Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Making a New Resolution -

To send this card: A Memorial of His Love

Quote for the Day:

"...In this world I cannot see the Most High Son of God with my own eyes, except for His Most Holy Body and Blood."
St. Francis of Assisi


Today I decided to turn over a new leaf and work on JoyNotes in the morning. You know when I was wide awake, alert, brimming with enthusiasm for the day ... that sort of thing. Well, life got in the way. Isn't that just the way with good intentions? You are so sure if you just make up your mind about something... everything will cooperate and fall into place.

At any rate though, I did work on JoyNotes for about 20 minutes and it did make a big difference even that little bit. So it shows that it is a good idea.... just not always workable.

Making resolutions I think is good... even if you only make a little progress - it's better than none!

Blessings of Peace and All Good,
Sister Patricia

The Confession Connection

The Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Celebrating God's Forgiveness

by Sandra DeGidio, O.S.M.

Day Eleven:

Confession: Externalizing what is within

Look again at the parable. The father, seeing his son in the distance, runs out to meet him with an embrace and a kiss. Through one loving gesture, the father forgives his son—and the son hasn't even made his confession yet!
When he does, it seems that the father hardly listens. The confession is not the most important thing here; the important thing is that his son has returned. The son need not beg for forgiveness, he has been forgiven. This is the glorious good news: God's forgiveness, like God's love, doesn't stop. In this parable, Jesus reveals to us a loving God who simply cannot not forgive!

To be continued

A selected article from "101 Inspirational Stories of the Sacrament of Reconciliation."

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