Sixth day of the Novena to Saint Francis
Quote for the Day: While you are proclaiming peace with your lips, be careful to have it even more fully in your heart. St. Francis of Assisi |
Wanting to please. I think we all have a built in system that makes us want to please others. And then we have a counter built in system that says... "Forget it, you can't please everyone, so why bother?"
Isn't that funny? Like this little war taking place inside our heads all day. Or maybe its just me? Who knows since I obviously can't get inside anyone else's head. I wish I could get to the point where I just wanted to "please" Jesus all the time. But you know it just isn't there. I guess there is to much "ME" hanging around. And truthfully, I don't even make much effort to put "ME" to the side.
So here we are ... 26 years in the monastery.... still haven't levitated... still haven't walked on water...... still ? Anyway... one thing I can say.... "Oh well, I am happy just as I am..... and that has to be a BIG dose of grace... and a BIG dose of maturing at least a bit in the Spiritual life. Maybe I should try walking on the water tomorrow? Ha. Ha. Ha. Best wait till it freezes over and try then. One does get a bit staidly practical as one matures...
Today (Satruday) is my anniversary of Simple profession. Can't remember how many.... 23 I guess. I was rather hoping I would see an angel or something (it being the feast of the Archangels) but they seem to be keeping an invisible profile. I'm sure they are around though. Knowing me, I'd probably faint if I did see one. Either that or run and take my temperature.
Kind of strange. I think I would like something excitely spiritual... and yet the other part of me says, "NO way, let's just keep everything nice and normal....and don't go doing anything funny and weird."
Sigh.... I could be turning into a very boring nun soon. How dreadful.
Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia and all the Sisters
The Confession Connection Preparing for Confession: Taking Your Spiritual Temperature by Fr. Thomas M Casey. Day Two: A Sacrament for Seeing the Truth The priest in his role as confessor in the sacrament of reconciliation can also serve as a kind of sounding board or mirror who helps you see points you may not have thought of. When you look to others, whether priest, family or friend, it probably isn't because you doubt God. You're checking with those you trust and respect to reassure and inform you. God, after all, speaks to us through those around us. So it is with the sacrament of reconciliation. You sometimes need feedback from another individual who can help you understand your feelings, examine your motives, analyze your actions and suggest a resolution of your concerns. Catholics believe that God is so close to creation that the divine enters our life in the most personal manner imaginable: God becomes a visible part of our world in the person of Jesus Christ. to be continued A selected article from "101 Inspirational Stories of the Sacrament of Reconciliation." |
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