort of treatment that is not at all good for healing. They use the same methods of brain washing and mind control that are used in torture places. Meaning .. that they wake one up whenever one falls asleep... they poke them with sharp needles,.... they ask them questions under bright lights when one has been in complete darkness...and you know just the typical torture stuff.

No wonder older people get confused. Hell-o?

But other than the standard official hospital (torture) procedures... the nurses and doctors and aides were absolutely wonderful. And everyone was as nice and friendly as could be. My mom came through wonderfully. Yes, she was a bit more confused than if this had not happened.. but I know a lot less than it could have been. I thank God as well for the understanding of my sisters to let me be with her during this time. Let's hear it for community!

And, another blessing. I got lots of time to read and pray and think about how to make this next new book on prayer the best it can be. One of the things I have decided is to have some contests to get stories. Just for fun.. but to give a sort of framework for different story ideas to give you (if you want to) some new points of reference for remembering some prayer experiences.

I will have more details tomorrow.. but the first contest theme is this.

Did you use prayer in finding a good job for yourself or someone else that had a remarkable result?

So start thinking and I will put up the contest page - rules and prizes tomorrow!

Blessings of Peace, Joy and all Good,
Sister Patricia

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Spirit of Assisi - My mom

To send today's card: Spirit of Assisi - October 27
Quote for the Day:

First keep the peace within yourself, then you can also bring peace to others.
Thomas a Kempis

Saturday is a special day called ... The Spirit of Assisi....First started by Pope John Paul II and continued by Franciscans (and hopefully others) It is a day to think of Peace, pray for Peace and hopefully to find Peace.

Today I brought my mom over for dinner. It was a beautiful fall day, blue sky and everything golden and bright and sunny. (I wish we could share this day with the suffering people in California.) At any rate I was glad to be able to get my mom and take her for a little drive and spend time with her. The only problem was... someone came to visit me in the parlor (sort of a prayer emergency) and I ended up spending all my time there...and not with my mom. Thankfully the sisters all treat my mom as their mom too so she was well taken care of!

I did get back in time to eat dinner with her. Whew. Then I took her home and bought her some "comfort food" - a half gallon of vanilla and chocolate ice-cream to put in her freezer. Nice to have a treat when you want don't you know. A little ice-cream is about the only thing she eats in her room since all her meals are in the dining room.

In January my mom will be 90. She is really doing wonderfully well... a bit of dementia... but I rather live with that myself.. so I can handle that.

Blessings of Peace, Joy and all Good,
Sister Patricia

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Prayer against the Fires in California

To send today's card: Saint Agatha

Quote for the Day:

We cannot truly face life until we face the fact that it will be taken away from us.
Billy Graham

I decided upon Saint Agatha for today - because she is the patron saint against fires (not the only saint for fire protection but a good start). I tried to find a good prayer against fires.. but did not find anything I really like. Maybe a prayer to Saint Michael would help.. he certainly fought against the fires of hell.. and these fires look pretty close to it!

I am going to keep today's JoyNotes much shorter.. to give you a breath and a break from yesterday's long one.

May our loving God protect you and keep you safe from all fires.
May he command the winds to be still
and the waters from heaven to fall
so that the earth may once again be at peace.

Blessings of Peace and all Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters

Here is a nice prayer I did find from this blog in San Jose, California - by Diana Macalintal. Blog

A Prayer of Blessing for Firefighters,
Police Officers, Medical Workers,
and All Who Serve Us in Times of Crisis

Blessed are you, Lord, God of mercy,
who through your Son gave us a marvelous example of charity
and the great commandment of love for one another.
Send down your blessings on these your servants,
who so generously devote themselves to helping others.
Grant them courage when they are afraid,
wisdom when they must make quick decisions,
strength when they are weary,
and compassion in all their work.
When the alarm sounds
and they are called to aid both friend and stranger,
let them faithfully serve you in their neighbor.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

-adapted from the Book of Blessings, #587, by Diana Macalintal

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Saint Anthony Mary Claret - New Guidelines for Story submissions

To send today's card: Saint Anthony Mary Claret

Quote for the Day:

When I see the need for Divine teaching and how hungry people are to hear it, I am atremble to be off and running throughout the world, preaching the word of God. I have no rest, my soul finds no other relief, than to rush about and preach.
St. Anthony Mary Claret

Today's saint - Saint Anthony Mary Claret is known among other things as the cancer saint. Not sure exactly why. I do know we prayed to him for our own Sister Jean when she had cancer. Truthfully not sure if he helped or not as she did die from the cancer. But... who knows what other graces he won for her? I was just reading a little more about him on the Saint of the Day site at Saint Anthony Messenger. Sounds like a very neat saint and doesn't mention a word about being a patron of cancer... so, maybe we just didn't make the right connection.

At any rate, Sister Jean had this thing where she really did not want to get old. Not sure why ... and she thought 70 was old.. and so she died when she was 69! We were so amazed that God honored her desire not to get old. In a sad kind of way it was a beautiful blessing of answered prayer for her. And... not only did God take her to heaven - but within a year he had also taken almost every other family member that she had been worried and concerned about to heaven with her! Really, really amazing!

Doesn't it sometimes seem that this praying stuff can be a little scary? I mean, imagine if God were not such a good God and actually did give us every little thing we prayed for (instead of what is the best for us) we would be in a whole world of hurt!

That's why, personally, I have no problem at all praying for things... because I believe that God like any good and loving parent is not going to give me what is not good. And that - is the difference between postive thinking - imaging and all that stuff which is okay in the context of "prayer" where we allow God to guide and direct our wants and desires - but downright dangerous when we trust only in our own feeble whims and fancies of what WE think is good.

I must tell you that I am getting a little deeper into this next book on prayer and much more excited! I am working with a professional copywriter to come up with the back text for the cover..(which is so important in creating a book people will actually want to read) and in doing so the copywriter had me answer four pages of questions about my book! Wow. Really, in depth things to get me thinking. Now as a result I am focusing and refocusing on how I feel the book will be the most effective.

One thing that has become much clearer in answering these questions is this. Since the book is about "the power of prayer" I need the stories that are submitted to bring out in a very strong way how prayer was an essential element in each story.

The stories need to provide answers to these questions.

1. How did you pray? What kind of prayer? The rosary, scripture or just heart to heart conversation with God?

2.. How committed were you to praying? Maybe you didn't pray all that much... that's okay.. tell us that ... but if you prayed a lot - spell it out. Help us to really get into how much heart and soul went into your prayer.

3. What effect did the answer to your prayer have on your future relationship to God and prayer?

I know I did not have this spelled out very well.. because truthfully I wasn't that clear myself! So we learn as we go.. even though this is our fifth book - we keep learning!

Please, if you submitted a story - and feel that it does not follow the above guidelines.. consider rewriting and sending the story in again. The way I am moving with this book now is to strongly bring out "The Power of Prayer" - so merely explaining that you got a miracle or a special answer does not give us real substance to grow and understand how prayer was powerful for you. The personal, life-changing description of what took place needs to be included.

Also feel free to submit as many stories as you want. I am being very, very selective for this book in getting good stories so if you really want to be included in this book (and I hope you do) keep trying! The more time and effort you put into creating a complete picture of your story the better chance it has to make it. And, if you don't feel that you are that great a writer - don't worry about that! Just give as much details and put as much "self" into it as you can and I will work with you into making it wonderful.

And most of all.. pray to the Blessed Mother for help... because I am putting the whole book into her hands and I am relying a lot, lot, lot on her help myself!

Blessings of Peace and all Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters

P.S. One thing I just learned about Saint Anthony Mary Claret that I thought was really cool.. was that he had a strong devotion to our Blessed Mother and was hardly ever seen without a rosary in his hand! Yeah!

Spiritual Thinking

To send today's card: Saint John Capistran

Quote for the Day:

I am realistic - I expect miracles.
Wayne Dyer


Spiritual Thinking. It really is a pity I do not write my little bits of thought during morning chapel time. I actually am God focused the most then. I have all these great insights that I think, "Oh great, I will share this with you in my next writing." but then the day sort of filters over thoughts and reflections and by the time it comes to write... I am blank as a newly erased board. Sigh. Who could tell there actually was a scribble or two of honest reflection there?

I don't suppose they would let me set up my computer in the chapel?

No, I thought not.

Blessings of Peace and all Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters

Sunday, October 21, 2007

JoyNotes - collecting stories for new book

To send today's card: Thinking of you... and praying for you.

Quote for the Day:

I think there is something, more important than believing: Action! The world is full of dreamers, there aren't enough who will move ahead and begin to take concrete steps to actualize their vision.
Clement Stone


So much of the time I feel that I need to be in control and always woefully aware that I am not. But bit by bit it is starting to sink into my very small brain (as Pooh would say) that I really don't have to be in control if I let God be in control.

The trick I think is not to panic when it "looks" like God isn't in control.

Padre Pio once counseled someone to, "Pray, hope and don't worry." I need to do that a lot.

I am getting started "once again" in collecting stories for the new book. Had a problem with the form but it is fixed now. Submit your story. I am also starting a blog about this book ... but it is still being designed..hope to have it up for viewing tomorrow.

Blessings of Peace and all Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Email Woes and Cardsite Solution

To send today's card: North American Martyrs

Quote for the Day:

Be still, and know that I am God.

Ps 46:10

Feast of Saints Isaac Jogues and Companions.

Praise the Lord - and Blessings In Abundance. I figured out what was wrong with the card site!

Nothing. Absolutely nothing!

What was wrong was my email address. Apparently has been stolen and used so many times by spammers that practically the entire internet has banned me from using it. So everytime I tried to send out a Peace Card using my email address.. it wouldn't work. Isn't that special?

So... obviously I have changed my email address. For the moment I'm using my comcast email.... .... so for anyone who has whitelisted my address in their email... please make the change... that address is going into oblivion. The black hole of cyberspace.

Tomorrow is my day of recollection. Whew. I think I need it - I've decided I'm going to have a complete day away from the computer. A book and breathing time and maybe a nap sounds just wonderful. Hope God thinks so too.... I hope, I hope, I hope.

Blessings of Peace and all Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Thursday - October 18, 2007

Quote for the Day:

Her sins, which are many, are forgiven; for she loved much.

St. Luke, 7. 47

Today is the Feast of Saint Luke.. but the card site is working so poorly can't send a card.

Not much progress on the card site....guess God had other plans for my day. This morning I worked on it for about 30 minutes.. and then I went to pick up my mom to bring her over for dinner. That was nice. Then it was dishes and then it was bake chocolate chip cookies. I mean I had to bake cookies because we were having about 25 junior high and high school kids over for one of their youth trips. And they have to have chocolate chip cookies don't you know? I mean what other kind of cookie is there?

So then we had prayer, ate supper and then all the kids came and we had a fun time and now here I am... end of the day and looking forward to my sweet little bed.

Not a very good picture... but we had a lot of people packed into our community guest room! I was amazed we could get that many. They were a really neat group..very open, friendly and just fun.

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters

Here is an excerpt from my friend Helmut's newsletter.I thought it was really neat so wanted to share it with you.

October 15, 2007 - Providence, Rhode Island - Providence Journal

Neither motorists nor pedestrians could ignore the man in the pale blue shirt and bright white sneakers yesterday morning standing between the Providence Biltmore and The Westin Providence hotels.

He was offering something.

“Good morning!” exclaimed Thad Davis to everyone around him.

He twisted to the left, to the right, and checked behind him, leading always with a waving hand. “Good morning! ... How are you? ... Have a good day!”

Davis, 41, a freight train conductor on the Norfolk Southern out of Bellevue, Ohio, arrived on his first visit to New England on Wednesday with his wife, Kathleen.

She’s an assistant director of a residential-care facility back in Van Wert, Ohio, where the Davises and their four children live. She’s attending a mental-health conference in Providence.

On Thursday, while his wife was at her conference, Davis, a curious guy, took his first stroll through a New England city, testing some of his preconceived notions of New Englanders.

Davis had heard little about those from the littlest state, but during his walk Thursday through downtown and Providence Place mall he came away thinking Rhode Islanders were, well, kind of glum.

Back in the hills of Polk County, N.C., where Davis grew up, offering greetings to people you meet on the street is as natural as chompin’ on pulled pork during a NASCAR race.

He got an idea. While his wife took in her morning conference sessions yesterday, he would take to the street and try to brighten people’s spirits.

By 8 a.m., he had found a nice spot at the tip of a traffic island across from Burnside Park.

People stared. Drivers shot double-takes as they passed by his sign. Others offered obligatory waves, as reactive as swatting at a passing fly.

But there also came cracks in all those glum expressions.

One lady in a maroon sedan couldn’t believe what she was seeing. She rolled down her window and gawked.

“Good morning! How are you?” said Davis.

“Good morning,” the young lady said, then beamed back a wide smile before driving away.

One police officer in a cruiser swung by and stopped, too.

“That’s it?” he asked.

“Yes sir, that’s all it is.”

The officer drove away, grinning.

“Some people sometimes looked at me like I’m silly,” he said. “Others just thought I’m panhandling until they read the sign again.”

What did he learn from his three hours in a Providence intersection?

“Well, the people seemed to appreciate it.…

Said Davis: “I don’t think I changed anybody’s life, but I hope I made their day a little better. Maybe it will become a movement.”

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Saint Teresa of Jesus - Trip to Birmingham

To send today's card: Satin Teresa of Jesus

Quote for the Day:

“We can only learn to know ourselves and do what we can - namely, surrender our will and fulfill God's will in us."
St Teresa of Jesus

Home Again!

Happy beautiful Feast of Saint Teresa of Jesus (Avila).

At the moment I rather feel like Teresa did when she got dumped off of the carriage she was riding in and landed in a mud puddle. She exclaimed to God, "Well, if this is how you treat your friends no wonder you have so few of them!" For some reason or other the card site is not working. I have no clue and no one to contact (that is online anyway) at the moment. So..... guess that will be tomorrow's big plan for the day. It may be that I will need to move to the new card program sooner than I had planned. Stay tuned for stormy clouds ahead.

We (Sister Marcia Kay and myself) arrived back home late Saturday night. A little bit of rain and lightening in Denver extended our stay an hour but not too bad. We were still very, very glad to get home.

We had a wonderful time, made new friends, saw new things and learned a lot about Catholic Radio. Mostly that I need to learn a lot more! Geeesh.. Just when you think you are getting a handle on things.

The first day of the Catholic Radio Association (convention) was a spiritual day. We went to the shrine of "The Most Blessed Sacrament" which was really fun. I wasn't quite sure what to expect but it was a really, really nice experience. We got to meet a few of the Poor Clares, listen to a spiritual talk, attend the Holy Eucharist and visit Castle San Miguel. At first I thought Castle San Miguel was going to be a bit "over the top" but it was fun!

I have to say one of the things I enjoyed the most was the knights in armor. I had never seen one before - and it sort of put the whole Franciscan Middle ages thing in sort of a concrete perspective for me. I can't imagine actually going to war in one of those things! Amazing. How could one even move?

Here is a picture of Sister Marcia Kay and myself with Saint Joan and two knights. Kind of looks like the one behind me is going to bop me on the head. Probably if I had lived back in those ages I would have been bopped and "off with her head" quite soon.

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters

Monday, October 08, 2007

Novena to St. Teresa - Catholic Radio Association

To send today's card: Novena to Saint Teresa of Jesus

Quote for the Day:

“Prayer is nothing else than being on terms of friendship with God.”
St Teresa of Jesus

Fourth Day of the Novena to Saint Teresa of Jesus

Well guess what! I am off and away on Wednesday to a strange land to meet new friends. Well, not really that strange a land, I suppose though it seems so to me at the moment. Because we manage a Catholic radio station we are going for a few days (we, being Sister Marcia Kay and myself) to Birmingham, Alabama for the Catholic Radio Association convention.

I am a bit nervous about going at the moment - but I think it will be good and I hope to learn from other "radio folks" how they are doing things with their station. Even though thankfully, we are an affliate station of Sacred Heart Radio and do not have to worry about 99% of the stuff that being in charge of a station by itself would mean - there is still plenty of opportunity for growth!

Always new things to learn - to do and to explore in bringing about better Catholic radio!

Last night for some reason I was feeling pressured by life and I walked into the library where Sister Colleen was working on the laptop... and at her feet (practically sitting on them was her lap dog). Okay, she is a bit BIG for a lap dog but I'm sure she would try it if given the opportunity.

I said, "Rats! I don't have a dog who will sit on my feet!" Pi actually does like to sit on my shoes given the chance though. She likes to until the shoestrings. She thinks that is a very fun thing to do. And I do love Pi... but sometimes one needs a dog to sit by one's side. It's just a little more "solid" comfort. Don't worry about Pi though.. she likes Shelley too!

At any rate about my trip. There is a very good chance that there won't be JoyNotes on Thursday and Friday. I'm taking my laptop.. but not sure... will just see.

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters

JoyNotes - Happy Thanksgiving Day in Canada

To send today's card: Happy Thanksgiving in Canada!

Quote for the Day:

If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, "thank you," that would suffice.
Meister Eckhart

Happy Thanksgiving Day in Canada!

I did it! I actually remembered today is Thanksgiving Day in Canada... well, at least I remembered when I looked at the calendar and saw it written there. One does need a little help now and then.

Our Poor Clare Sisters in Duncan, B.C. have it made. They celebrate thanksgiving on both days! I think we should start doing that too. Makes sense to me, after all we are supposed to "always give thanks" course maybe the kitchen crew would not think it was such a wonderful idea. They might want to give thanks in a different way!

------ Oh Rats... so much for my exulting about remembering Canada Thanksgiving... I ended up spending the next two hours working on a email server problem and finally decided it was too late and I was getting too tired and grumpy to send out the JoyNotes... sigh... better late than never...its now a little after five in the morning and I'm waiting for "the dog" to show up so we (Sister Colleen and myself) can take her out for her morning stroll. Then I won't be back till much later in the morning - about 9:30 as we have prayer, breakfast, prayer and then Mass. This will be really late.. but such is life.

At least its not a life or death issue.. just a late issue and most of you are familiar with me on that!

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters

Novena To St. Teresa of Jesus (Avila)

O Gracious Woman of God,
still active in our time,
you knew how to capture the
Heart of God through
your indomitable trust,
determination and desire.
Tell us, again, that we need not
be troubled or
frightened and that the one
who has God has
everything. Help us to
surrender. And, ask God
to accept us just the way we are.

We believe that
if we approach God from
the heart, God will, in
turn, speak to our hearts.
Hence, we need not worry.

We place this cause in your hands.
St. Teresa of Jesus, pray for us.

Above Novena - Courtesy of Carmelite Sisters of Eldridge

To view Novena Card Click Here

The Confession Connection

Preparing for Confession:
Taking Your Spiritual Temperature

by Fr. Thomas M Casey.

Day Eight:

Some family History on Reconciliation

In the fifth century, a major change in the form of the sacrament took place in Ireland. Here, the monks would travel the country to hear individual confessions privately. They would then give a penance to be performed, and when they returned, months later, they would pray with the sinner to ask God's forgiveness. Gradually this practice became poular in Europe, even though it was resisted by some Church leaders as too lenient. By the year 1215, the Church officially adopted this practice of private confession to a priest, but absolution was now given after the confession of sins and before the assigned penance was completed. This remains the common Catholic practice today.

to be continued

A selected article from "101 Inspirational Stories of the Sacrament of Reconciliation."

Saturday, October 06, 2007

First Day of Novena to Saint Teresa of Avila

First Day of Novena to Saint Teresa of Avila

---- To Unsubscribe - click on link at bottom of page ---


Peace Card in color

Novena To St. Teresa of Jesus (Avila)

O Gracious Woman of God,
still active in our time,
you knew how to capture the
Heart of God through
your indomitable trust,
determination and desire.
Tell us, again, that we need not
be troubled or
frightened and that the one
who has God has
everything. Help us to
surrender. And, ask God
to accept us just the way we are.

We believe that
if we approach God from
the heart, God will, in
turn, speak to our hearts.
Hence, we need not worry.

We place this cause in your hands.
St. Teresa of Jesus, pray for us.

Above Novena - Courtesy of Carmelite Sisters of Eldridge

A beautiful Audio Novena is available
from the Carmelite Sister in Saint Louis Click Here

Blessings of Peace,

For those of you who are interested - Today begins the Novena to Saint Teresa of Avila. The Carmelite sisters in Eldridge, Iowa graciously allowed me to copy and use their Novena. I really like it.

When I was talking to one of the Carmelite sisters this morning on the phone to get permission to make their novena into a card, I was telling her about our sisters praying the novena to St. Theresa and she told me that their community celebrated some of the major Franciscan saints as well. We had a fun few minutes sharing saints devotion stories.

I think I am going to make this novena for Teresa's help in getting the new card site up and going. I am making progress but I need lots more before it will be ready. It will have some new features that I am really anxious for you to try. Hopefully, with Teresa's help it will be ready for Christmas!

Sister Rita Louise told me that one of the friars who was talking about St. Teresa explained that Theresa of Liseux was the "little flower" but Teresa was the "big bouquet!" I think that is kind of a neat thought.

Blessings of Peace and All Good
Sister Patricia

To send this Novena Card Click Here

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Saint Faustina

To send today's card: Feast of Saint Faustina

Quote for the Day:

"Jesus, I love you,
I trust in you."
St. Faustina


The Feast of Saint Faustina,

I have to tell you something that is cool upon cool upon cool. It just happened to me right this minute! I am working on making a card for tomorrow for the feast of Saint Faustina... and so I found a beautiful picture but for the life of me I could not find the official prayer for her. So anyway.. I looked hither and yon and finally decided to check out the USCCB (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops) site. Zilcho. So I looked around some more on the site and just by chance my eye fell on a line that said, "When the Holy Spirit says "Go".... I go and when the Holy Spirit says, "Stop"... I stop." Well that sounded something like I would like to read.. so I went to the link. There I found a most interesting story by a young seminarian (at the time of the writing) from Lativa. I read the whole article - just because I found it was interesting... and guess what? At the very, very end is an amazing fact about this priest and Saint Faustina!

To me, it seems like a blessing from her... cool.... . because the link did not seem to have anything at all to do with Saint Faustina... and I was just taking a supposedly break in my search because the article sounded interesting.. and it had a Faustina message! Here is the link if you want to read the story. When the Holy Spirit says "Go."

I love the Divine Mercy prayer, "Jesus, I love you , I trust in you." Whenever I have something that I am really worried or upset about.. this prayer always, and always helps me out. That and the "Hail Mary" are my mainstays.

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters

The Confession Connection

Preparing for Confession:
Taking Your Spiritual Temperature

by Fr. Thomas M Casey.

Day Seven:

Some family History on Reconciliation

As a result of this demanding tradition, which was allowed only once in one's lifetime, most persons who intended to become Christians would wait until they thought they were near death and then ask to be baptized. In this way, they had their sins forgiven. It seems that most Christians did not consider themselves either great saints or great sinners, and they simply avoided the rigors of public penance through the more usual means of prayer, giving alms, fasting and attending the eucharistic liturgy.

to be continued

A selected article from "101 Inspirational Stories of the Sacrament of Reconciliation."

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Feast of St. Francis - New Blog of Diet Tips for Elder Care

To send today's card: Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi

More Cards of Saint Francis

Quote for the Day:

“Blessed is the servant who loves his brother
as much when he is sick and useless
as when he is well
and an be of service to him.
And blessed is he who loves his brother
as well when he is afar off
as when he is by his side,
and who would say nothing
behind his back he might not,
in love, say before his face.”.
St Francis of Assisi


The Feast of Saint Francis.

Well today (October 3) was a fast day.... a day of fasting for Peace in the world and an end to war. I think the war went on inside me - I don't fast well. I get grumpy. We have such a loooong way to go to getting holy. It's just definitely not going to happen for me with fasting. Just the thought of it makes me want to eat. Sigh.

Maybe if I did it more often. I probably should... but I probably won't. I'm probably a pretty sappy Poor Clare.. but that's the way it is. We will just have to make up for it in other ways... or just rely more on God's mercy!

Onto new things!

My sister Barb has started a blog after much encouragement from me. I'm her older sister by one year.... so I know how to encourage! Anyway I think it will be a wonderful site. The blog is about helping people provide good nutrition for the elderly. Barb was head of the nutrition department at Welsley Center in New York - which was rated the highest in health care at the time she was there. It was a large facility for assisted living and other care.

One of my favorite stories that Barb shared with me was about one of her patients who was 104 years old! Every day when Barb would come into his room, he would roll his eyes, grin and say, "Oh, there she comes again, trying to get me to eat!" Barb said all that he wanted to eat was cocoa. So she kept trying to encourage him to eat more... then one day... a light bulb went off inside her head and she exclaimed to herself!

"What am I doing? He's 104 on Cocoa. Let him be!"

Anyway - I think if you do work with anyone who is elderly or know someone who does I am sure you will get lots of good tips from Barb's blog. Truthfully she is a much funnier writer than me - even when it comes to food! Also tips for people with special care needs like diabetes, etc.

Barb's Blog It's called ... Elder Care Diet Tips.......

It's only just a work in progress... still in the baby steps...with only three posts.. ( and not everything works) but I wanted to share it with you now so you can grow along with her as it gets better and better. Do leave a comment or two - she may not be able to get back to you (her schedule is worse than mine) but she would love to hear your comments and ideas how to make it even better and what tips you might like for her to cover.

Oh,,,, and by the way.... HAPPY FEAST OF SAINT FRANCIS! Let's celebrate with Food!

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters

The Confession Connection

Preparing for Confession:
Taking Your Spiritual Temperature

by Fr. Thomas M Casey.

Day Six:

Some family History on Reconciliation

Some strict Christians like Tertullian (who lived about 160-230 in the Christian era) taught that some sins like murder and adultery could not be forgiven by the Church, but his views were not accepted by the majority of the community.

Tertullian did not prevail, but the early Church nonetheless required a severe penance of a public nature when a Christian confessed, usually to the bishop. This penance might take as long as two years to fulfill, after which time the sinner was reconciled to the community. As you might guess, few persons were willing to undergo the embarrassment of having everyone know that they had done something so serious that they were not allowed to take part in worship. They often had to stand outside the church in rags to symbolize their sinful condition.

to be continued

A selected article from "101 Inspirational Stories of the Sacrament of Reconciliation."

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Transitus of Saint Francis

To send today's card: Transitus of Saint Francis

More Cards of Saint Francis

Quote for the Day:

I am on my way to God, and I commend you all to his favor .
St Francis of Assisi


This evening is the Transitus (the passing) of Saint Francis. Christianity turns death upside down. Instead of being sad at losing our loved ones.. the closer we are to understanding the joys and goodness of God - the more we rejoice that they are welcomed into such heavenly glory.

In eartly life when someone is going to go on a beautiful cruise or an exciting trip there will we be "Going Away parties" and "Bon Vogage" presents and all the friends and relatives will come to wave good-by as the ship leaves port. That is what we should hold in our hearts when Sister Death knocks at our door. Death is not good-bye for ever... it is merely passing into the Joy and Glory of Eternal Life. A life that we hope to join with our loved ones as well!

So Wednesday evening (October 3rd) is the Transitus and then Thursday is the Big and Glorious Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi.

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters

The Confession Connection

Preparing for Confession:
Taking Your Spiritual Temperature

by Fr. Thomas M Casey.

Day Five:

Some family History on Reconciliation

The early Christians has no doubt that the Lord Jesus had left with his community the power to forgive sins. What was not clear was the form that such forgiveness was to take, and it is clear that the understanding of the sacrament has evolved over centuries.

Scholars tells us that the earliest form of forgiveness of sins was expressed through the sacrament of baptism. When a person was baptized, sins were forgiven at the same time that the person became a member of the Christian community. As time went on however, the question arose of what to do about sins committed after baptism.

to be continued

A selected article from "101 Inspirational Stories of the Sacrament of Reconciliation."

Monday, October 01, 2007

Feast of the Guardian Angels

To send today's card: Feast of the Guardian Angels

Eigth day of the Novena to Saint Francis

Quote for the Day:

If trouble hearing Angels song with thine ears, try listening with thy heart.
Meriel Stelliger


Well the day started out pretty well... in fact I was sure it was going to be an absolute winner. But about midday it took a definite nose dive and now about the only thing I am looking forward to is going to bed and trying another attempt at life tomorrow.

I am working on the new card site.... it is a bit like trying to dig a tunnel through a mountain with a teaspoon. A bit over my head. I'm hoping to have it up for Christmas.. but not sure what year just now. Oh well.... we will see.

Perhaps the angels will fly in and help me out! Better put in an order for a platoon!

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters

The Confession Connection

Preparing for Confession:
Taking Your Spiritual Temperature

by Fr. Thomas M Casey.

Day Four:

Some family History on Reconciliation

If you are ever asked why Catholics believe that Jesus gave us the sacrament of reconciliation, you can simply refer to John 20:22, "After saying this ['As the Father sent me, so I send you'], he breathed on them and said: 'Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are retained.'"

to be continued

A selected article from "101 Inspirational Stories of the Sacrament of Reconciliation."